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the Stone People and Crystal Keepers

the Stone People and Crystal Keepers with bear

Rocks… we use them to build houses, structures that reach the sky. They serve as containers for rivers and lakes, they have been used to create weapons, and tools… they come in all kinds of shapes and colors, and sizes. Some are clear, some are dense… but they all have been around longer than any of us put together. They are the Keepers of Wisdom; they are referred to as the Ancient Ones. I will share a little of the stories I have been told with you.

The People have told a story that in the beginning everything was in the mind of Creator. All things which were to be existed only as spirit. The spirits moved about in space seeking a place that they would be able to manifest and become. They traveled until they reached father Sun, but that was not a good place for Creation to begin for the heat was too extreme. Finally they settled on earth, and the Great Mother welcomed them. She was without life, but covered with the great waters. There was at that time no dry land for life to begin upon.

Soon out of the waters came a great burning rock…it rose so high that it created dry lands as far as the eyes could behold. Then the clouds appeared and formed from the rivers and streams that were created. Then life on earth began. This is why the Rock people …Grandfather and Grandmother Rocks’ are to be given so much respect, for they are the oldest ones. The Keepers of the Wisdom’s of our time here, back to our very beginnings they take us. We respect them within the sweat lodges, as when they are placed there and water hits their surface, steam rises again recreating that moment of Creation.

Crystals have always seemed magical to me, they are used for gazing, they can hold energy and power, they have been used by Seers and mystics, Shaman and Medicine people of all races and religions for as long as time can be recorded. I will share with you now the “Legend of the Crystals”

In times long past, we lived in harmony with Nature. We spoke the same language as the four-legged and the plant people. We hunted for food only to satisfy our hunger and needs, always offering prayer of thanks for what was had taken from Nature. As time went on, we lost this innocence, harmony and balance. We became greedy and took more then we needed. Forgetting prayers of gratitude, we began killing animals, and each other, for sport and pleasure.

The Bear Clan, Chief among the animals, called a meeting of all the animals. They decided that something had to be done. The bears suggested that they shoot back when humans shot at them, but the bow and arrow required too great a sacrifice, for one bear would have to give up his life so that his sinew could be used for the bow string. The bear’s claws were too long for shooting a bow anyway, and would become entangled on the string.

The deer Clan offered another method of dealing with the problem. One of their clan said, “We will bring disease into the world. Each of us will be responsible for a different illness. When humans live out of balance with nature, when they forgotten give thanks for their food, they will get sick.” and in fact the deer did involve rheumatism and arthritis; each animal then decided to invoke a different disease.

The Plant Clan was more sympathetic and felt that this was too harsh a punishment, so they volunteered their help. They said that for every disease a human gets, one of them would be present to cure it. That way, if people used their intelligence they would be able to cure their ailments and regain their balance.

All of nature agreed to this strategy, One plant in particular spoke out. This was Tobacco, the chief of the plants. He said, “I will be the sacred herb. I will not cure any specific disease, but I will help people return to the scared way of life, provided I am smoked or offered with prayers and ceremony .But if I am misused, if I am merely smoked for pleasure, I will cause cancer, the worst disease of all.”

The close friends of the Plant Clan, the Rock Clan and the Mineral Clan, agreed to help. Each mineral would have a spiritual power, a subtle vibration that could be used to regain perfect health. The Ruby, worn as an amulet, would heal the heart; the emerald would heal the liver and eyes, and so on.

The chief of the mineral tribe, Quartz Crystal, was clear, like the light of creation itself. Quartz put his arms around his brother Tobacco and said, “I will be the scared mineral. I will heal the mind. I will help human beings see the origin of disease. I will help to bring wisdom and clarity in dreams. And I will record their spiritual history, including our meeting today, so that in the future, if humans gaze into me, they may see their origin and the way of harmony.” And so it is today.

So the following list (and I will continue to add to this list) is the meanings behind /with some of the stones that I often work with.  i hope that you take a moment from your day and listen to what the Ancient Wisdom keepers have to offer, and that you find the information helpful and insightful as you walk your journeys.

I am using images of Jewelry I have created over the years, I hope you find the info inciteful

Many Blessings to You All,

`bear Medicinewalker

Lemon Quartz
Lemon Quartz is one of the strongest you can utilize for both healing and protective Energy.
Quartz is best understood and utilized as an amplifier and a healing stone.
Quartz will works with all vibrational energies and therefore is a great choice when doing work with chakra centers and is the reason why it is a master healing stone.
Lemon Quartz adds focus for our thoughts and keeps our minds sharp.

It attracts and transmits positive energy. It is a scientific fact that it also clears and removes negative energy from energy fields including our own bodies. By doing so they push through distraction and confusion clearing our mind and thoughts. Lemon Quartz helps reduce and clears anxiety. By Promoting and balancing energies is widely known as a master healer that helps bring our physical health back to balance.

It also amplifies intuition, Reduces feelings of guilt, anger and frustration by clearing blocks and balancing our energy fields.

Caribbean Larimar
Accessing the Divine Feminine you can help soothe and heal emotions by releasing stress. This is a highly spiritual stone that is also known as the Atlantis stone. Found in only in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea lays strength to the stones purpose.

Labradorite is the stone of protection and spirit. It protects from negative influences in our lives. It assists us in connecting with the subconscious and in the process helping us to attain knowledge about ourselves and all that is sacred in life.

There is an old Inuit legend I heard as a child and in it what we know as the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) had disappeared and a brave warrior was sent to find it again. After years of searching the young warrior had aged and still not found it. As he became despaired he saw a spark in the distance. Upon investigating and looking closer he found that the northern lights were trapped in the stone. He quickly broke the stone the northern lights were freed, but a portion of the light remained and this is now known as Labradorite.

Red Turquoise with Copper

Turquoise helps us to stay in a place of love and connectedness with others, making us feel at “home” no matter where we may be. The combination of turquoise copper dates back nearly 10,000 years with multiple applications.

Copper is, in fact, humanity’s first metal and shows up in Sumerian and Egyptian metallurgy. Copper has been used for jewelry and in medical treatments since man first discovered it. In fact we can’t live without it, copper is one of those metallic elements which are essential to human health. Since our bodies can’t manufacture copper, it must be absorbed by other means.

Sea Sediment

Sea Sediment Jasper is all about stability. It helps us by giving us powerful protection against things that are negative and unhealthy helping to ease emotional stress. The pink and purple variations assist us to connect to the higher self and to the collective consciousness of the higher realms.

Jasper is a “supreme nurturer” holding and supporting with gentle energies during times of stress. It is also used to increase the ability to remember our dreams and assists with shamanic journeying.


Turquoise is used to heal all illnesses. It helps to enhance friendships, communication, and healing. It also assists in opening the Heart Chakra allowing for giving/receiving. Turquoise represents our source (spirit/sky) and spiritual love. Long since cherished by Native People and highly prized, this piece was simply stunning and emitting a cooling sensation in my hands.

Green Turquoise w/ Copper

Turquoise helps us to stay in a place of love and connectedness with others, making us feel at “home” no matter where we may be. The combination of turquoise copper dates back nearly 10,000 years with multiple applications. Copper is, in fact, humanity’s first metal and shows up in Sumerian and Egyptian metallurgy.

Copper has been used for jewelry and in medical treatments since man first discovered it. In fact we can’t live without it, copper is one of those metallic elements which are essential to human health. Since our bodies can’t manufacture copper, it must be absorbed by other means.

Turquoise and Copper

Turquoise helps us to stay in a place of love and connectedness with others, making us feel at “home” no matter where we may be. The combination of turquoise copper dates back nearly 10,000 years with multiple applications. Copper is, in fact, humanity’s first metal and shows up in Sumerian and Egyptian metallurgy.

Copper has been used for jewelry and in medical treatments since man first discovered it. In fact we can’t live without it, copper is one of those metallic elements which are essential to human health. Since our bodies can’t manufacture copper, it must be absorbed by other means.

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline represents a love of humanity and humanitarianism. It is worn to promote sympathy towards others. It is an excellent stone for healers, therapists and counselors as it allows them to better listen to and understand their patients. It carries the virtue of unconditional love and friendship. In fact, it radiates the highest amount of love of all the different colored tourmaline.

Green Amethyst 

Green Amethyst has long been a favorite of mine and I use it for physical healing. Place a green amethyst on the painful area of the body and let its energy start to work healing you. Its strong but gentle energy is amazing.

Purple Turquoise and Copper

Healers revere turquoise as a master healing stone with metaphysical properties. They also respect it as a power stone. Native Americans believe it was a gift from the gods and symbolizes the connection of heaven and earth. They report it brings wisdom from the gods.

Combined with Copper it helps bring about balance from the inside out. Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and aligns the subtle bodies. Copper can conduct electrical impulses and magnify the energy transfer, from the healer or from minerals, to the subject of the healing.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional Love. It resonates to one’s very soul. The high energy of quartz gives rose quartz the property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Bringing love in to life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose Quartz is also all about Self Love and balancing that acceptance we all need for us to move in positives!

Smokey Quartz

Bringing with it protection and grounding this stone is all about from outside negativity and recycling that energy by back down through the earth. If you are a spiritual worker such as a clairvoyant, you may take advantage of this stones ability as a stone of psychic protection.

Tiger Eye
Tigers Eye the stone of protection, Tiger Eye brings with it good fortune. It has the ability to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety.

Santa Rosa Turquoise
From the Santa Rosa Mines A good general healer for all illnesses. It helps to enhance friendships, communication, and healing. It also assists in opening the Heart Chakra allowing for giving/receiving. Turquoise represents our source (spirit/sky) and spiritual love.

Gaspeite extends an excellent healing vibration and will use its healing energy to the person that is working with it or wearing it. The energy that Gaspeite shared is very grounded spiritual energy, that encourages us to live life in the real world, yet from a spiritual perspective.
Its vibration helps to extend our consciousness enabling us to be more aware of how we should live and walk our paths. It assists us in becoming aware of the spiritual aspects of our lives as they are happening.

Peanut Wood Jasper
The ‘Stone of the Earth’ is a silicified (petrified) wood, generally of a black color with numerous boring, which were made by a marine wood-boring bivalve shellfish called Teredo. it is around 70 million years old. Peanut Wood is not your normal Petrified Wood. Before it became petrified, it was swept into the ocean. The ocean washed and cleaned the wood and turned it into something that would resemble driftwood.
Good for grounding and stabilizing emotions.

It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears, as it assists us in accessing our practical side for answers, then offering a feeling of safety and security. It is a stone of business success, and a good stone for general protection.

Citrine is the stone that holds no negative energy It attracts positive energy only and repels negativity.  Coming from the Quartz Crystal family it’s color ranges from yellow to a golden brown or burnt amber. it is also known as the “Merchants Stone” as for centuries many shopkeepers have kept it in their registers to attract positive cash flow! Citrine helps bring about balance or the ying to the yang. It is a stone of clarity.

Smokey Topaz
There are many beliefs in the powers of the smoky quartz/topaz stones are to assist in helping to heal certain physical ailments. Because smoky quartz is often naturally irradiated, it is excellent for treating radiation-related illness or symptoms that arise as a cause of receiving chemotherapy.

It has been said that to dissolve pain, one must place a smoky topaz/quartz stone directly over the painful point. Also it aids in emotional healing and helping to travel through the steps of grief.

Mozambique Garnet
The use of Red Garnet dates back thousands of years, when it was used by Egyptian pharaohs for both decorative and ceremonial purposes. It has long been thought of as a travelers’ stone. In fact, Noah’s Ark is said to have had a garnet lantern to help navigate during the night.  Associated with the “root chakra”, which is positioned at the base of the spine, Garnet promotes successful business, encourages compassion and self
confidence. Garnet is said to have the ability to heal the blood and encourage good circulation.

Enhances creativity it is also known as ‘The Artists Stone’. It also gives you confidence, motivation and the individuality needed to succeed. Its rich earthy color and grounding energy is helpful for anyone to carry.

Normal color ranges from an orange to a deep burnished reddish orange. This is one of my favorite stones and always has been. Carnelian helps with how we see and view things. It also is said to provide a link to the spiritual worlds and inspires people in positives. In ancient Egypt it was believed they offered protection in the afterlife and warded against evil spirits. Many priests and nobles were buried with this stone, which shows just how important carnelian was at the time..

It is said to protect against fear, rage and envy ( you know that green eyed monster) and helps one to release sorrow so that they are able to move forward once again. It assists one to bring about stabilization in the home and heart by cutting through things so that one can get to the truth of the matter reconnecting the emotional and inner self in a more balanced way.

Also a great stone to use to get rid of negatives for cleansing other stones/crystals and acts as a great clearing stone for people as well, dispelling negatives from our life when we keep it close.

Works with the 1st thru 4th chakras. Often used on conjunction of treatments for neuralgia, allergies and kidney issues, as well as spinal and pancreatic disorders

Fire TopazFire Topaz pendants Small and/or Large
For those who wear Fire Topaz or keep it near, it is said to aid in protection against harm, heal disturbing emotions and strengthen our faith and spirituality. Both these pieces are similar, and I wsa guided to make the pair as one is masculine and the other more feminine.


Purpurite helps us to break away from self destructive limiting patterns as well as external influence that may prove negative. It is an aid to building self confidence and stimulates and increases spiritual awareness.

Red Coral
Coral was at one time was thought to be a plant, known to be the foundation of the oceans gardens. Coral assists us with happiness and joy and pushing us to live …love and laugh with life! Red garnet dates back thousands of years, when it was used by Egyptian pharaohs for both decorative and ceremonial purposes.

It has long been thought of as a travelers’ stone. In fact, Noah’s Ark is said to have had a garnet lantern to help navigate during the night. It is associated with the “root chakra”, which is positioned at the base of the spine

No photo description available.Snowflake Obsidian
This stone is a little different not a perfect rectangle but rectangular none the less… brings quirky to the surface!

Snowflake Obsidian is heavily immersed in folklore and deeply anchored on culture. It is highly regarded as an embodiment of emotions and expressions. It helps bring honesty and truth to the surface. This stone helps us by grounding our personality.

Iolite pendant
Associated with Archangel Michael’s aura is a royal blue mixed with royal purple. His name means, “He who is like God.” Michael assists us with remembering who we truly are. He can bless you with love, power, strength and unwavering faith. Michael most likes to communicate through dream states. he stands with us to assist with removing fear from our lives. He can clear spaces, thoughts, and people of any negative or lower energies.


Phosphosiderite the Stone of Healing and Hope
Phosphosiderite is unusual in that it is an iron mineral, and these seldom show purples, more usually they are red, brown, or yellow. Phosphosiderite is an excellent healing stone, used to assist with finding balance and stability, which can help us in our everyday life as well as in healing self.

Also used to access and work with past life memories and opening of the third eye.
It is powerful in aiding one’s spirituality and great in aiding meditation which would make it a powerful asset for making contact with the higher realms. Wearing it is a good way to aid healing of any issue you have, and it may benefit you physically as well as boosting spiritual healing as well. This one is a beautiful shade of pale lavender with inclusions of pink coloring as well. Not all stones have the gold colored markings thought to be Cacoxenite with in the mineralogy fields

The Abalone Shell is very Sacred to me and many people who do spiritual work. It calls and reminds us of where we came from… that we are made up of earth, water air and spiritualness. Abalone is purported to be especially useful for handling and calming emotional situations, and be very soothing to the emotions.

It is said to also help with psychic development and intuition and spark imagination and creativity. Some even go as far as saying that Abalone is helpful for arthritis and other joint disorders, muscle problems, the heart, and digestion.

Sugilite is a stone that brings many things to the table assisting us with helping you to attract and allow positives into your life. Jewelers and crystal healers prize it as one of the most important love stones. a person can have. It is said to lessen the effects of shock and disappointment. Also used and known for enhancing crystal healing abilities, strengthening our spirituality and psychic abilities. It can help manifest a persons natural gifts and protect against negative circumstances. It helps to lower hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice by promoting and calling forward positives.

Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of psychic and spiritual protection. It has been used for headaches and to decrease all types of discomfort. It is also one of the strongest crystals to wear to give protection from negative entities, and its energy is said to aid in the removal of negative attachments and cycles.

Black Titanium Druzy

Druzy’s bring positive impacts on the one who wears or holds them. They bring about calmness and soothes our minds from over thinking. The gem has the ability to draw out the negativity inside and refilling us with positive energies. The gem is also used for stabilizing one’s aura.

Picture Jasper
This stone is considered to be the stone of “Global Awareness” promoting unity in order to assist the Great Mother Earth and bring about Balance on the planet. It helps to clear the Third Eye so we can look to the past clearly in order to understand the lessons that have been shared in order to walk to a more positive future. helps us to process through guilt and fear inspiring us to be the best person we are able to be.

Bumble Bee Jasper
A combination of volcanic matter, anhydrite, hematite, sulfur etc. There is much debate over whether it is a true jasper or an agate stone. The bright coloring of this stone reminds us of the bumble bee thus where the name originates from. Bumble Bee Jasper works in aiding us to accept change, open ourselves to new opportunities, gain your self-esteem and make decisions without involving emotion.

Amethyst the Healers Stone! One of the most powerful crystals you can work with. Calming, healing, protecting and it enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. The color is of a medium purple and emanates it is in charge. It emanates a cooling healing energy.

Moonstone is empowering to use in meditation to understand oneself. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman’s stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self, associated with Archangel Jeremial.  The “Archangel of Justice and Fairness, meaning “Glory of God” Will help us with energy, mothering and passion for life. Assists us to appreciate and love ourselves more.

Leopard Jasper
One of the oldest known recorded gemstones. Leopard Skin Jasper assists in connecting us with our spiritual animal totems. It helps us with our spiritual discovery and shamanic journeying. It is said to promote self healing. Leopard Skin Jasper is helpful in eliminating toxins from the body, bringing us once again to balance.

Rutilated Quartz 
From the quartz family this is a very strong amplifier as it is combined with Rutile which also is also a strong amplifier. The intense energy that emanates from the threads of Rutile combined with the quartz creates an amazing vibration. It assists in stimulating spiritual creativity for manifesting goals and positives that you want to bring to our Sacred Hoops.

Rutilated Quartz amplifies and opens the thought process connecting us with the Divine within and everywhere, bringing through healing and creative energies and knowledge that lies just under the surface of our conscious minds. Golden Rutilated Quartz can also be programmed with your intentions helping us to move with positive steps and manifest quicker what it is we need, want and desire.  It is a powerful stone and is commonly used for spiritual healing as well as mental and physical work.

Rainbow Cal Silica
Found in Mexico and was first thought to be man-made. After a great deal of testing, evidence suggests that it is a natural stone. Regardless of whether it is artificial or not, it has unique healing properties. Rainbow Cal Silica is associated with the brain and balance.

Cal Silica brings rainbow energy into to cleanse the aura and balance the mind. When worn, adults can experience an increase in energy while children become calm. It has been found to be effective for people suffering depression and children with ADD, hyperactivity or similar disease.

Aquamarine Tourmaline
Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others. It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. It balances the right-left sides of the brain. Helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination. Tourmaline releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments. It balances male-female energy within the body. Enhances energy and removes blockages. The Color is reflective and bright, the energy is cool and expressive!

Picasso Jasper
Often resembles a beautiful painting. It is a stone that reminds us to celebrate and enjoy life. Picasso Jasper assists in the transformation of relationships. It attracts like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends, as well as helping to renew old friendships that had been lost. It has strong grounding and calming qualities and will also help to remind us to celebrate life and all that is sacred.

Sonora Sunrise
A very distinctive stone with some vivid colors. It sends out the grounding of the great Mother Earth., bringing you from the shadows of fear into the sunlight. It empowers us to feel safe in our physicality’s assisting energy to flow evenly throughout, triggering the Spiritual, mental and emotional to follow suit.

Russian Seraphinite
Mainly found near the Bratsk and Lake Baikal region of eastern Siberia, Russia, and has become a much sought after stone in the world of metaphysics. This stone is the leading health-enhancing stone of this time period, used to purify space and to accelerate manifestation and transformation of any kind. Aids in all forms of transformation and transitions.

Said to be a healing stone for brain cells, purification of the blood, cellular regeneration, toxin elimination, circulatory and nervous system, kidneys, liver. Helps in the relief of colds and chills, said to aid in weight loss. A health enhancing stone.

No photo description available.


This stone has been the favorite of both mystics and royalty for generations. It was believed to be a physical, psychological, and spiritual healer.

Its deep blue color was known to be a symbol of spirit, vision, royalty, honor, wisdom, and truth. It was considered a protection from evil eyes by Islamic countries. It was also recommended by the Buddhists to bring inner peace and freedom from negative thoughts.

Whiskey Topaz
Between the colors of citrine and smoky quartz and it holds the healing and energy properties of both. With an ability to amplify or strengthen the things in you that are positive, it will help you put away things that cause you anger and fear.

It will strengthen the ability to be a loving person, and enhance the positives in your life as well. They amplify our intentions, reduce stress, center and assist in grounding, balancing or calming, helps us with our healing abilities, surrounding us with protection and calling in white light.

No photo description available.Watermelon Tourmaline
Watermelon Tourmaline works with the Heart chakra, cleansing and removing things that are blocking us. It also assists us to remove insecurities we may hold onto. It is a stone of ying and yang, keeping us balanced. it also harnesses both male and female energies which can prove to be a powerful tool. It inspires our creative yet practical sides and links our Heart Chakra to both physical and spiritual energies.

Watermelon Tourmaline helps to calms heightened emotions. It is also a crystal associated with positive attraction and relationship issues. It is wonderful for connecting with the great Mother and all the creatures that dwell here with us. Great for meditation, energy-work, and grid-work, and make a great addition for medicine pouches as well.

Keep in mind that Tourmaline can become electrically charged when heat or pressure are applied, effecting the energy field

Igniting the potential and creativity of our souls. It acts as a key to our karmic wisdom’s strengthening our body, minds and spirits. This stone is often uses to reach a deep place of meditation to do the work and seek the truths we are looking for.

A useful stone for past-life work. It brings about and reinforces us to move ahead on our paths, rather than standing and holding on to the past. Assisting us with finding self-esteem, self worth and acceptance of our true selves. Aiding us to attain balance.

No photo description available.Peridot
“The stone of emotional healing”
This stone actually resonates and calls to The Archangel Raphael, or so it has been written and said for ions. Peridot helps us move past the hurt, and emotions of situations. Peridot is particularly good for healing the healers. A Visionary stone, it brings understanding of destiny and purpose by releasing negative energies and promoting clarity and well being to replace it.

Black Onyx

Helps in mental healing work and is claimed to enhance self-control assisting the person to maintain extreme feelings and passions manageable. Apart from that’s, black onyx help in reducing stress and reduces bad thinking. Black Onyx is an excellent gemstone for anyone who has loads of suggestions, but doesn’t have the discipline to handle the actions out.

No photo description available.Sonora Sunrise Jasper

Sonora Sunrise Jasper is a very distinctive crystal with some vivid colors. It sends out the grounding of the great Mother Earth., bringing you from the shadows of fear into the sunlight. It empowers us to feel safe in our physicalities assisting energy to flow evenly throughout, triggering the Spiritual, mental and emotional to follow suit.

Sonora Sunrise assists in helping bring courage to the forefront and energize our creative sides. It also helps us to release of stress, anxiety and fears that we may be holding on to. It is also known as the “Stone of Truth”

Septarian brings calming energies and nurturing in and can help with feelings of joy and spiritual uplifting. It is often is used to enhance and nurture communication with groups, making it much easier to speak clearly and kindly in group settings. Septarian is used for healing of the blood and kidneys. Septarian is related to the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus.

Septarian is a “concretion” stone. Concretions are protective stones, providing both grounding and shielding of the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. It is a stone for regulation of spiritual, mental, and physical prowess. It promotes both calming and understanding on the emotional level. Septarian enhances feelings and the condition of well-being and provides for a merging with and amplifying of ones energies. It is also quite useful in determining the direction in which to progress. Septarian loves to be held, emanating a loving, kind, and sincere energy pattern. It is said to be a speaking stone and enhances communication on multiple levels.

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