Spiritual Insights Uriel Angel of Fire

So Today the Insights that are shared are from that of Uriel Angel of Fire. Uriel has been for me a hard task Master yet he is not wrong in what he shares… this is the Arch Angel who is the Fire of God who’s purpose is to torch away the illusions and falsehoods created by Mankind.

You All in Human Form live in a chaotic world that promotes Judgements, Hate, Delusion and Fear. All brought on you by self. You forget your purpose here is to connect with each other and care for your planet. Yet you All seem to have forgotten this as evident by how you treat the Children of the World who are lacking in basic care and the fact that many are lost in a shuffle you all have helped to create. How you treat the Elders of the World whom carry wisdoms that they have learned in their own lifetimes, is shameful.

As Humankind you have lost Empathy, Compassion and Love for each other as each has their own journey in life. You lay our misguided expectations on each other, yet lack the ability to hold yourselves accountable for missteps of your own. This is not what you all were born to do and be… Yet here it is and what it has become. Take a moment to try and understand what I just shared. It is not without Sorrow that I speak to you, but everyone is better than this. Your differences should blend and make you all stronger not tear you apart.

What is happening Globally is heartbreaking to us all in Spirit Form, Creator is saddened for this is not what was planned. Ego is most forefront and needs to be let go of if you all are to live in a sort of harmony and understanding. That is not to say life will be perfect with no struggles, yet all that seems to be created is misguided trust, violence and lack of caring. It is easy to sit and judge, but it is more challenging to stand and step up to what is good, what is right. Should you all sit and watch violence around you? Should you watch as women are attacked, people who are different from you beaten down mentally. is money supposed to accumulate with a few individuals and not meant to assist others? These are the Questions I give to you to ponder.

So Today I call out to you all to step up and stand in our presence and light that Fire from which I hand the spark that can make a difference, make a change and clearly help you all to see injustices and help to change it and make your world a better place not to simply survive… but to Live.

Uriel Angel of Fire
Chaneel 4/20/2022

Blessings to You All…
~ bear


Spiritual Insights Soul’s Embrace

Divine Energy for Today comes in to share with us all that it is time to look within, deeply with in to feel your Soul Energy as it walks with us each and every moment. Feel and trust how it guides each and every one of You. It is past time of haphazardly racing through your lives, it is time to now Do what is needed and feel your Soul’s Embrace.

There is too much Ego… too much Hate… you have to reach inside and rekindle what you as humans are supposed to be. Do not rely on others to show you what it right what is wrong. Your Souls reach beyond space and time to guide You All in how it is to be. Trust in that, Trust in Yourselves and find Hope once again… for Hope seems to have left many of you. You have lost the purpose of the struggle, for it is not to give in to it but to assist in bringing about Harmony of all the energy here on the planet. Whether it be the Elementals, the Creatures or Each Other You need to wake and connect so You all can help heal not only self but others like a ripple in the pond…ever reaching outwards… Ever the ripple of change.

You all are instruments of energy to assist ALL life on the planet. The intent for Humankind was never hate, war, violence… but rather you could experience many things seeing and understanding how miraculous it all can be. Our Gift to All. Yet we also instilled Free Will and Choice but as we watch the centuries of time it seems we have failed You. For it has not been the choice to be each others Brothers, Sisters that look upon each other as family. That with that free choice it was learned to take and continue to take without thinking of the long term of life. This is not Your Planet, this is Your Home and it should be cared for as so.

Our tears shed and drop down as water runs in a river attempting to wash away the old and start anew. Fresh starts. But Humankind ignores even that. We will always stand here with You, for You… what the outcome may be is for each of you to choose.

If you are not to believe these words We challenge you to sit in silence, clear Your minds, and breathe centering and opening the channel of Knowing, It is then You will feel the Soul’s Embrace.
Channel 3/18/2022

Blessings to You All…
~ bear

Chant of the Mystics Angelic Gregorian Chant

Spiritual Insights the Earth Keepers

Today the Earth Keepers channel to bring information on how we can choose to assist the Great Mother and all that dwells upon her. With all of the chaos and violence it is up to each of us to make a difference, to impact our own space within this world. No matter what we do in life, Doctor, Nurse, Home maker, Lawyer, Teacher, Artist, Therapist, Fisherman, Cattlemen and so on and on, we are ALL part of what makes things move forward in some form of Support of the Life Cycle. NO ONE is less than or more than the next person and often we tend to forget that. And in moving forward we Must REMEMBER just that and make it part of who we are because each of us imprint on the world… it ripples outwards. So do not think whatever you do, who ever you are does not make a difference.

With that in mind take a moment to think about the world as a whole… look even closer to your part in the world. The Earth and her Creatures that walk among us all, we need to be looking out for them better. How we might ask? Well be conscious of what we do in life that can impact over time… Earth Friendly chemicals, containers, take a tree or plant, replant 7 for the upcoming generations. We can not keep taking and taking and taking and then complain when it is no longer here on the planet.

WE must educate ourselves about the creatures, ALL Creatures great and small. From the Insects to the Elephants, from the Winged Ones to the Four Leggeds, The Crystal and Rock Keepers, the Water, the Air the ground which we exist on each Moment of each Day is crying out for attention… asking that we help them all to heal their wounds, scars and conditions. We have been given such a gift by the Creator to live among all these amazing Creatures and Elements yet the mass amount of humankind do nothing but exploit, poison and taking with out a second thought. We must stand to be different and help repair all the centuries of decay and plunder. We must begin to restore and replenish, we must be thoughtful and caring. For if we do not care and take responsibility for all that has been done, we will not have to bother worrying about the wars on each other for the devastation of the Earth and all its plentiful resources will be our demise.

Please do not think this is a doom and gloom message from us, but rather it is once again a chance to make a difference and care for what has been shared with us all freely with love from the Creator. Take responsibility for our part in it… make a conscious effort to do something each day.. whether its to plant flowers for the bees and butterfly’s or it is to walk on a stretch of road picking up trash… it will impact on the health of the planet.

So today we ask you to be Earth Keepers, joining in a healing for our Precious planet so generations that follow are able to enjoy and benefit as well.
Blessings of Purpose to you all..

the Earth Keepers


I am blessed to be on this journey of the paths we are all on with you all.

Many Blessings to you all,
~ bear


Chant of the Mystics Angelic Gregorian Chant Gloria missa regia

Spiritual Insights Winds of Change with bear Medicinewalker

Winds of Change speaks today as the World spins out of control on so many levels. Sometimes it is said that When Angels speak the World listens. However we are on the precipice of a new order of being. So with that in mind, the Divine Realm asks us to be aware Continue reading “Spiritual Insights Winds of Change with bear Medicinewalker”

Angel Numbers for April 30 2021 with a bear

Todays number that surfaced was 812! And the Universe is telling you to Trust and have Faith in what you have put out to happen is in the works, however don’t just sit there and wait for stuff to happen. Get out and engage with the things in your lives and you will feel the connections that are there waiting for you to interact moving the positive affirmations you have been waiting for fall into place. The Angels and our Spirit Families are working hard to give us the assist, know that and have some Faith.

Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.

We All see number sequences at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.

The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All,

~ bear Medicinewalker

Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021


Angel Numbers for April 28 2021 with a bear

Earth Keepers 48″ x 48″ oil on Gesso by bear Medicinewalker

Angel Number for the Day is 444 which brings to us messages of Loving Support, complete support and a understanding that Angels are not only among us, but surround us. Let fear go from your heart and soul and allow them to assist and guide you.

Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.

We All see number sequences at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.

The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All,

~ bear Medicinewalker

Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021


Angel Numbers April 27 2021 with a bear

“Guardians of Knowledge and Emotion” a watercolor painted by bear Medicinewalker.

Today the Angel Number that came up was 112… and what it reminds us of is we need to remain optimistic and stand within our Faith that all things are possible. When we hold to that thought process we allow the things we want to manifest and obtain to be drawn to us. But we need to remain in that space of positives. Remember as well we just launched off of the Super Moon yesterday so energy can still be intense, keep your emotional state in check and take time to honor and understand why the emotions are up and down today. It is not always the best thing to speak before we think about the situations that surround us today. You have got this, knowing that the Spirit Realm is there surrounding us all with love and guiding us to our goals.

Angels as us Humans call them are Sentient Beings of energy. What is a sentient being? It refers to what a person or spirit can perceive and respond to sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. The word itself means to “to feel”.

We All see number sequences at one time or another… perhaps in times of need we look for signs that we can push forward through whatever it is that is going on at the time. Perhaps it is reassurance that loved ones that have transitioned are reaching out from the beyond telling us they are near and watching over us. Perhaps even if you believe in Angels it is our Guardians of the Heavens inspiring us to be and do. Whatever those numbers represent many of us both see and accept them as signs from beyond time. Sometimes those numbers even seem to follow you everywhere.

The Numbers can change or can stay the same your entire life. Our very thoughts, goals and needs may even direct them to us. It seems to work alongside the law of attraction as a way to empower each of us to be the best “I Am” that we can be… if we only will listen.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All,

~ bear Medicinewalker

Enya “Angels” can be found on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @ 2021


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