Today’s card is about Contraries, Yin and Yang, finding our personal balance. about understanding that sometimes what we see as our own realities are not being seen clearly. So it is time to take a step back and take a closer look at the heart and truth of the matter. If we take the time to see through the smoke of what we think we see, the point of balance will be found and balance can be achieved.
Desert Wolf also known as Coyote, as trickster, comes to us this day to share its wisdom’s, teaching us that it is sometimes a good thing to laugh at oneself in order to not get caught up in the pain that sometimes comes with life choices and lessons. It is about finding the balance of learning what life teaches and has to share, and when it is time to relax, enjoy and have some fun.
Desert Wolf teach us to be stealth and observe what we need to see, opening our senses to see the bigger picture of a situation. They speak of using distraction to change outcomes to more positive ones, by utilizing intelligence and good common sense, which often many do not take the time to stop and remember.
One of the most amazing skills they offer us is the use of voice and communication to let ourselves be heard, but to also warn that at times, when people use their voices it can be for hidden agenda’s that will not be in positive tones. So pay attention, listen closely so that you may understand and decipher what it is that is actually being said and stay adaptable to what must be done in the situation.
Desert Wolf tells us above all make sure we look at our own self, walk in positives not in deceptive or manipulative ways to get what you want. Look at what truly is motivating you, be honest with self and then stand in the Sacred Hoop to balance. Remembering what you do to respect self, will mirror to the world around you.
Today as the Hawk settles in to give us some fresh perspective, he speaks to me of allowing the time needed to heal. we have done the work. We have ripped out the negatives. It has begun to heal. So now we have to have patience and let it do just that, heal. Stop picking at the scab and reopening it, allowing negative to seep back in. Trust in the Creator, Trust in Self, for we were guided to be here doing what is needed to move in positives. This is the Fall season, the Time of the Frost and in order to move in positives we must remember that we are in the process of seeding, so those seeds can begin to be part of the earth and allowing themselves to be nurtured under the Winter’s grace so become what it is meant to be when Spring brings with it the awakening once again.
So breathe, take in the moment and have Faith that all is as it needs to be, we simply have to allow our eyes, our minds to see the bigger picture and the positives that will be as we move through the healings.
Red Tail Hawk shows up to help us understand the meaning in ordinary experiences if open and become aware of our surroundings. The Red Tail Hawk is awakening our souls so that we may begin the journey of our spirituality, preparing us for those Life Lessons that will soon show up.
Red Tail Hawks are messengers of the between, sharing insights and knowledge extended to us from the Ancestors and the world of Spirit. They speak to us of looking from a different vantage point and thus giving us a broader view of any given situation, helping us to not only be aware that a message awaits us, but also helping us to understand those messages.
Red Tailed Hawks are sacred and as they enter our presence, we must honor them by opening our minds and keeping them sharp while we look for wisdom and answers as we walk the human.
The Red Tailed Hawk’s red tail feathers distinguish it from other hawks, and remember that it does not receive their red feathers until at a later point in life after it has matured and experienced life around it. These feathers must be earned. The color Red represents Power and Energy that will lie dormant until it is awakened by our Souls as they walk and journey life and honor its own Sacred Hoop.
Indian fry bread is tradition to the Navajo, and comes with a story of great pain and suffering. Though the tradition of fry bread is familiar among all Tribal People in some way, it is the Navajo people who primarily are known for creating this recipe.
And of course there is a story that has been shared with generations of the Navajo People, and as it was share to me, I will now share with you…
The Navajo People lived from the Earth as their ancestors had for hundreds of years before. They also raised livestock to feed their family. The lands of the Navajo tribe were bordered by four Sacred mountains, from the South West… Arizona, the South East… New Mexico and North West into Utah and North East to Colorado. Crops were planted into rich, fertile ground at the Canyon de Chelly.
The Navajo traded with many tribes and cultures and even at times the early American settlers. During 1846 large numbers of immigrants flowed and migrated onto Tribal lands and with them came the United States Calvary. In August of 1849 a Navajo Leader by the name of Narbona was murdered.
On this day, Narbona a few hundred of his warriors traveled to discuss peace with Colonel John M. Washington representing the United States Government and military prescience in the area. There had been issues with the some of the New Mexican areas as some of the immigrants attempting to settle in the area were said to have been aggressively pushed out of the area. After discussing everything over several hours they came to an agreement and it was thought all was settled. Sadoval a young warrior with the group however did not agree with the decision. He ran out and jumped on his horse riding in front of the Navajo party goading them to break the treaty that was just formed.
Soon one of the U.S. Calvary soldier’s began to shout and yell saying that the horse ridden by the young Navajo was his and soon the calm was met with fighting. Colonel John Washington called to the Navajo to stand down and for the horse to be returned to the soldier, however the rider and horse were now nowhere in sight. The Navajo party did not comply. Canon and gunfire erupted and Narbona was mortally wounded.
This unsuccessful attempt at peace led to what is called the “Long Walks” in history records. In September 1863, Kit Carson (1809-1868) was dispatched into Navajo land to retrieve work out terms of surrender. When the Navajo did not show to discuss terms of surrender, he issued an order to burn tribal lands. Many attempts were made to starve out the Navajo people. Many were captured and taken to Bosque Redondo near Fort Sumner. Hundreds starved on this 300 mile walk, more died later in the over crowded and sub human condition that they were placed. The people were often placed with warring tribes. The camps were meant for 4,000 to 5,000 people but grew to over 9,000 people. Government supplies of lard, flour, salt, sugar, baking powder or yeast, and powdered milk were often rancid. So food source was scarce, thus Fry bread came from these few foods provided during the 4 years of captivity.
Since that time, it has become common food among tribal communities. To some, Indian Fry Bread is a Sacred tradition and is to be consumed by the people until the earth has again become purified.
Indian Fry Bread Recipe
2 cups flour 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 cup water 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 cup instant dry milk 2 cups shortening
Add the flour, baking powder, salt, powdered milk, and water into a bowl and mix just enough to form a dough ball. Don’t overwork the dough or it will not turn out light and airy like it is meant to be.
Heat the oil/shortening until flakes of flour start to bubble when dropped into oil. While shortening is heating, Pull off a small sized amount of the dough and roll it into a smooth ball. Then flatten it out on a well floured counter or board to the size of a personal pizza. Then add the dough into pan and let it cook until it browns, then flip it and allow the other side to cook and turn a nice golden brown.
Remove it from the oil and allow it to set on some paper towel to release the oil.
Fry bread can be served with honey as in the traditional way, or used as a base for taco’s, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with jams as a desert or many other ways. It was and is a food staple for many homes.
Enjoy and I hope blessings are abundant with you as you share the bread at your table! Mitakuye O`yasin, ~ bear Medicinewalker
“There must be a pony there somewhere”… is something my Grandfather told me often as I grew up, and I would look at him and say in my 7 year old voice, “I don’t get it, I do not see any ponies Grandpa.” He then looked back at me and told me about how even though manure smells bad it can be used as fertilizer and help things to grow. It means even in the not so pleasant things in life, we can find the good under it all. That is what the day brings with it today! Look through the outer layers of things, dig a little deeper to see true meanings, true potentials and the true beauty of life that we share. Listen to the call of the Gull and what it teaches us!
The Gull is an amazing bird that most disregard as having purpose. Yet to understand the Gull is to respect and appreciate the bird as quite impressive. The Gull teaches us survival mode, which some situations may require us to deal with even in bad conditions or unpleasant ones in order to reach our true goals, our true dreams.
Gulls teach us to pay attention to Nature, and alert us to brewing storms that may be entering our lives. They are warriors sent by the Creator to cleanse negativity away allowing the positives to return and balance.
Gull talks about communication and how it is important to sometimes open those lines of communication in responsible ways. They also teach us to look deep at the magical world around us, for all we need is at our fingertips or deep within our souls to be able to move through in positives on our human walk.
Working with both the elementals of Earth, Air and Water, they also teach us to be adaptable and sometimes we are called to behave and act differently under varied situations. This is okay and part of our learning how to communicate better with others and the world around us. Or perhaps they are showing us areas that we need to clean up in our own lives so that we can meet our full potential.
Snake Is a difficult teacher at times, and one that is not easy to master. Lessons that Snake brings with it are of life cycles and change, remembering as we grow we shed and transform into new energies and new experiences. Snake also teaches us about poison and that we need to be able to rid ourselves of the toxins can be placed within our Sacred Hoops. Don’t let the poisons kill us
Snake can be a hard teacher. His lessons involve a transmutation of the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Snake symbolizes this cycle with the shedding of his skin. We learn to the whole energy of life, the cosmic consciousness and have the willingness to experience anything without resistance. It is also about the poisons that we might take in. Those poisons can be eaten or ingested in some way but they also may be integrated into our lives. The goal is to not let the poisons taint our body or spirit.
Since Snakes can shed they teach us about the levels of our human, of our spirituality, our experiences. It is time to seek our inner knowledge before moving ahead with decisions. It is time to coil and go within to make sure we are well prepared before we strike out.
Snake also reminds us as it makes its way across the Great Mother Earth, to ground ourselves, to use our energy wisely and not to rely on primal instincts of lashing out. For at times it is more empowering to hold back and use that knowledge that energy in wise ways. At other times it is best to strike and seize the moment with a precision and quickness. Snakes often retreat long before biting defensively because they sense that it may cause consequences/damage to others and drain you of healing energy.
Snake is also very old and powerful healing medicine. Once harnessed, Snake will help you to position yourself carefully so that you will trust your gut when making important decisions.
Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker
“Wake the Dragon” from Temple of the Drum by Dragon Ritual Drummers. Released: 2011. Genre: World. available on Itunes
Today is time for playfulness, for dancing our dreams and choosing which ones we will move forward with. Seriously we need to honor the playfulness inside each of us by listening to what that little voice is telling us and running with it! we need to pay attention to things yes, we need to get things done yes, but we need also to remember that patience will get us the results we are seeking and that dwelling doesn’t get things done.
So while we go through our day today, take time for self. Take a nap, go outside and breathe and dance in the world! Be like the playful fox running and rolling in a field with the butterflies, for when we are done doing just that…the world is still here, but we may have just given ourselves a fresh approach to manifesting the positive things we are seeking!
The Fox brings us lessons on survival and adaptability, teaching us that sometimes it is best to hide in plain sight rather than to secure yourself in the shadows. To be adaptable in the pursuit of our goals, so we can accomplish what we have set out to do for the highest good.
Fox calls us to listen to that little voice we all have inside called “intuition” and trust it when it signals us to be aware of certain things as we are walking our paths. Fox also reminds us that it is okay to be alone once in awhile for it teaches us to be self reliant and independent, which makes us stronger beings able to stand in our Sacred Hoops balanced and secure.
Yet be aware and walk with open senses to the world around you so that you will not be surprised but rather prepared for what shows up on your walk. Patience is another lesson Fox brings to the table for us, patience to watch, listen and learn without movement until we can gain the knowledge needed to accomplish what we have set out to be or do. If we rely on what it is we instinctively know, it will guide us in the right direction.
Know what it is you are seeking and then reach into your toolkit that you have been provided and use what you know in positive ways to get you there.
So today is about taking a deep breath and setting Ego’s aside. Time to listen to that little voice inside that keeps yelling at us all. Think of the old cartoons of the little Angle sitting on one shoulder, and the little devil sitting on the other and remember this word BALANCE.
It is important to understand dark and light and embrace all that resides within in order to find that perfect balance within our Sacred Hoops… our lives… we are human beings that are capable of amazing and wonderful things! However we have to learn to balance and understand that to everything there are two sides and then what lies in between…balance and truths.
So set aside the Egos…we are All no better than or less than… we are All part of the world we live in and imprint on life every moment of every day, so lets make them positive imprints!
The Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta is known for its splendor and color. They are associated with the Element of Air, which some may find as odd but they are lung breathers. So they bring and share with us that there are times in our lives that we simply need to stop and breathe. The Betta reminds us to not get into situations so deep that you forget the core of the issues. Swim and enjoy the flow of life.
Balance our masculine energy with our feminine side as does the Siamese Fighting Fish as it is the male that tends to the young and cares for the nest, defending and nurturing them. Remember to nurture the young spirit within our souls.
Siamese Fighting Fish teaches us how to be independent, to stand up for what we believe in, utilizing our intuitive nature that is strongest when we are associated and form relationships with the element of Water. The relationship with the spiritual and the ability to open and hear what is being shared through visions, dream state or clairaudience.
It also teaches us to keep our ego in check, never feel you are better than or less than another for the Universe will bring balance if you do not honor it on your own, so remember that We Are All Related yet unique and Sacred.
Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker
Join me for a little bit of “Swagger” from one of my favorite People Ms. Kellin Watson!
“Swagger” from Halo Of Blue by Kellin Watson available on Itunes and at