October 9, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Lizard

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Today speaks to us about being who we have not been, the best of who we are, holding to the highest standards, beliefs and goals. We have been hiding in plain sight recently, not willing to step out of the box and into a more positive place of reality. We have manifested what we have put out there to the Universe, and because we are holding fear of change, we have been timid to step into the unknown possibilities and revel in the outcomes we have created. Stop just blending in and embrace the greatness you are! Stop hiding and simply blending in, this is time you step up and define to the world just who you are and share all the wonderful and amazing qualities you hold!

Lizard steps up to share with us that we may be repeating old cycles, recreating things because we have been doing them so long, it feels more natural that stepping into something new or opening the doors to something that is unknown. It tells us although we are able to face our fears, we often do not want to deal with them.

Lizard also shares truths about “EGO”, that often as human we are ruled by it. So what may be needed at the moment is to take a step back and let out hearts take over. Our “EGO” is often all to ready to step in and rule, so take time to really look deep within what is resonating with our hearts before making decisions or saying something we may regret.

Lizard shares that we are able to use all our “senses” as they were given to us at birth, rely on them, hone them and watch for situations that may not serve us and then remove ourselves from them or to step into the positive ones we need to move with.

It is time to awaken what lies beneath, the unconscious mind that has been hiding things we have not wanted to deal with. Lizard will allow us to move them to the forefront so we can process through them and get rid of what is no longer needed and place us back to reality.

We are all human, we are all flawed and the Lizard teaches us it is ok to be this way. Release as they release a tail, what needs to be let go, then move ahead and regrow in more positive ways.

Mitakuye O`yasin

bear Medicinewalker

Gabriel Ayala Mediterranean Sundance available on Itunes and http://www.ayalaguitarist.com/

Card of the Day October 8, 2015 – Swan

card 30 Swan

We need to open to the possibilities, expand our views into not what is comfortable but what is necessary and needed! yes change can be scary, but when that little voice inside is pushing and encouraging you to step outside of the box and take a different approach, perhaps that is an indicator that we need to learn and experience new things. That little voice we are hearing is the echo from our own soul telling us how amazing life can be if we let it.

Swan shows up when it is time for your intuitive self to open to the world. Swan will teach us how to not only do that, but to accomplish it with grace and precision. It tells us to listen to that inner voice, to trust your gut and follow how it guides you. It is all about how you need to allow yourself to move with life around you by coexisting with all that is Sacred.

Swan tells you to breathe it all in and become one with the world we live in. Become one with it so that we may gain access to the knowledge that each part of it shares with us at every moment.

It gives us lessons that at times we need to allow ourselves to look in the mirror deep into our souls and be kind and gentle. To accept that beauty comes in many forms and we as individuals are beautiful beings that are an important part of this crazy place we live in. Positives, we all have the ability to view it if we let ourselves. Be comfortable in who you are, accepting who you are, loving who you are.

Swan shows us how to heal self and others, for we hold the key to transform pain and heartbreak into something beautiful… Share your story with others, set the example for people to follow. Embrace the good in all and nurture the young spirit that resides in each of us.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Cahuilla Sunrise performed by Steven Rushingwind and available at http://www.steverushingwind.com/ and Itunes

September 17, 2015 Card of the Day – Hawk

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I was awoken today out of a deep meditation by a Grandmother Yelling and shaking me…. “a Hawk, a Hawk, a HAWKKKKKkkkkkk!!!!” she yelled, and I was then swooped and coup was counted on my head by my Brother of the Winged Ones… the Hawk. And so it is that Today is about honoring the Sacred. we are plowing through life and we often forget to stop and just breathe in all that is, honoring all the Directions, all of Creation, our Ancestors and stopping to speak with the Creator. Today is the day to move into a conscious space of doing just that, it is the day of Spiritual Awareness and Connection. So with that said awaken your souls and listen to the guidance of this sacred Winged One…and allow Hawk to assist your souls to sing and be.

Red Tail Hawk shows up to help us understand the meaning in ordinary experiences if open and become aware of our surroundings. The Red Tail Hawk is awakening our souls so that we may begin the journey of our spirituality, preparing us for those Life Lessons that will soon show up.

Red Tail Hawks are messengers of the between, sharing insights and knowledge extended to us from the Ancestors and the world of Spirit. They speak to us of looking from a different vantage point and thus giving us a broader view of any given situation, helping us to not only be aware that a message awaits us, but also helping us to understand those messages.

Red Tailed Hawks are sacred and as they enter our presence, we must honor them by opening our minds and keeping them sharp while we look for wisdom and answers as we walk the human.

The Red Tailed Hawk’s red tail feathers distinguish it from other hawks, and remember that it does not receive their red feathers until at a later point in life after it has matured and experienced life around it. These feathers must be earned. The color Red represents Power and Energy that will lie dormant until it is awakened by our Souls as they walk and journey life and honor its own Sacred Hoop.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker


Music by Joseph Strider “Smoke em if you got em’ ”  available through http://josephstrider.com/JosephStrider

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork

September 11, 2015 Card of the Day – Jaguar

card 2 Jaguar 1122

Card of the Day – Jaguar/Black Panther bringing us lessons of Mystical capacities. When I sat outside this morning watching Father Sun begin to rise in our skies, my thoughts ran to the East …of many years ago here on U.S Soil… and I sighed. How much has changed and how much has remained the same.

So I suppose it was fitting that the Jaguar also showed his essence today, for to me it represent the highest of spiritual Sacredness. One that has been in place for ions and one that steps in to assist us ALL in attempts to set the human to right and positives.

Jaguar/Black Panther comes in to ease burdens of the negative side of our human nature. He will not tolerate poor behavior against humans, creatures, or the great Mother Earth, the Jaguar Medicine is very strong and very ancient. For those that walk with high integrity and honor the Sacred, he will bestow rewards of insights and old knowledge in order to assist us as we walk with positive steps.

Jaguar/Black Panther speaks to us of always walking in a way that is with highest intent for good, that we need to remember compassion, dignity, respect and gratitude, to walk strong with resolve, no matter what surrounds the outside of our Sacred Hoop.

Mistakes can occur, but they are but lessons for us to learn and then with that knowledge help us to attain balance once again… remain humble. It shares Ying and Yang…and in understanding this that power is not aggressiveness, but rather the ability to control what kind of strength is needed in situations.

They teach us to hear the unheard, to listen with our soul to other dimensions; to life around us for it all has voice. It is here to teach and share knowledge of old, so remain open to it. It teaches us to walk under the dark of Grandmother Moon sensing the life and energy that flows and then balancing it with the light from Father Sun.

Balance and Own Your Own Power….

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop

‪#‎bearMedicinewalker‬ ‪#‎theSacredHoopProject‬ ‪#‎MitakuyeOyasinDeck‬ ‪#‎theWolfandthebearNetwork‬

“Swirling Smoke [The Spoken Word Mix]” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Released: 2012. Track 14. Genre: World. with permission from Canyon Records.

I ask we Gather in Peace this moment… this day…

blessings and paryers

I ask we Gather in Peace this moment… this day…

Let us focus on causing a change of Positive thought
Of positive being….

For all those who have dreamt, for all those who have sacrificed, and for those who continue the fight for peace… may the light of the Holy Father Creator Shine on you and continue to add strength and courage to your being….

I call to the sacred winds…to carry my words
To the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, the south, the east, the west, Above …below and within…

I call to the sacred winds to carry my words to the Winged ones…the Four Leggeds…the Plant People…the Crystal Keepers, the Thunder Beings, the Angelic Realm…Mother Mary and Magdalene…my Brother Christ and all the nations that love us.

I thank you for all the many blessings that you have shared with us today and beyond and I ask that you hear our prayers whether spoken our held silently within our hearts.

Today I ask that you hear our prayers as we stand humbly before you, small and human.
Help us to remember we are all but a tiny part of a great universe, that we are all connected as one…

Bring us the strength we need to walk our paths without ego or judgment…
Allow our hearts to hear what our ears are missing
Teach us how to allow forgiveness for others and ourselves
Fill our being with the unconditional love that you so freely offer all.
I call that we be reminded we are all no better than or less than one another.

Guide us through our days, to help us with our humanness…that we learn to reconnect with others in gentle and positive ways.

May our energies join together and be added in a never ending stream of healing, Grace and Understanding… may it encompass and wrap around all life …in gentleness

I call to you oh Ancestors … who have sacrificed so much and asked for so little in return… help to guide and encourage us to walk a dream that is not forgotten, a dream that will guide us to a way of peace for all living things….

As we speak these words and they fill our hearts and spirit… may it be so…

I thank and honor all that have heard our prayers and answered them…


To you all take this peace we have shared with each other this day…and spread it around to all those who will listen and more so to all those who will not… Be the light of reminder… the dream that is not forgotten … the dream of one nation of human living in peace…

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015 small

“May We Walk” from Bernhard Wolfsheart Weilguni  http://wolfsheart.eu/en

A Cherokee Creation Story

cherokee creation

There is a story of creation the Cherokee People one that speaks of a female sun as well as what is called an Earth Diver. It begins at a place beyond memory, when the world was covered with water. When all life, all that was Sacred lived in Galunlati or what is known as the vault in the sky beyond the rainbow. A place that was so crowded the creatures could barely move around.

The creatures decided to seek a solution to this discomfort and it was decided that they would send the Water Beetle down to the watery earth below. The Water beetle bravely dove down into the waters and soon surfaced bringing with him a gob of mud that he began slowly to spread out in order to create a surface. This surface soon became the earth-island. Soon after Creator attached the sky using four pieces of rawhide tied to the four sacred mountains that lie in the Four Sacred Directions. The Beetle smiled at Creator.

Yet still the earth was muddy and too soft for the creatures to live upon. So it was then decided that Buzzard would be sent down to locate a dry spot in which the creatures could dwell. Finally he came upon a place where the mud was drying out. The Buzzard then took his great wings and used its wide wingspan to flap creating mountains and valleys. The Buzzard smiled up at Creator.

When the land was ready the other creatures began to migrate down from beyond the rainbow. As they arrived they were saddened to find that their new home was dark with no light. So they decided to pull Sister Sun down from the vault of the sky showing her the path she should follow each day. She agreed and smiled at them and Creator.

Soon Creator sent the plants down to live among the animals and sustain them, asking that the plants and the animals all stay awake for seven days. Most of the creatures fell asleep before the time was up, but Owl stayed awake and was given the power of night vision.

Some of the plants also managed to stay awake the entire time and they, the cedar, pine, holly, spruce and a few others were then permitted to keep their hair throughout the year. The other plants were told they would have to shed their leaves each year when the cold began and grow them again when the weather began to warm up, testimony to their sleep and broken promise to the Creator.

Creator then decided to form a man and a woman. The man proceeded to press a fish against the woman, which made her grow large and eventually give birth to a child. Every seven days she gave birth to another child, until the Creator decided to place a cycle on her so that she could have a new child only once a year. This is how we, the Cherokee People came to be.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015

“Earth Dance” by Chris Ferree available at http://chrisferree.com/

“the Sacred Pipe’ as shared by bear Medicinewalker

sacred pipepost

Most of the Peoples Nations have stories about the ‘Sacred Pipe’. Many of you may think of it as a Peace Pipe. Hollywood has glamorized the pipe through old western movies. Yet they could not be farther from the truth.

Sacred Pipe is to the Native American People as the cross would be to Christian cultures. The pipe, in many forms is prevalent in most tribal cultures around the world. Every Nation has used the pipe in some form of ritual and have passed the stories of where the pipe came from. One of the more well known is the Lakota story of the White Buffalo Woman bringing and sharing wisdom’s with them.

It is not important how the pipe first arrived, or who it came to first. What is important is that the pipe is revered as a sacred item and was a gift handed to us by The Creator. The Sacred Pipe was brought to all people of this world, for we all must share this world, as one race …the Human race This story shows the importance once again of the Pipe as means to Prayer, Balance and healing.

At a time when the world was new, a tribe of red skinned people came to live on the lands around The Blue Smoke Mountains. This is a time animals of the world still spoke to all of us teaching us how to live and care for the land. These people were called “Ani Yun Wiya” or the One True People. In this tribe lived a brave warrior woman.

She was called ‘Arrow Woman’. As a young woman she was taught to use the bow, the spear and the knife. Even though it was a man’s job to hunt and fight, Arrow Woman could shoot straighter with the bow than any man. She could throw the knife so as split a branch no bigger than your thumb and she could throw the spear into eye of a hawk in flight. Because of all this, no one would tell her to act like a woman should within the tribe.

One day while on a hunt, Arrow Woman came upon the tracks of “Yona” the bear. She saw blood on the ground and knew him to be wounded, so she followed his tracks high into the mountains. Soon she came to a place that she did not know. It was at this place, a place known only to the animals that she finally saw “Yona” the bear. He had a deep gash in his side. As she watched him, he bowed down in prayer. She saw him bowing toward a large field of tall grass and speaking words that she had not heard before. Suddenly, the grass shimmered and became a lake. Arrow Woman saw “Yona” the bear, dive into the water. After a time he emerged from the water, his side was completely healed.

“Yona” the bear looked up and saw Arrow Woman walking towards her he spoke, “This is the sacred lake of the animals. It is called, ‘Atagahi’ and its location is known only to the animals. It is where we come for healing and strength. You are the first human to see the Sacred Lake. You must never tell your kind of it’s location for it is the home of ‘The Great Uktena’. After speaking to her “Yona” the Bear turned and walked into the woods and disappeared.

Arrow Woman sat and contemplated all that had occurred. Yet she was tired from following “Yona” all day and needed to rest a while. So she built a small fire next to the lake, and sitting down she began to prepare a meal that she had brought with her. She reached over and took a drink of the water from the lake as she did Arrow Woman felt instantly refreshed. Amazed, she felt strong as Yan’si the Buffalo, and as if she could run faster than Coga the Raven could fly. The woods were quiet, the Sacred Winds where sleeping, Father Sun was shining bright, the surface upon the lake was completely calm, Arrow Woman began to get sleepy.

It was at this time that ‘Uktena’ appeared to her. As a child she had been told of him yet no one in her tribe ever claimed to have seen him. High above the water he raised his great serpent’s head, the jewel in his forehead glistening. He began to move toward her. Arrow Woman grabbed up her spear and stood up to face the great creature coming to her, standing proud, showing no fear, the way any warrior should. She raised her spear and prepared to strike the huge beast.

Uktena stopped a short distance from her. He smiled at her, showing his fierce rows of teeth he began speaking to the brave woman on the bank of his lake, “Put down your weapons for I mean you no harm. I come only to teach.” Arrow Woman laid down her spear and began to relax, somehow knowing He spoke truly.

Uktena told her to sit and to listen. He then dipped his head below the surface and came back up a moment later. In his mouth he had a strangely crooked stick and a leather pouch. These things he laid on the ground in front of Arrow Woman. Then the teaching began.

“This that I have laid before you is the Sacred Pipe of The Creator. Pick up the pipe. The bowl is of the same red clay The Creator used to make your kind. The red clay is Woman kind and is from the Earth. Just as a woman bears the children and brings forth life, the bowl bears the sacred tobacco and brings forth smoke. The stem is Man. Rigid and strong the stem is from the plant kingdom and like a man it supports the bowl just as man supports his family.”

He then showed Arrow Woman how to join the bowl to the stem saying, ” Just as a man and a woman remain separate until joined in marriage so too are the bowl and stem separate. Never to be joined unless the pipe is used.” Uktena then showed her how place the sacred tobacco into the pipe and with an ember from the fire lit it so it burned slightly. He then spoke these words, “The smoke is the breath of The Creator, When you draw the smoke into your body, you will be cleansed and made whole. When the smoke leaves your mouth, it will rise to The Creator. Your prayers, your dreams, your hopes and desires will be taken to Him in the smoke. Also the truth in your soul will be shown to Him when you smoke the pipe. If you are not true, do not smoke the pipe. If your spirit is bad and you seek to deceive, do not smoke the pipe.”

Uktena continued his lesson well into the night teaching Arrow Woman all of the prayers used with the pipe and all of the reasons for using the pipe. He finished just as the moon was beginning her nightly journey across the sky in search of her true love. He told Arrow Woman to wrap the pipe in cloth, keeping the parts separate. With this done He told her that she would never again be able to find this place but to remember all that she had learned. He then returned to depths of the lake. Arrow Woman saw the water shimmer and become again the field of grass. She left, taking with her the pipe and her lessons and a wondrous tale. Ever since that time, the People have used the sacred pipe and never again has any man seen the sacred lake of Uktena.

The Sacred Pipe is not a symbol of things that are sacred. The Pipe itself is sacred. Not everyone is called upon to be a pipe bearer. The person who carries the pipe and practices the pipe ceremonies and traditions has a great responsibility to his brothers and sisters, his land and country and to the Great Earth Mother.

The pipe bearer does not ‘own’ the pipe that they carry. They simply carry the pipe until the time comes for them to pass it to the next bearer. The pipe bearer is given certain powers of sight from the pipe as well as an ability to heal and purify. Should the bearer fall from grace and become a liar, thief, neglected their duties when asked, or become deceitful, the pipe would repossess these gifts and then the possibility of misfortune for the former bearer may exist.

I ask that today and all days ahead, that we hear the words of this Pipe story, that like the pipe we honor and respect ourselves, treating tradition and ceremony as Sacred. That we understand our responsibilities that we carry as we walk. Accepting the great gift Creator has asked us to care for…our human selves.

So my wish to you all today is that you have heard the words I shared today, and it helps you to stop and think, we are all sacred…we have all been given a great gift and responsibility. Our human self is like the pipe that was shared with the Ancestors in time long ago…but that to this day it is to be considered Sacred. So treat yourselves with honor… with respect… for like the pipe…we do not ‘own’ this human vessel that holds our soul. It simply carries us our soul until the time comes for us to journey to the next realm.


bear Medicinewalker


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“Prayers from Within” by Award Winning Musician Jan Micheal Lookingwolf available at http://www.lookingwolf.com/

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