So Today the Insights that are shared are from that of Uriel Angel of Fire. Uriel has been for me a hard task Master yet he is not wrong in what he shares… this is the Arch Angel who is the Fire of God who’s purpose is to torch away the illusions and falsehoods created by Mankind.
You All in Human Form live in a chaotic world that promotes Judgements, Hate, Delusion and Fear. All brought on you by self. You forget your purpose here is to connect with each other and care for your planet. Yet you All seem to have forgotten this as evident by how you treat the Children of the World who are lacking in basic care and the fact that many are lost in a shuffle you all have helped to create. How you treat the Elders of the World whom carry wisdoms that they have learned in their own lifetimes, is shameful.
As Humankind you have lost Empathy, Compassion and Love for each other as each has their own journey in life. You lay our misguided expectations on each other, yet lack the ability to hold yourselves accountable for missteps of your own. This is not what you all were born to do and be… Yet here it is and what it has become. Take a moment to try and understand what I just shared. It is not without Sorrow that I speak to you, but everyone is better than this. Your differences should blend and make you all stronger not tear you apart.
What is happening Globally is heartbreaking to us all in Spirit Form, Creator is saddened for this is not what was planned. Ego is most forefront and needs to be let go of if you all are to live in a sort of harmony and understanding. That is not to say life will be perfect with no struggles, yet all that seems to be created is misguided trust, violence and lack of caring. It is easy to sit and judge, but it is more challenging to stand and step up to what is good, what is right. Should you all sit and watch violence around you? Should you watch as women are attacked, people who are different from you beaten down mentally. is money supposed to accumulate with a few individuals and not meant to assist others? These are the Questions I give to you to ponder.
So Today I call out to you all to step up and stand in our presence and light that Fire from which I hand the spark that can make a difference, make a change and clearly help you all to see injustices and help to change it and make your world a better place not to simply survive… but to Live.
Uriel Angel of Fire
Chaneel 4/20/2022
Blessings to You All…
~ bear
So very true. Thank you