October 12, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Dragonfly

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Today is about the Magic that is all around us! but in order to see it, in order to experience it, we must understand that we must open to it! Once we do that we will see how limitless our dreams, desires, needs actually are and in order to do just that we must trust in the Creator, the Universe and mostly in ourselves! Have Faith in the fact that everything happens for a reason, that synchronicity to all that is Sacred occurs if we again allow it to deliver the positives to our lives.

We need to listen to the Whispers of Spirit as it guides us through the little obstacles of the day…fighting off the negativity that breeds and thrives in the world, trust that little inner voice, those small red flags that pop up. That all occurs for a reason, that reason is that the Ancestors, those that have walked before us, with us and beyond us are assisting us as we walk our human paths. Believe, Trust and have Faith that they are hearing your thoughts and prayers that you put out…. and pay attention to all creatures great and small, for they share the secrets of here and beyond with us as they go about their days… just simply open the door to the magic of it all!

Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again.

Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.

Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.

Mitakuye O`yasin
bear Medicinewalker

“Orange Dragonflies” by Jonny Lipford available at http://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/

October 3, 2015 Card of the Day – Horse

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Today focus on your own rhythm and how it connects and flows with life and the journey you are on. It’s time to make adjustments and take care of your Sacred Hoop so that it can move about more freely with the world you are walking. Make an effort to breathe in the clean clear air around you and renew your spirit for we often forget to do just that as we get lost in the busy of being human.

Horse brings with it the joy of wide open spaces and the ability to move freely about. It shares that it is time to open the barn doors and venture out into the world to experience what the Universe is offering for all of us if we are willing to open to it in positive ways. They help to guide us swiftly and sure footedly to the next part of the path we are to reach.

However in doing so Horse also shares that the herd is important. The ones that are within our Sacred Hoop…family…friends… that they are there to assist us as we move forward and not stay in the old ways, with things that need to be let loose. Mend fences and move forward with everything, but truly mend them do not just go through the motions, for if you don’t take the time needed you will loose the positives that are part of that same Sacred Hoop.

Horse tells us to awaken our souls and honor our true self, our true dreams and aspirations. Feel the wind, feel the earth beneath you, feel the sun share its warmth and energy, feel the water as it nourishes and cleanses. Allow your senses to be in a place of all that is Sacred.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Rhythm of the Rainhorse” Jonny Lipford available on Itunes and at http://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork

September 14, 2015 Card of the Day – Seahorse

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Nurturing… the first thing that shouted at me this morning is a sense of nurturing and duty. The Seahorse is so delicate and yet so fierce with its protection and care of its family and young. So Today they are shouting to nurture yourselves and be fierce in the way you walk through the hours and moments of your day… surrender to the flow that carries you to the new and amazing places in life, but as you do…make sure you are mindful of those little places that we can get stuck in if we are not careful. It is time to be both Sensitive to needs of self and others, yet at the same time show strength in how you participate in life by making positive motions that take care of the framework of our souls.

Happy Monday Ya’ll!

Card of the Day – Seahorse

Seahorse brings for us lessons in persistence as we move towards our goals. Leave our stubbornness at the door and all things will move much smoother with our inner circles. It is time to take a closer look at things and get a fresh view of all things in your Sacred Hoop, physically, emotionally, spiritually for something has been out of balance and it is time to reset with purpose and unconditional.

Seahorse also speaks of serving others and caring for their needs, but while we are in that role we must not forget to nurture self as well. Slow down and do not over exert yourself for that will not assist in anything or anyone if you are too tired and/or worn out. Our purpose is not to serve others and loose ourselves in the process; it is about the Sacred balance.

Life is all about perspective and we must remember to approach with open eyes, mind and soul to stay balanced within the positives. Seahorses teach us how to move in and out of situations seamlessly, teaching us how to move through the currents of life and emotion and stay in a healthy state while doing so.

Be Bold! Adapt when the situation calls for it! Be colorful and enjoy Life! most importantly allow your souls to flow with the energy and waves of life around you allowing it to feed your spirit!

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Odyssey” written and performed by Jonny Lipford available at http://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork

Spring is Here! It Is Time to Step Out from The Closet!


Spring is Here! It Is Time to Step Out from The Closet!

I can hear you all now, eweeeeeeee what closet is bear talking about? Well I hate to disappoint you all but I am speaking of the many closets that exist out there…Why, because many of us are there hiding in them and if we really look closely and were really honest about it we would see ourselves peeking out from some form of a closet that we have been hiding in.

Each closet may be a bit different but the purpose remains the same… fear…and once we settle in that place of fear, hiding there seems easier than stepping out into the light where everyone can see us as imperfect. And the thought of that is terrifying; I know I have been there many times throughout my life.

Is it hard to come out, sure it is…
How hard is it to come out and tell people you are in bankruptcy?
Or looking your family in the eyes and saying I am gay?
How hard is it to hide in a closet if you cheated on your partner?
Or looking at your kids and telling them you are divorcing their dad or mom?
How hard is it to tell your parents something you fear will disappoint them, no matter how old you are?

It is not that one or the other is harder…for they are all hard.
So why is it we compare our closets without looking in our own?
All closets are hard… one is not better or worse than the others…one is not easier than another…for they are all hard…

At one point or another we all jump into the closet and hide, because they feel safe for us…at least for a little while. We can hide from what is on the other side of the door of that closet. No matter what our reasons are however, it is not a healthy place to live.

So why is it so hard, because we make it so, we worry about what others are going to think how they are going to react and I get that I truly do. We worry about loosing people over the issues, what is going to happen when the cat is let out of the bag.

Why? Because they all cause stress, it is normal and it is something that our brains do and is absolutely normal. Yet what happens when we choose to stay in the closets for long periods of time, not sharing the worries, concerns or secrets we have been holding on to so tightly? We play havoc with our own bodies for holding stress in can bring on illness, disease, heart attacks, it throws us off balance emotionally , physically even sometimes socially.

So what places us in there, what makes us step into that dark space behind the closet doors? Fear…fear puts us in the closet and we continue to feed it by hiding in the closet.

Okay so take a deep, deep breath and turn the knob on the door and step out of the closet.
Be real positive about it, be ready to get real back when you do. Take a step to release the fear. Authenticity…Be Direct, apologize if you need to for something you have done. However be unapologetic….do not apologize for who you are, never for who you are, for you are human like the rest of us, perfect in your imperfections.

Write your own story. Remember, if you feel scared in that closet you are not alone. It is hard but no matter what your closet is made of or where it is… there are others just like you waiting to do the same… so step out into life, and remember closets are not made for living…
but the World is.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Vanilla Skies” by Jonny Lipford and is available at http://www.jonnylipford.com/

burning sage

How the Chipmunk Came to Have Stripes

bear and chipmunk

The Bear gave a low snarl at the little Chipmunk “I have enough power that if I wanted to I could order Father Sun to not rise in the morning”.

The Chipmunk laughed and looked at the Bear, “Uh huh, sure you could.”

“Wait Chipmunk you will see,” growled the Bear.

The Chipmunk laughed, “I will wait, and we shall watch together as Father Sun rises in the sky at the usual time”.

So as Father Sun rose the next morning in the sky the little Chipmunk laughed and made fun of the Bear, “All powerful Bear,” continuing to taunt until the Bear became so mad that it reached out to grab the little Chipmunk. But the Chipmunk managed to escape, for his burrow was nearby. Yet just as he reached the opening to his home, the Bear stretched out its massive paw to swipe at him. Narrowly escaping from under it he managed to scurry into the hole.

However, the very next day when the Chipmunk came out of its burrow, it had three marks on his back, marks of the Bear’s claws. And Chipmunks carry those marks to this day.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music, the Arts and the Stories!

sacred Hoop project 2015


“Orange Dragonflies” performed and recorded by the amazing and talented Jonny Lipford! available at http://www.jonnylipford.com/

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