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Cherokee Legend of the Cedar Trees

legend of the cedar

A long time ago when the Cherokee People were new upon the Earth, they decided that life would be much better if night time did not exist. They prayed and offered smoke to the Ouga (Creator) that daylight would stay all the time and darkens would no longer exist. Creator heard their voices and agreed to release Grandmother Moon and her blanket of nighttime from its task. Father Sun rose and stayed focused shedding light in the sky from that point on.

Soon, the forests grew and were thick with heavy growth. It became difficult to walk and to find the pathways from village to village, home to home. The people worked in the gardens hours at a time trying to keep the weeds pulled so they would not over grow and smother the corn and other food plants. It became extremely hot never letting up from day to day. Soon it became very difficult to sleep which caused the people to become restless, short tempered and to begin arguing over small and insignificant things.

Not many days had passed before the People came to realize that they had made a mistake. They began to pray to the Creator. “Please, we have made a mistake in asking for continuous sunlight. Now we think that perhaps it should be night all the time.”

The Creator pondered on what had been asked and thought about how all things had been created in two’s to keep the balance… day and night, life and death, good and evil, times of plenty and those times of famine. However Creator loved the people and decided to give them once again what they asked for. He asked Father Sun to rest and Grandmother Moon to return.

So from that point daytime ceased and nighttime’s blanket fell upon the Earth. Soon, the crops stopped growing and it became very cold. The people spent their time gathering wood for the fires trying to stay warm. They could not see to hunt meat and with no crops growing soon people were cold, weak, and very hungry, and many of died.

Once again they gathered and prayed to the Creator. “Help us Creator, we have made a terrible mistake. What you once created was perfect and as it should be, from the beginning. Please forgive us and make the day and night as it was before.”

Once again the Creator listened to the request of the people and soon day and the night became, as the people had asked, as it had been in the beginning. Each day was divided between light and darkness. The weather became more pleasant, and the crops began to grow again. Game was plentiful and the hunting was good. The people had plenty of food and there was little illness. Once again the people treated each other with compassion and respect. It was good to be alive.

The people gathered, thanking Creator for their lives and for all that was Sacred.

Creator accepted the gratitude, however, during the time of the long days of night, many of the people had died, and the Creator wanted the people to have a reminder of this time and the people that were lost. So Creator placed their Spirits in a newly created tree. And named the tree a-tsi-na tlu-gv {ah-see-na loo-guh} or Cedar tree.

So when you smell the aroma of the Cedars or gaze upon them as they stand strong among the forests, remember you are looking upon our Ancestors, and offer them thanks and tobacco.

It is the belief to this day that the wood of the great Cedar tree holds the Spirits of the Ancestors. Many carry a small piece of cedar wood in their medicine bags worn around the neck. It is also placed above the entrances to the house to protect against the entry of evil spirits, even some of our traditional drums are made from the Great Cedars…the Spirits of our Ancestors.


bear Medicinewalker

#bearmedicinewalker #Spiritual #thewolfandthebearnetwork

  • Catch me on Ghost Dimension Reading Stream  every Tuesday and Wednesdays with Holly Jenkins and I on Spiritually Paranormal!

Green Amethyst and the Properties It Shares With Us

Green Amethyst has long been a favorite of mine and I use it for physical healing. I love working with it as it has a gentleness about it, yet packs a big punch.  Try it by placing  it on the painful area of the body and let its energy start to work healing you.  When I could, I would  wear them in a crystal point which are very hard to find.  Mine was from Brazil,  but they are actually very rare to find them anymore.  I carry them with me, not only for healing but protection as well.

Green Amethyst helps to end bad habits and toxic behavior. It can help us to rid ourselves of all that is holding us back, so we become the person we are meant to be. Prestolite (also known as green amethyst), is a heat-treated form of amethyst. Because it closely related to both amethyst and citrine, it acts as a bridge between the solar plexus chakra (seat of the will), the heart chakra, and the third eye and crown chakras. This makes it ideal for aligning the body, mind, and spirit into an integrated whole.

Green Amethyst is often referred to by other names such as Green Quartz, Lime Citrine, Veregreen and Amegreen. Found naturally most are from Brazil and Poland. Although some have been found in the United States, Zambia, Tanzania and Canada.

Green Amethyst is a stone that you are going to want to have as part of your daily healing journey.  It shares all of the powerful benefits of the more familiar purple Amethyst. Green Amethyst is said to bring the person using it incredible spiritual protection against negative energy and toxic vibrations.  An excellent stone for elimination and filtration. Others even say that this stone may be helpful in treating ulcers, blockages, and even various kinds of growths and illnesses.

Green Amethyst is my go to and has been for many years.  I have seen it do wonders with many people that  have gotten them from me.  I believe that all things placed on the Great Mother Earth has purpose and meaning.  This is defiantly one stone to keep in your arsenal of protection and healing!

Blessings to All,

~ bear Medicinewalker


Some Thoughts from an Old bear

So yesterday I messaged with a friend of mine and we talked of a few things, but there was one important message that Spirit wanted me to share and it’s an important one. To Quote Spirit, “Remember when health issues change for us, when we loose a person that transitions to the Spiritlands, our lifestyles change, we need to remember to grieve, mourn in our own time. Most importantly we must grieve the person we were before these changes occurred in our lives”.

Depression is an easy out for all of us when things don’t go well for us. But if we actually stop and take a deep look into self, we will find that was once before still exists as it is imprinted on our very souls. It makes sense as most of us put ourselves last with everything, because that is who we were taught to be. But how is that right? If we can’t care for ourselves in the proper way, how is it then we are available for others support?

No matter what it happens we need to honor how it effects us. This is something I am working through currently. I am a flawed human who’s body is saying, “Yeah no bear, you can’t do it that way anymore”. So of course me being me, I struggled. When I finally sat and listened, I finally understood I will never have the body I had in days gone by. This is the new version, and like it or not we have to come to terms with it all. At that point, that singular point of understanding, we open to what can be.

For me it was pretty simple, I am here to assist, create, be teacher and student, work with what Creator God has shared with us all on the Great Mother Earth. So as my dear friend Kerry Greenaway works with crystals something I have worked so much with in my past, it has once again reminded me of who they speak to us if we open to hear them. Many purposes and points for Healing. I have slowly worked into creating again. Many have stepped up in the Spiritlands to guide me to where I need to be and what I need to be doing.

We all have the capability to do this, I just don’t think we think of it. But as we work through it and really come to understand this is the new version of self… it is who we need to be… we can accomplish anything we set our minds to do/be. With that might even come the fact we need to ask for help from others. Which is so true. Today I needed help getting something moved. Pondered for two days cause the old me would just do it no matter what. The new me however needed to ask for assistance. I did and it was resolved in a few moments. The person that helped me said, “For cripes sake bear, just ask me. No worries. You have helped us so many times, no worries”.

SO what was my problem? My ego had stepped up and blocked me for asking for help… but as I tell others all the time, if we need help ask! SO my own lesson came back to bite me in the butt. So I have been humbled and learned, grown, just because I have to remember who I am now not who I was in times past.

So learn from my mistakes and the advice that come from the Spiritlands… Mourn, grieve for self so we can heal and move once again accepting all that we are. A flawed Human that is walking in the best version of yourself.

I am bear Medicinewalker. I am purposed with the task of being a conduit for the Spiritlands to share their teachings and insights.
Blessings to you All
~ bear

Jennifer Hudson and Tori Kelli singing Halleluiah

Spiritual and Totem Insights the Medicine Bag

Today takes a personal turn, a time to look inward as the card that shows itself in the 7th place is the Medicine Bag! In this day and age we live in a world full of Chaos and negativity all surrounding the People in Power as Ego driven people filled with Greed and violence. As if we are caught in the eye of the hurricane so to speak, a place where it is calm and quiet… we need to tend to ourselves by connecting with our souls and balancing it again. Understand that even though we might not be in the direct line of the storm, it all still affects us as we walk our day. So care for self however makes you comfortable. Look inside your Medicine Bag and making sure what we have inside is the tools and things to keep us in a positive place, adding or subtracting as life indicates to us. The core of who we are and will remain as is within our soul and that is what the Medicine Bag represents.

Continue reading “Spiritual and Totem Insights the Medicine Bag”

Spiritual and Totem Insights – the Bear

Bear walks through today is the seventh card to guide us along with the Ancestors towards more positive goals and enrichments. Dig deep kids …dig deep and prepare for the upcoming months.

There is so much anger in the world but we need to rise above all of that and stand in our own power to allow others to see there are better ways of behaving. Don’t add negatives for it will be returned to us, and we need people who can command a better way of life, a better way for the people of the world to live and be. Take care of self and those you hold in your sacred space, be brave and step out of the box when you see injustice or bad behavior. It is calling out for leaders of peace and calm. Helping each other and understanding although we are all different we all also have our place in lifes tapestry. Learn to Love better, care more and understand each other better.

Bear is all about fertility (creative and manifestation), instinct, protection and solitude. Those that walk with Bear are often somewhat reclusive requiring a great deal of personal space to renew and create. Bear people will often “disconnect” for awhile as they pursue projects becoming deeply involved in what they are working on. Deeply protective and territorial, Bear’s are also  extremely loyal and dependable.

Bear teaches us when healing of any sort is needed to use that time for introspective work in order to grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and find answers to problems within yourself. Travel deep into your soul find the purpose in your own path and journey and walk ahead in positive steps.

Bear shares with us that in this time hibernation is not only good but needed, yet respect our natural hibernation cycle and remember to reawaken in the spring, in doing so awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind.

Bear teaches us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive, and perhaps a time for both in balance.

“I am dedicated to educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings to You ALL
~bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network 2022

Spiritual Insights for the Day – the Honey Bee

Today the Honey Bee stops in the 7th spot to remind us to keep on pace and listen to our inner voices in order to stay in that positive place. Often times outside chatter of the world fills our heads and causes us to loose our pace of normalcy, because of that we need to slow down our selves in order to hear our own rhythm…To not be affected by the outside influences that throw us off track.

It is so easy to get caught up in other things than what we should be focusing on… so the Honey Bee shares with us that we will remain productive and in control by simply shutting the outside off today. So focus on positives and keep on task.

The Honey Bee serves a very specific purpose in life, it’s job is to pollinate plants and collect nectar to make Honey. It is what drives the continued life cycle of all the plants we see and use in our daily lives. It has been said that Bees are so important to our ecosystem that if they become extinct, humans would cease to exist as well soon afterward.

Honey Bee reminds us to continue to be (no pun intended) productive in our lives while at the same time remembering to enjoy the results of all our hard work. Bees should not be able to fly for their tiny bodies are not designed aerodynamically, yet they don’t dwell on it rather they just DO. Bees also teach us about community. As they move from plant to plant, they help to continue the life cycle.

Honey Bee teaches balance with our lives, even though they are amazing workers; they also slow down to enjoy life. Reminding us that otherwise life’s purpose holds no meaning.

“Across the country and the world, many pollinators are in decline or at risk of extinction. It’s a serious issue because forests, prairies, meadows, wetlands, seashores and croplands all depend on a diverse and healthy pollinator community to thrive. Globally, nearly 85 percent of all flowering plants require help from animals to produce seeds and fruit. Without them, neither humans nor wildlife would have as much to eat and as a result the planet’s biodiversity would plummet.” ~ Gene Brandi, Bee Keeper

We need to be mindful of the Bee’s and assist them in thriving and continuing their work. We need to plant gardens, flowers that will assist the process for all the Creatures of the Great Mother Earth. WE need to become the Caretakers we are meant to be, and stop destroying the very ground we live upon.


I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…
Many Blessings to you All

~ bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2022

Today the 7th spot brings us Spiritual Insights with the Winged Ones

Today the 7th card to face upward was the Winged Ones! Interesting as for over the past week or so I have been seeing many of them in numbers out here on the lake. Some even stopping in to chat a while. But this today is referencing that we need to reach higher with our Spiritual Self in order to free ourselves from the white noise of the world…. the constant chatter of negatives and darkness… of things that will shadow our lights. Push through the energy that swirls to disorientate us from our true paths and goals.

The Winged Ones carry our souls energy to the Creator, the Universe so that we will be heard… our prayers, our needs and desires, so take advantage of that and allow your spirits to soar. This will in turn re-energize you so that you are able to focus on the important things in your life and its circle. Are you strong enough to do this? That is the question you must ask yourselves, are you willing to hear your own souls energy and do what is needed to stay and continue in a positive light?

Take a moment as I call to prayer and join in doing the same…

I call to the Winged Ones… carry our words to Creator to be heard upon this day of Sorrow…
Today we send our wants, needs, wishes upon Your wings to be shared and manifested. Ride the fierce winds to soar with the Ancestors in the great above within the grasp of Father Sky. Allow the up winds of energy we send to you to swirl through your feathers, enabling You to soar ever closer to the Creator’s Breath.

You are Sacred, You are revered, You are all that we send with you in honor and gratitude, our Messenger to the above and beyond. We are blessed by your offering of service, of insight and wisdom’s on this day and all days. We thank you for all that you bring to share with our souls as they resonate with yours. Blessed be on this and all days to come.

We ask as we stand humbly upon the Great Mother, that you assist us in allowing our tears to wash away the pain and heartaches of this world. That you escort our loved ones who have passed so that they arrive safely to the next part of their journeys and bask in the acceptance and greetings of the Ancestors. We kneel in debt to you for being our confident and keeper of all that is in our hearts.

As we walk through our days, if we take that moment to stop and open our eyes… we will see the Winged Ones. Always fluttering about, ready and willing to take our deepest thoughts and carry them to the Creator’s ears to be heard. They share with us a deep knowledge of the Great Mother Earth and all that walks her surface and flies within Father Sky’s grasp. They are Sacred, so much so that many tribes and clans have taken them as their guides. From the Woodpeckers, the Buzzards, to the Egrets, Hawks and the Majestic Eagles… all play a role in teaching us things we need to understand and embrace as we walk the Human.

Revered as bringers of messages and symbols of change, we await your insights that will allow us to walk in a more positive, balanced and healthy way. for you are closest to the Creator’s ear, Messengers of our Ancestors and Relatives passed to the other world our souls thrive and continue to grow in. Creator is within all things, so help us to open our eyes and souls to be and do what we are meant to, what we have all agreed to when we entered this space.  Know what is clearly in our Soul’s intent and assist us in awakening it, re igniting it on order to be the mighty Warriors of Peace you have asked us to be.

Soar to the heavens our beautiful Winged Sisters and Brothers… soar and be blessed as you carry our burdens to be released to the Creator and Universe allowing us to begin to heal and move forward in positives.


I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings of Respect and Love,
~bear Medicinewalker



“Pray to the Lord” Fawn Wood & Dallas from cd @2020 Blessings available at

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