Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Frog

card 48 b Frog
This morning as I went outside to take Boone for his morning walk about, as I stepped onto the pathway it was covered in FROGS! This was awesome because I had just pulled the Frog card as the Totem Insight for the DAY! Funny how nature reflects back on life isn’t it?
So Frog has a lot to say obviously since there were so many at my feet , “Listen closely,” they said, “because it is time for renewal of spirit for all. All must learn to let go of how things have been done in the past and embrace a new way, a better way of being. .. both Spiritually and as Human.”

Frog steps in to teach us about cycles! We all have them, we all travel them whether we know it or not. Sometimes we wind up getting caught up in cycles that hold us back from being who we are supposed to really be, cycles that have negative impact on our growth as Humans. It may be outside factors that influence us, events, people or even our own emotions that throw us into this continuing loop that plays over and over again, because somehow we loose sight of the outside world and the lessons from the continued cycle.

So today it is time to step outside our selves… take a good look back and see into our very cores, then step back in and repair with TRUTH and Love what needs to be set in place to change the cycle to more positive steps so our growth as Humans, as Spiritual People can once again continue forward. This is not as easy to do as it is to write, believe me… been there done this, but the change is worth the effort I promise you.
So Step up and Transform Yourselves in order to become the best version of self… allowing your changes to be examples to others. Manifest your dreams and desires for your path in life!

The Frog teaches us of transition and transformation, supporting us as we walk through times of change. Connecting us with the our deepest emotions and assisting us with the process of cleansing our physical, emotional, spiritual selves to attain balance. The frog represents the cycles of life, birth and rebirth. If we take a glimpse at the Frogs own journey through life from a tadpole to the adult state it mirrors the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our own lives.  It can assist us with the process of owning our own personal power. Recognizing it by cleansing ourselves of what no longer need and embracing with open arms what is now possible.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker



May 27 2016 Totem Insights of the Day – the Medicine Wheel

part of sub deck

Today some very strong medicine jumps out at us… the Medicine Wheel speaks to us about the keeping and care of the Sacred Hoop. Both our personal one and the one of the World that surrounds us all. It is a universal symbol, that shares with us the natural order of things, not only the cycles that we travel through as we walk the human, but the way all things change and evolve along side us.

Whether it be the Winged Ones, the Four Leggeds, the Plant People, the Crystal and Rock Keepers, the Swimmers or Creepers we all evolve together in the harmony that we were born to. The four lines in the Wheel speak to us of the four directions, the four colors to the cultures and the four parts of our human, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. To understand the Medicine Wheel is to understand self.

This is what we need to understand, that the strengths, the creative, the spiritual, the faults, the imperfections all lie with in each of us. They are all part of who we are, constantly evolving. As a wheel is circular and continues in a constant state of birth to death constantly moving through change, so are we. To understand that about ourselves is how we are to attain balance.

To understand that we are All Connected, that we All Imprint on the world, the energy that we exist in is to understand the nature of how things co-exist. That there has to be opposites for balance…light and dark. rain and heat, night and day, birth and death… All a intricate part of the Human experience.

Ask yourself what is it that you need to day to add to the positives in your own life, what is it you need in order to set your mind to in order to keep the negative at bay? So today, look to yourself and think about how each word, each action, each breath you take is part of a bigger Hoop, then think what it is You need to do to put your own Sacred Hoop into a place of balance with all that is Sacred honoring who you are meant to be.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
~bear Medicinewalker

bear Med new profile 2016 small
“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Earth Dance by Chris Ferree available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

the Keepers of Wisdom

the keepers of wosdom

Rocks… we use them to build houses, structures that reach the sky. They serve as containers for rivers and lakes, they have been used to create weapons, and tools… they come in all kinds of shapes and colors, and sizes. Some are clear, some are dense… but they all have been around longer than any of us put together. They are the Keepers of Wisdom; they are referred to as the Ancient Ones. I will share a little of the stories I have been told with you.

The People have told a story that in the beginning everything was in the mind of Creator. All things which were to be existed only as spirit. The spirits moved about in space seeking a place that they would be able to manifest and become. They traveled until they reached father Sun, but that was not a good place for Creation to begin for the heat was too extreme. Finally they settled on earth, and the Great Mother welcomed them. She was without life, but covered with the great waters. There was at that time no dry land for life to begin upon. Soon out of the waters came a great burning rock…it rose so high that it created dry lands as far as the eyes could behold. Then the clouds appeared and formed from the rivers and streams that were created. Then life on earth began. This is why the Rock people …Grandfather and Grandmother Rocks’ are to be given so much respect, for they are the oldest ones. The Keepers of the Wisdom’s of our time here, back to our very beginnings they take us. We respect them within the sweat lodges, as when they are placed there and water hits their surface, steam rises again recreating that moment of Creation.

Crystals have always seemed magical to me, they are used for gazing, they can hold energy and power, they have been used by Seers and mystics, Shaman and Medicine people of all races and religions for as long as time can be recorded. I will share with you now the “Legend of the Crystals”

In times long past, we lived in harmony with Nature. We spoke the same language as the four-legged and the plant people. We hunted for food only to satisfy our hunger and needs, always offering prayer of thanks for what was had taken from Nature. As time went on, we lost this innocence, harmony and balance. We became greedy and took more then we needed. Forgetting prayers of gratitude, we began killing animals, and each other, for sport and pleasure.

The Bear Clan, Chief among the animals, called a meeting of all the animals. They decided that something had to be done. The bears suggested that they shoot back when humans shot at them, but the bow and arrow required too great a sacrifice, for one bear would have to give up his life so that his sinew could be used for the bow string. The bear’s claws were too long for shooting a bow anyway, and would become entangled on the string.

The deer Clan offered another method of dealing with the problem. One of their clan said, “We will bring disease into the world. Each of us will be responsible for a different illness. When humans live out of balance with nature, when they forgotten give thanks for their food, they will get sick.” and in fact the deer did involve rheumatism and arthritis; each animal then decided to invoke a different disease.

The Plant Clan was more sympathetic and felt that this was too harsh a punishment, so they volunteered their help. They said that for every disease a human gets, one of them would be present to cure it. That way, if people used their intelligence they would be able to cure their ailments and regain their balance.

All of nature agreed to this strategy, One plant in particular spoke out. This was Tobacco, the chief of the plants. He said, “I will be the sacred herb. I will not cure any specific disease, but I will help people return to the scared way of life, provided I am smoked or offered with prayers and ceremony .But if I am misused, if I am merely smoked for pleasure, I will cause cancer, the worst disease of all.”

The close friends of the Plant Clan, the Rock Clan and the Mineral Clan, agreed to help. Each mineral would have a spiritual power, a subtle vibration that could be used to regain perfect health. The Ruby, worn as an amulet, would heal the heart; the emerald would heal the liver and eyes, and so on.

The chief of the mineral tribe, Quartz Crystal, was clear, like the light of creation itself. Quartz put his arms around his brother Tobacco and said, “I will be the scared mineral. I will heal the mind. I will help human beings see the origin of disease. I will help to bring wisdom and clarity in dreams. And I will record their spiritual history, including our meeting today, so that in the future, if humans gaze into me, they may see their origin and the way of harmony.” And so it is today.

I call to the sacred winds…to carry my words
To the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, the south, the east, the west, Above …below and within…

I call to the sacred winds to carry my words to the Winged ones…the Four Leggeds…the Plant People…the Crystal Keepers, the Thunder Beings, the Angelic Realm…Mother Mary and Magdalene…my Brother Christ and all the nations that love us.

I thank you for all the many blessings that you have shared with us today and beyond and I ask that you hear our prayers whether spoken our held silently within our hearts.

Today I ask that you hear our prayers as we stand humbly before you, small and human.
Help us to remember we are all but a tiny part of a great universe, that we are all connected as one…

Bring us the strength we need to walk our paths without ego or judgment…
Allow our hearts to hear what our ears are missing
Teach us how to allow forgiveness for others and ourselves
Fill our being with the unconditional love that you so freely offer all.
I call that we be reminded we are all no better than or less than one another.

Guide us through our days, to help us with our humanness…that we learn to reconnect with others in a gentle and positive way. Offering smiles when they are needed without thought, shoulders or ears to help ease another…and words that will uplift or soothe.

Keep our children safe and strong in this troubled world… I ask that on this day and days to come…guidance is shared with our children to help them as they walk their paths. Help open their eyes so they can learn and see the right way of things, teach them to respect all life no matter how small, open their ears and minds so that they may understand things that are being taught to them in a good and gentle manner…open their hearts so that when the harshness of the world falls at their feet, they can cope and handle it with compassion and understanding.

I ask that today and all days ahead, that the Ancient Ones continue to share their knowledge with us, that they are able to continue to support us and remind us we are all related. That we honor them as the Great Wisdom Keepers that they are, that the lessons they have shared do not fall upon deaf ears, but rather help us to build the foundations to a better way of life, one that may honor all life as Sacred.

I thank all those who have walked with us and answer our calls…this day and in days to come…and honor you
… Aho

So my wish to you all today is when you are out and about. Look around you and see the Rock People…the Crystal keepers and as they shine at us with the warmth of Father Sun, or sparkle from beneath the rivers and waters of the Great Mother, we are reminded of how important they are, and that like each one of them, we are different …unique and all serve a purpose for the foundation of Life… life as we share it today.

I send you all peace…today… and may the love that is in my heart reach and find you all today, and fill your life with blessings.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker


“Earth Dance” by Chris Ferree available at http://chrisferree.com/

February 29, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Koi sharing Neither Here or There … a Day of Magical Illusion

card 17 koi 1122
Today that extra day that only typically comes around every four years in order to set the balance right!   Added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical or seasonal years as they occur.  So what does that mean to us as we walk the Human?  Well let’s just make our mind up that today is all about having that extra crunch time to set our Sacred Hoops on the right track, to bring about balance to our worlds! Leap Day! From a numerological stand point, the number 29 breaks down to 11 (2+9), which is looked upon in many new age spiritual communities as being a number of awakening and spiritual enlightenment.

The day itself Koi shares is to be a day of a deeper way of thinking, looking into one’s soul to open it to receive what is needed to mend, balance or strengthen our Sacred Hoops. It’s a day to manifest success for the upcoming year! It’s that extra bit-o-magic to set things right in your world! To look at truths without the Illusions that humans and life often put there. Free falling Wisdom’s of the Ancestors being shared if we take a step and open ourselves to hearing them.

We often sit asking the meanings of this or that, or why we are at the exact point we are standing in… and we often being human do not want to hear the answers in order to move forward. Why? Well often we are scared of the answers we may receive back, we sit in harsh judgment of others and more often than not…ourselves. Let it go! Release it … this day…mend Your Hoops and bring balance again. Stop playing the blame game and Wow what a concept…take responsibility for You and your part in the things that you can’t let go! Whether it is a past relationship or a grudge, a fear or a corner you have boxed yourself into and do not want to admit you helped get yourself there… LET IT GO… We are all sharing the same day of Neither Here or There… the day of Magical Illusions! So make the most of it and take out the Illusion and add some Life to your world!

The Koi fish brings to us prosperity and a path for new opportunities to show themselves to us. It is up to each of us to be open and aware in order to take advantage of them. Koi can assist us during meditation and altered states of mind in order to help us achieve healing and our full potentials by opening to the wisdom’s of “the Old Ones.” The colors can also be associated with various aspects and applied to our lives if we can again be open to what they share.

The black Koi brings transition into our lives.

The gold Koi brings prosperity which can represent the physical, the spiritual or represent monetary wealth that is being brought to our paths.

The platinum Koi brings to our lives success and puts new and beneficial opportunities at our doors.

White Koi that have red coloring only on their heads push us to be aware of positive movement within our lives and enables us to take advantage of them.

A white and red marked Koi is said be a blessing for well balanced relationships.

The Koi teach us to remember to honor all that is Sacred, to meditate and pray… to be thankful for all our many blessings large and small. To understand that our actions today will imprint for lifetimes just as it has for our Ancestor’s. So walk your paths wisely and ask for assistance from our Ancestor’s often.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”


Beyond the Veil by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com and I tunes

December 16, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Raven

card 36 Raven 1122
Magical …Mystical.. slipping to time beyond time …
Often I hear people say, where are the miracles, where is the magic, and I tell them it is but at your fingertips if you will but open your eyes!
We need to remember that we all have abilities and they are all unique. yet with saying that we are all part of the puzzle and without us, life would not be complete. Remember that the next time you look into a mirror, or start to doubt what and who you are. Embrace yourselves in positives, and if you don’t..the Ravens will pop in and start squawking at yah until you do.

Raven is here to tell us that we are exactly where we need to be at the precise moment in time. We are also being shown things that are in and around our Sacred Hoops are reflecting back to us what we need to learn about ourselves in order to move in positive motion ahead on our paths.
Raven teaches us about rebirth, recovery, renew and recycling, self reflection and healing our inner spiritual. Shine our light into the dark as we transition in to the change we are facing. Open our thought process to help us understand that there needs to be balance between light and the dark … that one does not occur without the other. To know one is to know the other, to understand them is to balance self.

Raven teaches us to listen closer to the world of spirit, for they are guiding us forward, helping us to remember what is important, what is sacred. That our souls can not take the material with us as we move and transition through life, but rather that it is the intangible things that imprint on us and we imprint on others that are most important. Allow that magic to spread to your soul and enlighten your spiritual.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015




SKYWALKERS by Chris Ferree and available at I Tunes and http://www.chrisferree.com



November 30, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Earth

Today Earth shows itself from deep within the deck and appears as the seventh card. Earth Medicines speaks to us of how we live our lives. About how we go about sharing your personality with the world around us. Our Hopes, aspirations and fears…how we embrace and live out our dreams.

Earth is not interested about what affects us, but rather teaches us to learn how to interact and balance with all that is Sacred.  How we go about honoring that precious balance of our Sacred Hoops and that of the larger complete Circle… life. It is whispering for us all to understand how everything inter relates to every living and breathing thing here on the Great Mother. From the smallest creature to the largest tree that stands on the tallest mountain that has the clearest water running down its sides in order to replenish the Earth, Mitakuye O`yasinWe Are All Related.

Earth speaks to the understanding of the Medicine Wheel, as a foundation to how we build our lives and walk it. It teaches us our strengths and weaknesses. Earth shows us that sometimes no matter what is going on around us we need to center and ground our souls, allowing the energy to move us in positives. To fill our beings with what has been provided to us, simply understanding that all we need has been shared… we do not own it… but rather have been given the gift of caring for… Not only the earth we stand on …but the human form we dwell in.

So today remind yourself to take care of self. Nurture and care for what has been shared with us in order to sustain a healthy balance of Mind, Body and Spirit. Fill your days with positive ritual, pray often, communicate with others clearly and in positives, awaken your minds and souls to what is, rather than what we may think. Learn to be forgiving and more unconditional with self and others for it will help nurture good things to grow such as Love and Faith in each other, in community.

Earth teaches us to stand tall as the Redwoods… as dignified as the Mountains…to learn to flow as the rivers and waters of the Earth…gently some times and at others as a raging storm. whatever it may be…honor the Sacred, observe the lessons of the creatures that walk the planet… And most of all be thankful for all we have been given in order to walk our human.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker



Earth Dance – Chris Ferree available at Itunes and http://chrisferree.com

November 19, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Grandfather Sun

GrandFather Sun

Today as the Great Mother Earth began to awaken the card that rose to the 7th place was Grandfather Sun! It speaks to the fact that outcomes rely on a pattern of thoughtful intent. today is your day to shine in positives. Put the effort and thought into the day and rise above the negatives. Grandfather Sun reminds us that the light, the warmth of it, the brightness of it has much healing power. It is offered freely for us all, and given with much love and unconditional. So today is about balancing the positive, recognizing it’s effects on us and the world around us. We have the ability to bring about so many positives in our daily routines… so begin to allow that process to shine from within to share with your world and that of those around you.

It assists us in growth and nurturing. Life depends on Grandfather Sun’s energy so respect that as we are all related, we all need that same energy to grow and balance. No one is more than or less than each other. Grandfather Sun reminds us to respect, support and protect all Life forms as Sacred. For like him we all travel in great circles, that we each have our own Sacred Hoop that circles within the greater Sacred Hoop of life.

You are revered as the provider of light, please assist us on our paths to be better people.
You bring heat and warmth, please assist us to make our growth positive.
Your light oh great Grandfather Sun reminds us of the cardinal points of the North, South, East and West. Help us to balance within the Medicines they set within the great circle of life.

Mig`wetch Great Grandfather Sun for all you share with us, the unlimited and unconditional love and positives that are within your energy as you send healing and restoration to us all. For the life giving energy and teachings that remind us of the Sacred. Help us as we humbly stand below you to become a unified conscience of positives.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth.”

Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…
Mitakuye O`yasin
bear Medicinewalker




****Grandfather Sun is another card from the Mitakuye O`yasin sub deck that will soon be available at my website!



“SKYWALKERS” by Chris Ferree available on I tunes and at http://chrisferree.com

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