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Some Thoughts from an Old bear

So yesterday I messaged with a friend of mine and we talked of a few things, but there was one important message that Spirit wanted me to share and it’s an important one. To Quote Spirit, “Remember when health issues change for us, when we loose a person that transitions to the Spiritlands, our lifestyles change, we need to remember to grieve, mourn in our own time. Most importantly we must grieve the person we were before these changes occurred in our lives”.

Depression is an easy out for all of us when things don’t go well for us. But if we actually stop and take a deep look into self, we will find that was once before still exists as it is imprinted on our very souls. It makes sense as most of us put ourselves last with everything, because that is who we were taught to be. But how is that right? If we can’t care for ourselves in the proper way, how is it then we are available for others support?

No matter what it happens we need to honor how it effects us. This is something I am working through currently. I am a flawed human who’s body is saying, “Yeah no bear, you can’t do it that way anymore”. So of course me being me, I struggled. When I finally sat and listened, I finally understood I will never have the body I had in days gone by. This is the new version, and like it or not we have to come to terms with it all. At that point, that singular point of understanding, we open to what can be.

For me it was pretty simple, I am here to assist, create, be teacher and student, work with what Creator God has shared with us all on the Great Mother Earth. So as my dear friend Kerry Greenaway works with crystals something I have worked so much with in my past, it has once again reminded me of who they speak to us if we open to hear them. Many purposes and points for Healing. I have slowly worked into creating again. Many have stepped up in the Spiritlands to guide me to where I need to be and what I need to be doing.

We all have the capability to do this, I just don’t think we think of it. But as we work through it and really come to understand this is the new version of self… it is who we need to be… we can accomplish anything we set our minds to do/be. With that might even come the fact we need to ask for help from others. Which is so true. Today I needed help getting something moved. Pondered for two days cause the old me would just do it no matter what. The new me however needed to ask for assistance. I did and it was resolved in a few moments. The person that helped me said, “For cripes sake bear, just ask me. No worries. You have helped us so many times, no worries”.

SO what was my problem? My ego had stepped up and blocked me for asking for help… but as I tell others all the time, if we need help ask! SO my own lesson came back to bite me in the butt. So I have been humbled and learned, grown, just because I have to remember who I am now not who I was in times past.

So learn from my mistakes and the advice that come from the Spiritlands… Mourn, grieve for self so we can heal and move once again accepting all that we are. A flawed Human that is walking in the best version of yourself.

I am bear Medicinewalker. I am purposed with the task of being a conduit for the Spiritlands to share their teachings and insights.
Blessings to you All
~ bear

Jennifer Hudson and Tori Kelli singing Halleluiah

Spiritual and Totem Insights – the Black Swan

The 7th card drops and out from the shadows comes the amazing Black Swan, telling us to look beyond the shadows and enable yourself to understand that life is multi facetted.  Much of life is about change and the Black Swan encourages us to stay the course moving forward on your paths with confidence.  It is YOUR walk… no one else’s.  So you choose right or left, backwards or forwards because you are in control of what comes next.  Don’t allow the negatives of the world to shadow all that you are, because you are better than that and need to lead by example.

The Black Swan brings us from the shadows to tell you that we all are unique and different, and sometimes it is that uniqueness that makes us stand apart from others. So today is the day to shine and let people see the different in you but in positives, in healthy ways, productive ways. So Today… stand in Sacred, stand in Beauty!

The Black Swan represents mystery and the unknown. It represents something that is alluring, perhaps even forbidden. They remind us that there are two sides to all things, the Yin and Yang, black and white, polar opposites. They remind us to remember to know that dark side in order to balance the light within.

Black Swans help us to hone and strengthen our intuitive abilities and altered states of awareness. Bringing with them knowledge of new ways of thinking, breathing and teaching us to move with the flow of life for there is reason behind that flow.

Wherever the Black Swan appears expect unexpected and unpredictable and be prepared for what will follow. The Black Swan does not mean good or bad, it is about paying attention as events unfold… events that seldom occur or have never occurred in our life prior.

They bring in the subtleties of life to our attention. Causing us to use the intuition we have to better understand our feelings and process them in a healthy way. The Swan itself teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. They remind us to look at the beauty of life, even in the darkness to see that ALL life is indeed Sacred.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker

Music by Jeff Ball “Windtamer Album”
available at:
See the source image


Spiritual Insights – the Coho Salmon Shares With Us Today

 Today the Salmon is in the 7th place and tells us that if we want something in our lives… we should and need to fight for it! Don’t let things detour you from your goals. Sometimes in life we just have to work and push through the negatives and twists that life throws at us in order to achieve things. That is okay, for it is through the journey that Salmon shows us it can be done….

Just like us in the human world the Salmon run upstream against the odds to continue to thrive and exist.   That is the lesson Salmon teaches us for today… and remember you have got this whatever it may be, work hard and push through it. Life can be an amazing thing filled with adventure and positives, but only if we get off our butts and move forward.

Salmon brings with today’s lessons family values and connections with our communities and friends that are in and around our lives. Reach out and strengthen the ones that are staying, let loose with love the ones that are not, and be in the moment with those that are balanced. So today the Coho Salmon want us to listen to the little voice that resides in each of us and follow the path of positives that bring us back to our family and foundations.

Coho Salmon bring to our lives and teach us ways of abundance, fertility, prosperity and renewal of both the physical and spiritual. Guiding us with transformation, intuition, instinct, and urging us to examine your life considering any of the obstacles we may have on our paths as we walk forward.

Coho Salmon teach us that the most valuable and sacred things in life must be fought for. Although it may seem the odds are impossible and the struggles have worn you out, your needs, goals and dreams are near, and that the most resistance normally occurs just before we succeed. So do not stop and give up now. This is not time to go with the flow today… ignore what outside pressures are placing on you and go with your own intuition, follow your instincts they will not fail you.

Like the Coho Salmon we also go through several transitions throughout our lives, so remember if you are feeling stuck it may be time to transition into newness of self, leaving what is not needed anymore behind. Return to your Soul’s intent, feel the Sacred of you and honor that as you push ahead to reach your goals.

Enjoy the life we are here to live and experience, honoring the Sacred within! Our spirits have been given the energy to renew and transform…so take hold of our own power that comes from deep within our core! allow the abundance and fertility of ideas and creativity to blossom into positives your life… your path, your journey has been acknowledged and listen to the sacred from within and around your life and allow it to push you into the positive steps of life!

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker


Music by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network and is available at and on Itunes

White Calf Buffalo Woman and the White Buffalo Spiritual Insights

The story of White Calf Buffalo Woman was handed down long ago and is shared to this day. I revisited it once again this morning and had validation I needed to share it once more from an unlikely source that I was participating in earlier today. The reason I was reminded was that often people only remember part of the story, or even tell part of the story…. But it resonated so loudly today as Women (and Men) are rising everywhere and calling out their abusers. They are finding voice that will allow them to heal.

Why some might say does this have anything to do with the true teachings of White Calf Buffalo Woman? Well because she came to the people as Teacher/Prophet/Ancestor to teach All the Sacred way to Pray and walk the earth as Human… and we must remember that once again for so many are lost as they walk their journey among the chaotic world we live in today.

The story begins …

In the time of the Ancestors, two young men had left their village to hunt. As they walked to the hunting grounds they came upon a beautiful young maiden dressed in white buckskin. Upon seeing her, one of the hunters looked upon her and recognized her as a Sacred Being and immediately lowered his eyes. The second hunter did not and moved towards her with lust in his eyes, desiring to only take her as a woman.

White Buffalo Calf Woman beckoned the lustful hunter to her. He was happy to comply and quickly moved to her, but as he did a whirling cloud of dust arose engulfing them and causing them to be hidden from view. When the dust settled, nothing but a pile of bones lay next to her. She then moved towards the respectful young hunter, explaining that she had simply fulfilled the other man’s desire, allowing him, within that brief moment, to live a lifetime, die and decay.

White Buffalo Calf Woman then instructed the young man to go back to his village and instruct them to prepare for her arrival for she would teach them of the way to pray, the way to live as Sacred. The young hunter obeyed.

When White Buffalo Calf Woman arrived with the sacred bundle (the prayer pipe) she taught the People of the seven sacred ways to pray. These prayers are through ceremonies that include the Sweat Lodge for purification; the Naming Ceremony for child naming; the Healing Ceremony to restore health to the body, mind and spirit; the adoption ceremony for making of relatives; the marriage ceremony for uniting male and female; the Vision Quest for communing with the Creator for direction and answers to one’s life; and the Sundance Ceremony to pray for the well-being of All People.

When the teaching of the Sacred Ways was complete, White Buffalo Calf Woman told the people she would again return for the sacred bundle that she left with them. Before leaving, she told them that within her were the four ages, and that she would look back upon the People in each age, returning at the end of the fourth age, to restore harmony and spirituality to a troubled land.

She walked a short distance and looked back towards the people and sat down. When she arose they were amazed to see she had become a black buffalo. Walking a little further, the buffalo laid down, this time arising as a yellow buffalo. The third time the buffalo walked a little further and this time arose as a red buffalo. Walking a little further it rolled on the ground and rose one last time as a white buffalo calf signaling the fulfillment of the White Buffalo Calf prophecy.

The changing of the four colors of the White Buffalo Calf Woman represents the four colors of man–white, yellow, red and black. These colors also represent the four directions, north, east, south and west.

The sacred bundle that was left to the Lakota people is still with the People in a sacred. It is kept by a man known as the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, and today that man is Chief Arvol Lookiing Horse 19th generation keeper of White Buffalo Calf Woman and spiritual elder of Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people of the Dakotas tells of the White Buffalo prophecy and caring for Unci Maka Grandmother Earth.

So let us go back to our roots of who we are supposed to be…who we are supposed to walk as in this Human world, and remember we are all equal, we all need to walk with Respect, Honesty…share Wisdom’s that have been passed down to us by the Ancestors, to Love each other, to have Humility, to rise with Courage, to Own our Truths as positives and as Sacred…

May we All learn to walk in Peace…from this moment forward.

The White Buffalo brings with it the Ancestors that speak to us reminding us it is time to open ourselves to what should be, not what Greed is directing it to be, Not what Ego’s are directing us to. It is a time to rise above it all, as the Ancestors that walked this Earth before us were taught….so it is up to us to remember. Wisdom… Honesty… Truth…Respect…Humility…Courage and Love. It is Time to restore the Faith we have in Human. It is time to reconnect to teachings of Old. It is time to embrace All that is Sacred and look closer to the things we feed our souls with. It is Time once again to walk in Balance of Light and Shadow…

White Buffalo shares with us that it is time to honor all that is sacred in and around us. It is about the power of Prayer. It is time to feed our souls, our spirituality. That in order to allow abundance into our lives we must walk the Sacred Path, but also be open to the fact that all life, all that has been shared with us no matter how small …how large, is Sacred.

The White Buffalo is connected to the teachings of the original people, the things that often are forgotten by us in this modern day world that is filled with material and greed. The White Buffalo warns us and gently nudges to remind us that we must not forget to be grateful, thankful, and take care of our Sacred Hoops.

To talk to the Universe and God Creator often, to share with others the simple positive things such as prayer, ritual, ceremony, traditions. To slow down so that we do not forget the lessons of old and where it is we come from. When we honor that process we will assist in manifesting our dreams, our goals in a more positive light.

White Buffalo will help to keep us grounded and on the right walk, allowing us to realize that when we are walking correctly the path is much easier to move upon.

Honor Self, Honor Creator, Honor All Life as Sacred.
~ bear Medicinewalker
Music Provided by the Big City Indians and used with permission @ 2022 Buffalo Thunder by Big City Indians and available thru

Time of the Wolf Moon as told by bear Medicinewalker


It was a time of the Wolf Moon ( Wa Ya sv`no`yi`e`hi`nv`do), when a young Zuni Maiden was headed back to her home after gathering water from the nearby river, when the Navajo who were noted for their quick raids and fearless ways swept her up and carried her off. She silently watched as her village and fields burned and slowly became little more than a puff of smoke to her eyes. Her heart was shattered, and tears ran down her face.

They rode for what seemed like endless days and nights, with her tied tightly to the back of a horse. Every muscle on her cried out as each step of the horses hooves hit the ground. At daybreak, they came to a dwelling and she was dumped onto the ground in front of a group of Navajo Women. They helped her to her feet and took her into a nearby dwelling. She collapsed into a darkened corner and slept all day.

She was awakened by the sound of the Navajo Man as he entered and appeared before her. He reached down and pulled at her clothing. Her eyes pleaded with him, and then looked towards the other women as they reached and took their blankets and went out into the night. Thinking she had all but shed the last of her tears, more began to flow. It was to be a long night.

This continued for many days and nights until one morning she woke early to see the face of the Navajo Woman crouching near her. Gently holding out her hand she grasped the young Zuni maidens in her own. Then handing her a blanket and a pouch of food, she took her to doorway where she pointed to the rising sun. The young Zuni Maiden reached within herself and gathered all the strength she had and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She ran through brush, over stones, through water and sand. She reached a high spot and turned to look . No one was following her. No one had found her.

Her large eyes looked out as she searched the terrain wondering where she was. The wind howled around her as she sat to rest and eat what little that she had been given and then laid down under the tree line to sleep. Pulling the blanket around her to keep her warm her body gave a small shudder, snow was beginning to fall. Soon her weary body fell into a deep sleep.

As the cold winds brewed across the lands, the sounds of paws crunching through the fresh fallen snow could be heard. Coming upon the small form of the Maiden, a White Wolf bent towards her and sniffed, its silvery blue eyes glinting in the night. Raising its head it released a howl to be sent out to the winds to its pack. The maiden woke with fear, afraid to move as the White Wolf stood over her.

Soon more wolves arrived dragging the lifeless body of a recent kill and pulling it towards the White Wolf. In turn It reached down and pulled it over to the young Maiden, covering it over her for added warmth. Then with a glance he commanded the pack to lay beside her, gently warming her body in the cold winter night. The wolf then encouraged her to eat form the kill as he nudged its share to her. She ate and her body began to replenish itself.

Soon the morning light shone through the trees, and the day looked brighter. Disheveled, and her body covered in blood, the cold biting into her skin, the Young Maiden began her journey once again to return to her village. At the end of the day, she fell exhausted to the ground. Crying out in pain and frustration as her body hit the earth. Tears once again ran down her cheeks, turning to ice before they could fall any farther. Once again a howl could be heard across the winds and soon the White Wolf returned by her side. It could hardly be seen as it moved towards her, its white fur blending with the snow. Reaching again with its paws and encircling its fur and sharing its warmth with her. Looking towards the moon, letting out a howl to the pack calling to them so they could add their warmth to their young charge. Soon they all slept.

Together they traveled for four more days. At daybreak upon the fifth day, the Wolf nudged to the young Maiden and looked in the direction of a distant village. Her feet ran numb to the pain they held, as she got closer to the tiny village. Next to her keeping pace was the White Wolf. Soon she began to see some people of her village, calling out to them and waving, she yelled her name. They all stood silently watching as she approached. Her joy suddenly turned to fear as she soon saw them lifting their bows towards her and pointing them at the White Wolf that ran by her side.

“No do not shoot this White Wolf! It is my protector and has brought me home!” She stopped standing at the entrance to the village, the White Wolf quickly turned and ran back towards which way they had come. The Wolf had gone. She collapsed at the men’s feet.

They carried her to her family’s lodge and left her on the cold bare floor. They left her there without uttering a word. Lying on the floor next to her was her Mother and Father. She called out to them and they did not respond. The cold Winter’s wind screamed through the walls, swirling a dusting of snow around them all. With that she realized that the winds of life had long since left their bodies. She looked around her and the lodge was bare. She had come home to an empty place of death. She called out and no one answered. She was not a traitor to her people, she had been taken from them. She cried out in pain from a place deep within herself. Yet the people would not speak with her, and left her alone.

With the tender loving hands, she dug into the earth until her fingers were worn and bloody to reach the Yucca Root. So she could make the soap that would lovingly clean her parents and prepare them for burial. She adjusted their clothing and one by one she placed them on the tiny blanket and dragged them through the village to the place of the burial grounds. Once again the people watched, stared and said nothing. No one making an attempt to help her.

Leaving their bodies upon the Cliffs of Death, she sang the death song, chanting for their spirits to be taken to the Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s of the Sacred Directions. Lighting a small sacred fire, she then placed the burial bowls beside them with cornmeal borrowed from others to help in the souls safe journey. She then returned to her lodge. Empty as it was, it was home. Sometimes food was left at the door during the night.

The adults of the village did not speak to her, yet as days passed, the young people of the tribe would come and visit. Asking her to tell the story of the White Wolf. So she went about her simple life each moment, sharing the strength and unconditional love that was shared with her by a wolf with all children that sought her out wanting to learn. Sharing with them stories and encouraging them to relish in their freedom and spirit, and in turn becoming a teacher to them all.

Years passed and with it time brought age, age brought weakness, and soon it was time for her to leave the village and go to the place of death. In her heart she new she would never be taken, that she must take herself. She prepared herself, cleansing herself and putting on her worn leather dress.

She made her way through her door and onto the path that led to the burial site. The people watched as she crawled and pulled her frail self up the hill. Her eyes were filled with strength and dignity. She turned her head sensing something, and her ears heard a loud howling across the lands. She raised her voice and returned the howl. It was a howl of freedom that flowed from her, and as it did she transformed into that of a White Wolf. Gaining strength in her legs her eyes shone in the darkness as she ran across the hills to her freedom.

Today there is still seen a Woman with White flowing hair that stands a top White Woman Canyon even today. Having been seen to change before your eyes into a White Wolf. Helping others to find home, restore faith and find their own personal freedom. Listen to your Spirit form within you, and let it breathe and allow yourself to be who you are meant to be.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
~bear Medicinewalker





Snow Falling In Silence by

Bernhard Wolfsheart Weilguni music available at



Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Turkey

The Turkey represents Family, nurturing and care for self and others. It is about abundance and strengthening bonds. They represent renewal and teach us to care for others and through that we will imprint and open new avenues for positive growth and opportunity. But once again we must learn to honor that process.

No matter what others are setting the tone for, we must learn to listen to our souls voice to achieve our hopes, dreams and aspirations for the higher good. This is not always an easy thing to do because we are always being pressured to move with the masses, be a sheep and follow the herd. We must learn to take risk and allow our own voices to be heard above the crowds at times. For there are times to sit, watch and listen in order to learn how to move forward…and there are times to stand up and shout purpose and positives so others may wake. Turkey also shares with us the lessons of living harmoniously with the Great Mother Earth and all that dwells on her surface. To assist in keeping the balance between it all.

Turkey also speaks to us of making sure we keep our ego in check and that although we should be proud of self, love self, there is no reason to flaunt what we are or have to others. Honor the sacrifices we make, honor the family we have…and be thankful for All that is Sacred! Embrace your families and your community because in doing so our Humanity is fed in positives.



bearMedicinewalker june 2016 II

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2017…the year of Atonement!”
Mitakuye O’yasin!


Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2017

Card of the Day – White Buffalo

card 38 White Buffalo 1122
To start us off this week, the White Buffalo walks to our paths, reminding us it is a time that has been long over due… a time for us to begin again to Honor and Respect ALL Life as Sacred. It is time to bring about balance not only to our own lives, but to assist life and people around us by guiding them and setting examples to do the same. This is not a time for negativity, disrespect or judgments, rather a time we should be setting to the task of placing peace into our souls, into our lives so that again …Balance can be achieved.

Honoring the Ancestors and loved Ones that have walked before us, we need to wake up and understand that if we are standing in a pile of shit, it is because we have placed it there ourselves. No one else is to blame, we choose what comes into our Sacred Hoops… so be conscious of what we are doing, what choices we are making and what steps we are walking.

People ask us… What can we do to bring about Balance and Positive to our Lives again? Our Answer is simple, remember the teachings… Honor, Humility, Love, Wisdom, Respect, Honesty and Courage. Speak with the Creator…not only when you are in need but as you go about your day. and be thankful for what you receive. Keep it simple. Keep it all in perspective. Set your goals and stick to them, manifestation is there for you if you only stat on that path and believe in yourself and the powers that will assist you to make the world better for yourself and life in general. You are All Blessed… a fact that you often forget. It is time to Awaken!

White Buffalo shares with us that it is time to honor all that is sacred in and around us. It is about the power of Prayer. It is time to feed our souls, our spirituality. That in order to allow abundance into our lives we must walk the Sacred Path, but also be open to the fact that all life, all that has been shared with us no matter how small …how large, is Sacred.

The White Buffalo is connected to the teachings of the original people, the things that often are forgotten by us in this modern day world that is filled with material and greed. The White Buffalo warns us and gently nudges to remind us that we must not forget to be grateful, thankful, and take care of our Sacred Hoops.

To talk to the Universe and God Creator often, to share with others the simple positive things such as prayer, ritual, ceremony, traditions. To slow down so that we do not forget the lessons of old and where it is we come from. When we honor that process we will assist in manifesting our dreams, our goals in a more positive light. White buffalo will help to keep us grounded and on the right walk, allowing us to realize that when we are walking correctly the path is much easier to move upon.

Honor Self, Honor Creator, Honor All Life as Sacred.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project throughout this Year 2017…the year of Atonement!”
Mitakuye O’yasin!

~ bear Medicinewalker

Buffalo Thunder by Big City Indians and available thru

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