Blessings to all!
These cards were and still are a work in progress. The first set that was released in November of 2014 was completely sold out in two weeks. I have continued work with them and the relationship that “Spirit and the Ancestors” have continued to guide me towards. With that said the deck has evolved and grown. I have also added a sub deck and a few cards in the main deck have been switched out and/or added. It is all for people to be able to understand the relationships we have to All things Sacred as we walk the Human.
Everything in and around our Sacred Hoops interacts with us…teaching us lessons…showing us ways to adapt and push through life’s obstacles. This is why I created this deck…to remind us that life teaches us constantly, that everything has purpose and meaning…even when we at times forget. So it is to remind us that indeed…. We Are All Related!
I hope that you can both enjoy and learn from them as I have… Many Blessings to you all!
The Crocodile is one of the oldest creatures and has been around for ions. The wisdom and survival skill it has taken for them to live through centuries of change is something we should look closely at as they are here to teach us as human as well. Crocodile teaches us sometimes we need to reach deep within to our primal energy, things that are instinctive to move through our paths. It speaks to us of our breathing patterns to take time to take that deep breath in order to bring balance to our minds and bodies.
Crocodile is a protector and keeper of All Knowledge. So it is time to tap into what it is we need in order to inspire, manifest and walk our dreams and ambitions. Remember patience and to allow yourself time to adapt to change that may show up in your life at this time. It is a time of growth and regeneration. It is time to expand and use what you instinctively know for emotional healing, for self and perhaps even to those that you may encounter in your days.
Crocodile speaks to knowing when to roll with what life throws at us, when to show patience, when to dig deep and when it is time to wallow in mud to allow healing and regeneration, transformation to bring about healing and a new part to our journeys. Honor your soul’s journey, from other lifetimes into our current path and continuing on as we gather energies and knowledge moving forward in positives to experience life in many forms.
Bat brings us teachings of perception. It is time to listen to what is not being said. To hear the truth of things, rather than what we may want to believe or what we may mask behind darkness and fear.
We all have an inner voice and we should learn to listen to it, it was given to us for many reasons one of them to help us find balance as we walk the human. Bats teach us to use our other senses to tune in seeing more than just what is seen by our eyes, giving us an advantage and opportunity to be able to walk ahead equipped with all the knowledge we need to be more positive and attain our goals.
Be open and let go of the fear we tend to hold on as change approaches us, the new things that we will allow in doing so will help us to fulfill our dreams and goals. Bat also brings with it the EGO and tells you to set it down so that spiritually you can grow and evolve in all ways that will help you balance within your Sacred Hoop.
Bury and release old habits, old possessions, things that no longer serve for the highest good, and be re birthed into a new knowing and understanding that will not only help to heal yourself but assist you in becoming a better human as you walk your path with all life that is sacred around you.
Jaguar/Black Panther bringing us lessons of Mystical capacities and represents the highest of Spiritual Sacredness. One that has been in place for ions and one that steps in to assist us ALL in the attempts to set balance with our human selves in positive ways.
Jaguar/Black Panther comes in to ease burdens of the negative side of our human nature. He will not tolerate poor behavior against humans, creatures, or the great Mother Earth, the Jaguar Medicine is very strong and very ancient. For those that walk with high integrity and honor the Sacred, he will bestow rewards of insights and old knowledge in order to assist us as we walk with positive steps.
Jaguar/Black Panther speaks to us of always walking in a way that is with highest intent for good, that we need to remember compassion, dignity, respect and gratitude, to walk strong with resolve, no matter what surrounds the outside of our Sacred Hoop. Mistakes can occur, but they are but lessons for us to learn and then with that knowledge help us to attain balance once again… remain humble. It shares Ying and Yang…and in understanding this that power is not aggressiveness, but rather the ability to control what kind of strength is needed in situations.
They teach us to hear the unheard, to listen with our soul to other dimensions; to life around us for it all has voice. It is here to teach and share knowledge of old, so remain open to it. It teaches us to walk under the dark of Grandmother Moon sensing the life and energy that flows and then balancing it with the light from Father Sun.
Balance and Own Your Own Power…
Turtle teaches us that we need to remember to walk our paths slow and steady with determination, for if we do our goals will surely be met. They remind us that sometimes it is best to walk on solid ground strong and precise with each step, and at other times it is better to dive into the waters and swim with the current allowing life to assist us in that forward motion.
Turtle helps us to ground reminding us that slowing down and pacing each step will help us build confidence for as we walk at this pace, we will see more of what is being shared with us by the world around us… knowledge of the “Old Ones”. Slowing our pace, calming our breath, listening to our heartbeat, centering our spirit so that we are in balance and sync with the rest of our world.
Turtles remind us that what we need is provided for us, that we need to remember the beginning, the simple and honor all that is Sacred, for it is part of who we all are. Be humble, grateful and make the most of what we have and what we are offered.
The Ant teaches us that all good things come in time as we walk life in positives, holding to our truths, convictions in order to manifest our dreams into real time. They also share through example how teamwork and clear focus can get the job done. Look at how tiny they are, yet working diligently and with purpose they always manage how to overcome the obstacles that are often set on their paths.
They also talk to us about community and working together to build a better being. Community is important, so perhaps this card is shown today for the fact we all need to remember that we all impact life and community just by being. So our actions can speak volumes, so choose to think before moving ahead in order to walk in positives for the best outcome.
The Ant can move mountains when it chooses to do so. They always have the eye on the prize so to speak. This is how we must think at times to get things done., to push through things that are difficult and at times weigh us down. We must call on that inner strength, and just simply get it done. It doesn’t matter what others think about us, we do not need to answer to their expectations… we simply need to believe and have faith that the world around us will have our backs, remembering that we are all born with everything we need in life to survive and live, we just have to open to the possibility of it all.
The Black Swan brings us from the shadows to tell you that we all are unique and different, and sometimes it is that uniqueness that makes us stand apart from others. So today is the day to shine and let people see the different in you but in positives, in healthy ways, productive ways. So Today… stand in Sacred, stand in Beauty!
The Black Swan represents mystery and the unknown. It represents something that is alluring, perhaps even forbidden. They remind us that there are two sides to all things, the Yin and Yang, black and white, polar opposites. They remind us to remember to know that dark side in order to balance the light within.
Black Swans help us to hone and strengthen our intuitive abilities and altered states of awareness. Bringing with them knowledge of new ways of thinking, breathing and teaching us to move with the flow of life for there is reason behind that flow.
Wherever the Black Swan appears expect unexpected and unpredictable and be prepared for what will follow. The Black Swan does not mean good or bad, it is about paying attention as events unfold… events that seldom occur or have never occurred in our life prior.
They bring in the subtleties of life to our attention. Causing us to use the intuition we have to better understand our feelings and process them in a healthy way. The Swan itself teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. They remind us to look at the beauty of life, even in the darkness to see that ALL life is indeed Sacred.
Desert Wolf also known as Coyote, as trickster, comes to us this day to share its wisdom’s, teaching us that it is sometimes a good thing to laugh at oneself in order to not get caught up in the pain that sometimes comes with life choices and lessons. It is about finding the balance of learning what life teaches and has to share, and when it is time to relax, enjoy and have some fun.
Desert Wolf teaches us to be stealth and observe what we need to see, opening our senses to see the bigger picture of a situation. They speak of using distraction to change outcomes to more positive ones, by utilizing intelligence and good common sense, which often many do not take the time to stop and remember. One of the most amazing skills they offer us is the use of voice and communication to let ourselves be heard, but to also warn that at times, when people use their voices it can be for hidden agenda’s that will not be in positive tones. So pay attention, listen closely so that you may understand and decipher what it is that is actually being said and stay adaptable to what must be done in the situation.
Desert Wolf tells us above all make sure we look at our own self, walk in positives not in deceptive or manipulative ways to get what you want. Look at what truly is motivating you, be honest with self and then stand in the Sacred Hoop to balance. Remembering what you do to respect self, will mirror to the world around you.
The Ram speaks to us of following our own truths, our souls journey and thinking outside the box. To take steps onto new paths and directions when called to but also to remember one must attain balance to do so, balance that occurs from respecting and honoring the Sacred, whether it refers to self or the Sacred around us. This will allow us to move freely and give us the ability to be our true self.
The Ram reminds us that having clear honest thoughts and insight will make us stronger beings of integrity. To not be afraid of what we find by looking in the mirrored image of ourselves, for we are human and with that said means we are all flawed.
It also teaches us that we can be tough when needed showing strength and skill at maneuvering through the obstacles thrown at us, but other times we need to remain in our spot to take care of what is needed with the highest of integrity. Look at self and answer with truth… are you really working for your highest good, or are you slipping and sliding through things not stopping to take that moment to be responsible and own your actions?
The choice is yours, but the Ram will guide us through it all, with head bent down hammering through the tough stuff to get us to that balanced spot on our ledge.
Cow steps into the day to teach us about nurturing, self growth and awareness. They share with us their own life force in order to assist us in the highest good. They teach us about patience, nourishment, abundance, the fertility of ideas and the birth of goals and dreams. The Cow shares with us to be calm with our young, to stay grounded, help in providing what is needed in the moment without thought and beginnings.
Cow also tells us to stand our ground when we need to but be firm yet gentle in the process. Take a look at our life and see if perhaps we are being as productive as we should, or perhaps are we being too being stubborn about an issue.
Understand and work with the mundane aspects of the relationships we have in our Sacred Hoops and understand that sometimes we need the mundane, the normal routine in order to enjoy or be able to work through what is not.
Cows are said to possess the magic of the moon, Pay close attention to what is being shared. Trust your instincts; they will alert you to danger or safety of the situations we face.
Elk brings in the energy that is needed to slow down and pace ourselves. It’s all about seeing the goal and reaching it without killing ourselves and depleting our energy in the process. Elk helps us to understand that we do not have to do it alone and that companionship and group support are available we just have to ask. Elk signifies abundance and is a sign that all we need will be provided for. To remember that we do not need to rush, for sometimes the reward is in the journey itself. .
Elk symbolizes strength and endurance. It teaches us to spend more time with our families and friends. Elk are also very seldom alone, preferring to live in large herds, yet knowing when they need to have some personal space. They are very well prepared to take on a challenge, they can fight passionately about what is important to them, sometimes can be unpredictable being passive one second and aggressive the next, it is their nature.
Believe in yourself…Empower Yourself…Connect with those you love and hold a good sense of Community… and your goals will be met with positive outcome.
Wolf is a very organized creature. It understands there is need for order and balance for harmony to occur with our Sacred Hoops. Wolf is regarded as one of the most powerful spirit guides of all for it represents teacher and lessons to be learned and shared with self. It speaks to us to seek counsel from people that you respect. To take a moment to step back and look for the true meaning from the issue you face. By doing so, you will be able to walk clearly ahead and do what needs to be done with the knowledge you can see it all clearly.
Although many think the site of a lone Wolf means freedom but it does not. It instead represents that it is a time to look deep in oneself and find the balance that is needed in your own life that is lacking. For the wolf is meant to be in packs, in a community, in a family, with its mate. The times you see wolves on their own or isolated is do to unbalance that needs to reground and once again be in the circle of the Sacred Hoop.
The Wolf cry reminds us to stand our ground, remember we all need boundaries. It is about communication, answering the call and listening to the response. The Wolf an assist us to open and listen to the sound of others in order to understand better the situation. It is about having the strength of the pack, and your closest friends with you when you need them without questions.
Wolf is strongly connected to lunar cycles, so learn to move with that cycle and honor it in order to be at your best. They teach us to weed out what is the weakest and no longer serves us, so that new and better things will come our way.
Lizard steps up to share with us that we may be repeating old cycles, recreating things because we have been doing them so long, it feels more natural that stepping into something new or opening the doors to something that is unknown. It tells us although we are able to face our fears, we often do not want to deal with them.
Lizard also shares truths about “EGO”, that often as human we are ruled by it. So what may be needed at the moment is to take a step back and let out hearts take over. Our “EGO” is often all to ready to step in and rule, so take time to really look deep within what is resonating with our hearts before making decisions or saying something we may regret.
Lizard shares that we are able to use all our “senses” as they were given to us at birth, rely on them, hone them and watch for situations that may not serve us and then remove ourselves from them or to step into the positive ones we need to move with. It is time to awaken what lies beneath, the unconscious mind that has been hiding things we have not wanted to deal with.
Lizard will allow us to move them to the forefront so we can process through them and get rid of what is no longer needed and place us back to reality. We are all human, we are all flawed and the Lizard teaches us it is ok to be this way. Release as they release a tail, what needs to be let go, then move ahead and regrow in more positive ways.
Snake Is a difficult teacher at times, and one that is not easy to master. Lessons that Snake brings with it are of life cycles and change, remembering as we grow we shed and transform into new energies and new experiences. Snake also teaches us about poison and that we need to be able to rid ourselves of the toxins can be placed within our Sacred Hoops. Don’t let the poisons kill us or dim our light that resides within. At times the poison and toxins can play games with our thoughts if we allow them to, so mastering what is real and what is illusion can often contribute to negativity and clouding of ones judgement. Make sure to take a breath, a beat… before stepping into a place of no return. Keep it all in perspective and balance. Once you can accomplish this, balance will return and be maintained.
Snake can be a hard teacher. His lessons involve a transmutation of the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Snake symbolizes this cycle with the shedding of his skin. We learn to the whole energy of life, the cosmic consciousness and have the willingness to experience anything without resistance. It is also about the poisons that we might take in. Those poisons can be eaten or ingested in some way but they also may be integrated into our lives. The goal is to not let the poisons taint our body or spirit.
Since Snakes can shed they teach us about the levels of our human, of our spirituality, our experiences. It is time to seek our inner knowledge before moving ahead with decisions. It is time to coil and go within to make sure we are well prepared before we strike out.
Snake also reminds us as it makes its way across the Great Mother Earth, to ground ourselves, to use our energy wisely and not to rely on primal instincts of lashing out. For at times it is more empowering to hold back and use that knowledge that energy in wise ways. At other times it is best to strike and seize the moment with a precision and quickness. Snakes often retreat long before biting defensively because they sense that it may cause consequences/damage to others and drain you of healing energy.
Snake is also very old and powerful healing medicine. Once harnessed, Snake will help you to position yourself carefully so that you will trust your gut when making important decisions.
Heron brings with it the strong connection to the Great Mother Earth. It teaches us to channel that inner strength and using it to ground and remain strong in the course. Be strong and balance so that you can accomplish many things at the same time.
Heron shares with us the ability to become independent and self reliant, yet knowing when to change and adapt in life when needed. Follow your own path, not necessarily the direction that others tell you to walk. You have this, and are capable.
They teach us to be comfortable in our own being, and happy. To love self and understand we are all worthy of good and positive things. Typically they spend much time on their own, but know that it is at times better to be more social and step out of their comfort zones to add experiences and keep the balance of all things in their Sacred Hoop.
Use your steps wisely as the Heron does, and take advantage of the exact moment when it is time to move in a positive motion on your path
Sacred is about just that taking care of the Sacred Within each of us, the doe always takes time to nurture self, it’s family. It finds calm places to recenter and relax. To enjoy it’s surroundings. They bring with them a grace and elegance, but can stand fierce and protective when it is called for. But if you simply tool time to watch the world and all the beauty in it and around you, for just a moment… you would see that there are more positives than you realize.
The Doe is an animal that is especially close to my heart walking with me often in real time and in spirit. It reminds us always about the gentleness that is needed as we walk the human. It is a reminder for us all to utilize more sensitivity when dealing with the world and the people around us. Take a moment to stop, breathe and observe your surroundings, your life, and a situation before stepping ahead.
Sometimes that awareness is needed to be able to step into it in a positive way. When encouragement is needed it is often received better with a gentle nudge than a shove or push. Open heartedness is the way of the Doe… loving all unless given a reason not to. The Doe shares with us the wisdom of listening, grace and appreciation for the true balance of our own Sacred Hoops and that of the world around us all.
Grouse dances in circles, speaking to us of cycles that we walk through on our paths, from birth to death transitions and on to rebirth. We all experience these, from the moment we take our first breath, it is called change. So the Grouse asks that we embrace those changes,,, and dance to the drumbeat of your own soul!
Stand in your own power, revitalize your spirit, your human… dance and create, manifest what it is that you need to walk a more positive way on your own path. Don’t worry about what others are thinking or doing… concentrate on your own energy as you dance and place yourself in harmony and balance with body, mind and spirit.
Listen and hear as Grouse shares with us today and beats it’s wings and stomps the ground in harmony with all that is Sacred!
Spider teaches us about hard work, creativity and releasing ourselves from what binds us. They show us that we are the creators of our own life, our own Sacred Hoops and that like the Spider we too spin intricate webs in our life stories. So as the Spider is a masterful weaver of its web, we too must become masters of weaving strong paths in our own lives.
Spider also whispers to each of us to be careful not to get caught in the webs of shadow, greed, and negativity. When this occurs it is time to release and begin anew. Do not stay trapped, for you are in charge of your own reality, it is up to you to take charge and move in the right direction. That we must create our own path in life, and learn to be a part of the whole as we walk the human, for all things are connected, we are all one.
“The webs of our lives are all connected to the web of all that is,” Grandmother Spider shares with us… our individual webs are made up of stories, beliefs and our emotions that make their way out to the universe. Listen to the word “story” for to store within ourselves is a function of the story. If we believe the stories we tell ourselves our very core within our souls will vibrate in that belief and create your web from that vibration. The Universe will support our stories, just to prove to us that we are creators. So step wisely, spin positives, and create a strong “Sacred Hoop”
So, the question today is simple, what have we decided to create? “Some human stories have served you,” Grandmother Spider shares, “and others have not. It is now time to clear your webs of those stories that have not. When you do so, you make space for new stories ones that will reflect your true nature, your soul’s light and your connection to all that is.
Koi shows up asking us to honor the past, the wisdom’s and teachings shared by the Ancestors. It is easy at times to forget and run ahead on the path, leaving the things that are important to us as we walk the human… yet we should be slowing down in order to be part of the beauty that is in life all around us. Treating each moment with respect and thankfulness. Life is a gift, but we need to remember that the balance of it lies within each of us, it is not someone else’s responsibility… it is our responsibility to walk in the highest good for all.
Koi speaks to us of being calm, peaceful and working together with each other in a state of Zen which places us in a state of enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation and/or prayer. When we are in this state, positives flow in and around us creating a healthier way of life.
The Koi fish brings to us prosperity and a path for new opportunities to show themselves to us. It is up to each of us to be open and aware in order to take advantage of them. Koi can assist us during meditation and altered states of mind in order to help us achieve healing and our full potentials by opening to the wisdom’s of “the Old Ones.” The colors can also be associated with various aspects and applied to our lives if we can again be open to what they share.
The black Koi brings transition into our lives.
The gold Koi brings prosperity which can represent the physical, the spiritual or represent monetary wealth that is being brought to our paths.
The platinum Koi brings to our lives success and puts new and beneficial opportunities at our doors.
White Koi that have red coloring only on their heads push us to be aware of positive movement within our lives and enables us to take advantage of them.
A white and red marked Koi is said be a blessing for well balanced relationships.
The Koi teach us to remember to honor all that is Sacred, to meditate and pray… to be thankful for all our many blessings large and small. To understand that our actions today will imprint for lifetimes just as it has for our Ancestor’s. So walk your paths wisely and ask for assistance from our Ancestor’s often.
Tiger teaches us to utilize persistence and patience as we look to manifesting our dreams and goals. By walking with the right steps, in positive and meaningful ways we will accomplish what we have set out to do or be. They show us that through honoring the power we all hold within and utilizing that energy and respect… All things are possible and what the world has to share is limitless. Use your instincts, emotion and feelings to help guide you. Rely on what the inner voice the Tiger within is sharing with you…
Tiger teaches us that we have personal strength that we can tap in to. It is that primal force that we are all born with, that will show us the way to step into and through situations with confidence enabling us to walk over the obstacles we may face. Tiger spirit will help us to overcome fears we may be holding onto, teaching us how to release them and turn them into positives. Temper the anger, control the fear thus achieving a balance.
Tiger shares Prowess and walks into our lives when we need to stand in our own truths with grace and respect, but know with that should be the balance of respect returned. We are all connected, we all imprint, so watch how words flow and actions play out for they in turn will open more doors of positives for you if executed in proper fashion.
Racoon is here to share that sometimes hiding behind the mask instead of engaging with life doesn’t win us points! Sometimes we need to utilize the tools that we have gathered here and there to obtain the goal we are seeking. That we need to be a champion of our own cause today! Not letting everyone else distract us from the task at hand.
Racoon teaches us to re-connect with our inner warrior, to become both provider and protector for ourselves and possibly others within our Sacred Hoop. However while assisting others, Racoon teaches us that we must in this process, learn to do this in a way that does not make those you are helping become dependent on your help. When dealing with issues the Racoon leaves no stone unturned. Patiently and diligently seek the solution by taking the time needed to observe the whole picture, both the seen and the unseen to find a positive solution.
Racoon’s are also the masters of curiosity, adaptability, resourcefulness, masks or illusion. They also speak of hiding behind and not being open an honest with your self. Learn to be more open and accept the gifts being offered to you right now by the universe. Be more versatile and watch for opportunity by being more aware of your surroundings and what is happening in and around your own Sacred Hoop.
Racoon teaches us that as human we wear many masks in life and sometimes feel the need to hide our true self as protection or to hide from the reality of a situation. Just remember it is okay to do that for a short time, but do not get lost behind that mask, for we all have purpose, we all have meaning in this walk we are on.
Coho Salmon bring to our lives and teach us ways of abundance, fertility, prosperity and renewal of both the physical and spiritual. Guiding us with transformation, intuition, instinct, and urging us to examine your life considering any of the obstacles we may have on our paths as we walk forward.
Coho Salmon teaches us that the most valuable and sacred things in life must be fought for. Although it may seem the odds are impossible and the struggles have worn you out, your needs, goals and dreams are near, and that the most resistance normally occurs just before we succeed. So do not stop and give up now. This is not time to go with the flow today… ignore what outside pressures are placing on you and go with your own intuition, follow your instincts they will not fail you.
Like the Coho Salmon we also go through several transitions throughout our lives, so remember if you are feeling stuck it may be time to transition into newness of self, leaving what is not needed anymore behind. Return to your Soul’s intent, feel the Sacred of you and honor that as you push ahead to reach your goals.
Emu is telling us that it is time to protect our energies from outside negative psychic or spiritual invasions (i.e. attacks). It is time to step into your spiritual armor and understand that this can and does happen. As we gain more and more spiritual insights, and our practices and routines become stronger… the inner light, inner strength and power becomes more obvious to others. Thus attracting attention and sometimes it is unwanted attention. So it is now time to clean your Sacred Hoops and set protection around it.
Emu tells us that most of the time that acknowledging and understanding these negative energies for what they are and then releasing them with love will most of the time, set them apart from us and release them back to the Universe for recycling. Emu teaches us that the knowledge we gather as we walk is now set to be put in place and utilized. Make sure though that first you take time to completely understand the scopes of that information before stepping into it, otherwise it may be like trying to drive a car without first learning how it works.
Emu helps us to stand in our power when we need to and when we need to go unseen and watch as things unfold around us. Making sure we see things clearly and are not hiding from the reality of our lives. They will remind us to drum thus grounding ourselves in the process and enabling us to tap into the spiritual realms with more ease. So today is the day…take your heads out of the sand and pay attention to what is real and what is illusion. AND REMEMBER, that just because you may not understand something or think it possible does not mean that it is not real…
Raven Magical …Mystical.. Slipping to time beyond time … Often I hear people say, where are the miracles, where is the magic, and I tell them it is but at your fingertips if you will but open your eyes! We need to remember that we all have abilities and they are all unique. yet with saying that we are all part of the puzzle and without us, life would not be complete. Remember that the next time you look into a mirror, or start to doubt what and who you are. Embrace yourselves in positives, and if you don’t, the Raven will pop in and start squawking at yah until you do.
Raven is here to tell us that we are exactly where we need to be at the precise moment in time. We are also being shown things that are in and around our Sacred Hoops are reflecting back to us what we need to learn about ourselves in order to move in positive motion ahead on our paths.
Raven teaches us about rebirth, recovery, renew and recycling, self reflection and healing our inner spiritual. Shine our light into the dark as we transition in to the change we are facing. Open our thought process to help us understand that there needs to be balance between light and the dark … that one does not occur without the other. To know one is to know the other, to understand them is to balance self.
Raven teaches us to listen closer to the world of spirit, for they are guiding us forward, helping us to remember what is important, what is sacred. That our souls can not take the material with us as we move and transition through life, but rather that it is the intangible things that imprint on us and we imprint on others that are most important. Allow that magic to spread to your soul and enlighten your spiritual.
The Gull is an amazing bird that most disregard as having purpose. Yet to understand the Gull is to respect and appreciate the bird as quite impressive. The Gull teaches us survival mode, which some situations may require us to deal with even in bad conditions or unpleasant ones in order to reach our true goals, our true dreams.
Gulls teach us to pay attention to Nature, and alert us to brewing storms that may be entering our lives. They are warriors sent by the Creator to cleanse negativity away allowing the positives to return and balance.
Gull talks about communication and how it is important to sometimes open those lines of communication in responsible ways. They also teach us to look deep at the magical world around us, for all we need is at our fingertips or deep within our souls to be able to move through in positives on our human walk.
Working with both the Elementals of Earth, Air and Water, they also teach us to be adaptable and sometimes we are called to behave and act differently under varied situations. This is okay and part of our learning how to communicate better with others and the world around us. Or perhaps they are showing us areas that we need to clean up in our own lives so that we can meet our full potential.
The Horse is all about wide open spaces when we need to kick the confines of everyday life away. But what we must understand is that it is our “CHOICE” to do so or not to. It is our “CHOICE” to help manifest positives in and around our lives. Do Not Say It can not be done, because all one has to do is look beyond our own pity parties to see positive examples of it. Often they are such profound examples that it will motivate our souls to get back on track with our life’s purpose.
Horse brings with it the joy of wide open spaces and the ability to move freely about. It shares that it is time to open the barn doors and venture out into the world to experience what the Universe is offering for all of us if we are willing to open to it in positive ways. They help to guide us swiftly and sure footed to the next part of the path we are to reach.
However in doing so Horse also shares that the herd is important. The ones that are within our Sacred Hoop…family…friends… that they are there to assist us as we move forward and not stay in the old ways, with things that need to be let loose. Mend fences and move forward with everything, but truly mend them do not just go through the motions, for if you don’t take the time needed you will loose the positives that are part of that same Sacred Hoop.
Horse tells us to awaken our souls and honor our true self, our true dreams and aspirations. Feel the wind, feel the earth beneath you, feel the sun share its warmth and energy, feel the water as it nourishes and cleanses. Allow your senses to be in a place of all that is Sacred.
The Elephant to remind all of us how to define family. Family is often more than merely born into or shared genetics. And it is time to acknowledge our spiritual families and people that mean the most to us. it is time to look at self and remember where our loyalty should lie, who it is that supports us and is there effortlessly. It is time to get in touch with our inner child and our inner elder, for we have been taught much but due to the chaos of days, it has been often set aside.
So Elephant tells us to honor relationships, the ones that have imprinted on our souls… the ones we wish we coulda, shoulda, woulda… said or shown gratitude for and throw some tobacco, a prayer to the Sacred Winds for what was not. Balance the debt even if it is in what seems like a small way.
Elephant brings with it determination and loyalty that are needed to walk through our human. Not to give up easily for if we stay the course smartly, our goals will be met. Elephant reminds us all we must look after ourselves first before can help others, and to follow our instincts they will show us where we need to go and what we need to nourish within our souls.
Family is an important aspect and to remember to focus on the very young and our Elders, it is our duty to care for both. Loyalty is another trait the Elephant brings out in us, reminding us ever so gently that sometimes we need to remain loyal in spite of difficult circumstances in all situations, for all will be made clear as we move ahead in positive steps.
Elephant communicates with its family intuitively and suggests that there is a memory that is being held on to tightly that needs to be let go, let go of the past, it is what has assisted us to this point, but needs to remain in the past.
Elephant is reminding us about gentleness, commitment, and communication for ourselves and all relationships in and about our own Sacred Hoops. That all of it is powerful medicine much needed as it helps us to keep relationships healthy.
The Butterfly is connected to the elemental Air. It represents to many cultures the story of Transformation. It teaches us how to shift, change and move with whatever life brings to our paths. This helps us to learn how to work through events and situations that we encounter in our lives so that we can move through changes in what appears to be effortless with grace allowing our Sacred Hoops to come into and stay balanced.
Butterfly shares with us the gift of understanding that we all have purpose, we are all part of a grander plan, that we all exist to complete the balance needed in the world we live in. Without each of us inputting our energies, our purposes… other things would not come to fruition. Such as the pollen that is collected when they land in a grouping of flowers, when they move from place to place they assist the species in continuing to exist. We too are much like the Butterfly, for without each of us to contribute our efforts, our knowledge sharing it with our young people, with each other… ideas and cultures would eventually cease to exist.
Butterfly teaches us that we need to quiet our minds to hear the echoes of our souls, to look around you and appreciate all that is Sacred. Teachings are also about how we move through our lives transforming and constantly changing. As we are seeded into the womb where we begin our earth journeys growing and nurturing to prepare to enter the world, we are much like the Butterfly in the cocoon until we emerge slowly transforming into what and who we are to become.

Our Elders and Ancestors have experienced much so we could be here… but not for us to hold onto the negatives they endured here as they walked among us, but rather so we would become stronger and wiser. Moose reminds us to remember the lessons so we do not have to relive them over and over again!
Moose reminds us of Life and the inner Strengths that each and everyone of us has deep down in our Soul’s. Moose is all about listening to our instinct and remaining in balance when using our strength, for sometimes situations call for gentle strength and at other times it calls on us to be fierce! They remind us to look to our Elders, our Wise ones in and around our Sacred Hoops for advice and perspective.
As large as Moose are they are still graceful in movement, stealth and quick when called for. That is a huge lesson for us to learn as we walk the Human. It isn’t always about being first, or always thinking that our way is the only way… it is about honoring and respecting all points of view and then choosing the most positive for you. Knowing our Soul’s true purpose is to walk in positives and experience life itself. Moose tells us to be proud of who we are as individuals and let no one tell you that you are less than.
Moose encourages us to be true to ourselves and who we are… Self Love is one of the hardest things to attain for many, so get your bootstraps, pull them up and walk proudly for who you are and remember it isn’t about ego, it isn’t about what others see in us… it is about balance and pride in the positives we are able to step forward in.
Bear shares to Be in the Moment….!!! Bear is all about fertility (creative and manifestation), instinct, protection and solitude. Those that walk with Bear are often somewhat reclusive requiring a great deal of personal space to renew and create. Bear people will often “disconnect” for awhile as they pursue projects becoming deeply involved in what they are working on. Deeply protective and territorial, Bear also is extremely loyal and dependable.
Bear teaches us when healing of any sort is needed to use that time for introspective work in order to grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and find answers to problems within yourself. Travel deep into your soul find the purpose in your own path and journey and walk ahead in positive steps.
Bear shares with us that in this time hibernation is not only good but needed, yet respect our natural hibernation cycle and remember to reawaken in the spring, in doing so awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind.
Bear teaches us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive, and perhaps a time for both in balance.
Ducks are amazing and they teach us all about balance… and we need balance starting the week off… they are buoyant, they maneuver up and down, in and out and all the way around to meet the task, without complaint. They teach us to keep moving forward, pushing through all the struggles.
Duck is and has been one of my favorite teachers! It speaks to us of diving into your deepest emotions in order to reach a calmer and more peaceful state. They teach us about how to get past adversary and accomplish our goals, sometimes by looking outside of the box to do so. To never stop trying, dreaming, moving ahead with those dreams and goals that you envision. They bring with them the medicine of living for the moment, and living large, loving, laughing.
Think of times in your life, or situations when you aren’t sure how, when. or where… and when you say I just can’t, think of the Ducklings that follow their mama’s no matter how high the deep the dive… how fast they have to run to keep up… they do so without hesitation.
The world pushes and pushes us each moment, sometimes so much it causes a negative outcome… that is when we need to recall the lesson of the Hummingbird the most, listen to the “Spirit World” as they whisper in our minds to slow down the pace… slow down the emotional that is racing through our systems and remember to Breathe!
With all the energy that has been swirling around us all, it is no surprise that the Hummingbird stops in today to share messages with us! Many of us out there have been experiencing all kinds of craziness and major energy shifts, it seems to be the nature of the world we live in lately. These shifts are often happening faster and sometimes moment to moment and causing us all to be a bit off balance (or at least to feel like we are on a boat that is rolling with the water as we try to regain our footing! So we need to remind ourselves when this occurs to stop…take a breathe before we take another motion forward, rest a bit and save our energy.
So many negatives in our world today, and many we are not in control of. So the best thing that we can do is to control how we react to it all. Calm our minds, say a prayer or send out positive thoughts and try to keep our heads above it all. If we can manage that…we will be surprised just how many good things will occur in the ripple outwards.
Hummingbird, symbol of resurrection, rebirth as they live each day and as the blanket of night spreads over the lands, these little birds become lifeless and appear to die. As Father Sun begins to awaken the world, his warmth touches the tiny wings and this little bird once again rises to the tasks of the day. Teaching us there is time for work and then we must have time to rest in order to revitalize our souls, our bodies and our minds.
Hummingbird brings the lesson of Joy with them, teaching us to remember the Sacredness of all life and how fragile it is. To remind us we must keep our Sacred Hoops in balance and honor our paths by remembering to slow down at times to feed, to gather strength and energy. To move in positives to attain our dreams and goals but do it in efficient ways, smart ways, thought out ways. Hummingbirds do not walk or hop, their feet are tiny and do not function as other birds, this is so they can be more efficient than other birds at their tasks. So with them they bring efficiency and teach us adaptability as well.
They show themselves when it is time to live your dreams in Joy and Happiness, understanding that the Universe, Creator God and the Ancestors are there to help us all, but you have to have Faith that it will come to pass.
Eagle speaks to us of our spiritual paths. I have been taught that the Eagle can fly to the heavens, that its wings can be touched by God Creator. When in it’s presence I feel the Grace of the Creator and All that is Sacred. The Eagle humbles me.
Teaching us to reflect and pause, to rejoice and reconnect to our spirits. To honor our paths, the ethics we have been taught. To Pray, to honor to live in a sacred manner. To listen to our Ancestors that have walked before us and in doing so listen to the wisdoms that have been shared so that we can walk more positive paths. Eagles the symbol of Courage and strength, to do … to walk… the right manner. To take that courage and step into what you re meant to step to in a positive way, and allowing our spirits to soar to the heights to share in God Creator’s extended grace.
Eagles with their sharp eyesight take us to the heights to observe situations in a manner that is more beneficial for us to make clear decisions. To become that visionary and push ourselves to discover and accept self, to accept truths, adapting , changing and growing along the way.
The medicine Eagle shares is, the ability to connect to the Divine, a power of God Creator. Being able to place one foot into the spirit realm and yet remain connected and balanced with Mother Earth.
So Honor your Spirit today and everyday by connecting with the Sacredness around you!
Dragonfly represents the link between All that is Sacred! So from this point forward… open your souls to feel, hear and understand the magical connections that we can have if we simply do not place limits on what is!
Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again.
Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.
Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.
Communication is Key and the Parrot wants us to remember that actions, deeds, words are mimicked by those around you. What we often fail to remember is that we are responsible for setting the tone or mood for the world around us. If we are confident and pleasant… things will reflect that in our daily walks. If we are negative and bitter our world becomes shaded and chaotic… full of negatives that spread like a disease. So be mindful of the imprints we all leave on the world around us today, and be a more positive part of it not only for yourself but for others as well.
Parrot assists us in seeing that possibilities are endless as we walk the human. Sharing with us that we need to open ourselves up and communicate with the world around us. The Parrot teaches us to look at situations and opinions that are different than yours. It is all about hearing what we are listening to so that we may learn what we can accomplish, what we are capable of. To go outside of our boundaries of what we may right now consider normal. Because different, extraordinary may just be our New Normal!
Parrot brings us reminders about what is in the power of Father Sun and the healing energy that is offered. They share with us the understanding that will help balance and find harmony with all life around us. Aligning our Sacred Hoops with the pure joy and magic of all things possible.
Fox tells us sometimes it is best to be patient watching how things unfold, observing how best to avoid negatives and dangerous situations in order to go about your own business in a better way. So be mindful as the day unfolds folks, for there is enough agitation and chaos already in it, we most definitely do not need to add to it!
The Fox brings us lessons on survival and adaptability, teaching us that sometimes it is best to hide in plain sight rather than to secure yourself in the shadows. To be adaptable in the pursuit of our goals, so we can accomplish what we have set out to do for the highest good.
Fox calls us to listen to that little voice we all have inside called “intuition” and trust it when it signals us to be aware of certain things as we are walking our paths. Fox also reminds us that it is okay to be alone once in awhile for it teaches us to be self reliant and independent, which makes us stronger beings able to stand in our Sacred Hoops balanced and secure.
Yet be aware and walk with open senses to the world around you so that you will not be surprised but rather prepared for what shows up on your walk. Patience is another lesson Fox brings to the table for us, patience to watch, listen and learn without movement until we can gain the knowledge needed to accomplish what we have set out to be or do. If we rely on what it is we instinctively know, it will guide us in the right direction.
Know what it is you are seeking and then reach into your toolkit that you have been provided and use what you know in positive ways to get you there.
Dove teaches us when it is time to soar to new heights by using the element of air, “the wind beneath your wings”. That we must trust in the Universe, in Creator God for they are there supporting us, assisting us, but they will not choose or do the work for us. That nothing will prevent us from attaining our goals except ourselves. So we need to Trust and have Faith in all that is Sacred has purpose, has reason.
Dove reminds us to stop and breathe in the 7 Sacred breathes, letting go of the inner storms that are stirring and tap into the inner peace that can be found deep in our very souls. That what we are seeing is the chaos of the storm, and that after the storm is calm and beauty, for what we are seeking to attain is attainable and will be if we stay strong and show patience with the situation. They also represent peaceful resolutions can be found. They also represent travel time is approaching, perhaps in meditative state or in a physical sense.
The Polar Bear shares that it is time to dig deep within your self and balance your Sacred Hoop. Discard what is no longer needed so that you may move ahead on your path in a positive way. Polar Bears are all about the Winter which relates to nurturing self, taking time to feed your soul and examine what is needed for us to take steps forward to survive and flourish in a healthy manner.
Polar Bear steps in to show us all how strong we can be as we face life’s challenges that are thrown at us from time to time. It is time to stand up and show that strength in the dark corners of our life and take ownership of the light that needs to shine from within. Helping to guide us between our human walk and our connections to spirit.
Polar Bear tells us to clean out our dens of unwanted and unneeded energies that are no longer healthy for us. creating for us in that process a renewal of Spirit and thought and putting us back to balancing our Sacred Hoops. We need to remember we are responsible for self and are the only ones that can set ourselves to that place of balance and positives. In a sense we are the masters of our own Universe… so own that …empower yourself …. and love yourself… if we can understand and attain that we will allow other positives into our life with that alignment.
Beaver tells us to step outside the negative cycles and break them by moving through them in positive ways, respectful ways, with humility and gratefulness… the way our Ancestral Teachings were given to us… Keep to the honest and loving ways we were taught as young ones, find your compassion and humanity again and make it stronger.
Beaver shares that it is time to build our dreams into reality teaching us that we need to remember to rely on self, but in the process not to loose the sense of family that leads us to being an important part of community. Traditions and culture both help to build the strong foundations of who we are as individuals.
Do not be afraid to push and build your dreams into reality. Beaver reminds us to be creative, use the strong foundations that have been laid into place and grow from that. Expand your thoughts, your abilities enabling you to grow into a new sense of being. Clear the old and replace it with newer and stronger ties reinforcing who we are and where we came from.
Beaver will teach us if we allow it to, when to build up the walls to protect and rest, but also teaches us to remember to clean and change as we need to, flowing with the patterns of life. Adaptability so we do not get forced into situations we should not or do not want to be in. Always look at alternatives for there are many ways to go about things.
Beaver reminds us that it is good to be creative, to stay busy …but to also remember teamwork gets the job done quicker at times. So stop for a moment to catch your breath and look at what is going on in your life at the moment, and move forward in a positive way, utilizing all the tools and assets that have been placed in front of you, remembering that all parts of life are needed to do so.
Snow Goose teaches us to respect traditions; for the past indeed holds keys to our futures it reminds us of what is important so that our own Sacred Hoops remain healthy and balanced. Teaching us it is a cautious time with the energy shifts that are occurring, to be making any large changes in our lives without great thought and preparations.
Snow Goose also teaches us about asking for help and support, working together with others within your circle to accomplish more than what could be done alone. Working alongside another or in a group teaches us the benefits of cooperation and belonging.
Snow Goose shares the talent of communication through writing and storytelling. Stay open to new ideas, to spiritual quests, and traveling just be prepared before you do so. It’s time to move forward with your life. Move with care and enjoy. Be flexible. Let go of the old allowing yourself to move into positives with an ease of motion.
the Scarab
There are aspects of change that are being pushed at you that are not necessarily about you and what is right for you. Look at the situation from all angles and look towards a compromise that works for all involved. The main issue is more than likely something that is ongoing and/or unresolved with family or friends that will require you to be part of even though you are in the background of things. You will act as a grounding influence. Remove yourself from the drama but instill yourself where needed.
The Scarab also brings you information of positive outcomes in your life for situations that may be present at the moment,. Stand your ground and soon all will be resolved with a positive and higher purpose.
Otter rests in the Butterfly Clan on the Medicine Wheel. It teaches and shares with us about the elements of Earth and Water since it is able to live on the land yet still needs to be close to the water. Teaching the importance of strong family ties, being able to adapt to what life throws at us, it reminds us of parental instincts, playfulness, and about being able to stop and take time to play and enjoy what life is offering.
The fact that Otter is popping up today signifies it is time to take that break to refuel, renew, re-energize ourselves. The new page has been placed in front of us, and we will need to work to accomplish the goals we have set, but in doing so we must keep the balance of our Sacred Hoops. Play/Work = Balance…. Feeding our spiritual in the process. Otter also speaks to balancing the light with the dark, for it is difficult to walk only one side of the road without understanding the other.
Otters are also telling us to adapt if we need to, we will be stronger for it and in doing so we will be able to transition through things seamlessly.
Loons remind us to understand that often we are being taught while in dream state, or perhaps even visited by our Guides, Spirit and/or Loved Ones that have continued on a journey past the mere physical. We need to be open to what they are sharing with us, for they are assisting us in walking the human in a more positive way and getting us through stress and everyday life obstacles.
Loon calls through the reality and illusion of time as we know it. Mystically being able to conjure spirit and energy with their very voice will help you to awaken to possibilities that you may not have noticed and inspire your creativity. It’s time to allow the boundaries we have placed on our minds to fall away and understand that the cosmic consciousness is bigger than just one single thought… one single act…one single being…
So open to the manifestations you are trying to make happen and realize the only thing that stops us from reaching our goals is the boundaries and limits we place on self. Open to being the best incarnation of you that can be… grow, learn, live, love and expand with each new experience. Allow your soul’s very essence to reach beyond what we can see with our conscious mind and expand into all that is Sacred….
Owl brings both Magical and Spiritual energies with it’s presence… always Sacred to me, and to be revered by all. The Owl speaks to us of knowledge and answers that as Human we often are looking for.
Owl suggests to us that what we do not realize is often the answers we are the seeking, is actually the journey itself. If we will but slow down and open or eyes so that our vision can see the slightest movement, our ears can hear even the quietest whisper and our minds process the life we are indeed walking, we would actually come to understand that the process of our walk, our Life, our very path is the answer. Once we can accept that, we can then begin to balance our Sacred Hoops so that they resonate in positives allowing healing, joy, acceptance, happiness over the fact that we ARE. That we CAN… and bring our dreams into reality.
The Owl shares with us the Great Mystery and all that is to be understood in life as we walk the human path. Teaching us to be open and see with wonderment the life that is around us, interacting with us, sharing with us, part of us, even in the smallest of ways. In return showing us how we can impact it all in return. To keep our eyes open in even in what we may perceive as dark times, for that glimmer of hope and light to shine through.
Remember to fly beyond and look at the larger picture so better to plan ahead how to approach situations, people or the journey itself. It teaches us to use our intuition and deep connections with wisdom that has been seeded deep within our souls.
If he has showed up in your life today… perhaps you need to look closer for the hidden truths.
The Clown Fish and Anemone fish share their spiritual guidance with us to assist us in finding and understanding wisdom, knowledge and teachings that can will help us to overcome the challenges that we face in life. The Sea Anemone is known as the flower of the ocean, yet has deadly thorns, yet the Clown fish fearlessly takes refuge within her grasp. Bright and vibrant in appearance the Clown Fish is widely known for its bright orange/yellow coloration and bright white stripes. Together they are a formidable pair with the use of beauty as camouflage they teach us the ability to hide within dangerous situations and to move carefully through our lives.
Coexistence and symbiotic relationships…
They teach us that things can appear as one thing and be something totally different. Do not be quick to jump to assuming the worst and make sure to watch for hidden obstacles and dangers as you tread through a given situation. They assist us with keeping safe from negativity. None of us are danger proof. All of us are prone to encounter difficult situations that we should/could avoid. Sometimes it is better to move to a safe position than directly confronting something. It doesn’t show weakness, quite the opposite it shows strength of character and wisdom.
The Scorpion is teaching us to be extra be careful as we walk our paths, pay more attention to the surroundings and who/what are in it. It is not a good thing for us to tread heavy with words… but rather to choose them wisely least that come back to bite you in the butt. Sometimes we don’t think before speaking, doing, setting into motion. Today is not the day to do that. We must remember that words and actions can sting and harm others and ultimately ourselves when it returns the Karma. So although we can be guarded we must remain vigilant in our life path of positive imprints on the world we live in.
Don’t spread the poison, curb it and learn how to heal from it instead.
Scorpion shows up when there is poison at work in our lives. Such as a toxic relationship or situation that is working against you and how you need to move forward in a positive way. It shares that we need to watch our backs due to the element of Fire being present. Scorpion brings the ability of transmuting that poison through that fire allowing the poison back to the place of origin or into the universe to be recycled into positives.
Scorpion medicine is strong and we must remember that is should be approached with caution and used only for positive outcome, or it’s poison will come back and fill our own lives with negatives.
Be cautious of your thoughts, your tongue and your deeds. Look at life and see what no longer serves and remove them from our lives, our paths so that we can move in more positive steps. Look at minimizing the enabling of others that causes us to be unable to move forward. Re-establish our boundaries, make clear decisions about which direction the next few months will take and move on.
Scorpions teach us strength and show us that we have the ability to inspire others. To be passionate about life and remember that what lies in the dark is not always bad, but rather to be understood and used in a more positive way.
Badger shows up to remind us that we all must trust in our abilities utilize them to take on challenges that show up in our journeys. It is time to step away from our hiding places we have created and show the world what we are made of. Remember what is important to us and who we are as unique individuals that have a place in this world. The message is loud and clear… walk your own path to the beat of your own drum. Have faith in yourself and your talents and abilities. Know that you handle any challenge that shows up. Who cares what others say. Come out from hiding and start taking names and numbers.
Aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for what you want in this life and that is what Badger has to teach us. Just how to temper it and apply the right kid of pressure when needed and when to make a stand. Badger teaches us to use our healing abilities to push forward in positives in life and to aggressively move the obstacles that are in our way even if we are the ones that have placed them there.

Associated with the element of Air. The botanical name for Sweetgrass is Heirochloe odorata, currently growing mainly in the plains across the United States and on up into Canada. The plant can induce a soporific effect and have been used in meditation and shamanistic rituals with the belief that it has some mild psychotropic properties.
Native People believe that Sweetgrass is the first plant that covered the Great Mother Earth. It is viewed as Sacred often using this plant for religious purposes such as making incense and calling spirits as well as to aid us during fasting. Drawing in positive vibrational energy along with purification it drives away the negative spirits and energies while the sweetness draws in the positive energies and spirits to assist us and guide us in the right ways.
When we use Sweetgrass for smudging drawing in positive energies it changes the energy of one’s space and being. Traditionally you will see the Sweetgrass twisted into braids commercially, and sometimes in smudge packages…I have braids in the rooms of my home and among my sacred objects. I often add clippings into my own smudge mixture with the White Sage, for it adds purification to the intention and space.
Sweetgrass can instantly change the energy surrounding one’s physical body and environment while improving our emotional state, bringing it to a renewed perspective. It draws the feelings of abundance and uplifts our spirits as it invades our senses. It also provides a positive energy to our auric fields and is useful as we perform energy work or healing practices. Used when you need to balance or are in need of comfort, it will bring calmness and peace to your thoughts. I have found it to immediately give me a sense of empowerment, of clarity, and the ability to refocus my thoughts in order to gain a better perspective from a more positive place.
Praying Mantis reminds us this day that as Humans we need to walk hand in hand with this amazing world we share with so many… Not only others like us, but ALL Creatures and Life that are part of the Great Mother Earth. We need to remember that even the smallest pebble, the tiniest blade of grass have purpose in the Great Sacred Circle, and it is up to each of us to keep it protected and safe. Just as it is the same with each other… we must keep each other protected and safe from all the negatives in this world.
Praying Mantis shares that we have gotten lost in the daily activity and chaos of our own lives. That we have forgotten to listen to our own voice. With that said it is time to take a step back and breathe in the 7 Sacred breathes. Reground, replenish what we have given away to this moment. Possibly do some simple meditation to recenter ourselves and remember our true self, our true path. Take a moment and breathe, look at all that is Sacred around us. the beauty of even the simplest thing or thought. Time to contemplate before stepping back into life. By doing this you will rekindle the purpose and meaning that are needed at this time.
Praying Mantis teaches us to return to the core of who we are born as. To step on our path with thoughtful placement of how we will imprint ourselves into the world around us. To carefully consider how we will move forward in positives and be prepared to step quickly and decisively when we need to. It is time to listen to our intuition, do not push it away it has guided you through your life sometimes without us realizing. Trust what you are sensing, what you are feeling and move or stand accordingly to that inner voice.
Orca is one of the most revered of the ancient Ones who swim and protect our Waters. Their songs speak to us of healing from deep within our souls. Listen as they begin calling in positive vibrations of thought and sound. Orca’s guide us through the depths of our own emotions allowing us to explore and mend self more effortlessly by moving with the waves of life, rather than against. They help us access the Ancestor’s knowledge that is buried deep within our own DNA that is the key to all that is Sacred.
Orca is guiding you to search your soul… looking inward is the only way that we can move forward in positive motions at this time. Orca will help us to understand self and give us a clear view to set our intention of what is needed in the situation for the highest good. Orca will guide and help us to confront our emotions that are out of control by making connections that are needed between our conscious and subconscious to bring about the balance we need in our Sacred Hoops.
Opossum teaches us all about the fact appearances are not all as they may seem. Sometimes we need to look closer in order to see the truths and understand things in order to allow us to move forward in a positive way.
Opossum teaches us how to deal with the art of deceptions and illusions in order to protect ourselves in times when the situation may call for it. We also need to take time to rest or heal if needed, this is what the possum may do by pretending to be dead, teaching us that sometimes what we may appear to be feeling or doing is not our true feelings at all.
They teach us that sometimes it is best to face our fears even though we would rather run and hide from them. Opossum shares that sometimes we should fight and sometimes it is best left for another time.
The Frog teaches us of transition and transformation, supporting us as we walk through times of change. Connecting us with the our deepest emotions and assisting us with the process of cleansing our physical, emotional, spiritual selves to attain balance.
The Frog represents the cycles of life, birth and rebirth. If we take a glimpse at the Frogs own journey through life from a tadpole to the adult state it mirrors the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our own lives.
Frog assists us with the process of owning our own personal power. Recognizing it by cleansing ourselves of what no longer serves us and embracing with open arms what is now possible.
The Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta is known for its splendor and color. They are associated with the Element of Air, which some may find as odd but they are lung breathers. So they bring and share with us that there are times in our lives that we simply need to stop and breathe. The Betta reminds us to not get into situations so deep that you forget the core of the issues. Swim and enjoy the flow of life.
Balance our masculine energy with our feminine side as does the Siamese Fighting Fish as it is the male that tends to the young and cares for the nest, defending and nurturing them. Remember to nurture the young spirit within our souls.
Siamese Fighting Fish teaches us how to be independent, to stand up for what we believe in, utilizing our intuitive nature that is strongest when we are associated and form relationships with the element of Water. The relationship with the spiritual and the ability to open and hear what is being shared through visions, dream state or clairaudience.
It also teaches us to keep our ego in check, never feel you are better than or less than another for the Universe will bring balance if you do not honor it on your own, so remember that We Are All Related yet unique and Sacred.
Red Tail Hawk shows up to help us understand the meaning in ordinary experiences if open and become aware of our surroundings. The Red Tail Hawk is awakening our souls so that we may begin the journey of our spirituality, preparing us for those Life Lessons that will soon show up.
Red Tail Hawks are messengers of the between, sharing insights and knowledge extended to us from the Ancestors and the world of Spirit. They speak to us of looking from a different vantage point and thus giving us a broader view of any given situation, helping us to not only be aware that a message awaits us, but also helping us to understand those messages.
Red Tailed Hawks are sacred and as they enter our presence, we must honor them by opening our minds and keeping them sharp while we look for wisdom and answers as we walk the human.
The Red Tailed Hawk’s red tail feathers distinguish it from other hawks, and remember that it does not receive their red feathers until at a later point in life after it has matured and experienced life around it. These feathers must be earned. The color Red represents Power and Energy that will lie dormant until it is awakened by our Souls as they walk and journey life and honor its own Sacred Hoop.
Rabbit reminds us all to remember we need to nurture ourselves in order to allow our Spiritual growth to occur. It shares with us that we have all the tools needed inside of us if we just stop for a moment to collect ourselves and reach into that toolkit we all carry. By stopping for that moment and listening to that inner voice, it will give us a chance to strengthen our plans that are in motion, or review the ones we are contemplating.
Rabbit tells us not to be so quick to jump to conclusions, rather look at the larger picture and then move quickly as your instinct guides you rather than allowing fear to move you forward. Pursue your dreams, your goals with a little more adaptability, network with friends and family to help you get the results that are desired.
They also represent fertility, but of course it is up to us to make sure that that fertility shows up as positives such as creativeness, happiness, success and not negatives that we hold onto that eventually turn into fear, anger, bitterness, depression, illnesses.
Rabbit teaches that defending ourselves doesn’t always mean fighting back; it can also be accomplished by listening to what is happening in and around our Sacred Hoops and then using our intuition for the best possible outcome.
Rabbit has a short life so it also reminds us to take advantage of every waking moment for all life is Sacred. Don’t get stuck on the little things in life or life around you will pass by in a blink of an eye and you will have missed the journey.
Squirrel shows up to remind us we need to also balance our lives and have a little fun. We often get so caught up in life we forget to stop and breathe let alone relax and have a little fun in the process. We need to learn to not take life so seriously all the time. Work has it’s place in our life…but so does fun and enjoyment, and each of our souls need to be fed in order to be healthy.
Of course Squirrel also is there to remind us that playtime is not all the time. They remind us to be prepared and structured so that we are able to play at the end of the day! (No pun intended) But don’t over do it and use all that energy and positive vibe that you collected and managed to store up. Squirrel also reminds us to take a look at our life and get rid of the clutter that has collected, whether it be actual stuff or emotional baggage. Deal with it and get rid of it, what good is it doing you other than adding stress to our life? The past needs to remain in the past… deal with it and let it go!
On the negative side of things, Squirrel can be easy targets and when they are they are trying to play catch up or trying to fit in making our selves into someone we are not … then we wind up spent on the side of the road. That is a high cost to pay and should be avoided.

Air is unseen but still makes its presence known for it is Life to all the walk the earth and fly the skies… we need to breathe it in to make our systems …our human work and be. So stop and take a deep breath in and experience the rush of energy and insights it will allow you to have. Let it re-energize your minds, clear your emotions, shore up your steps as you walk through your days.
The Element of Air is a light, active element and is contrary to Earth. It is associated with the qualities of darkness, thinness and motion. Air…the principle of movement unseen but can be felt and its effects on all that is sacred seen. It can be fierce or gentle. We do not know where it comes from or where it goes, simply that we can track its movement. It is associated with the North on the Medicine Wheel, for that is where the strongest of winds come from.
So step out and feel the Elemental of Air on your face and be open to all that it brings to you in magical and mystical ways!
Fire is all about passion, drive, creation and motivation that steps out in our lives. The Elemental Fire ignites within us sheer will and determination to get the job done. It not only represents our own souls light but is about the Divine Fire that is within each of us. Fire has a place both here in the physical Earth plane and secondly in the spiritual one. Fire is powerful and needs to be understood when using it, both physically and spiritually.
The Elemental of Fire can assist you with standing in your own power. It will assist you in manifestation as you move forward in positives to your goals. It requires us to tend and feed it as flame begins to dwindle. We need to use caution with Fire as it can consume us, yet it has balance and can also share light and heat. It shines and dances leaping into the air bringing light to the darkness, and thus balance. It sings out for us to dance, listen to the drum of our own heartbeats, and share in the magic that Fire brings about.
Today is about following your instincts, channeling the inner fire to get the job done. Fire ignites the extreme within us to trust that ancient wisdom that is in our genetic DNA urging us to listen to the little voice within, stop second guessing yourself and get done what is needed. For at the end of the day, there will be much to show for having done just that. Allow it to not only inspire you, but those around you! Just remember when it is evident in your life, the Elemental Fire needs to have balance and work with what is around the our life circles in a positive manner.
Water is here to cleanse, renew… so trust in what it is you are feeling and do not allow others to taint that today. For there is much turbulence in the air today. So simply be aware!
Water asks do you want a healthy relationship…then make healthy choices to attract just that and then participate in it in a healthy way. You want your job to be good…school to be good then understand if you look at life in more positive ways… more positive things will occur.
Cleanse…renew…refresh your thought process… your way of being… wash your hands of negativity…shower it off and let it go down the drain… or go jump in a lake and feel alive again. Whatever you want things to be… how you want them to turn out…. control it and harness the power of what Water can do for you.
Water is all about cleansing. It brings with it fluid dream states, healing powers, fluidity within our lives, regeneration and rebirth, changes that are needed within and without our Sacred Circles and the process of unconditional love for self and others.
Water is attached with Autumn the time of death and rebirth. Water is also associated with the direction of the West. Water relates to our feminine sides, Water also represents emotions and our subconscious minds, or going within. It works with our psychic abilities and will assist in the magical world with spells utilizing mirrors.
Water is strength…so learn to harness it as it takes up 65% of our human selves… Harness it… refresh it… renew your souls with it…!
The Great Earth Mother shares with us all that we need to survive and walk the Human. Earth shows itself from deep within the deck and appears as the seventh card. Earth Medicines speaks to us of how we live our lives. About how we go about sharing your personality with the world around us. Our Hopes, aspirations and fears…how we embrace and live out our dreams.
Earth is not interested about what affects us, but rather teaches us to learn how to interact and balance with all that is Sacred. How we go about honoring that precious balance of our Sacred Hoops and that of the larger complete Circle… life. It is whispering for us all to understand how everything inter relates to every living and breathing thing here on the Great Mother. From the smallest creature to the largest tree that stands on the tallest mountain that has the clearest water running down its sides in order to replenish the Earth.
Earth speaks to the understanding of the Medicine Wheel, as a foundation to how we build our lives and walk it. It teaches us our strengths and weaknesses. Earth shows us that sometimes no matter what is going on around us we need to center and ground our souls, allowing the energy to move us in positives. To fill our beings with what has been provided to us, simply understanding that all we need has been shared… we do not own it… but rather have been given the gift of caring for… Not only the earth we stand on …but the human form we dwell in.
So today remind yourself to take care of self. Nurture and care for what has been shared with us in order to sustain a healthy balance of Mind, Body and Spirit. Fill your days with positive ritual, pray often, communicate with others clearly and in positives, awaken your minds and souls to what is, rather than what we may think. Learn to be forgiving and more unconditional with self and others for it will help nurture good things to grow such as Love and Faith in each other, in community.
Earth teaches us to stand tall as the Redwoods… as dignified as the Mountains…to learn to flow as the rivers and waters of the Earth…gently some times and at others as a raging storm. whatever it may be…honor the Sacred, observe the lessons of the creatures that walk the planet… And most of all be thankful for all we have been given in order to walk our human.
Grandmother Moon is offering her energy so we are able to manifest the things we most need and want in our lives. Just remember to thank her as you work with her. This will be a powerful week so also remind yourselves to put those crystals, Rocks and Gems outside allowing them to soak all that energy up. Help to make your life magical, learn to work with the energies that present and you will gain powerful tools to add to the proverbial tool kits we each have within.
Grandmother Moon setting high in Father Sky’s grasp gazing at us with loving eyes as she light shimmers blessings down upon us. With the energy that has been in the air recently and the seemingly thinning of the great Veil between worlds at the moment, how fitting that she comes to shed some insight with us this day!
Grandmother Moon shares with us a reminder that we should appreciate and protect our knowledge, and to understand that the answers we may seek are not always meant to be easily revealed to us. We must at times show more patience to circumstance, to look in to the shadows in order to understand and attain balance.
Grandmother Moon also tells us to respect our Great Mother and all that dwells on her surface, not only the Human factors but all the Creatures, the Rock and Crystal People, the Plants and Elementals that live among us and to look closer at things we do not understand, for as light moves over us/it all …circumstance and things look differently. Remember to see with clear eyes all sides of the issues and life in order to attain a fuller understanding of what it is we need to move forward in positives.
Feel the blessings and energy that Grandmother Moon sends to us and embrace it instead of fighting it. Learn to move like the tides adjusting and adapting to her Grace and Power

Grandfather Sun is very important to all of us. The sun has been looked upon as the giver of light, heat, welcomed by the crops that are planted and all of the Plant People and bring about growth. The rays of the sun also represent the cardinal directions, North, South, East and West..
So as it enters our space here today and in days to come, Grandfather Sun brings with him the Creator’s Healing Grace. He shines and sends shadows and negativity away. The warmth it provides us is like a mother’s hug wrapping around us to say everything is gonna be alright.
Today have a bit of faith, open your hearts to experience the good in the world and let the shadows of negativity dissipate from the light of your soul. Feel what is strong and powerful in your selves and let that positive shine for the world to see. Allow your growth to continue, experience the strength from within that we all have, that although it may be being tested at the moment, still has what is needed to get through it all.
Breathe and feel his fingers upon your faces as Grandfather Sun freely gives us the power he provides unconditionally. Enjoy your day and don’t let dark clouds detour you from your goals!

Whether it be the Winged Ones, the Four Leggeds, the Plant People, the Crystal and Rock Keepers, the Swimmers or Creepers we all evolve together in the harmony that we were born to. The four lines in the Wheel speak to us of the four directions, the four colors to the cultures and the four parts of our human, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. To understand the Medicine Wheel is to understand self.
This is what we need to understand, that the strengths, the creative, the spiritual, the faults, the imperfections all lie with in each of us. They are all part of who we are, constantly evolving. As a wheel is circular and continues in a constant state of birth to death constantly moving through change, so are we. To understand that about ourselves is how we are to attain balance.
To understand that we are All Connected, that we All Imprint on the world, the energy that we exist in is to understand the nature of how things co-exist. That there has to be opposites for balance…light and dark. rain and heat, night and day, birth and death… All a intricate part of the Human experience.
Ask yourself what is it that you need to day to add to the positives in your own life, what is it you need in order to set your mind to in order to keep the negative at bay? So today, look to yourself and think about how each word, each action, each breath you take is part of a bigger Hoop, then think what it is You need to do to put your own Sacred Hoop into a place of balance with all that is Sacred honoring who you are meant to be.
The Dreamcatcher represents our lives as we weave them to life… so weave them strong, weave them as you choose. We can always listen to advice of others, but ultimately we are the ones that choose how we proceed. Do not live your life based on others expectations but rather to what feels right to you. Listen to that little voice inside for that is your soul speaking and guiding you on your journey.
So Dream and Dream Big! If we can envision it we can definitely accomplish it… we simply must believe in ourselves.

A Medicine Bag ( also called a Medicine Pouch) is traditionally a small pouch filled with talismans such as stones, herbs, found objects, personal memorabilia and its purpose is protection, to remind us of our human and All that is Sacred and to assist us in healing and keeping our Sacred Hoops in balance. Native Americans have carried these bags for centuries, but in recent years, they’ve also become popular in our modern day culture but most are unaware of the intent/purpose of them.
Traditionally a Medicine Bag or bundle contains something from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms and from the life of a person. Meant to be kept close to your person so that the spiritual power surrounds you and becomes one with your energy. In a sense it becomes one with who you are. What goes onto the bag is your personal medicine, things you draw “power” from that will aid you as you walk your paths. If you receive one as a gift, the maker or person gifting it should add something of their own to help you on your journey.
Understand that a traditional Medicine Bag is Sacred. The bag should not be opened by anyone else. It is up to the individual whose bag it is if they choose to take items out in order to share with others the story behind them, or to use them for healing purposes. Each item is considered Sacred and is meant to assist its owner with power and spirituality while they walk the Human. Allowing others to access the bag and it’s contents, ‘steals’ the power and lessons its intent for the owner.
White Sage speaks all about the Sacred Within each of us! We need to take the time to honor that and all that is Sacred in and around our lives. Time to recognize it and send thanks and gratitude up to the Creator and Ancestors, keeping us strong of mind, heart, body and keeping our intents positive.White Sage shows us that it is time to change the path of the negatives that surround us in the world today by shielding ourselves with positives! Sometimes we need to look deep within ourselves to see the destructive cycles that we have placed ourselves in most of the time without even realizing it, and then set about releasing them. Thus changing our very thought patterns. Learn to look in the mirror and see the reflection understanding that we are in deed human and have flaws. But that those flaws do not mean we are unlovable, incapable, unwanted, rather they mean we have opportunity to grow, to expand to better ourselves, and heal.
Begin by giving yourself the love you deserve… Self Love. All the time understanding and knowing that the Creator and the Ancestors that walked before us support and assist us if we are open to it. We simply have to believe and have faith. Life does not work by pushing the “Easy” button… it is all about the journey and the process we go through to make us whole, balanced and walking in positives.
White Sage speaks to honoring family, friends, all people and creatures that have walked with you and that have yet to enter your path. Honor your Guides, the Spirit that assist you each day. Honor the Elementals, the Directions, the Great Mother Earth and Father Sky. Honor Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun.
This is what the Sacred Sage reminds us of, this is the tone it sets for us to follow. Remember it is not owned by anyone, it is one of the Great Mother Earth’s many gifts to us and it is up to all of us to keep all that is Sacred safe and thriving.
White Sage assists in clearing our energy fields, driving out the negative and strengthening the positives. White Sage is held Sacred because of it’s effective purifying energies. It heals by bringing us back to balance cleansing the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. Leaves are at times burned to drive away bad spirits, evil influences, bad dreams, bad thoughts, and illness.
The Honey Bee serves a very specific purpose in life, it’s job is to pollinate plants and collect nectar to make Honey. It is what drives the continued life cycle of all the plants we see and use in our daily lives. It has been said that Bees are so important to our ecosystem that if they become extinct, humans would cease to exist as well soon afterward.
Honey Bee reminds us to continue to be (no pun intended) productive in our lives while at the same time remembering to enjoy the results of all our hard work. Bees should not be able to fly for their tiny bodies are not designed aerodynamically, yet they don’t dwell on it rather they just DO. Bees also teach us about community. As they move from plant to plant, they help to continue the life cycle.
Honey Bee teaches balance with our lives, even though they are amazing workers; they also slow down to enjoy life. Reminding us that otherwise life’s purpose holds no meaning.
“Across the country and the world, many pollinators are in decline or at risk of extinction. It’s a serious issue because forests, prairies, meadows, wetlands, seashores and croplands all depend on a diverse and healthy pollinator community to thrive. Globally, nearly 85 percent of all flowering plants require help from animals to produce seeds and fruit. Without them, neither humans nor wildlife would have as much to eat and as a result the planet’s biodiversity would plummet.” ~ Gene Brandi, Bee Keeper
We need to be mindful of the Bee’s and assist them in thriving and continuing their work. We need to plant gardens, flowers that will assist the process for all the Creatures of the Great Mother Earth. WE need to become the Caretakers we are meant to be, and stop destroying the very ground we live upon.
White Buffalo brings with it the Ancestors that speak to us reminding us it is time to open ourselves to what should be, not what Greed is directing it to be, Not what Ego’s are directing us to. It is a time to rise above it all, as the Ancestors that walked this Earth before us were taught….so it is up to us to remember. Wisdom… Honesty… Truth…Respect…Humility…Courage and Love. It is Time to restore the Faith we have in Human. It is time to reconnect to teachings of Old. It is time to embrace All that is Sacred and look closer to the things we feed our souls with. It is Time once again to walk in Balance of Light and Shadow…
White Buffalo shares with us that it is time to honor all that is sacred in and around us. It is about the power of Prayer. It is time to feed our souls, our spirituality. That in order to allow abundance into our lives we must walk the Sacred Path, but also be open to the fact that all life, all that has been shared with us no matter how small …how large, is Sacred.
The White Buffalo is connected to the teachings of the original people, the things that often are forgotten by us in this modern day world that is filled with material and greed. The White Buffalo warns us and gently nudges to remind us that we must not forget to be grateful, thankful, and take care of our Sacred Hoops.
To talk to the Universe and God Creator often, to share with others the simple positive things such as prayer, ritual, ceremony, traditions. To slow down so that we do not forget the lessons of old and where it is we come from. When we honor that process we will assist in manifesting our dreams, our goals in a more positive light.
White Buffalo will help to keep us grounded and on the right walk, allowing us to realize that when we are walking correctly the path is much easier to move upon.
That little voice in our heads, the tingle we may feel as we walk through our days, that knowing we have and stop for a second to say hmmm how did I know that? All little ways that our Ancestors reach out to us through time /no time itself to assist and guide us as we walk our human. Yes we are not going crazy; we are simply tapping into lessons and teachings of long ago… things that resonate to the very core of our souls as truths and understandings.
So what does this a;; have to do with today you are thinking? Well it has everything to do with today, for as we move forward…as we take each step… with each thought and action we take… we must remember we too are imprinting and leaving our own mark on the world. One day the people from tribes of the future will look back on us as the Ancestors, so let us make sure when they do they are thanking us.
If we make that conscious effort to stay in positives within and outside our own Sacred Hoops… perhaps we can influence positive change and movement that will echo through time/no time and strengthen the basic teachings, the very foundations which we come from. Whether you are Baptist, Buddhist, Aboriginal, Islamic, Born Again, Catholic, or Jew… whether you are gay, heterosexual, yellow, black, brown or white… poor or rich, young or old… we all imprint, we all can choose to promote positive over negatives.
So today choose to honor our Ancestors as they support us… Today share a story from old times gone by so they are not lost. Today stop and say a prayer or even simply whisper a quiet thank you for all they have done for us in order to make the world a better place for each and every one of us. Honor the work.. the sacrifice… and all they contributed as they walked the human before us.
I was taught to use Prayer Ties a long time ago… what are they you ask? Well Prayer Ties are meant to create a sacred object, that contains your desires and prayers. remembering that your prayers are important. Originally placing tobacco infused with our prayers and intent for positive changes, within brightly colored cloth, tying them with white cotton string, and then placing them into trees to be gently swayed on the Sacred Winds and lifted to the Universe and Creator to hear and see.
Our People have made Prayer Ties by wrapping sacred herbs into a cloth while praying to Creator. Once the Prayer Ties are completed they are burned in a respectful and reverent ceremony, assuring that the prayers and intent are sent up to the heavens and carried to the Creator in the smoke.
Making Prayer Ties is not about precision or doing it right, it is all about the intent of positive change.
I challenge you all this day or within this season, no matter what your background or ritual, to stop and put together a Prayer Tie together and place it in a place of respect, gratitude and honor… so that others will ask what they are, and then you can tell them it is about positive change and honoring those who have walked before us.
So today go about your days inspiring and doing Positives… ignoring the negatives of the world, for a positive can empower many good things including remembering who and what we are meant to be and how we are meant to walk… unconditionally as Human, with faults and imperfections, yet perfect in our individuality. For without each and everyone of us, the world would be incomplete.
Crystals have always seemed magical to me, they are used for gazing, they can hold energy and power, they have been used by Seers and mystics, Shaman and Medicine people of all races and religions for as long as time can be recorded.
The “Crystal Keepers Speaking of all the knowledge from the Ancestors, those that have walked before us from beyond time, that has been recorded and is accessible to each of us if we chose to listen to what is being shared. It is the history of life itself, of how we can attune our souls to balance, walk a better and in a more positive way.
They speak to us of opening ourselves to that inner core, the D.N.A. that has been encoded inside us from generation to generation. We don’t need science to hear and share in it’s wealth of knowledge… we don’t need to super smart to tap into it…we simply have to trust in our abilities that we are each born with and reignite the switch to openness.
It is time to listen and relearn the ways of our Ancestors in order to balance ourselves and life on the Great Mother Earth. It is time to remember the Grandfather/Grandmother Teachings of Humility, Honesty, Truth, Wisdom, Courage, Respect and Love. It is time as the “Crystal Keepers” share to amplify those traits and restore what needs to be happening here while we ALL walk the Human.
Lions bring reminders of inner strength, assertiveness and personal power to the table. They try and warn us to also take hold and control the darker side and bring it to balance so that anger and aggression doesn’t spill over and push us to people or places we do not need to be.
Lions also will make itself known in order to warn about challenges and obstacles that may arise in our lives. Guiding us so that we may be able to deal and cope with courage and insight. Reminding you to walk with self-confidence and take ownership of your personal power. Lions show us that we need to utilize our own strength, courage and assertiveness to get ahead of the situation.
Lions also teach us that we can indeed be leaders but have to be careful not to dominate everything in our relationships at home or work. Find a balance that works and things will be healthier and more positive for you and those in your Sacred Circles. Just remember to temper any anger or negative feelings that arise…
Lions the embodiment of Strength …Courage… and Empowerment!
Turkey shines the light on we need to prepare for the upcoming seasons so they will be more stress free than stressful! How do we do that??? Well we can start by settling in and getting done what needs to be done. Once that happens then we can go about assisting the people within our own Life Circles… stop being distracted by outside noise!
The Turkey represents Family, nurturing and care for self and others. It is about abundance and strengthening bonds. They represent renewal and teach us to care for others and through that we will imprint and open new avenues for positive growth and opportunity. But once again we must learn to honor that process.
No matter what others are setting the tone for, we must learn to listen to our souls voice to achieve our hopes, dreams and aspirations for the higher good. This is not always an easy thing to do because we are always being pressured to move with the masses, be a sheep and follow the herd.
We must learn to take risk and allow our own voices to be heard above the crowds at times. For there are times to sit, watch and listen in order to learn how to move forward…and there are times to stand up and shout purpose and positives so others may wake. Turkey also shares with us the lessons of living harmoniously with the Great Mother Earth and all that dwells on her surface. To assist in keeping the balance between it all.
Turkey also speaks to us of making sure we keep our ego in check and that although we should be proud of self, love self, there is no reason to flaunt what we are or have to others. Honor the sacrifices we make, honor the family we have…and be thankful for All that is Sacred! Embrace your families and your community because in doing so our Humanity is fed in positives.
The Winged Ones carry our souls energy to the Creator, the Universe so that we will be heard… our prayers, our needs and desires, so take advantage of that and allow your spirits to soar. This will in turn re-energize you so that you are able to focus on the important things in your life and its circle. Are you strong enough to do this? That is the question you must ask yourselves, are you willing to hear your own souls energy and do what is needed to stay and continue in a positive light?
As we walk through our days, if we take that moment to stop and open our eyes… we will see the Winged Ones. Always fluttering about, ready and willing to take our deepest thoughts and carry them to the Creator’s ears to be heard. They share with us a deep knowledge of the Great Mother Earth and all that walks her surface and flies within Father Sky’s grasp. They are Sacred, so much so that many tribes and clans have taken them as their guides. From the Woodpeckers, the Buzzards, to the Egrets, Hawks and the Majestic Eagles… all play a role in teaching us things we need to understand and embrace as we walk the Human.
Revered as bringers of messages and symbols of change, we await your insights that will allow us to walk in a more positive, balanced and healthy way. for you are closest to the Creator’s ear, Messengers of our Ancestors and Relatives passed to the other world our souls thrive and continue to grow in. Creator is within all things, so help us to open our eyes and souls to be and do what we are meant to, what we have all agreed to when we entered this space. Know what is clearly in our Soul’s intent and assist us in awakening it, re igniting it on order to be the mighty Warriors of Peace you have asked us to be.
Soar to the heavens our beautiful Winged Sisters and Brothers… soar and be blessed as you carry our burdens to be released to the Creator and Universe allowing us to begin to heal and move forward in positives.

The Anishinaabe use a form of Tobacco known as kinikinik, or a red willow mix. Because it opens the door to the Creator, When Tobacco is used to make smoke, it is one of the most sacred of plants for Native people. Tobacco is also one of the four sacred plants. It represents the Eastern Direction and the mind.
The Elders say that tobacco is used to connect the Spirit World as the plant’s very roots penetrate deeply into the the Great Mother Earth, and its smoke rises high into the sky to reach the Creator’s gaze. This plant is highly respected and highly honored. The gifting of tobacco is a beautiful way the people show respect and honor to others. Ceremonies using tobacco invokes a connection to universal energies and to the Creator, a connection made between earthly and spiritual realms is to be considered sacred.
Prayer, Offerings, Purification and Respect… remember these for meanings as you use the Sacred Tobacco plant.
The Komodo-Dragon is all about change and how we move through it all. Komodo Dragon appears to you when there are changes in our lives and we are somewhat overwhelmed by them not sure how we need to move through them. The Komodo-Dragon encourages us to stand our ground and in doing so the right outcome will occur.
Time to tap into the Warrior within in order to overcome challenges and deal with the people who do not align with our path. Time to feed the Spiritual aspects of “Our” soul. This is not a time to live by others expectations.
It is time to focus on our goals and intentions, visualize them and manifest. The more focus there is the more they will come to fruition. MANIFEST! The people around us may see a change and even be somewhat taken aback by it… don’t let it bother you, this is your journey not theirs, just remember to be kind in the process.
Other people may find your intensity overwhelming, but don’t mind them. Let your personal passions and ambitions drive you.
Old Magic… and a strong connection to the Spiritual is what the Komodo Dragon brings to the table for those daring enough to take the challenge.
Cheetah shows to tell you to get back to doing, do not procrastinate as the time is now to move forward on your path. Cheetah are fast, making spilt decisions in order to survive, so be decisive and strike as this is the precise time to do so. For if you do not you may loose an opportunity you have been waiting for. Cheetah moves quickly and can reach zero to 60 mph in 3 seconds. So it is telling you no time to waste. It may also be bringing to your attention just how to use your energy in a balanced way so you don’t run out of it when it is needed most.
It is not unusual for the Cheetah also will appear when our emotions are heightened. . They will also remind us that we can cry and it is not weak when we do so. It is a means to cleanse and recharge. To release and begin again.
Cougar teaches us all to look for answers we need to find so we can better understand self and what makes us unique, find our truths. This doesn’t give us all the answers but allows you to clearly walk the path you are meant to and understand more purpose, purpose that will travel with our souls from this life to the next. So enjoy the journey!
Cougar encourages us to walk and be proud of who we are by our own stander as we are not here to please others. We should also hold no guilt for putting ourselves first with selfcare. We need to be balanced and hole in order to be able to assist others when the need arises.
So do not depend and seek others to solve things for you. You’ve got this!
Skunk teaches us about taking care of ourselves and protection. Skunks are highly intelligent and will trigger things within us about looks can be deceiving. Theses beautiful creatures are misjudged because of how they protect themselves.
But if it shows up for you, its sharing with you that clear boundaries need to be set. You are capable and have al the know how to do just that. Don’t let people push you around or try to force you to a specific way of thinking. Own it, and show the world you’ve got this.
Skunk also asks us, why don’t we think we are good enough, smart enough, capable of? So stop and take stock in the “Who” of who you are. Then step up into your own power.