Spiritual Insights for the Day – the Honey Bee

Today the Honey Bee stops in the 7th spot to remind us to keep on pace and listen to our inner voices in order to stay in that positive place. Often times outside chatter of the world fills our heads and causes us to loose our pace of normalcy, because of that we need to slow down our selves in order to hear our own rhythm…To not be affected by the outside influences that throw us off track.

It is so easy to get caught up in other things than what we should be focusing on… so the Honey Bee shares with us that we will remain productive and in control by simply shutting the outside off today. So focus on positives and keep on task.

The Honey Bee serves a very specific purpose in life, it’s job is to pollinate plants and collect nectar to make Honey. It is what drives the continued life cycle of all the plants we see and use in our daily lives. It has been said that Bees are so important to our ecosystem that if they become extinct, humans would cease to exist as well soon afterward.

Honey Bee reminds us to continue to be (no pun intended) productive in our lives while at the same time remembering to enjoy the results of all our hard work. Bees should not be able to fly for their tiny bodies are not designed aerodynamically, yet they don’t dwell on it rather they just DO. Bees also teach us about community. As they move from plant to plant, they help to continue the life cycle.

Honey Bee teaches balance with our lives, even though they are amazing workers; they also slow down to enjoy life. Reminding us that otherwise life’s purpose holds no meaning.

“Across the country and the world, many pollinators are in decline or at risk of extinction. It’s a serious issue because forests, prairies, meadows, wetlands, seashores and croplands all depend on a diverse and healthy pollinator community to thrive. Globally, nearly 85 percent of all flowering plants require help from animals to produce seeds and fruit. Without them, neither humans nor wildlife would have as much to eat and as a result the planet’s biodiversity would plummet.” ~ Gene Brandi, Bee Keeper

We need to be mindful of the Bee’s and assist them in thriving and continuing their work. We need to plant gardens, flowers that will assist the process for all the Creatures of the Great Mother Earth. WE need to become the Caretakers we are meant to be, and stop destroying the very ground we live upon.


I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…
Many Blessings to you All

~ bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2022

Spiritual and Totem Insights for Today – Crocodile

Today a lot of emotions are surfacing and hitting us square in the face. Crocodile is here to tell us, “Deal with your stuff and stop trying to put it into the proverbial closet!” Sometimes we find ourselves sitting unable to move because we can’t believe the place we have landed. Well we landed there because of choices we made, and really nobody else choses for us we do that all on our own. So stop for a moment to take a breath and clear our minds so we can clearly see what needs to get done so we can have the positives outcomes we are wanting in our lives.

Stop worrying what others may think, they are not the ones walking the path you are on. Get a tougher skin and do what is needed. You have got this.

The Crocodile is one of the oldest creatures and has been around for ions. The wisdom and survival skill it has taken for them to live through centuries of change is something we should look closely at as they are here to teach us as human as well. Crocodile teaches us sometimes we need to reach deep within to our primal energy, things that are instinctive to move through our paths. It speaks to us of our breathing patterns to take time to take that deep breath in order to bring balance to our minds and bodies.

Crocodile is a protector and keeper of All Knowledge. So it is time to tap into what it is we need in order to inspire, manifest and walk our dreams and ambitions. Remember patience and to allow yourself time to adapt to change that may show up in your life at this time. It is a time of growth and regeneration. It is time to expand and use what you instinctively know for emotional healing, for self and perhaps even to those that you may encounter in your days.

Crocodile speaks to knowing when to roll with what life throws at us, when to show patience, when to dig deep and when it is time to wallow in mud to allow healing and regeneration, transformation to bring about healing and a new part to our journeys.  Honor your soul’s journey, from other lifetimes into our current path and continuing on as we gather energies and knowledge moving forward in positives to experience life in many forms.

Blessings to All,


Music by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2022 and is available at http://www.chrisferree.com and on Itunes

Spiritual Insights – the Coho Salmon Shares With Us Today

 Today the Salmon is in the 7th place and tells us that if we want something in our lives… we should and need to fight for it! Don’t let things detour you from your goals. Sometimes in life we just have to work and push through the negatives and twists that life throws at us in order to achieve things. That is okay, for it is through the journey that Salmon shows us it can be done….

Just like us in the human world the Salmon run upstream against the odds to continue to thrive and exist.   That is the lesson Salmon teaches us for today… and remember you have got this whatever it may be, work hard and push through it. Life can be an amazing thing filled with adventure and positives, but only if we get off our butts and move forward.

Salmon brings with today’s lessons family values and connections with our communities and friends that are in and around our lives. Reach out and strengthen the ones that are staying, let loose with love the ones that are not, and be in the moment with those that are balanced. So today the Coho Salmon want us to listen to the little voice that resides in each of us and follow the path of positives that bring us back to our family and foundations.

Coho Salmon bring to our lives and teach us ways of abundance, fertility, prosperity and renewal of both the physical and spiritual. Guiding us with transformation, intuition, instinct, and urging us to examine your life considering any of the obstacles we may have on our paths as we walk forward.

Coho Salmon teach us that the most valuable and sacred things in life must be fought for. Although it may seem the odds are impossible and the struggles have worn you out, your needs, goals and dreams are near, and that the most resistance normally occurs just before we succeed. So do not stop and give up now. This is not time to go with the flow today… ignore what outside pressures are placing on you and go with your own intuition, follow your instincts they will not fail you.

Like the Coho Salmon we also go through several transitions throughout our lives, so remember if you are feeling stuck it may be time to transition into newness of self, leaving what is not needed anymore behind. Return to your Soul’s intent, feel the Sacred of you and honor that as you push ahead to reach your goals.

Enjoy the life we are here to live and experience, honoring the Sacred within! Our spirits have been given the energy to renew and transform…so take hold of our own power that comes from deep within our core! allow the abundance and fertility of ideas and creativity to blossom into positives your life… your path, your journey has been acknowledged and listen to the sacred from within and around your life and allow it to push you into the positive steps of life!

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker


Music by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network and is available at http://www.chrisferree.com and on Itunes

Rose Quartz the Stone of Unconditional Love

Rose Quartz is a stone that most people are aware of, it is a popular go to. But what I have found over the years it is also a stone that can also hold a great amount of healing energies. It takes to charging very simply when called upon and will actually turn to a clear quartz once it is charged. Turning back to a beautiful pink once the energy is used.

Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional Love. It resonates to one’s very soul. The high energy of quartz gives rose quartz the property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Bringing love in to life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz is also all about Self Love and balancing that acceptance we all need for us to move in positives!

It works with the heart and crown chakras and brings energy gently when it is needed. Helps with written words, creativity and unleashing imagination bringing with it balance to our lives. Pretty powerful for a little bit of stone… or big in my case. It surrounds the spaces in my home helping to keep it in attunement with life around me with a calming effect.

With that I tell you to explore and enjoy the stones and crystals you come across. Remember too that even though there is a traditional way they may be described, they can work differently for you, they are like people all have different personality and energy even among their own kind. So Have fun with the possibilities!

Blessings to You All!


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

~ bear Medicinewalker

Medicinebear by Chris Ferree available at www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day – Turtle

Today Turtle plays a big role for us to prepare for the days energy and people that revolve around us. Presented this morning in the place of the 7th card… it reminds us that sometimes it is best to pull back into our shells in order to protect what is ours… to keep us safe. Much of today will be a odd mixture of push/pull energy that will often keep us off balance. So rather than trying to figure it out, simply use what is ours to use and pull back to safety from it all.

Turtle says keep it low key today… be cautious and don’t interfere with the outside world, just stay within our own boundaries and we will remain in balance and get things done. So keep an even pace and don’t rush into things that may get us into trouble.

Turtle helps us to ground reminding us that slowing down and pacing each step will help us build confidence for as we walk at this pace, we will see more of what is being shared with us by the world around us… knowledge of the “Old Ones”. Slowing our pace, calming our breath, listening to our heartbeat, centering our spirit so that we are in balance and sync with the rest of our world.

Turtles remind us that what we need is provided for us, that we need to remember the beginning, the simple and honor all that is Sacred, for it is part of who we all are. Be humble, grateful and make the most of what we have and what we are offered.

Within the Seven Grandfather Teachings the Turtle was present to ensure that the laws would never be lost or forgotten. On the back of a Turtle are the 13 moon, each representing the truth of one cycle of the Earth’s rotations around the sun. The 28 markings on her back represent the cycle of the moon an of a woman’s body. The shell of the Turtle represents the body real events as created by the Higher Power, and serves as a reminder of the Creator’s will and teachings.

TRUTH is to know all of these things. Be true to yourself and your fellow man. Be able to speak the truth. This is considered the final and last teaching because to live this teaching, one must achieve and understand the first six teachings. By being honest with those around you with your feelings and behaviors; by loving yourself and others; by respecting others with what they say and do; by being humble – knowing that everyone around you deserves your respect as you theirs; by being brave when facing new challenges and by accepting your own and others wisdom.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker

Earth Dance by Chris Ferree  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @ 2018 and is available at http://www.chrisferree.com   

Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day – the Dragonfly

Today Dragonfly zooms in to remind us to listen to the little voice inside of us. Trust it, do not ignore it for it brings with it the answers needed for your day and week ahead. Tread lightly if you do not listen… for Spirit and the Ancestors are guiding us all from beyond the human helping us to avoid the pitfalls we can find ourselves in.

They are also sharing the whispers of encouragement and love as they are the bridge of the inbetween, zooming in and out. There is good that can come from all things even when we do not see it right away… and when it does show itself they wish for you to feel the magical healing energies of those truths. Be well this week…this day… and open your souls to listen to the rhythm of the world so it can assist you!

Dragonfly represents the link between All that is Sacred! So from this point forward… open your souls to feel, hear and understand the magical connections that we can have if we simply do not place limits on what is!

Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again.

Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.

Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
~bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Turkey

The Turkey represents Family, nurturing and care for self and others. It is about abundance and strengthening bonds. They represent renewal and teach us to care for others and through that we will imprint and open new avenues for positive growth and opportunity. But once again we must learn to honor that process.

No matter what others are setting the tone for, we must learn to listen to our souls voice to achieve our hopes, dreams and aspirations for the higher good. This is not always an easy thing to do because we are always being pressured to move with the masses, be a sheep and follow the herd. We must learn to take risk and allow our own voices to be heard above the crowds at times. For there are times to sit, watch and listen in order to learn how to move forward…and there are times to stand up and shout purpose and positives so others may wake. Turkey also shares with us the lessons of living harmoniously with the Great Mother Earth and all that dwells on her surface. To assist in keeping the balance between it all.

Turkey also speaks to us of making sure we keep our ego in check and that although we should be proud of self, love self, there is no reason to flaunt what we are or have to others. Honor the sacrifices we make, honor the family we have…and be thankful for All that is Sacred! Embrace your families and your community because in doing so our Humanity is fed in positives.



bearMedicinewalker june 2016 II

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2017…the year of Atonement!”
Mitakuye O’yasin!


Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2017

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