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Spear of Destiny

The Spear of Destiny…
The Holy Lance, the weapon that is believed to have entered the side of Jesus while He was on the cross. Even today there are those that believe it is a holy relic or it holds miraculous power that can heal and much more.

The Roman Centurion Longinus was the one that wielded the spear, and his sight was returned to normal as he had been going blind. After this occurred, he then turned his faith towards Jesus Christ. Later in life he was crucified for those same beliefs. The Spear itself was said to have been handed down to People of Power throughout history. Joseph of Arimathea is said to have then carried it too Britain.

After many hands and many stories, today there are 4 lances that are claimed to be the original Spear. The most popular is the one that is kept in Vienna. They also had this one tested, although some of it came back as being made after Jesus was said to walk on the earth. However, the odd thing was the nail that was also attached to it, was tested and said to have dated back to the correct time period.

So as I channeled this painting, what I kept hearing was, it is all a matter of Faith. So as this painting continued to change and emerge, it finally made sense. No matter what a person believes, it is all a matter of Faith to accept the positives, to ask for help from Creator God, to have healing occur. It represents what we all need as human, some sort of evidence that these miracles are real, that we all can be healed, that we are worthy of all of it.

So, as you sit during your day, allow yourselves to heal, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Remind yourselves you are worthy of good things, of love and happiness. Also know that we have to add some work to it and sometimes that work can be difficult. Sometimes life strikes so hard we get knocked down. When that happens … get UP, and begin remembering we are people, human beings that are here to experience what life is all about. But how we react will become our own destiny. It is all up to us what direction it takes us.

Blessings this Holliday Season to All,
~ bear

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