Some Thoughts from an Old bear

So yesterday I messaged with a friend of mine and we talked of a few things, but there was one important message that Spirit wanted me to share and it’s an important one. To Quote Spirit, “Remember when health issues change for us, when we loose a person that transitions to the Spiritlands, our lifestyles change, we need to remember to grieve, mourn in our own time. Most importantly we must grieve the person we were before these changes occurred in our lives”.

Depression is an easy out for all of us when things don’t go well for us. But if we actually stop and take a deep look into self, we will find that was once before still exists as it is imprinted on our very souls. It makes sense as most of us put ourselves last with everything, because that is who we were taught to be. But how is that right? If we can’t care for ourselves in the proper way, how is it then we are available for others support?

No matter what it happens we need to honor how it effects us. This is something I am working through currently. I am a flawed human who’s body is saying, “Yeah no bear, you can’t do it that way anymore”. So of course me being me, I struggled. When I finally sat and listened, I finally understood I will never have the body I had in days gone by. This is the new version, and like it or not we have to come to terms with it all. At that point, that singular point of understanding, we open to what can be.

For me it was pretty simple, I am here to assist, create, be teacher and student, work with what Creator God has shared with us all on the Great Mother Earth. So as my dear friend Kerry Greenaway works with crystals something I have worked so much with in my past, it has once again reminded me of who they speak to us if we open to hear them. Many purposes and points for Healing. I have slowly worked into creating again. Many have stepped up in the Spiritlands to guide me to where I need to be and what I need to be doing.

We all have the capability to do this, I just don’t think we think of it. But as we work through it and really come to understand this is the new version of self… it is who we need to be… we can accomplish anything we set our minds to do/be. With that might even come the fact we need to ask for help from others. Which is so true. Today I needed help getting something moved. Pondered for two days cause the old me would just do it no matter what. The new me however needed to ask for assistance. I did and it was resolved in a few moments. The person that helped me said, “For cripes sake bear, just ask me. No worries. You have helped us so many times, no worries”.

SO what was my problem? My ego had stepped up and blocked me for asking for help… but as I tell others all the time, if we need help ask! SO my own lesson came back to bite me in the butt. So I have been humbled and learned, grown, just because I have to remember who I am now not who I was in times past.

So learn from my mistakes and the advice that come from the Spiritlands… Mourn, grieve for self so we can heal and move once again accepting all that we are. A flawed Human that is walking in the best version of yourself.

I am bear Medicinewalker. I am purposed with the task of being a conduit for the Spiritlands to share their teachings and insights.
Blessings to you All
~ bear

Jennifer Hudson and Tori Kelli singing Halleluiah

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