Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 9 2020 – the Snake

Snake boldly comes into play with strength of the Ancient Ones in the space of the 7th card. Transmutation which is key in today’s world in order to wade through the pockets of harshness and judgement. We need to listen to the Ancients, to the lessons of our Ancestors, our Elders for there is much to learn as we walk through these dark days. We must learn to alter our the state of being to a new form so that we once again remember the teachings from the beginning of time and before, our Human Roots, the beginning of our Soul’s journey. We All chose to come here and experience the human, and yet somewhere along the way we have forgotten who we are meant to be and how we are meant to care for all Life here on the planet.

Snake is a hard task Master… and not easy medicine to accept. I have carried Snake Medicine now for many years and am still the student when she comes to roost within my consciousness. Listen to the Lessons so we do not have to continue this cycle of repeat, repeat, repeat… it is that simple. We must learn to ground ourselves, and to remember that human nature will push us to take the easy way around, yet that is the lesson lost…. we must learn to accept the path through if we are to learn and grow in positives that will help us flourish in our daily lives. Snake reminds us we have the ability and power within to face all of life’s challenges we just have to own it.

Snake Is a difficult teacher at times, and one that is not easy to master. Lessons that Snake brings with it are of life cycles and change, remembering as we grow we shed and transform into new energies and new experiences. Snake also teaches us about poison and that we need to be able to rid ourselves of the toxins can be placed within our Sacred Hoops. Don’t let the poisons kill us or dim our light that resides within. At times the poison and toxins can play games with our thoughts if we allow them to, so mastering what is real and what is illusion can often contribute to negativity and clouding of ones judgement. Make sure to take a breath, a beat… before stepping into a place of no return. Keep it all in perspective and balance. Once you can accomplish this, balance will return and be maintained.

Snake can be a hard teacher. His lessons involve a transmutation of the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Snake symbolizes this cycle with the shedding of his skin. We learn to the whole energy of life, the cosmic consciousness and have the willingness to experience anything without resistance. It is also about the poisons that we might take in. Those poisons can be eaten or ingested in some way but they also may be integrated into our lives. The goal is to not let the poisons taint our body or spirit.

Since Snakes can shed they teach us about the levels of our human, of our spirituality, our experiences. It is time to seek our inner knowledge before moving ahead with decisions. It is time to coil and go within to make sure we are well prepared before we strike out.

Snake also reminds us as it makes its way across the Great Mother Earth, to ground ourselves, to use our energy wisely and not to rely on primal instincts of lashing out. For at times it is more empowering to hold back and use that knowledge that energy in wise ways. At other times it is best to strike and seize the moment with a precision and quickness. Snakes often retreat long before biting defensively because they sense that it may cause consequences/damage to others and drain you of healing energy.

Snake is also very old and powerful healing medicine. Once harnessed, Snake will help you to position yourself carefully so that you will trust your gut when making important decisions.

I am Dedicated to Assisting others to meet their full potential. To help people connect with Spirit to Heal and move forward… understanding that our family and friends in the Spirit World want us to succeed knowing they are around us to assist us when we need the support and guidance to get through our days in the human world. To help people achieve balance in their lives and walk a strong and purposeful path.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other.

Blessings to You ALL,

~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”

Dragon Ritual Drummers “Wake the Dragon” available on Itunes and across other Music Platforms.

Music shared with theWolfandthebearNetwork@2020 as part of our family.


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Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 8, 2020 the Lion

Lion steps forward today in the 7th space to remind us that we all sometimes have to dig deep to find the courage we need to move through things that show up on our path that are attempting to block us from moving forward. It’s a gentle reminder that Life is not always easy and it is not supposed to be. For if it was we would not learn to appreciate all the beauty and many blessings that show up when we need them to.

Lion also speaks to us that often it is not what we want that shows up, but rather what is needed. So have courage to own it all as it makes us the brilliant people we are in any given moment.!

Lion reminds us that our actions reflect to those around us so be mindful of using the inner strength rather than force to get things done or get points across. Often things that we take charge of goes unnoticed by others as what is best for all. But stand your ground and walk with determination and purpose in order to get it done.

So today as your voice is heard, let it be the right impact, the right reason it is shared.

Lion says accept those imperfections because in doing so we understand that we are unique and important in Life. That we all matter…we all have an important part to play in the story, the journey. So grab that spark from inside and make it grow bigger, stronger and brighter… and when you do, let the world see it!

Lions bring reminders of inner strength, assertiveness and personal power to the table. They try and warn us to also take hold and control the darker side and bring it to balance so that anger and aggression doesn’t spill over and push us to people or places we do not need to be.

Lions also will make itself known in order to warn about challenges and obstacles that may arise in our lives. Guiding us so that we may be able to deal and cope with courage and insight. Reminding you to walk with self-confidence and take ownership of your personal power. Lions show us that we need to utilize our own strength, courage and assertiveness to get ahead of the situation.

Lions also teach us that we can indeed be leaders but have to be careful not to dominate everything in our relationships at home or work. Find a balance that works and things will be healthier and more positive for you and those in your Sacred Circles. Just remember to temper any anger or negative feelings that arise…

Lions the embodiment of Strength …Courage… and Empowerment!

I am Dedicated to Assisting others to meet their full potential. To help people connect with Spirit to Heal and move forward… understanding that our family and friends in the Spirit World want us to succeed knowing they are around us to assist us when we need the support and guidance to get through our days in the human world. To help people achieve balance in their lives and walk a strong and purposeful path.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other.

Blessings to You ALL,

~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”


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During a Stressful Time… A Visit to Ghost Dimension

Today I am experiencing guilt at being unable to assist in the Healthcare arena that I worked in for so long. I know it is not logical or possible, but I am still feeling this emotion… as I know others are riding the roller coaster of emotion as well. I pray for all of us to ground and feel less stress…

I also know that as a Spiritual Minister of sorts, I must help in whatever way I can to assist other people… I am and always will be a Caregiver. Having the ability to see and hear Spirit, talk with the creatures of our world has been a thing that I have been able to do since I was a kid, not that I have always wanted to do it… for I have not. It can be sometimes scary, stressful and oh yeah did I say annoying at times? But through it all as I have been reminded of by a few of my friends it is what I am supposed to do.

So much is happening around our world at the moment however the one thing that I find is on the forefront of issues is people’s inability to spend more than ten minutes with self. Now mind you I know some folks are, but many more are sitting at home crawling the walls not knowing how to cope. I never thought I would be one of the “Old People” looking at people younger than myself and saying out loud, “Calm Down and Breathe”. Read a book, listen to music, cook real food… sit outside on your porch, your yard or on your driveway to get air… if it is cold out put a coat on, if it is muddy and wet out so what if your kids get dirty, let them play that is what washing machines and showers are for. Listen to your children, they are just as confused as you are, remember to teach them through example. Have a movie night and make popcorn, or cuddle in bed and read with them.

The other day I laughed out loud when I saw a friend of mine post, “Told my husband today… never thought at 71 I would be cooking from scratch again.” Yet there are many out there that do not even know what that means. Well kids, grab a cookbook or set the computer in front of you and look up a dish Chefs out there everywhere giving demonstrations on how to make a dish, or simply grab a recipe online and get to trying it out. Just remember this, while you are doing all this you are connecting with yourselves, your families and creating positives rather than negative emotions. You are in fact creating a new normal…. a place of healing and self exploration.

So with that all said I am heading over to Ghost Dimension tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p.m. to sit and touch base with you all… answer a few questions, do a few reads and perhaps provide a little bit of healing for us All!

Come Join Me @ https://www.facebook.com/officialghostdimension And while you are over there…hit that like button and show them a bit of love also you can catch their amazing shows on Amazon Video, You Tube, Pluto Tv all for free!

Many Prayers and Blessings to you All,
~ bear Medicinewalker

Music Provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2020 it is available on Itunes and at http://www,chrisferree.com

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