Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – Medicine Pouch/Bag/Bundle

Sort of fitting the Medicine Bag card came up today as it is all about our Spiritual Balance and Protection, something that people have been asking me about a lot lately. Many cultures use talismans, items for protection and balance so the Medicine Bag can play an important role in doing all of the above. It is a source of personal power… it is a source of balance and protection of self … for self and from self. Today the Medicine Bag tells us to PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT WE ARE ADDING TO OUR LIVES!

Are we sure that it is adding what is needed at the time or are we mixing up wants and needs… Ego instead of Humility.. This message is ringing loudly today, for so many are forgetting what should be essentially important in our lives. We have been putting the proverbial cart in front of the horse. We are not taking care of the business at hand before extending out to other things, others wants and desires. We must first shore our own houses up so to speak. Be responsible for those core foundations, for if we are not…if we do not care for what is needed before stepping to others needs, we risk the chance of loosing and not being able to repair what is truly important to us.

So get your heads outta the clouds and begin to clear them so you can see the real situations that are occuring in our lives!

A Medicine Bag ( also called a Medicine Pouch) is traditionally a small pouch filled with talismans such as stones, herbs, found objects, personal memorabilia and its purpose is protection, to remind us of our human and All that is Sacred and to assist us in healing and keeping our Sacred Hoops in balance. Native Americans have carried these bags for centuries, but in recent years, they’ve also become popular in our modern day culture but most are unaware of the intent/purpose of them.

Traditionally a Medicine Bag or bundle contains something from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms and from the life of a person. Meant to be kept close to your person so that the spiritual power surrounds you and becomes one with your energy. In a sense it becomes one with who you are. What goes onto the bag is your personal medicine, things you draw “power” from that will aid you as you walk your paths. If you receive one as a gift, the maker or person gifting it should add something of their own to help you on your journey.

Understand that a traditional Medicine Bag is Sacred. The bag should not be opened by anyone else. It is up to the individual whose bag it is if they choose to take items out in order to share with others the story behind them, or to use them for healing purposes. Each item is considered Sacred and is meant to assist its owner with power and spirituality while they walk the Human. Allowing others to access the bag and it’s contents, ‘steals’ the power and lessons its intent for the owner.



I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…

Blessings to you All,

bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

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