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Legend of the Shasta Grizzly Bear as shared by bear Medicinewalker

shasta grizzley

Before people were on the Earth, the Chief of the Great Sky Spirits grew tired of his home in the Above World because it was always cold. So he made a hole in the sky by turning a stone around and around. Through the hole he pushed snow and ice until he made a big mound. This mound was Mount Shasta.

Then Sky Spirit stepped from the sky to the mountain and walked down. When he got about halfway down, he thought: “On this mountain there should be trees.” So he put his finger down and everywhere he touched, up sprang trees. Everywhere he stepped, the snow melted and became rivers.

The Sky Spirit broke off the end of his big walking stick he had carried from the sky and threw the pieces in the water. The long pieces became Beaver and Otter. The smaller pieces became fish. From the other end of his stick he made the animals.

Biggest of all was Grizzly Bear. They were covered with fur and had sharp claws just like today, but they could walk on their hind feet and talk. They were so fierce looking that the Sky Spirit sent them to live at the bottom of the mountain. When the leaves fell from the trees, Sky Spirit blew on them and made the birds.

Then Sky Spirit decided to stay on the Earth and sent for his family. Mount Shasta became their lodge. He made a BIG fire in the middle of the mountain and a hole in the top for the smoke and sparks. Every time he threw a really big log on the fire, the Earth would tremble and sparks would fly from the top of the mountain.

Late one spring, Wind Spirit was blowing so hard that it blew the smoke back down the hole and burned the eyes of Sky Spirit’s family. Sky Spirit told his youngest daughter to go tell Wind Spirit not to blow so hard.

Sky Spirit warned his daughter: “When you get to the top, don’t poke your head out. The wind might catch your hair and pull you out. Just put your arm through and make a sign and then speak to Wind Spirit.”

The little girl hurried to the top of the mountain and spoke to Wind Spirit. As she started back down, she remembered that her father had told her that the ocean could be seen from the top of the mountain. He had made the ocean since moving his family to the mountain and his daughter had never seen it.

She put her head out of the hole and looked to the west. The Wind Spirit caught her hair and pulled her out of the mountain. She flew over the ice and snow and landed in the scrubby fir trees at the timberline, her long red hair flowing over the snow.

There Grizzly Bear found her. He carried the little girl home with him wondering who she was. Mother Grizzly Bear took care of her and brought her up with her cubs. The little girl and the cubs grew up together. When she became a young woman, she and the eldest son of Grizzly Bear were married. In the years that followed they had many children. The children didn’t look like their father or their mother.

All the grizzly bears throughout the forest were proud of these new creatures. They were so pleased, they made a new lodge for the red-haired mother and her strange looking children. They called the Lodge – Little Mount Shasta.

After many years had passed, Mother Grizzly Bear knew that she would soon die. Fearing that she had done wrong in keeping the little girl, she felt she should send word to the Chief of the Sky Spirits and ask his forgiveness. So she gathered all the grizzlies at Little Mount Shasta and sent her oldest grandson to the top of Mount Shasta, in a cloud, to tell the Spirit Chief where he could find his daughter.

The father was very glad. He came down the mountain in great strides. He hurried so fast the snow melted. His tracks can be seen to this day. As he neared the lodge, he called out for his daughter.
He expected to see a little girl exactly as he saw her last. When he saw the strange creatures his daughter was taking care of, he was surprised to learn that they were his grandchildren and he was very angry. He looked so sternly at the old grandmother that she died at once. Then he cursed all the grizzlies.

“Get down on your hands and knees. From this moment on all grizzlies shall walk on four feet. And you shall never talk again. You have wronged me.”

He drove his grandchildren out of the lodge, threw his daughter over his shoulder and climbed back up the mountain. Never again did he come to the forest. Some say he put out the fire in the center of his lodge and returned to the sky with his daughter. Those strange grandchildren scattered and wandered over the earth. They were the first Indians, the ancestors of all the Indian Tribes.

That is why the Indians living around Mount Shasta never kill Grizzly Bear. Whenever one of them was killed by a grizzly bear, his body was burned on the spot. And for many years all who passed that way cast a stone there until a great pile of stones marked the place of his death.

Please continue to join me on a journey…through the stories, the insights, the Spiritual and the Human!
Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015 small

“Medicinebear” by Chris Ferree and available at

Are You Kidding Me? Who Cares What the Label Is?

Are You Kidding Me  Who Cares What the Label Is
Are You Kidding Me? Who Cares What the Label Is!
Is it Terrorism, Racial Violence or a Hate Crime? You’re too white. You’re too black. You’re not native enough. You’re too gay. You’re religion is wrong. Good Cop vs. Bad Cop. Then broaden the scale, Our Bombs are bigger than yours. Our planes can out maneuver yours. Our acts of war are righteous, yours are crimes against humanity. So where does this lead us? Well in my eyes it leads us to the darkness of a rabbit hole like in the story Alice and Wonderland. And I for one do not want to be sucked into that hole of never ending darkness to become an unwilling participant.

What is happening to us as a Human Race? People need to stop, honor and respect self understanding we are all no better than or less than others. To begin to take responsibility for our children by teaching them right from wrong. Building foundations with the 7 Grandfather teachings… the basic foundation for all life.

“Wisdom – Love – Respect – Courage – Honesty – Humility – Truth”

Why is it that Terrorism, Racial Violence and Hate Crimes exist? Because we create it, we feed it. The media feeds it, our fears feed it, our ignorance and ego’s feed it. Why should we debate that it is called an act of terrorism or hate crime? Bottom line is if we all put as much energy into being kinder to one another, more understanding of our differences, more accepting of things that are outside our wheel house, paying more attention to what our children are doing and who they are doing it with, finding what is these days lost in the shuffle … a thing called FAMILY, the world would be a better place.

We all have history, we all have bad stuff that has happened to us at one time or another, and we all have choice to take the negative crap life throws at us and wear it as a badge feeding it until we can not breathe and continue to live in fear. Or we can set it to the curb like the garbage it is and become part of the process of healing. Healing not only ourselves but that of the world around us, the one we participate in. If we did perhaps there would be a little less of that negative crap out there for us to deal with. Like attracts like… so why not address the issues as they truly are?

Let’s help our Elderly who have paved the way for us in this life. Let’s feed our children who are hungry, not in the world… but in our own communities. Let’s assist those less fortunate by assisting them to achieve simple things such as providing shelter and basic needs for themselves. Teaching, nurturing and setting by positive example so that others will follow that pattern of the basic foundation for life.

So when I see a college student murdered because of their religious faith, cops involved of a human (criminal or not) being killed, a young person walking into a church and murdering people who are there to pray, I do not see the color of their skin, the jobs they hold…all I see is really bad messed up people doing really bad messed up things and I pray for them ALL! So I dare ya’ll to join me…

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop


A Lesson from a Tiny little Lizard

A Lesson from a Tiny little Lizard

So as I rose this morning my thoughts were already in process of forging which direction the day was going to take. I went through the morning rituals and adjusted to a few things that were out of the ordinary. I walked throughout the house and opened the windows, thinking it was perhaps warm, a fact that I became well aware of within 20 minutes or so was definitely not the case.

So as I began to retrace my steps to close them again (due to the fact it was only 42degrees outside), I stopped just short of the window in my daughter’s room. Looking through the glass to the outside world I saw three sets of Geese walking their little ones across the front of the yard gloriously unconcerned about anything but breakfast, bugs and exploration as they traveled from spot to spot. I smiled from inside because here were these little beautiful balls of fluff filled with curiosity and no huge care in the world, for them it is a simple life for the most part. Wish it was as simple and carefree for all of us.

I then said Morning Prayer and smudged my deck preparing for the morning card of the day that I share on social media. As I shuffled and tossed the cards the card that came up as the seventh one drawn was the Lizard. I went ahead and posted it in several places and then something showed up on my news feed that not only drew my attention, but somewhat irritated me. So grab a cup-a-whatever floats your boat as I share some thoughts with ya’ll.

Everywhere I looked, on my news feed for social media, on CNN’s page, Bing and MSN news feeds, local news feeds all I saw was people attacking other people. Headlines filled with sensationalism to draw in people and feed them negative energy. It can become quite overwhelming and sour your day to say the least if you allow it to. I then saw on another feed a person that was attacking another person, drawing in people to see things that were accusations and basically an attack on another person’s integrity. Seeing that I know some of the people involved, I felt sadness that again the ‘EGO” and “JUDGEMENT” buttons had been pushed.

So do I know the story behind it? Nope and I am not interested in the she said /he saids of the matter. Are we supposed to believe everything someone writes or says about another without knowing first hand? Nope we should not, but often with social media we do and that is what makes me sad. It starts out small and next thing you know it rolls out like the Salem Witch Hunt, and for what end?

Then the accusers state they are doing nothing wrong and just want people to know… they are innocent in anything but providing the truths (as they see it and want us to see it as well) and everyone can judge for themselves. Of course placing the information on a social media site is really a professional way of dealing with something for sure, right? After all we are all mature adults, but hey it’s their five minutes of fame and attention.

And I am sure some that will read this post will feel I am writing about them, but I am not writing about anyone in particular at all. For it is written and spoken all over the place by many. Things about religion, work, race, government, entertainment, you name it and it is written about, outing some said person for some said deed. As I stated previously …it is sad. What is even sadder is often it begins from people who profess to be of strong faith, or a so called “Light Worker”, a pastor or church goer. And of course they know best, their way is the only way. Then the words are twisted and they say that they are just trying to educate us or help us see the truth, consistently doing the passive aggressive dance of words.

People when are we going to wake up? When are we going to come to a place that we can educate ourselves and not become a sheep that follows someone spouting negatives? If you are truly a friend of someone, wouldn’t it be more productive to contact them one on one instead of on social media or calling someone out on a broadcast, or a news article, or talking behind peoples back at work or at a social gathering? Wouldn’t it be healthier and more positive? I would definitely think so…

We are born with free will and choice as human, and I for one think many people need to stop listening to others Bullshit and follow our own instinct, our own guts because ultimately we know what is right from wrong. Or at least we should. So what was it Lizard says to us all, what teachings does it share?

Well Lizard shares truths about “EGO”, that often as human we are ruled by it. So what may be needed at the moment is to take a step back and let out hearts take over. Our “EGO” is often all to ready to step in and rule, so take time to really look deep within what is resonating with our hearts before making decisions or saying something we may regret.

Lizard shares that we are able to use all our “senses” as they were given to us at birth, rely on them, hone them and watch for situations that may not serve us and then remove ourselves from them or to step into the positive ones we need to move with.

It is time to awaken what lies beneath, the unconscious mind that has been hiding things we have not wanted to deal with. Lizard will allow us to move them to the forefront so we can process through them and get rid of what is no longer needed and place us back to reality.
We are all human, we are all flawed and the Lizard teaches us it is ok to be this way. Release as they release a tail, what needs to be let go, then move ahead and regrow in more positive ways.

So when I tossed the card early this morning I didn’t know how accurate it was going to be about the week many of us have had. Sometimes it is time to move away from something or someone because we no longer are at the same point on the path.

The lesson is over, take from it what you will and move ahead. We do not have to destroy others in the process for we are not judge nor jury, we do not have that right…of course unless you can honestly take a step into your own glass house and say how perfect you are. I don’t know about you all, but I can’t, because like all of you I have cracks there too.

So folks…be kinder and gentler with each other. Remember it could just as easily be you in those shoes and find yourself at the end of she said/he said…

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop



Prayer and Ritual…

prayer and ritual

Today I am going to speak of Prayer and Ritual. I often am asked what my “Ritual” is… and how do I pray?” and I kind of chuckle to self, because to each of us it is unique, it is something we actually all do without even realizing it at times.

Ritual can refer to something that is done as part of a ceremony or something that is always done in a particular situation and/or the same way each time. So with that said lets take a look how they are defined in the dictionary;

1: of or relating to rites or a ritual ; ceremonial
2: according to religious law
3: done in accordance with social custom or normal protocol
— rit•u•al•ly adverb

1a (1) : an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought (2) : a set order of words used in praying
b : an earnest request or wish
2 : the act or practice of praying to God or a god

…at least those are the basic definitions.

We all have many rituals in our life, they can be also referred to a routine and how accomplish that routine. Something as simple as my as my morning ritual which is to get up early, put the hot water on… take care of the critters, make a cup of tea and then sit and pray, reflect and pray some more. All this is done in order to set the tone for the day. Why is that some may ask? Because it balances me, centers me securely in my Sacred Hoop, humbles me and reminds me of whom I am and how I must walk, it keeps me to task.

More questions, “So what is so important about that? I want to know, do you add magic to it? Is there a special way to perform ritual?”

Answer is, everyone’s “Ritual” is different. There is no right or wrong way to do it, because it is unique to you. I don’t like to use labels… I simply do it repetitiously… and it becomes ritual.

I actually have a simpler word for it, “Prayer”. It helps me put positives into my day, keeps me sane, (or at least as sane as a bear can be), it empowers, enlightens and connects me to the Universe and beyond! I light candles, I add herbs and intent to my smudge when I light it, I show respect for the “ritual” of all of it, because it is sacred to me, it is how I show respect, Sometimes I drum, sometimes I sing, sometimes I write… but it is all form of that ritual of prayer. Connection to the Creator, the Ancestors and Spirit… it is a way to remember why we are human.

So how do you perform ritual? How do you pray? Is there a right way or wrong way? My response is keep it simple…keep it real. Speak your truths from your heart; listen to that little inner voice for it is telling you that you already have a “ritual”, a purpose here as you walk your human and the fact you are asking it is simply means it is time to embrace all that it is!

Prayer make it a.Ritual…. be aware of it and try adding a little of it to your day. You will be amazed at the positives it will bring to your life!

Mitakuye O’yasin

~ bear Medicinewalker

Music by Fawn and Dallas provided by Canyon records and available at

The Story of the Three Sisters of the Plant People

3 sisters blog post

Long ago there were three sisters who lived together in an endless field. To look at them one could see that they were very different from each other in every way, yet they were Sisters none the less.

The youngest of the three was very young and was only able to crawl. They had dressed her in the bright and beautiful color of green.

The middle sister could be seen to wear a bright yellow dress and she often would run off to play when Father Sun shared his light and gentle winds raced the lands.

The oldest sister could be found standing straight and tall above her sisters in order to keep watch over them. She was dressed in a pale green shawl and her hair that was a soft pale yellow could often be seen gently blowing across her face as she stood high upon the field.

The one way in which they were all the same was how they were connected. They loved each other with all their hearts, they were family and they stayed together as such. This created a bond that made them very, very strong.

One day a stranger happened along and came to visit the home of the Three Sisters. It was a young boy from the nearby village. They watched him as he spoke with the winged ones, the four leggeds and others that were Sacred to the Sisters. This warmed their hearts and made them smile.

That summer the young boy returned, spent the day and when he was gone the youngest sister had disappeared. Her sisters cried and didn’t know what had happened to her. In the days to come the young boy of the village returned to gather the sacred sweetgrass that grew at the water’s edge. The two remaining sisters watched as his feet left their trail in the soft earth back towards his village.

That evening as Grandmother Moon spread her blanket across the sky, the oldest sister discovered that her middle sister had disappeared as well. She stood and wept for her loss. Now the older sister was left alone but she continued to stand tall in the field.

Soon the young boy came back and upon seeing how much she missed her sisters he gathered her up and took her to be back with her sisters, understanding that together the love they had for each other was strong and it was what created family.

The Three Sisters are represented as…
Sister Bean
Sister Bean is dressed all in green. At first when she was young she could only crawl. Now as she grows, she clings to and leans on her Sister Corn for support. In return, Sister Bean gives her sister the nutrients she needs to grow.

Sister Squash
The middle sister is Sister Squash although sometimes she is called Pumpkin. She wears a bright, sunshine yellow dress and a golden crown and sits at the feet of her older sisters. She is much shorter than her sisters and her large leaves help keep the weeds away and the soil moist. Her vines are prickly and help to keep unwanted animals away from her sisters.

Sister Corn
The eldest is Sister Corn. She wears a pale green shawl and has silken hair that rustles when the wind blows through it. She grows tall and strong and allows her sister to lean on her for support. She keeps watch over her sisters, looking for danger and warning them.

This also creates a strong foundation for our gardens, the mainstay staples that will provide nutrition to our families.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015 small

Three Sisters by Jonny Lipford available at and from Rhythm of the Rain Horse CD

Life’s Little Reminders …

Life's Little Reminders

Life’s Little Reminders that make us slow down and appreciate what is and can be….

So many times I am asked by people am I surrounded by spirit, can my loved ones hear and see me, are Angels around me? My reply is normally the same, “Of course we all have Spirit, Loved Ones around us, we have energy connecting us all in one way or another. Being able to sense this is simple; you must open to the possibilities and have a little faith.”

We all have the ability, that little thing called perception… it is the tingling we get when something is about to happen, the sense that perhaps we are being watched, that gentle warm hug feeling that surrounds us when we need that extra boost in our day. But as we walk our human lives, we often find ourselves getting caught up in all the craziness of life and we forget to take a moment to breathe and remember to feel and appreciate the life we are walking. For some it is simply about being too busy, for others it is about a life event that pulls us into the shadows or negatives that surround us all, that makes us forget how to be open, to remember we are not alone.

Life, it is about being human and experiencing it all, from the moment we are born and begin the aging process moving through the years ahead. When we are small we are open, for we do not understand limits. Limits are a human thing, a restriction we place upon ourselves for control… But to me there should be no limits on being open to possibilities. It is what allows us to follow our dreams, set goals, inspire and be inspired.

With that in mind I do not believe in coincidences. I believe everything has purpose and that good, bad and indifferent it all will allow other things to unfold as they are needed in their own time, to help us grow and experience life.

As I was driving yesterday to pick up lunch for my mother-in-law, my mind was thinking back to the past weekend and what a gift it was to experience my beautiful and amazing daughter graduate college. I was filled with gratitude. I was a little nostalgic and thinking how wonderful it would have been if my own mom had lived to see this day, (and yes even though I do this work, it is still nice to be reminded of the connections) I got a small chill on my right arm as I reached down to turn the radio on. Stevie Wonder began singing “Isn’t She Lovely” a song my mother loved and used to play when my daughter was first born. I smiled and glanced up at the clock on the dash, it read 11:11 and I smiled once again and thanked my mom. For I knew she was there and had seen the entire event. If I had been closed to possibilities I may have missed what was being shared, and although it may have not been in the physical sense, it was still a welcome communication.

It can be the same for us all; we just have to open to the possibilities. Spirit can share healing energies, advice, love and comfort as they share through energy. Our souls are energy and that energy connects to all that is Sacred around us. If we honor and respect that ideology, we can and will experience many wondrous things. We may be visited in dreamtime, through gentle reminders that link us to a memory or moment in time, or see or meet someone that may remind us of another… these are all there to help us move in positives through our own lives.

Spirit wants us to be happy, balanced, to remember that we are unique and have purpose as we live our lives. That we are not perfect, but rather imperfect with flaws… and that too is okay for this is how we grow and learn. Love ones that have passed do not want us to drown in guilt or sadness, but to move forward and honor what the love that they imprinted on our hearts…
So try and remember that as you walk the human… be gentle with yourselves, believe in vast possibilities, open your minds, your hearts and recognize the signs that are indeed shared with us all. Then allow it to wash over you and fill your soul with knowing and faith that all will be as it is meant to be.
As Stevie Wonder wrote…”Life and love are the same,” try and remember that and open to what it is offering you in the best way possible!

~bear Medicinewalker

sacred Hoop project 2015 small

Israel Kamakawiwoole “Over the Rainbow – What a Wonderful World Medley available on Itunes and used only as creative commons with permission from the heavens above….

Sharing The Story of Indian Corn as I was Taught

Sharing The Story of Indian Corn as I was Taught

In Long days past, a poor Ojibwa man and his his wife lived with their children in a small and remote village located in Wisconsin. This man did not hunt very well making it difficult to provide for his family. His wife was kept busy with the small children which made helping him difficult. He was a good man with a good and kind heart, full of gratitude to the Creator even for what little he could manage for his family. This quality was passed down to his eldest son, who upon reaching the age of adulthood was ready to walk his vision quest. It was a time that every young tribal boy looked towards for it helped them to find and understand their Spirit Guide that would walk with them through their lives. It was a time that they would receive their spirit name and the sacred gift that would be shared with them of the path they were to walk.

Eldest son had been obedient since early childhood. He seemed pensive, thoughtful of others, mild in manner, and always a joy to his family and to his tribe. At the first indication of spring, tradition told him to build a hut somewhere in an isolated place. There, he would not be disturbed during his dream quest. He prepared his hut and himself and went immediately to begin his fast for seven days.

For the first few days, he amused himself walking in the woods and over the mountain trails. He examined trees, plants, and flowers. This kind of physical effort in the outdoors prepared him for a night of sound sleep. His observations of the day filled his mind with pleasant ideas and dreams.
More and more he desired to know how the trees, plants, flowers, and berries grew. Seemingly they grew wild without much help from the Indians. He wondered why some species were good to eat, while others contained poisonous juices. These thoughts came back to him many times as he retreated to his lodge at night. He secretly wished for a dream that would reveal what he could do to benefit his family and his tribe.

“I believe the Chief of Sky Spirits guides all things and it is to him I owe all things,” he sat thinking to himself. “I wonder if Chief Sky Spirit can make it easier for all Indians to acquire enough food without hunting animals every day to eat.”

“I must try to find a way in my dreams,” so he stayed on his bed the third day of fasting, because he felt weak and faint. Sometimes he thought that he was going to die. He dreamed that he saw a strong, handsome young man coming down from the sky, advancing toward him. He was richly dressed in green and yellow colors. He wore a plume of waving feathers on his head. His every movement was graceful.

“I have been sent to you,” said the Sky Visitor. “The Sky Chief who made all things in the sky and upon the Earth intends for me to be your Guardian Spirit and I have come to test you.

“Sky Chief has observed all that you have done to prepare yourself for your Quest. He understands the kind and worthy secret wish of your heart. He knows that you desire a way to benefit your family and your tribe. He is pleased that you do not seek strength to make war. I have come to show you how to obtain your greatest wish. First, your spirit name shall be Wunzh.”

The visitor then told Wunzh to arise and wrestle with him. This was the only way for him to achieve his sacred wish. As weak as he was from fasting, Wunzh wondered how he could ever wrestle the stranger. He rose to the challenge and was determined in his heart to die in the effort if he must. The two wrestled. After some time when Wunzh felt nearly exhausted, the Sky Visitor said, “It is enough for today. I will come in tomorrow to test you some more.” Smiling, the visitor ascended in the same direction from which he came.

Next day at the same time, the stranger appeared. Again the two wrestled. While Wunzh felt weaker than the day before, he set his mind and heart to his task. His courage seemed to increase, however, in reverse proportion to his waning physical strength. The Sky Visitor stopped just in time before Wunzh dropped to the ground. “Tomorrow will be your last chance, so I urge you to be strong, my friend as this is the only way for you to achieve your heart’s sacred wish,” said the Sky Visitor.

Wunzh took to his bed with his last ounce of energy. He prayed to the Sky Chief for wisdom and enough strength to endure to the end of his Quest.
The third time they wrestled, Wunzh was so weak that his arms and legs felt like rubber. But his inner determination drove him forward with the kind of endurance necessary to win. The same length of time passed as in the first two wrestling bouts. Suddenly the Sky Visitor stopped and declared himself conquered by Wunzh!

Then the Sky Visitor entered the lodge for the first time. He sat down beside Wunzh to instruct him in the way he should now proceed to achieve his secret wish. “Great Sky Chief has granted your desire. You have wrestled manfully. Tomorrow will be your seventh day of fasting. Your father will come to see you and bring you food. As it is the last day of your fast, you will be able to succeed.

“Now I will tell you what you must do to achieve your final victory. Tomorrow we will wrestle once more. When you have prevailed over me for the last time, then throw me down and strip off my clothes. You must clean the Earth of roots and weeds and make the ground soft. Then bury me in that very spot, covering me with my yellow and green clothes and then with Earth.

“When you have done this, leave my body in the Earth. Do not disturb it. Come occasionally to see if I have come to life. Be careful to see that no grass or weeds cover my grave. Once a month, cover me with fresh Earth. If you follow what I have told you, you will succeed in your Guardian Spirit Quest. You will help your family and all the Indians by teaching them what I have now taught you,” the Sky Stranger concluded as they shook hands and the Sky Visitor left.

On the seventh morning, Wunzh’s father came with some food. “My son, how do you feel? You have fasted long enough. It is seven days since you have eaten food. You must not sacrifice your life. The Creator does not require that of you.”

“My father, thank you for coming and for the food. Let me stay here alone until the sun goes down. I have my own special reasons.”

“Very well. I shall wait for you at home until the hour of the setting sun,” replied his father walking away.

The Sky Visitor returned at the same hour as before. The final wrestling match began. Wunzh had not eaten the food his father brought. But already he felt a new inner power that had somehow been given to him. Was it Spirit Power from his Guardian Spirit? Wunzh grasped his opponent with supernatural strength and threw him to the ground. Wunzh removed the beautiful clothes and the plume. Then he discovered his friend was dead.  He remembered the instructions in every detail and buried his Guardian Spirit on the very spot where he had fallen. Wunzh followed every direction minutely, believing his friend would come to life again.

Wunzh returned to his father’s lodge at sundown. He ate sparingly of the meal his mother prepared for him. Never for a moment could he forget the grave of his friend. Throughout the spring and into summer he visited the grave regularly. He carefully kept the area clean of grass and weeds. He carefully kept the ground soft and pliable. Soon he saw the tops of green plumes emerging through the Earth. He noticed that the more care he gave the plants, the faster the green plumes seemed to grow.

Wunzh concealed his activity from his father. Days and weeks passed. Summer was drawing to a close. Then one day, Wunzh invited his father to follow him to the site of his Quest. He showed his father the graceful-looking plants growing there. They were topped with yellow silken hair and waving green plumes. Gold and green clusters of fruit adorned each side of the stalks.

“Father, these plants are from my dream friend,” explained Wunzh. “He is my Guardian Spirit, a friend to all mankind, named Mon-daw-min, meaning ‘corn for all Indians.’ This is the answer to my Quest, my secret heart’s wish. No longer will we need to hunt animals every day for our food. As long as we take care of our corn gift, the Earth will give us good food for our living.”

Wunzh pulled off the first ear of corn and give it to his father. “See, my father. This corn is what I fasted for. The Chief of Sky Spirits has granted my Quest. He has sent us this wonderful new food of corn. From now on our people need not depend entirely upon hunting and fishing to survive.”
Wunzh talked with his father, giving him all of the instructions he had received from his Guardian Spirit. He showed his father how the corn husks should be pulled off the stalks, and how the first seed must be saved for future plantings. He explained how the ears of corn should be held before the fire only long enough for the outer leaves to turn brown, so that the inside kernels remained sweet and juicy.

The entire family gathered for Wunzh’s feast of corn. The father led a prayer of thanksgiving for the bountiful and good gift from the Chief of Sky Spirits. Wunzh felt happy that his Guardian Spirit Quest was successfully completed.

This is how Wunzh became known as the father of Indian Corn as shared to me by the Chippewa/Ojibwa Indian Peoples.

Mitakuye O`yasin,

bear Medicinewalker

Music by David Rose, “Fourth Wind” available at

sacred Hoop project 2015 small


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