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the bear’s Emporium

So this year has been a little crazy. I have been out of service since the beginning of July 2024. Unplanned for sure. I am now slowly getting back into the swing of things. I finished some of my latest totems and Spiritwalkers. I love them, and this go around is very different from others in the past. Containing both Totems of Owls and Ravens!

I am alsoo opened the last 2 weeks of this month, (August) for Readings. I will continue to add the other pieces as I put on their final touches. So for now, Bless you all and remember to take a moment to just Breathe!
~ bear

These cards were and still are a work in progress. The first set that was released in November of 2014 was completely sold out in two weeks. I have continued work with them and the relationship that “Spirit and the Ancestors” have continued to guide me towards. With that said the deck has evolved and grown. I have also added a sub deck and a few cards in the main deck have been switched out and/or added. It is all for people to be able to understand the relationships we have to All things Sacred as we walk the Human.


New Spiritwalkers

Bear the Circle of Life.
In nature we see many things that we are taught if we pay attention, we can learn so much. Bear is a strong totem that can show us that all things have a time and purpose, just as the Salmon does. Life is a circle that starts when we are conceived and continues until we pass. Always renewing and beginning again. We all need to understand this and more. The salmon for the bear feed it, and the bear eats the salmon that have come up river to spawn and then they die. The eggs then hatch and go downstream to the ocean to continue the Circle of Life. Bear teaches us many things including how to live and survive. To find balance in our life circles.  Ready to find it’s home.

$68.00 plus shipping and handling



Deer Nature and Nurture 

Sacred is about just that taking care of the Sacred Within each of us, the Deer always takes time to nurture self, it’s family. It finds calm places to recenter and relax. To enjoy it’s surroundings. They bring with them a grace and elegance, but can stand fierce and protective when it is called for. But if you simply tool time to watch the world and all the beauty in it and around you, for just a moment… you would see that there are more positives than you realize.

Deer is an animal that is especially close to my heart walking with me often in real time and in spirit. It reminds us always about the gentleness that is needed as we walk the human. It is a reminder for us all to utilize more sensitivity when dealing with the world and the people around us. Take a moment to stop, breathe and observe your surroundings, your life, and a situation before stepping ahead.

Sometimes that awareness is needed to be able to step into it in a positive way. When encouragement is needed it is often received better with a gentle nudge than a shove or push. Open heartedness is the way of the Deer… loving all unless given a reason not to. The Deer shares with us the wisdom of listening, grace and appreciation for the true balance of our own Sacred Hoops and that of the world around us all.  Ready to find it’s home!  
$60.00 plus shipping and handling

The Ravens Call Wheel
Ravens are Messengers of the in-between. They are especially annoying when we do not heed the things when the Spiritlands try to guide us. They are strong creatures that do not bring judgement, only information so we can decide the path we are to take. Shapeshifters, influencers… because of it they can truly be amazing creatures to work with. SOLD

Stars and the Night Sky
Ravens and the stars combined bring magic. A reminder of the fact anything is possible!

Raven Magical …Mystical.. Slipping to time beyond time … Often I hear people say, where are the miracles, where is the magic, and I tell them it is but at your fingertips if you will but open your eyes! We need to remember that we all have abilities and they are all unique. yet with saying that we are all part of the puzzle and without us, life would not be complete. Remember that the next time you look into a mirror, or start to doubt what and who you are. Embrace yourselves in positives, and if you don’t, the Raven will pop in and start squawking at yah until you do.  Ready to find it’s home.
$125.00 Shipping and handling
Only shipped in the U.S.

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