Spiritual and Totem Insights for Today – Crocodile

Today a lot of emotions are surfacing and hitting us square in the face. Crocodile is here to tell us, “Deal with your stuff and stop trying to put it into the proverbial closet!” Sometimes we find ourselves sitting unable to move because we can’t believe the place we have landed. Well we landed there because of choices we made, and really nobody else choses for us we do that all on our own. So stop for a moment to take a breath and clear our minds so we can clearly see what needs to get done so we can have the positives outcomes we are wanting in our lives.

Stop worrying what others may think, they are not the ones walking the path you are on. Get a tougher skin and do what is needed. You have got this.

The Crocodile is one of the oldest creatures and has been around for ions. The wisdom and survival skill it has taken for them to live through centuries of change is something we should look closely at as they are here to teach us as human as well. Crocodile teaches us sometimes we need to reach deep within to our primal energy, things that are instinctive to move through our paths. It speaks to us of our breathing patterns to take time to take that deep breath in order to bring balance to our minds and bodies.

Crocodile is a protector and keeper of All Knowledge. So it is time to tap into what it is we need in order to inspire, manifest and walk our dreams and ambitions. Remember patience and to allow yourself time to adapt to change that may show up in your life at this time. It is a time of growth and regeneration. It is time to expand and use what you instinctively know for emotional healing, for self and perhaps even to those that you may encounter in your days.

Crocodile speaks to knowing when to roll with what life throws at us, when to show patience, when to dig deep and when it is time to wallow in mud to allow healing and regeneration, transformation to bring about healing and a new part to our journeys.  Honor your soul’s journey, from other lifetimes into our current path and continuing on as we gather energies and knowledge moving forward in positives to experience life in many forms.

Blessings to All,


Music by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2022 and is available at http://www.chrisferree.com and on Itunes

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