Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – Horse

So Horse comes into play this day and with it brings lessons of stepping out to the Sunlight so to speak. People are standing too much in the dark side of things these days to be able to enjoy anything but. They are drawn to the negatives of the world because they allow it to be so. So I get it, we all have bad things happen… we all have times that do not make us happy. We all experience pain, that is part of life and we will not…no can not avoid it. But what we can avoid is standing in a pile of horse shit in the barn by taking one step at a time to walk or run away from it and set our lives to balance.

The Horse is all about wide open spaces when we need to kick the confines of everyday life away. But what we must understand is that it is our “CHOICE” to do so or not to. It is our “CHOICE” to help manifest positives in and around our lives. Do Not Say It can not be done, because all one has to do is look beyond our own pity parties to see positive examples of it. Often they are such profound examples that it will motivate our souls to get back on track with our life’s purpose.

So today the Horse challenges us all to stretch out and reach for the sunlight and bask in it’s warmth!

Horse brings with it the joy of wide open spaces and the ability to move freely about. It shares that it is time to open the barn doors and venture out into the world to experience what the Universe is offering for all of us if we are willing to open to it in positive ways. They help to guide us swiftly and sure footed to the next part of the path we are to reach.

However in doing so Horse also shares that the herd is important. The ones that are within our Sacred Hoop…family…friends… that they are there to assist us as we move forward and not stay in the old ways, with things that need to be let loose. Mend fences and move forward with everything, but truly mend them do not just go through the motions, for if you don’t take the time needed you will loose the positives that are part of that same Sacred Hoop.

Horse tells us to awaken our souls and honor our true self, our true dreams and aspirations. Feel the wind, feel the earth beneath you, feel the sun share its warmth and energy, feel the water as it nourishes and cleanses. Allow your senses to be in a place of all that is Sacred.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker

Rhythm of the Rainhorse by Jonny Lipford available at http://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/   

****used with permission as part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2018

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