Spiritual and Totem insights for the Day – the Dove

So as I began to shuffle the deck this day… out flew a card directly to the desktop and I thought how fitting the day after Easter…The Dove!  Everything for a purpose it whispered softly to my ears. Gently as we walk into our week we must honor the Great Mother Earth and be thankful for all we have to share with her. We need to but allow the peace that is and can be attained into our hearts and let it spread like a wildfire to the Life Circle around us.

Everyone is searching, asking for this peace…this calm to be part of their lives, yet so many are ignoring it as it passes them by. Instead creating the chaos and hatred that spreads like a black mold covering deep and dark crevices of the world. Why is that? Why is it that as humans we are at a time that we are not willing to accept each other at face value? With tolerance, with compassion, with kindness? It is so sad when we each have the ability to change the world’s atmosphere to something so good. It is up to each of us to help perpetuate that change… to allow the peace to enter our very souls and summon the goodness that we each have inside to shine for all to see as examples of positives in an extremely negative world.

So we ask ourselves what can I do? I am but one person… if we are truly honest, we each can do a lot.

Dove teaches us when it is time to soar to new heights by using the element of air, “the wind beneath your wings”. That we must trust in the Universe, in Creator God for they are there supporting us, assisting us, but they will not choose or do the work for us. That nothing will prevent us from attaining our goals except ourselves. So we need to Trust and have Faith in all that is Sacred has purpose, has reason.

Dove reminds us to stop and breathe in the 7 Sacred breathes, letting go of the inner storms that are stirring and tap into the inner peace that can be found deep in our very souls. That what we are seeing is the chaos of the storm, and that after the storm is calm and beauty, for what we are seeking to attain is attainable and will be if we stay strong and show patience with the situation. They also represent peaceful resolutions can be found. They also represent travel time is approaching, perhaps in meditative state or in a physical sense.

Many Blessings to You ALl…

May the Divine Spirit reach You and fill your being with Love and Joy of the Day…

~ bear Medicinewalker



Background music provided by Chris Ferree and is available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com
and as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

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