Winds of Change

Wings of Change

Sometimes it is said that When Angels speak the World listens. However, we are on the precipice of a new order of being. So, with that in mind, the Divine Realm asks us to be aware of our part in it all. Change is always constant from the moment of conception. We cannot stop it, but we can choose the path that is right for us as we walk the human.

To still the chaos that spins out of control in our world, we must make time to listen. Adjust our thought patterns to be able to receive the Unconditional knowledge from before time and beyond. When we do, we will have a clearer image of what each of our roles will be in the upcoming future. For when we allow this to occur, we will tune into the Divine messages our Souls have been waiting for.

We are told not to underestimate the roles we will play. We will greet the new ways one of two ways… We will understand because we listened, and we will attain balance, or we will have rejected the messages and we will fail which will lead to becoming chaos. It is our right as we are given free will and choice so choose wisely. It will not be others responsibility to reach out to those who disregard what their Souls have been trying to tell them, but rather it will be up to those to understand those personal responsibilities that they omitted as the Winds of Change spoke and catch up unsupported. That journey will be even more difficult as we move through these days and recognize the negatives that lie before us.

The Winds of Change are a constant, but it comes now to awaken each and every Soul to their true potential of being. Still your thoughts and behold the Divine messages from a place of humble beginnings.


~ bear Medicinewalker

*Wings of Change Oil on Gesso Board by bear Medicinewalker

Spear of Destiny

The Spear of Destiny…
The Holy Lance, the weapon that is believed to have entered the side of Jesus while He was on the cross. Even today there are those that believe it is a holy relic or it holds miraculous power that can heal and much more.

The Roman Centurion Longinus was the one that wielded the spear, and his sight was returned to normal as he had been going blind. After this occurred, he then turned his faith towards Jesus Christ. Later in life he was crucified for those same beliefs. The Spear itself was said to have been handed down to People of Power throughout history. Joseph of Arimathea is said to have then carried it too Britain.

After many hands and many stories, today there are 4 lances that are claimed to be the original Spear. The most popular is the one that is kept in Vienna. They also had this one tested, although some of it came back as being made after Jesus was said to walk on the earth. However, the odd thing was the nail that was also attached to it, was tested and said to have dated back to the correct time period.

So as I channeled this painting, what I kept hearing was, it is all a matter of Faith. So as this painting continued to change and emerge, it finally made sense. No matter what a person believes, it is all a matter of Faith to accept the positives, to ask for help from Creator God, to have healing occur. It represents what we all need as human, some sort of evidence that these miracles are real, that we all can be healed, that we are worthy of all of it.

So, as you sit during your day, allow yourselves to heal, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Remind yourselves you are worthy of good things, of love and happiness. Also know that we have to add some work to it and sometimes that work can be difficult. Sometimes life strikes so hard we get knocked down. When that happens … get UP, and begin remembering we are people, human beings that are here to experience what life is all about. But how we react will become our own destiny. It is all up to us what direction it takes us.

Blessings this Holliday Season to All,
~ bear

Saint Francis Looking Within

St. Francis “Looking Within”

It is not our purpose to own the material. It is however our purpose to experience Life’s every experience as we walk the Human.  In that, all that matters is our potential growth into understanding and learning about the paths we walk.

Time to travel deep within our souls and allow it to reveal the very purpose of being.  Don’t look to others for answers, but rather guidance.  We need to live a life of compassion and empathy for others.  We need to rediscover the origins of the Ancestors.  Treat each other as we would care and treat ourselves.  Remember that all life and matter on the planet is but a gift we are to take care of.  Every life matters and inter connects with each other… everything that draws breath.

If you are asking yourself why does that matter, the answer is simple; We begin from energy.  We continue to change with each moment, and when we leave our human forms, we are but energy once again.  So seek calm and peace. Value that above all else. Honor your journey by understanding the difference between wants and needs.  We have been given all that we need to live our life as the great Mother Earth freely offers her bounties.

Look deep within and clear all that is not needed as you walk.  Look to the things we should be caring for, which is care and love of oneself and others.


bear Medicinewalker


Today I share Ancient Wisdoms

We are more than just a simple being, we are an accumulation of bloodlines that reach back into time and before time.  With each lifetime of experiences having been stitched into our very DNA. Memories of lifetimes that assist us to continue walking the paths we choose to walk.  How to unlock it all? Simple, we need to allow our souls to open to what was and what can be.

They are memories and events that keep us all moving forward through the good, the not so good and the indifferent. We are observers of the life that takes shape around us.  We all have free choice and will, so we should choose wisely. Our very souls will resonate whether it is something we should be stepping into or something we should not.  Feel that intuition, that preexisting knowledge that each of us have at birth. Each moment we are adding to that collective of generational experiences.

We are followed by our past shadows of life; all we need to do is allow the spark to ignite and spread like wildfire pulsing through our souls. Our Ancestors lived before us, each making it an imprint for us to become stronger, more aware so we can indeed live our best life possible.


~ bear Medicinewalker


The Process

For the past ten years I have not touched a canvas, not touched oils, not touched my palette knives to begin a new painting. To start a process of Healing again. I have not been in balance with the Divine energies that help us all to heal. Doesn’t matter if it is Spiritual, Mind or body that needs healing… it hasn’t happened… until now.

So what does that mean for others? Others that struggle, that have pain, that are hiding in a place of shadows and depression. It means we need to be aware that anything is possible. Healing is possible. That we are not overlooked by the Universe and all the Spirits that dwell within our world, yet unseen. So how can we heal? How can we balance when life knocks us for a loop, for a journey we are not happy to walkthrough? Well it’s a process.

Healing … it’s a rough thing to walk through. No matter what we have to heal from, ’tis the same, we need to allow it in. Sometimes we get so used to the things that keep us out of balance, we hang on to it like a life raft. We feel as though if we let it go, we will drown. Because of this we need to sit and examine what is it that put us there in the first place. So we can clean the wound out in order to let more positive in and receive what it is we need to have us actually heal.  We get into a place of all we know is pain… it doesn’t ever change, and we keep telling ourselves we will never get better. The thing is though, we can get better, it’s just that we need to allow it in to happen. We all deserve that, no matter who we are, we are entitled to that.

I am living proof it happens. The past 7 years or so I have been thrown off kilter physically and emotionally. The place we reach by continuing to visualize ourselves still in pain, off balance in everything to do with our lives. By doing that, how can we even begin a process of healing?.. We unknowingly allow it to be the only thing we can imagine. So we need to learn to change the narratives, picture ourselves healthy and whole. To bring positives into our sacred circles. When we stop having our thoughts focused on negatives and deal with things one step at a time is when we begin to change. We begin to see that things don’t have to be shadowed, we can allow the light in so to speak, and accept that the negatives, the unhealthy things about our lives we can look at clearly and say I don’t want to have this define my life. I choose to open to positive, to healing… to accept the healings from where ever they come from.

So Healing is also a place of sorrow, yet still will lead us carrying less burdens. Learning to breathe deeply to calm our minds and bodies. Sit in a place of calm and just breathe, blocking out the world around us… and you will feel your entire self relax. This is the starting point. Own who we are. Stand in our own power! Realizing that we control how and when we react to the world around us and within our circles.

Divine Energies, are always near… allow yourself to feel the healings they share with us all. Remain with Hope and Faith that anything is possible if we only allow it to be. So start the process… and allow it to be.

~ bear

Creatures Great and Small!

From the time I was a child I always was close to the creatures of the Earth. My Mother was always scared to open the door if I had gone camping or spent the night at a friends house. My Big Brother was the same. Didn’t matter what sort of Critter it was, we brought it home with us. Always treated with kindness or even sometimes simply took care of them when they had broken bones or poor health until we could release them. So Imagine it would not come as a surprise that St. Francis would be close to me, or that adults would call me Dr. Doolittle from a very young age.

Now fast-forward to later in life, I then understood that not all humans could understand or hear creatures speak. But it never bothered me as I love all creatures and yes even the creepy spiders. I try to remove them and put them somewhere else. Although I have had some spend winters indoors and just talked to them and told them you do you and I will do me and never should the two collide. Thus the ” We are All Are Related Deck” came forth so it could connect with people and also teach them about not only about the creatures, but about themselves.

I have weaved in and out through life as I have gotten older, St. Francis of Assisi never was far. He also resides in my garden, so is a prominent influence for my life. For those who do not know who St. Francis is here’s a little about him. He was born in 1181 in Italy to a very influential family of wealth. Saint Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church and live in poverty. In 1224 Francis reportedly received a vision that left him with the stigmata of Christ — marks resembling the wounds Jesus Christ suffered when he was crucified, through his hands and the gaping lance wound in his side. This made Francis the first person to receive the holy wounds of the stigmata. They would remain visible for the rest of his life. Because of his earlier work treating lepers, some believe that the wounds were actually symptoms of leprosy. Today he is the patron saint for ecologists and the Creatures of the planet.

So I guess it was no surprise that in 2019 I had cardiac issues while I was having surgery on my spine. That evening I woke up in CCU at the hospital and spent the next five days in the hospital. The wild thing through all of it was the fact that as I floated in the in-between, St. Francis was the one that greeted me and told me to get my Happy Butt back as it was not my time. He did this three times. I told him all I wanted to do was see my pup that had recently passes at a very old age of 19 years. He responded that “Boone” was fine and would be just fine until it was my time to see him. He also called me stubborn and bullheaded as he sent me packing. So to say it was a profound experience was saying the least.

Since that time I know my purpose, my path, why I am here… is to be here for others. To stand for our Creatures of the World who have no Human voice. To point out the positives in life as we all are surrounded by chaos and negativity. Sometimes it’s hard to see a light through it all. Yet as we move forward, we need to remember we are in charge of us. Dealing with choices that will not only effect us, but others as we are All Connected in this great big quilt of life.

He is represented by the prayer and song Make me a Channel of Your Peace, which I would reckon we have heard at one time or another. The words are so appropriate for the world we live in every day. If you have never heard it… I share the prayer;

Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is hatred let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your pardon Lord
And where there is doubt true faith in You
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we are born to eternal life
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy

I will always til my last breath be there for whom ever, and whatever Creature pops on my radar. So as you all walk through your days, remember to be kinder, more empathetic, compassionate and understanding to yourselves and others. as we are ALL in this together. I thank and talk with St. Francis every day… he is present in my life, as he is in us all. We simply have to dig deeper to find him. Ask him and he will reply.

Blessings to You All.

~ bear

Follow me every Tuesday on You Tube and Facebook as I connect with the Spiritland to bring Insights and lessons we all need to hear.

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