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the Ancient Guardians of the Waters

the Ancient Guardians of the Waters

The Native Symbol Orca Whales symbolizes family, romance, longevity, harmony, travel, community and protection. He is said to protect those who travel away from home, and lead them back when the time comes. The Orca Whales live like wolves, mate for life and raise each child with care. They also travel in large groups of families, working together to protect all members of their pod.

Referred to as the “Lord of the Ocean” Killer Whale or an Orca whale are said to be the guardians of the ocean, with seals as his slaves and dolphins as its warriors.

It is also said that they are closely related to humans, and for when a human drowns in the water, their soul is said to be guided down by Orca Whales deep to the very ocean floor itself and transformed into an Orca Killer Whale.

There are also stories of when a Killer Whale is seen off shore he is believed to be a deceased human or chief trying to communicate with loved ones. Some tribes believe that Orcas are reincarnations of their former chiefs lost at sea. Some people tell the following story on how the white markings appeared on the Killer Whale.

As a legend describes, a Killer Whale fell in love with an Osprey. The Killer Whale was so in love that he would jump out of the water and into the air, to be closer to the Osprey. The Osprey would respond by flying lower to meet the whale. They had a child together and the child was born black like the Whale with white markings from the Osprey.

The whale is known to help people in need whether we are helpless or wounded. The whale symbolizes kindness, intelligence and compassion. The Whale or Orca, is known as the guardian of the sea and guardian of travel and also can also be a symbol for unity and goodness. Killer Whales often travel in family groups known as pods and also hunt in packs like the wolf so are referred to as sea wolves.

The Orca Killer Whale is the most admired of all the whales and is used as a powerful crest by many clans.

In a time before there were any killer whales there lived a very able sea lion hunter and a highly skilled carver named Natsilane. He was from Kake and when he took as his wife the daughter of a chief on Duke Island, he decided to live among her people. He was accepted into her family and because he tried hard to prove himself, he soon had a place of honor as an accomplished hunter and spear carver.

His desire to please won him the admiration of the youngest of his brothers- in-law but the oldest ones misunderstood his intentions and became jealous and so began to plot against him. The men decided to get even with Natsilane on the day of the big seal hunt. After much preparation, the day of the big hunt arrived and Natsilane along with his four new brothers paddled their canoe toward West Devil Rock, out in the open straits. The wind was blowing fiercely and the waves were high but Natsilane was determined that the hunt would be successful.

When the canoe neared the rocks, he leaped toward shore and plunged his spear into the nearest sea lion before it could escape. Unfortunately, the point broke off and the lion slipped into the water. Worse yet, Natsilane saw that his brothers, over the fierce objections of the youngest, were paddling away- abandoning him on the deserted island with no food or weapons. Their betrayal stung him deeply and after a time, he pulled his cloak up over his head and fell asleep.

Natsilane awoke the next morning to the sound of his name. He saw a sea lion that looked like a man beckoning to him to go with him down beneath the waves into the Sea Lion’s House. At the great house he met the chief of the sea lions who asked him if he could help his injured son. Natsilane saw that the young lion had his spear point embedded in his body and with some effort was able to remove it and the son was healed. The chief was very grateful and after granting Natsilane even greater skills, arranged for his safe return to the village.

Natsilane met with his wife and after telling her his story, he made her promise to keep his return a secret. He took with him his carving tools and went into the woods to carry out a plan of revenge on the older brothers-in- law who had betrayed him. Remembering the Sea-Lion Chief’s promise, he asked him for help and began carving a large black fish, a killer whale of spruce the likes of which had never been seen before. After many tries and improvement in his carving skills, he fashioned a sleek orca whale from yellow cedar, marked it with white lines using chalk from the corners of its mouth back to its head. He said, “This is going to be the white-mouthed killer whale.” and when it was launched, it came to life and swam out to sea.

He called the black fish to him and ordered it to find his brothers-in-law when they returned from their hunting, destroy them and their boat but spare the youngest boy. The black fish set out and found them late that afternoon. black fish capsized the boat breaking it in two and drowned the older three brothers by keeping them from shore. The youngest made it back safely along with his story of the great black fish and his brothers’ treachery. The villagers came to believe that Natsilane had carved the great black fish and given it life.

Not long afterward, a strange black fish with teeth was seen near the shore and at times would leave a freshly killed seal or halibut there for the villagers. Natsilane had instructed it never again to harm humans but instead, to help them.

As the Orca Whale continued to help the villagers, they realized that the “Orca Whale” was a gift from Natsilane and so they took it for their crest. Natsilane became a legend to their village and some have claimed to have seen him riding the seas on the backs of two great black fish.

Orca’s guardians of the ocean by most Spiritually significant and symbolism to me the connections to the Ancestors, the Ancient ones. the keepers of the Wisdom’s For those who follow a shamanistic path, it is believed that the Orca can turn matter into stars and aid in the creation of the cosmic universe.

I believe that their songs have healing qualities And that their vibrations A they communicate with each other and with us can heal those who are physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick or help you find your soul’s path again.

I ask that today and all days ahead that we remember to Honor the Great guardians of the Oceans. That we listen to the wisdoms they share with us and help to keep their waters safe, for the waters are the sacred elixir of all life that also hold a great many secrets to our past …and not just to one person…but to all. Honor the lessons of the Great and small creatures of the water, for they don’t look upon us as to which color our skins are…or what gender we are… to them we are simply mankind…and they have been a constant through out our existence…may we learn to hold them and their wisdoms as Sacred… Blessings to you oh Orca’s of our Sea’s and thank you for your Teachings.

So today…allow the voices of the Great guardians to heal what ails you. pay homage and offer a prayer for them. Be conscious of the great role they have played in human kinds life story… and be thankful for all that is.

Mitakuye O’yasin

~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015 sacred Hoop project 2015


The Medicine Wheel

medicinewheelarticle header
The Medicine Wheel explains different ways of looking at the world. It is held as Sacred with many of the traditional people…it is held sacred with me.

The Medicine Wheel is sometimes represented as a cross inscribed within a circle. The Four Directions are represented as points on this circle. The particular directions are often associated with different animals, colors, plants. Rocks and gems, often times these will vary somewhat within different clans and bands
The cardinal points are also connected by two lines from North to South and East to West. These lines are often described as two paths, as they were by Black Elk. He described them as “the good red road” (east to west) and the black “road of difficulties” (north to south). The first was a harmonious or balanced path, and the second was an inharmonious or imbalanced path.

To quote Black Elk,
“You have noticed that everything an Indian does
is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round…..
The Sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are
all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours….
Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from
childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.”
~Black Elk

Our beliefs are not based on a fixed set of beliefs or on an interpretation of sacred writings, but on the knowledge of that the very rhythm of life is gathered through the life cycles of Nature. And what we all can come to understand if we study it, is that there are no straight lines in Nature.

All of Nature expresses itself in circular patterns. This truth can be found in something as small and simple as a bird’s nest or a hanging bee hive, or in the cycle of the seasons or the cycle of life (birth, death, rebirth). Therefore, the circle the Medicine Wheel represents life… All life…around us , within us and beyond.

Native American “Medicine” is not the same as the modern medicine that we think of today. It is not a pill or a procedure or anything else that can be used to improve one’s physical health. When we speak of“Medicine”, we are referring to the personal power within oneself which can enable one to become more whole, complete and balanced.
Medicine… is Energy… is Power… is Knowledge…
A Medicine Wheel can represent a sacred space, aid to meditation, an altar, as centering and ground for one’s consciousness, as a protector, a framework in which to honor all that is sacred…

Each of the directions on the Wheel is a path to self-realization and self-initiation into the mysteries of life itself, which brings us to the very core of our beings where make contact with the Higher Self. Each path can help us to acquire the knowledge needed to makes changes that will put meaning and purpose back into our lives.

I also recognize three more directions, that of above, below and within… but for today will discuss the four directions of the North, the South, the East and the West…

From the North we call to the Grandfathers of the Ancestors, the Great Buffalo the sacred holders of Wisdoms of generations. It brings to us lessons of prayer and abundance.

To the South is the direction of the feminine energies the givers of life. Moving upon the earth, the Coyote see the truth from varied points of view as it walks upon the earth floor.

In the East sits the great Eagle that can fly high above, close to Creator and sees the earth from that Sacred point of view. East is from where we begin, as the sun rises to the sky

From the West is the bear, teaching us of where we have been and will return to once again. It is a teacher of introspect and going within.

To walk a true medicine path, one must journey through all points of view and develop our minds to see how we truly connect with all four directions. It is a journey we all travel at different rates for it takes time, patience, and an open mind. Then we reach the point of understanding that there is only love.

The Great Mystery is love, good and principle. It is a guiding parent, one that doesn’t play games, that knows only how to love. Sometimes, when things go wrong we will blame Creator or others. Usually, if and when we are honest with ourselves we can actually see and understand how decisions or things we have done in the past put us in position that may hurt us. When this happens, it is not something the Creator caused, but something we, ourselves have caused. Most of our problems are of our own making.

It is important to understand these cycles, the great circles of life that all life travel in. the Medicine Wheel will assist you in following that path, in learning about you and the life that is around us all… in a good way…

Let us raise our intentions to our consciousness and voice by sending healing energies and prayer up this day… Today I pray for all those who ask, all those in need, all those who do not ask … I pray that we are given the strength, the joy and the love that is needed in our days…

I call to the sacred winds…to carry my words
To the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, the south, the east, the west, Above …below and within…

I call to the sacred winds to carry my words to the Winged ones…the Four Leggeds…the Plant People…the Crystal Keepers, the Thunder Beings, the Angelic Realm…Mother Mary and Magdalene…my Brother Christ and all the nations that love us.

I thank you for all the many blessings that you have shared with us today and beyond and I ask that you hear our prayers whether spoken our held silently within our hearts.

Today I ask that you hear our prayers as we stand humbly before you, small and human.
Help us to remember we are all but a tiny part of a great universe, that we are all connected as one…

Bring us the strength we need to walk our paths without ego or judgment…
Allow our hearts to hear what our ears are missing
Teach us how to allow forgiveness for others and ourselves
Fill our being with the unconditional love that you so freely offer all.
I call that we be reminded we are all no better than or less than one another.

Guide us through our days, to help us with our humanness…that we learn to reconnect with others in a gentle and positive way. Offering smiles when they are needed without thought, shoulders or ears to help ease another…and words that will uplift or soothe.

Keep our children safe and strong in this troubled world… I ask that on this day and days to come…guidance is shared with them to help them as they walk their paths. Help open our eyes so we all can learn and see the right way of things, teach us to respect all life as sacred no matter how small, open our ears and minds so that we may understand things that are being taught to us in good and gentle manners…open our hearts so that when the harshness of the world falls at our feet, we can cope and handle it with compassion and understanding.

I ask that today and all days ahead that we become more aware of the sacred circles that are life itself. That we honor those four directions and beyond, by learning the teachings that have been shared with us from the ancestors down through the generations of oral traditions. That we look to the Sacred lessons shared with us by the Winged Ones, the Four Leggeds, the Plant people, the Crystal Keepers and Stone People, by the Elementals and the Star Nation above us… Guiding us to the center within self, that sacred place of knowing so we may be able to live more productive and healthy lives.

I thank all those who have walked with us and answer our calls…this day and in days to come…and honor you …

So my wish to you all today is that you use your senses and view the Sacred Directions as teachings… that we learn that the cycles are there and have been all along, that we merely have to be open to what is being offered to us in order to walk strong, happier and more balanced lives… to walk that road in a good way, no matter the color under our feet….

I wish to you all that the love in my heart finds yours and fills it with hope and faith…faith that in the moments ahead of us we can all help to make this world a little better.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker


bear Medicinewalker “the Sacred Hoop Project 2015”

Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth.

through the Music, the Art, the Stories…..




Steven Rushingwind “Red Beaten Path  available at



the Story of the Sleeping Bear Dunes as shared by bear Medicinewalker

sleeping bear dunes2015

Welcome to all my relations as I call to the Sacred Winds to carry my words, to the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of all Directions. I ask that in this time and space, you allow me to speak with the Wisdom’s and Knowledge of the old ways. Allow your stories and the lessons that they bring to be taught for those who need to hear. I honor you and thank you for answering the call… aho

Good day to you all. I invite you to get comfortable and take a walk with a bear. Today we speak of stories and legends that have been passed down through time.

Legends are stories about people …a place…or sometimes even an animal that is created to explain an event or occurrence so that it may be passed down to other generations as a lesson or record. Most are spun in fiction, not entirely true…however the mere fact that a legend is passed from one generation to the next has a sense of mystery and magic.

So with that in mind, I tell you a story that was passed to me, throughout the generations.

It is the Story of Sleeping Bear Dunes

Before time was time, before man walked the forests, there was a mighty lake. Its vastness spread across the shores, untouched raw beauty as it’s waves tickled the ever stretching forests. Wildlife was plentiful and the nights stretched as the day was long.

In one such forest close to the edge of the Great Lake, lived a Mother Bear. Her coat was dense and thick …colored blacker than the night. She had large soft eyes that showed pure joy as she watched her two young cubs frolic and play. The little family lived a life among the wildflowers and green pastures and forests, along the shoreline of this Great lake.

Every morning they were awakened by nature’s choir that stirred as Father Sun rose to the sky to greet the day. Their daily travels took them throughout the forests, meadows and the rich streams that flowed over the Great Mother. Stopping only to acknowledge the gentle deer that crossed the path. Mother bear would stop and encourage her young cubs to play in the water, and then to be ever so patient as to reach in and grab a fish as it shimmered in the stream for lunch. Always thanking and honoring the great circle of life, and only taking what was needed for the day. She taught them well. When they would finish it was time to nap in the lazy afternoons, and just enjoy Father Sun’s warmth on their shoulders.

After waking from a long and restful nap they would stroll along the long shoreline of the Great Lake, that had no beginning and had no end…playing in the waves as they cascaded over the sandy beaches. Learning to simply be, and connecting with each other and the very life around them. Then as the long days would draw to a close, the Mother bear would gather the cubs and take them back to the cave for a night of rest. Lying in a nurturing mother’s embrace, they would gently fall asleep.

One afternoon as they were about themselves, a storm rolled in. The thunder was deafening and the lightning was bold. Mother bear stood up looking around her and sniffing at the air. A nervous tension settled in as the silence was broken for the sounds of crackling and the dark sky turned to a fiery glow. Fire!

She felt a surge of panic, grabbing her small cubs and urging them to hurry they headed towards the Great lake. Running alongside them were the wolves, the deer and all the forest dwellers all heading the same way…

Diving to the water she called to the cubs to follow. Urging them deeper, to save them she guided them to the other side. They followed their Mother without question, the waves that washed over them were strong and cold. Looking back she saw she was loosing sight of them, continually calling out to them, so they would follow Her through the wind and waves. All through the night they swam…yet they were falling farther and farther behind. Mother bear was worried.

Night time fell upon them. The sky was dark and glittered with stars and the light from Sister Moon, and still she swam on…listening to the night sounds of howling wolves, the cry of the night owls, all urging her to continue. Mother bear kept looking back, and her eyes grew weary as Father Sun began once again to rise across the sky…

Looking back once more to see her cubs, she realized they were no longer there. She came upon the shore and collapsed into the soft sands. The land seemed strange to her as she placed her weary wet paws into it. There were hills that rolled forever and sand all around. After resting a short while she began to pace along the surf, looking out towards the water for her cubs. Crying out in a roar as her eyes filled with tears.

Calling to the cubs pacing …pacing…she climbed to the top of the highest hill and looked out over the water that was deep and dark, yet there was no sign of her cubs.
She let out a cry again, calling to them …echoing out over the waters dark deep blanket.

Mother bear sat and waited…she watched Father Sun come and go as the seasons passed and the flowers bloomed…she sat and watched, as the swallows nested and then taught their young to fly. She sat and waited as the Sweet Grass grew green and turned to the golden colors of the fall…

She waited and watched while the leaves fell from the trees and the air grew cold bringing with it the white blanket of snow that caused all to rest. She watched and waited, but her cubs never reached the shore. Soon she fell fast asleep in a slumber of sorrow…

Years passed by and the Great lake gently blew over her caressing her and keeping her warm with blankets of sand while she slept in that slumber. And in time the Great Mother felt her sadness as her own. Realizing the Mother bear’s great love for her cubs. In honor of that Love the Great Mother called upon the Sacred Winds to bring the cubs near the shore, raising them from within the depths to create two islands full of beauty and lushness, placing them forever within the watchful eyes of their Mother Bear.

The cubs stand to this day, time where there is no time as the North and South Manitou Islands. Happy to be near their Mother once again, they stand in tribute to their Mother bears love. With the shimmering water shining while Father Sun looks down upon them with pride.

I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth.

Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…

Mitakuye O`yasin,

bear Medicinewalker


One Who Sees performed by Award Winning Pow Wow Group Bear Creek from their XI CD available at

sacred Hoop project 2015


Code of Ethics as Taught to Me by My Elders

code of ethics 2015

Over the years, the following words have stayed with me. I will be the first to admit it is not an easy path to walk, but like you all…
I am human too. So it is good to remind yourself often of the important things, the things we need to do, the way we need to walk. If we expect others to be and do better then we must help to guide them through example, through understanding, through the unconditional.
For we hold the power within each of us, the power to Change the World.

So with that thought…check egos at the door as we walk the code together.

Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if
you only speak

Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger,
jealousy – and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find

Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path
for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no
one can walk it for you.

Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best
food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and

Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the
wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not

Respect all things that are placed upon this earth – whether it be
people or plant.

Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or
mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal

Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into
the universe will multiply when it returns to you.

All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven.

Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice

Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly

Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and
water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to

Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return
to you.

Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this

Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and
Physical self – all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the
body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional

Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be
responsible for your own actions.

Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the
personal property of others – especially sacred and religious objects. This is

Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot
nurture and help yourself first.

Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on

Share your good fortune with others.

So keep that list close, remind yourselves each day…and always remember you are not alone for we
all walk the same way, one footstep at a time.

Mitakuye O`yasin,

bear Medicinewalker


“Old Memories” performed by Young Spirit and is available on “Save Me a Lead” at our friends Canyon Records and

I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth.

Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…


~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2016


bear Medicinewalker ~ a Simple Seed


A simple seed…

Grandmother Tree drops her seeds embedding them into the earth.
Gentle rain drops fall to the ground as the sky sheds her tears…
Birthing the seed…

Then beginning to form in the rich womb of the soil
Stretching its extremities out to the world it is birthed.

Father Sun sends his golden rays to encourage the tiny seed beings to grow…
Soon they wave their arms along with the gentle Sacred Winds
As the Sounds of Nature echo around them.

Some fail to grow, forever hidden in the shadows…
Others choose to seek the light and grow strong and proud among the feet of the Ancestors.
This is the way of life…
This is the way of survival…

So it is through our birthing…
Our Choice to make …
To stay within the shadows only to wither and fail to grow,
Or to seek the light and grow strong and proud
Adding our roots to the path that will carry us forward
To one day stand humbly with the Ancestors and Creator.

Mitakuye O`yasin
bear Medicinewalker

“Grandfather Tears” by Rushingwind and Mucklow
Bridge CD available at

sacred Hoop project 2015



Coincidences….? Ponderings from bear Medicinewalker


It is said every person is born with free will and every person has a specific purpose to accomplish during their lifetime. When our life is relatively free from obstacles and issues, we are walking the path we were meant to walk. If our life is full of obstacles and issues, we are not doing what it is we were meant to do. That is when Creator with the help of the all the realms guides us through it all `til we are where we are meant to be. We need to pay attention to things that happen, coincidences, the synchronicity of events that unfold around us. If we are aware of these, we often can recognize the path which Creator is showing us. If we are unsure …remember to ask that it be shown in ways that we can understand.

I do not believe in coincidences…I believe we are given the tools we need and ask for, and if we do not see our path clearly Creator helps us along. Sometimes when we are to stubborn or distracted to see the help that is being provided, we are pushed along to our path until we see it and land on it with a thump. I say this from experience, because at times I can be a stubborn bear and have often had to been pushed with a 2 x 4 by the Ancestors to get me where it was I was supposed to be.

It often is in a way we least suspect,or even sometimes when it is answered and we are taken by surprise for it had been just a notion or thought of something in our minds’ Yet an answer or opportunity will arrive on our doorstep and there we stand with what we needed in that very moment.

When that happens, do not write it off as a coincidence, or shake your head in disbelief…. open your heart to the joy of it, and tell Creator and the Ancestors…

I ask that today and all days to come…help guide us to our paths, freely and clearly. Show us our purpose and what where we are meant to be. Help us to become and walk through the obstacles that are presented in our lives, with grace and dignity in a way that honors all the ancestors.


bear Medicinewalker


Music by Ryan Little Eagle Molina part of the Wolf and the bear Network family. the song is entitled “She Who is in the Stars”





December 29, 1890 “Mitakuye O’yasin” a bear’s Thoughts


On December 29, 1890 the U.S. Army’s 7th Cavalry surrounded a band of Ghost Dancers under Big Foot, a Lakota Sioux chief, near Wounded Knee Creek and demanded they surrender their weapons. As that was happening, a fight broke out between an Indian and a U.S. soldier and a shot was fired, although it’s unclear from which side. A brutal massacre followed, 300+ Indians were murdered and nearly half of them were women and children. The United States Cavalry lost 25 men.

This is a story I heard again and again as I grew older, something our Ancestors did not have the opportunity to do. As those years past, so did the truths of the event. It has been 124 years past and still it makes me tremble in despair and heartache. The reason however is not what some may think, for Our Ancestors do not want us to live our lives holding bitterness and hate within our hearts. Instead they wish us to remain proud and honorable People, to move ahead and make a difference for our young children, to remind them and all of the old ways.

To treat All Life as Sacred, to evolve and revolve within our own Sacred Hoop and in turn mending the Great Hoop itself. Honoring the Creator and remembering we are all no better or less than each other. Understanding we all have purpose, we all imprint on the life that surrounds us. To remember that we need to contribute positive to those imprints to help our Young grow strong both in Spirit, Body and Thought.

So today I stand in humbleness, and remember the Ancestors that walked before us and the sacrifices they gave so that we would have better, be better, see a better future. So I ask you to join me, to remember that We Are All Related, “Mitakuye O’yasin”

Thank You Ancestors, You Will Not Be Forgotten.

~ bear Medicinewalker


sacred Hoop project 2015

Music by Sister Yolanda Martinez

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