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I pray that all the sorrows of the world are lessened with each moment…


So I guess this has been the theme of the day….

I went to my local post office, a place I go often several times a week actually and have for years. I know most of the workers by first name, and they know me. I would say it is part of small time charm but it ws the same when I lived down state. Why because I take time to notice and engage with people from all walks of life.

As I waited to walk up to the window to post my parcels, I looked over at the card rack there and grabbed one off the rack; it was a Dr. Seuss card. I was the only customer as I placed my things on the counter. I said morning to the guy on the other side and my thoughts were sort of elsewhere when I realized he was addressing me.

I quickly replied, “I am sorry what was it you said?”

He looked up with a smile on his face and repeated what he had said, “Well at least they haven’t got to Dr. Seuss yet right?”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about and replied back, “I am sorry who hasn’t gotten Dr. Seuss?’

The reply, “Well you know they got Sesame Street right?”

So I am running things through my little bear brain and since I collect stamps, I thought that this was what he was referring to. “I am not following, you mean stamps?”

“No I mean the gay thing.”

I kinda of snapped my attention to him and said, “Um again not quite following…the gay thing?”

“Yeah you know the gay thing. They have GAY characters now on Sesame Street,” as he continued to post my parcels.

“Ummm well it is 2015, I think it is a good way to help children understand things in a positive light, don’t you?” I was thinking to myself that he could not be picking to argue this with me could he? But as you all know, Creator places situations on our path to challenge us…

“No it isn’t a good thing, its wrong. It’s a choice,” again he responded.

“I am sorry what it a choice?” I asked him.

“Being gay,” Very clearly stated.

“Really it is a choice eh?” I asked him.

“Of course it is pffffffff…” he responded.

After which the maintenance man came out from behind the counter prancing and dancing, and saying, “Look at me I am a guy pretending to be a girl so I can go into girls locker rooms.”

Outrage was building quickly, but I was seeing this more as a teaching moment than anything else. “Well you know I know many transgender people and am familiar with the issues they face; and I guarantee that you would not be able to deal with what they go through emotionally, socially or physically.” To which they both laughed…

I looked at them both, men that I have shared laughter, coffee, cupcakes and known for years, “Well I can tell you from personal experience it is not a choice, I am gay and was born this way. But I can tell you something that is by choice… CHOOSING to be a judgmental Jack Ass. Have a great day.”

I walked out of the post office.  All this conversation because I purchased a Dr. Seuss card.

People we need to remember that we are all unique and all different. Being gay is no more a choice than being born a heterosexual. It is simply part of who we are as individuals, as human. We need to be more understanding, more tolerant of being different. As adults we have the charge of molding and assisting our youth to understand that it is okay to be who we are as people. The heart wants what the heart wants.

I do not wave a flag in people’s faces, but I can tell you throughout my life being gay was always a struggle, until I simply stepped into it and accepted it. It is part of who I am… but it is not the only part of who I am. Diversity is part of the world that makes it amazing and magical. Yet when we add ignorance, hate, racism, anger, wrong information, negativity into that mix…it is by choice,

So it is time people stop and look in the mirror…take a good long look, and remember we are all Humans on paths that our only intent should be to walk it the best way we can to allow our soul’s to experience life to the fullest in positives. Worry more about how you walk, than what sex, religion, political party others may be walking…. Worry more about positive and loving ways that you can show the children life can offer. Not the ugliness of it, there is enough of that in the world when they turn on a video game or the televisions. Be an adult that shares knowledge of how to get along with others, how to be unconditional, because after all we all can step back into the glass house in a blink of an eye can’t we?

I pray for the small minded, the haters, the bullies…
I pray that light and joy fill their hearts where darkness, anger and bitterness now live.
I pray that the things that have made them this way from the past are released and they can move ahead in more positives in the present and future.

I pray that all the sorrows of the world are lessened with each moment…
~ bear Medicinewalker

burning sage

sacred Hoop project 2015

Kari Kimmel – Where You Belong used as creative commons and is available on Itunes

Spring is Here! It Is Time to Step Out from The Closet!


Spring is Here! It Is Time to Step Out from The Closet!

I can hear you all now, eweeeeeeee what closet is bear talking about? Well I hate to disappoint you all but I am speaking of the many closets that exist out there…Why, because many of us are there hiding in them and if we really look closely and were really honest about it we would see ourselves peeking out from some form of a closet that we have been hiding in.

Each closet may be a bit different but the purpose remains the same… fear…and once we settle in that place of fear, hiding there seems easier than stepping out into the light where everyone can see us as imperfect. And the thought of that is terrifying; I know I have been there many times throughout my life.

Is it hard to come out, sure it is…
How hard is it to come out and tell people you are in bankruptcy?
Or looking your family in the eyes and saying I am gay?
How hard is it to hide in a closet if you cheated on your partner?
Or looking at your kids and telling them you are divorcing their dad or mom?
How hard is it to tell your parents something you fear will disappoint them, no matter how old you are?

It is not that one or the other is harder…for they are all hard.
So why is it we compare our closets without looking in our own?
All closets are hard… one is not better or worse than the others…one is not easier than another…for they are all hard…

At one point or another we all jump into the closet and hide, because they feel safe for us…at least for a little while. We can hide from what is on the other side of the door of that closet. No matter what our reasons are however, it is not a healthy place to live.

So why is it so hard, because we make it so, we worry about what others are going to think how they are going to react and I get that I truly do. We worry about loosing people over the issues, what is going to happen when the cat is let out of the bag.

Why? Because they all cause stress, it is normal and it is something that our brains do and is absolutely normal. Yet what happens when we choose to stay in the closets for long periods of time, not sharing the worries, concerns or secrets we have been holding on to so tightly? We play havoc with our own bodies for holding stress in can bring on illness, disease, heart attacks, it throws us off balance emotionally , physically even sometimes socially.

So what places us in there, what makes us step into that dark space behind the closet doors? Fear…fear puts us in the closet and we continue to feed it by hiding in the closet.

Okay so take a deep, deep breath and turn the knob on the door and step out of the closet.
Be real positive about it, be ready to get real back when you do. Take a step to release the fear. Authenticity…Be Direct, apologize if you need to for something you have done. However be unapologetic….do not apologize for who you are, never for who you are, for you are human like the rest of us, perfect in your imperfections.

Write your own story. Remember, if you feel scared in that closet you are not alone. It is hard but no matter what your closet is made of or where it is… there are others just like you waiting to do the same… so step out into life, and remember closets are not made for living…
but the World is.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Vanilla Skies” by Jonny Lipford and is available at

burning sage

I ask we Gather in Peace this moment… this day…

blessings and paryers

I ask we Gather in Peace this moment… this day…

Let us focus on causing a change of Positive thought
Of positive being….

For all those who have dreamt, for all those who have sacrificed, and for those who continue the fight for peace… may the light of the Holy Father Creator Shine on you and continue to add strength and courage to your being….

I call to the sacred winds…to carry my words
To the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, the south, the east, the west, Above …below and within…

I call to the sacred winds to carry my words to the Winged ones…the Four Leggeds…the Plant People…the Crystal Keepers, the Thunder Beings, the Angelic Realm…Mother Mary and Magdalene…my Brother Christ and all the nations that love us.

I thank you for all the many blessings that you have shared with us today and beyond and I ask that you hear our prayers whether spoken our held silently within our hearts.

Today I ask that you hear our prayers as we stand humbly before you, small and human.
Help us to remember we are all but a tiny part of a great universe, that we are all connected as one…

Bring us the strength we need to walk our paths without ego or judgment…
Allow our hearts to hear what our ears are missing
Teach us how to allow forgiveness for others and ourselves
Fill our being with the unconditional love that you so freely offer all.
I call that we be reminded we are all no better than or less than one another.

Guide us through our days, to help us with our humanness…that we learn to reconnect with others in gentle and positive ways.

May our energies join together and be added in a never ending stream of healing, Grace and Understanding… may it encompass and wrap around all life …in gentleness

I call to you oh Ancestors … who have sacrificed so much and asked for so little in return… help to guide and encourage us to walk a dream that is not forgotten, a dream that will guide us to a way of peace for all living things….

As we speak these words and they fill our hearts and spirit… may it be so…

I thank and honor all that have heard our prayers and answered them…


To you all take this peace we have shared with each other this day…and spread it around to all those who will listen and more so to all those who will not… Be the light of reminder… the dream that is not forgotten … the dream of one nation of human living in peace…

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015 small

“May We Walk” from Bernhard Wolfsheart Weilguni

What is My Totem?

what are my totems

“We don’t choose our totems. Our totems choose us!” This is one of the first basic concepts of Totems.

Totems are hard to explain at times, but what we need to understand is what a totem is before we can comprehend what it means to follow their teachings. Once we understand the concept, it helps us to learn the messages they then have to offer and teach us.

A totem shows up to us as a spiritual sign or entity. They come to share and teach the knowledge they hold to help and assist us with our own lives, how to relate to others and the world around us. Totems are not worshiped, we follow the teachings they offer, we incorporate the way they deal with life into our own to help us move in positive steps on our paths.

We don’t control them and often it is difficult to explain our draw or affinity to them… yet there is a deep connection inside of us that responds to them when the show up in our lives. Why we ask ourselves… because it is natural to do so.

Walking with a totem will put certain disciplines in place for us that are not always easy to walk. The knowledge and lessons they share with us are rather set as goals to be like or a way of life to aspire to.

They come in many forms and will often show up at just the right time in our lives, and sometimes they will walk with us our entire life cycle, keeping spiritual watch over us. They will show up in our lives as an animal we are drawn to, such as a wolf, a bear, an eagle, lion or elephant, a tiger.

People often ask what is my animal totem? How do I know if I have one?

My reply is to open yourself up to the possibilities, look around your life at the pictures or items you collect, we all have them whether it is a honey bee or a bear, a snake or a turtle…. They are all there to share with us wisdom that will help enrich our life and challenge our souls to grow into the positives that are possible. Teaching us to cope, deal, create and live happy and productive lives.

Follow me as I take you through a journey of discovery each week in to the World of Totems… and during the week with my Card of the Day!

Learn what the World of Spirit and Totems will share with each and every day with us if we will only open to it!

Mitakuye O’yasin

~ bear Medicinewalker


sacred Hoop project 2015 small

Music by Joseph Strider available at
“Smoke ’em if you got em” Hawks Flight

How the Chipmunk Came to Have Stripes

bear and chipmunk

The Bear gave a low snarl at the little Chipmunk “I have enough power that if I wanted to I could order Father Sun to not rise in the morning”.

The Chipmunk laughed and looked at the Bear, “Uh huh, sure you could.”

“Wait Chipmunk you will see,” growled the Bear.

The Chipmunk laughed, “I will wait, and we shall watch together as Father Sun rises in the sky at the usual time”.

So as Father Sun rose the next morning in the sky the little Chipmunk laughed and made fun of the Bear, “All powerful Bear,” continuing to taunt until the Bear became so mad that it reached out to grab the little Chipmunk. But the Chipmunk managed to escape, for his burrow was nearby. Yet just as he reached the opening to his home, the Bear stretched out its massive paw to swipe at him. Narrowly escaping from under it he managed to scurry into the hole.

However, the very next day when the Chipmunk came out of its burrow, it had three marks on his back, marks of the Bear’s claws. And Chipmunks carry those marks to this day.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music, the Arts and the Stories!

sacred Hoop project 2015


“Orange Dragonflies” performed and recorded by the amazing and talented Jonny Lipford! available at

A Cherokee Creation Story

cherokee creation

There is a story of creation the Cherokee People one that speaks of a female sun as well as what is called an Earth Diver. It begins at a place beyond memory, when the world was covered with water. When all life, all that was Sacred lived in Galunlati or what is known as the vault in the sky beyond the rainbow. A place that was so crowded the creatures could barely move around.

The creatures decided to seek a solution to this discomfort and it was decided that they would send the Water Beetle down to the watery earth below. The Water beetle bravely dove down into the waters and soon surfaced bringing with him a gob of mud that he began slowly to spread out in order to create a surface. This surface soon became the earth-island. Soon after Creator attached the sky using four pieces of rawhide tied to the four sacred mountains that lie in the Four Sacred Directions. The Beetle smiled at Creator.

Yet still the earth was muddy and too soft for the creatures to live upon. So it was then decided that Buzzard would be sent down to locate a dry spot in which the creatures could dwell. Finally he came upon a place where the mud was drying out. The Buzzard then took his great wings and used its wide wingspan to flap creating mountains and valleys. The Buzzard smiled up at Creator.

When the land was ready the other creatures began to migrate down from beyond the rainbow. As they arrived they were saddened to find that their new home was dark with no light. So they decided to pull Sister Sun down from the vault of the sky showing her the path she should follow each day. She agreed and smiled at them and Creator.

Soon Creator sent the plants down to live among the animals and sustain them, asking that the plants and the animals all stay awake for seven days. Most of the creatures fell asleep before the time was up, but Owl stayed awake and was given the power of night vision.

Some of the plants also managed to stay awake the entire time and they, the cedar, pine, holly, spruce and a few others were then permitted to keep their hair throughout the year. The other plants were told they would have to shed their leaves each year when the cold began and grow them again when the weather began to warm up, testimony to their sleep and broken promise to the Creator.

Creator then decided to form a man and a woman. The man proceeded to press a fish against the woman, which made her grow large and eventually give birth to a child. Every seven days she gave birth to another child, until the Creator decided to place a cycle on her so that she could have a new child only once a year. This is how we, the Cherokee People came to be.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015

“Earth Dance” by Chris Ferree available at

the Snow Moon as shared by bear Medicinewalker


Long ago and far to the north, winter nights were very long, dark and bitter cold. Nights were so long, dark and cold that all the Four Leggeds and their friends could barely gather enough food to survive the season. No matter how quickly they tried to gather nuts and seeds, the darkness covered them and stopped all their efforts. On such a day Squirrel decided that something had to be done. Her first stop would be a visit to her friends the field mice.

“Oh, we do not know what to do,” said Father Mouse. “We have so many children to feed, and the winter nights are so long and dark.”

“I will help you my little friends,” Squirrel replied.

Next Squirrel went to see Porcupine to ask him if he too had been having trouble finding food during the long dark winter.

“Oh, yes,” said Porcupine,“ nothing can be done it has always been this way.”

“I don’t believe that,” said Squirrel. “There must be something that can be done.”

“It’s best to leave things as they are for you never know what could happen if you try and change things,” said Porcupine. With a bristle of quills, he scurried off through wintery wind and snow.

Squirrel sat and thought for a bit and then decided to seek out Owl. Owl rested by day and flew the woods at night, with eyes bigger than all the other animals. Perhaps Owl would know a way to bring light to the winter forest.

Squirrel climbed high in Owl’s maple tree and waited for Owl to wake.

“What brings you to me Squirrel?” asked Owl.

“All of the small woodland animals need to hunt by darkness as well as day. The northern winter nights are far too dark for us. If we could only find a little light to help us see we could gather our food with ease”

Owl agreed to ponder on this problem. He lifted his feathery head and then buried it into his shoulders to think. He thought all day long, while Squirrel shivered on the windy branch. Finally, he startled with thought, “I will talk to the Sky Father and see if he can bring the stars closer to us during the winter time.”

Squirrel flicked her tail in excitement and hope as she raced down the tree to her spot in the woods. A few days went by and then Owl flew in and landed at Squirrel’s burrow.

“Tell our small friends that the Sky Father has decided he will bring the stars closer to us at night. But first, he must clear all the clouds from the sky. We must all prepare for a strong and terrible blizzard.” With that said, Owl flew off to his tree.

All the animals worked as quickly as they could to forage all the nuts, berries and seeds that they found. Then they gathered and huddled in a hollow log and watched as the huge storm clouds gathered in the sky above.

For three days the Sky Father gathered the storm clouds in the sky, stacking them in huge towers. The animals shivered below, waiting. On the third day, the storm arrived. The blizzard howled through the woods. The animals were frightened, all except Squirrel for she believed in what Owl had promised.
When the storm died away, a huge snowdrift had blocked the hollow log so that the animals could see nothing but the wall of snow and the darkness from inside the hollow space. They were scared and disappointed, thinking that only hunger and darkness awaited them.

Brave Little Squirrel made her way through all her friends and turned to them, “Wait here, I will tunnel out and see if the stars are closer as the Great Sky Father promised.”

Squirrel dug and dug, pushing through the cold and wet snow finally reaching the top. When her head popped out through the snow, she gasped in surprise. The winter stars hung so low in the evening sky, it seemed that she could almost touch them.

A large, antlered moose stepped forward and bowed his head, “I have been sent to help you, if you little animals can gather all the snow you can and push it into a giant snowball, I will then carry it cradled in my antlers across the highest mountain ridges, where it will shed light on even the darkest winter nights.”

So they all worked together with the help of the moose and the Sky Father to create the first Snow Moon. Now despite the cold and the long nights of darkness, all are happy in the winter when the stars come close and the moon shines bright like great snowball in the sky.

Blessings to All
~ bear Medicinewalker




The Sacred Hoop Project is about the sharing of the culture so the stories remain, the teaching continues and our Ancestors remembered and honored.   with that in Mind I have added to this post as well, Deborah New Moon Rising’s version of this story. When I shared it with her she was compelled to record it. I hope you enjoy them both, for it is a wonderful story to share with children and adults of all ages, and is definatley one of my favorites!
~ bear


Simply click on the player to hear Deborah New Moon Rising tell the story!
“The Snow Moon” Deborah New Moon Rising & Ken Quiet Hawk

Deborah New Moon Rising and Ken Quiet Hawk are of Abenaki descent.  Deborah is known as an award-winning artist of realistic wildlife paintings on wild turkey feathers. Her birch bark rattles and crafts adorn the regalia of many from coast to coast. Together with her husband Ken Quiet Hawk they have gathered stories and life’s lessons to share as storytellers at Pow Wows and Native gatherings. Performing at concerts and schools throughout New England, as well as traveling the entire East coast to share the teachings of the native peoples.

Both Quiet Hawk and New Moon Rising believe that storytelling should be more than just entertainment, “Storytelling should be a means of teaching, teaching us all how to be better people.”

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