Todays number that surfaced was 812! And the Universe is telling you to Trust and have Faith in what you have put out to happen is in the works, however don’t just sit there and wait for stuff to happen. Get out and engage with the things in your lives and you will feel the connections that are there waiting for you to interact moving the positive affirmations you have been waiting for fall into place. The Angels and our Spirit Families are working hard to give us the assist, know that and have some Faith.
Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.
We All see number sequences at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.
The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker
Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021
Earth Keepers 48″ x 48″ oil on Gesso by bear Medicinewalker
Angel Number for the Day is 444 which brings to us messages of Loving Support, complete support and a understanding that Angels are not only among us, but surround us. Let fear go from your heart and soul and allow them to assist and guide you.
Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.
We All see number sequences at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.
The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker
Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021
“Guardians of Knowledge and Emotion” a watercolor painted by bear Medicinewalker.
Today the Angel Number that came up was 112… and what it reminds us of is we need to remain optimistic and stand within our Faith that all things are possible. When we hold to that thought process we allow the things we want to manifest and obtain to be drawn to us. But we need to remain in that space of positives. Remember as well we just launched off of the Super Moon yesterday so energy can still be intense, keep your emotional state in check and take time to honor and understand why the emotions are up and down today. It is not always the best thing to speak before we think about the situations that surround us today. You have got this, knowing that the Spirit Realm is there surrounding us all with love and guiding us to our goals.
Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.
We All see number sequences at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.
The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker
Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021
I am going to do something a little different today, I will share Angel Numbers this week. Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.
Todays number is 213 Our Family and Friends in Spirit are Helping us to see things from a positive perspective, sharing with and surrounding us with Love. The more we can open and allow that energy to fill and reach our souls, the better results and outcomes will occur in our lives. Today we enter the Full Moon allowing and assisting us to release old negatives and things that tare holding us back from our full potentials. Open to the energy it offers and allow the healing to begin.
So we All see them at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.
The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.
Numbers and Sequences….as I was taught.
Birthdates are often thought to be a loved one letting us know they are well and keeping an eye on you. A simple yet effective way they can communicate with all of us. Whether it is their Birth or Death date or our own Birthdate… it can prove to be a powerful message for sure when receiving this sign.
The Number 1 BELIEVE!!!! In Self and what you are capable of. Perhaps it is time to start a new project or initiate a new venture. It’s time to plant seeds for your future based on an inspired idea.
The Number 2 All about our intuition and not allowing others expectations control us or what we know we are supposed to be doing…responding or feeling at any given time. A good place to reflect on romance, partnership, and love to make sure it is happening for the highest good. It represents self reflection allowing the “I Am” to shine!
The Number 3 Is all about Expressing yourself! Open up to the world around you and enjoy it! Become part of it… Live and Laugh …Love Big… Dance, Who cares what others think time to feed the soul!
The Number 4 All about grounding ourselves. Time to work on our foundations and the core of who we are. All about our Sacred Circles and making sure they are strong and we are balancing in positives…the teachings of Respect, Wisdom, Love, Truth, Honesty, Courage and Humility.
The Number 5 Change …Change…Change! Our lives are all about Change from the moment we are conceived to the moment we transition, we can not escape it so why not embrace it! This is how growth on all levels occurs so instead of fighting it roll with it… and see where it takes you. If it takes you through negativity, deal with it head on to get past it and back to the positive place on your path.
The Number 6 Balance is sought…Balance is needed. We need to balance so that our soul can be at it’s strongest and brightest… so we stay on the path to attain our goals. So take the time to care for self and balance.
The Number 7 Reflection and Meditation is what is needed if you keep seeing 7’s. It is time to take care of self and feed your soul take time out from the everyday chaos of the world around us and let it go.
The Number 8 There are things that are challenging us when we see the number 8… but we need to meet those challenges! Go Big or Go Home as the old saying goes! What doesn’t kill us only to makes us stronger. We have got this! So get it done!
The Number 9 Be gentle with yourself! I often tell people this as it is gentle reminder that we are our own worst critic. Things may be feeling tough, like there is no light at the end of this tunnel… but there is. We must remember we are not Gods we are mere mortals, human with flaws and imperfections. Things will get better we simply have to let go and give it to the Creator God and/or the Universe.
The Number 0 Spiritual in representation of a higher calling, a need for attention to be paid to our spiritual side that may need work or balance. It is also a magnifier for the number preceding it.
The Number 11 Intuition…listen to it! Believe what it is telling and sharing with you. It is not in your mind, but in your tool kit. You are awakened and enlightened so allow it to flow and be in the moment of understanding and comprehension.
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker
Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021
The Gull pops up in the 7th place today to tell us energy is high but in a positive way! So we must learn to harness it for the sky is the limit! Maneuver and ride those waves to achieve what ever it is you set as goals for the day. Gull shows us the freedom of soaring high and touching the face of Creator…rising above it all to see and accomplish things that are meant for the bigger picture.
Things are clear if we just blink to clear our sight and visualize the positives. So take advantage of it today and it will trigger the law of attraction, bringing to our lives good things that will help our journey along the way!
The Gull is an amazing bird that most disregard as having purpose. Yet to understand the Gull is to respect and appreciate the bird as quite impressive. The Gull teaches us survival mode, which some situations may require us to deal with even in bad conditions or unpleasant ones in order to reach our true goals, our true dreams.
Gulls teach us to pay attention to Nature, and alert us to brewing storms that may be entering our lives. They are warriors sent by the Creator to cleanse negativity away allowing the positives to return and balance.
Gull talks about communication and how it is important to sometimes open those lines of communication in responsible ways. They also teach us to look deep at the magical world around us, for all we need is at our fingertips or deep within our souls to be able to move through in positives on our human walk.
Working with both the Elementals of Earth, Air and Water, they also teach us to be adaptable and sometimes we are called to behave and act differently under varied situations. This is okay and part of our learning how to communicate better with others and the world around us. Or perhaps they are showing us areas that we need to clean up in our own lives so that we can meet our full potential.
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
~ bear Medicinewalker
Background music provided by Chris Ferree and is available on Itunes and at
and as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2021
Call it what you like, mention Talking board, spirit board or the dreaded Ouija board and people have very strong views on them, but is their reputation justified?
I remember when I was about fourteen years old, and my best friend and I started dabbling in them, we definitely got answers to questions that we had no idea about and subsequently found to be correct, but we both also started having some very scary dreams which made us decide to stop using the board. I say board…it was a piece of wood with letters and numbers drawn on it, nothing very technical. For twenty-five years I refused to ever touch a planchette again, but as my knowledge of the paranormal and spiritual grew, I started to question my decision.
The first time I agreed to go back on one I was on a public event in Drakelow Tunnels ( Kidderminster), and felt I needed to protect one of the other people as she was being drained by an errant spirit – or at least that is how it appeared to me as a then observer. Within minutes I had a pounding headache, a symptom I was to experience on subsequent occasions when looking to contact spirits via the talking board.
But are they evil? Are they a portal to hell? Or are they just a Victorian era parlor game that has been adopted by paranormal enthusiasts as a method of communicating with other worlds?
Robert Murch and the rest of his colleagues at the Talking Board Historical Society have made it their mission to dig into the birth of this “device”, and if you want to delve into the history even more, they are a great resource to visit.
Anyway, back to the board itself, in the 1890’s, the Ouija board appeared for the first time in shops courtesy of Kennard Novelty Co, costing $1.50 ( based on an inflation calculator, around $43 in 2020 money) . They had got the inspiration for the “toy” from the very popular spiritualist movement that was everywhere in the 19th century. Many may wonder why communing with the dead was apparently so acceptable in a time which is seen to be historically, quite pious, but with the average lifespan being around fifty years on average and child mortality being distressingly high – not to mention the destruction that war could bring – it is no wonder that if people felt they could talk to their lost loved ones again that they would.
What I found really interesting when researching for this is the commonly held belief as to why it is called “Ouija”, with Oui translating to yes in French and Ja, the same in German, but I have found that this is perhaps not accurate. Apparently it was the board itself that wanted to be named as such, after a séance was conducted by one of the founding businessmen Elijah Bond, and the board came up with the name itself telling the audience that it meant “Good luck”. It has to be said, that even this may not be strictly true as there are also accounts of Bond’s sister in law, a Medium by the name of Helen Peters who is said to have had a vision of what the board should be called, the resultant word being “Ouija”.
In the interests of objectivity, I do have to mention the other theory as to what a Talking Board actually is, and that is nothing more than the effect of something known as the Ideomotor Effect. This is basically microscopic muscle movements that are made involuntarily, and it is in fact the individuals sub conscious mind influencing the planchette. Someone may argue how would the brain know the answers to questions that a person could not give themselves? I would counter that with the fact that scientists believe we use such a tiny percentage of our cerebral capacity, who knows what else it is capable of?
I said at the beginning of this article that opinions on this particular piece of equipment tends to be very polarizing. I saw a piece on one of the social media sites where a board had been found buried in a wall, responses varied from “Wow! What a find, probably an antique! “ to “Burn it, it’s evil”. The interesting thing is however, that those people who are vehemently against using a talking board do not seem to be willing to listen to views of other exponents of the paranormal.
One of the best “warnings” I was given however was that using a Ouija board or similar is no different to chatting to someone online who you have never met, they may say that they are a thirty-five-year-old mother of two with the same interests as you, but do you ever know that for sure…
For what it is worth, even though I have had negative experiences from using one of these, how is it any different to communing with a spirit via a Spirit box? Or an Ovilus? Surely opening a channel of communication with the spirit world carries the same risks regardless of the medium (if you pardon the pun) that you use?.
This is a Haunting tale yet one that should give great comfort to those who walk in grief.
Many lifetimes ago lived a young warrior whose bride died on the eve of their wedding ceremony. Her death left a deep hole in this great warrior and the young man inconsolable. He was unable to eat or sleep. He didn’t want to hunt or participate with the tribe. You could find him simply sitting at the grave of his bride,
On a particular day he overheard some elders speaking about the path to
the spirit world. He carefully listened and memorized the directions to
the most minute detail. He had heard that the spirit world was far to
the south, so immediately he headed out on his journey. Several weeks
passed and he still saw no change to the earths ground to indicate that
the spirit world was near.
Finally he walked from the edge of the forest and saw the most beautiful plain he had ever seen. In the distance was a small structure where an ancient Shaman lived who was a gate keeper to the realms. The Warrior approached the Shaman asking for directions. The old Shaman knew exactly who this young warrior was and whom he sought. He knew that his bride had passed by only a day before, and in order to follow her, the Warrior would have to leave his body behind and walk forward in his spirit form. The spirit world itself
could only be reached by crossing a large lake by canoes waiting on this shore. However, the old Shaman warned him not to speak to his bride until they were both safely on the island of the spirits.
Soon the Shaman recited some ancient chants and the Warrior felt his spirit leave his earthly form. Now walking in spirit form, sitting along the shore sat a birch bark canoe that waited for their passage. Not a stone’s throw away was his bride, entering her own canoe. As he made his way across the water and looked at her, he saw that she duplicated his every stroke. Why didn’t they travel together? And the Shaman’s voice could be heard echoing across the waters, “A soul can only enter the spirit world alone and be judged upon on their own life’s choices.”
Midway through the journey, a great storm rose on the great lake. It tossed and churned in a way the young Warrior had never seen. Some of the spirits in canoes could be seen being swept away by the storm. There lives proving them to be unworthy of the Spirit Land. Since both the young Warrior and his bride were good people, they made it through the storms violence easily and soon the water calmed and rested and looked like glass beneath a brightly lit sky.
The Spirit Land is a beautiful place where it is always blooming with vibrant colored flowers and cloudless skies, never too warm or too cold. The young Warrior reached out to his bride on the shore gently taking her
hand in his. They had not walked ten steps together when Creator quietly spoke to them. He told them that the young Warrior must return as he came, for it was not his time to be at the Spirit Lands yet. He was instructed to carefully trace his steps back to his body, step back into it and then return homelands. He listened to Creator’s words walking back towards his home. He did so joyfully and in his lifetime became a great chief, holding in his heart that he would see his bride once again and they would reunite in the Spirit Lands when time was to be.
It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other
~ bear Medicinewalker
“Fourth Wind” from Wind Dance Under the Moon by David Rose. Released: 2013.