Spirit of the Drum ….as shared by bear Medicinewalker

spirit of the drum

Creator was looking to find a place for All of the Spirit Nations to dwell that would become inhabitants of the Great Mother Earth, when there was heard a sound that resonated like rolling Thunder across the skies. The Creator listened closer puzzled at what would make such a noise with out his supreme knowledge and permission, yet the the sound kept coming closer and closer. Creator was pleased and amused, but still puzzled. Then as sudden as it began it was right within the Creator’s presence.

“Who are you?” asked Creator.

“I am the spirit of the drum” was the reply. I have come here to ask you to allow me to take part in this wonderful world you are creating.”

“How do you plan on taking part?” Creator questioned.

” I would like to accompany the singing of the people. When they sing from their hearts, I will to sing as though I was the heartbeat of Mother Earth. In that way, all creation will sing in harmony. It will be as We Are All Related.”

Creator agreed and granted the request, from that moment forward the drum accompanied the people’s voices, celebrations and prayers.

Today within all of the Native peoples of the world, the drum is the center of all songs. It is the heart beat of the Great Mother Earth, it calls out to all Souls that walked before, now and in the afterworld. it assists our prayers, our dreams to be lifted through song rising up to the Creator, the Ancestors and the Spirit world to be heard and answered. The sound of the drum brings completeness, awe, excitement, strength, courage, and fulfillment to the songs, to our prayers, to our thankfulness for all that we hold as sacred. It is the sound of the Great Mother’s heartbeat giving her approval to those living upon her. It sings to our Brother and Sister Eagles and draws them to it asking them to carry our the messages to be heard.

Mitakuye O’yasin

~ bear Medicinewalker

Pipestone Grand Entry available at Canyon Records http://www.canyonrecords.com

December 29, 1890 “Mitakuye O’yasin” a bear’s Thoughts


On December 29, 1890 the U.S. Army’s 7th Cavalry surrounded a band of Ghost Dancers under Big Foot, a Lakota Sioux chief, near Wounded Knee Creek and demanded they surrender their weapons. As that was happening, a fight broke out between an Indian and a U.S. soldier and a shot was fired, although it’s unclear from which side. A brutal massacre followed, 300+ Indians were murdered and nearly half of them were women and children. The United States Cavalry lost 25 men.

This is a story I heard again and again as I grew older, something our Ancestors did not have the opportunity to do. As those years past, so did the truths of the event. It has been 124 years past and still it makes me tremble in despair and heartache. The reason however is not what some may think, for Our Ancestors do not want us to live our lives holding bitterness and hate within our hearts. Instead they wish us to remain proud and honorable People, to move ahead and make a difference for our young children, to remind them and all of the old ways.

To treat All Life as Sacred, to evolve and revolve within our own Sacred Hoop and in turn mending the Great Hoop itself. Honoring the Creator and remembering we are all no better or less than each other. Understanding we all have purpose, we all imprint on the life that surrounds us. To remember that we need to contribute positive to those imprints to help our Young grow strong both in Spirit, Body and Thought.

So today I stand in humbleness, and remember the Ancestors that walked before us and the sacrifices they gave so that we would have better, be better, see a better future. So I ask you to join me, to remember that We Are All Related, “Mitakuye O’yasin”

Thank You Ancestors, You Will Not Be Forgotten.

~ bear Medicinewalker


sacred Hoop project 2015

Music by Sister Yolanda Martinez   http://yolandasdrums.com

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