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Spiritual and Totem Insights the Badger

 Badger shows itself in the seventh spot as it tells us to stand our ground even when things seem a bit overwhelming. We can handle it, sometimes we just might have to take a breathe. Badger says bring about the changes you need to evolve into a more positive you, thus opening doorways and windows of opportunity that will propel us in the right ways by not getting caught up in all the negativity that is out in the world around us today.

Badger also speaks to checking in with allies to validate your choices when in doubt. So live life to the fullest today ad keep an eye on the prize!

Badger also reminds us that guilt is a human factor that for some crazy reason even if we don’t need to hold on to it, we do. So time to release it, fix it, apologize for it…. whatever it takes to re-balance ourselves in positive manners!

Badger shows up reminding us that we all must trust in our abilities utilize them to take on challenges that show up in our journeys. It is time to step away from our hiding places we have created and show the world what we are made of. Remember what is important to us and who we are as unique individuals that have a place in this world.

The message Badger brings is loud and clear… walk your own path to the beat of your own drum. Have faith in yourself and your talents and abilities. Know that you handle any challenge that shows up. Who cares what others say. Come out from hiding and start taking names and numbers.

Aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for what you want in this life and that is what Badger has to teach us. Just how to temper it and apply the right kid of pressure when needed and when to make a stand. Badger teaches us to use our healing abilities to push forward in positives in life and to aggressively move the obstacles that are in our way even if we are the ones that have placed them there.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to you All!

~ bear

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2024



Walks With Bears

Walks with Bears brings in strong Sacred Insight for us All today… Speaking to All Humankind that we all must understand we are but guests on this journey we walk. We must bring about the changes needed within ourselves to set examples for others to follow.

They ask us … do any of you understand that we are also a gift upon this planet. We have been given the duty from birth to care foe not only each other but the Creatures large and small, the plants, waters, earth as well. We must not forget this as it will effect everything, it is truly a life cycle all dependent on another. This is how it is meant to be.

So help it to survive by taking a hard look at yourselves and seeing what we can do better, should do better, will do better as we walk side by side with each other. Walks With Bears is the symbol of Hope for around the world. They are a symbol of strength, nurturing, adaptation and being. They help cycles finish and begin anew. They add insight ad strength by showing us that Bears are mighty yet so are the Bee’s. All part of the same story, but each having a different purpose. A lesson we all can learn from. So Open to new possibilities that have been set in motion from the time you were conceived. Be part of showing that we can all coexist on a planet that has wonderous and amazing things. Be part of THAT cycle, journey, purpose and help to balance again.

Blessings to You All…
~ bear


The Story of the Salmon

A young girl, who was daughter to the chief sat crying. She cried because no one could give her what she wanted, a great shining fish. Neither her father, nor the wisest elders of the clan could give her the great shining fish, none of them had ever even seen such a fish. As his daughter continued to cry they soon discovered that she was making herself very ill, and soon because of it, the chief ordered a great council fire to be gathered.

All of the tribal elders and medicine people sat around the fire as the most respected of them began to speak. “The child cries for a thing which she has seen in her dream walks. Many fish have we in our great waters, but none resemble the one of which she speaks. This fish may prove to be good medicine for our tribe that is being sent by our Creator. He looked at those gathered around the fire, “Perhaps one of you may know where such a great gleaming strong fish with such medicine may be found.”

Only one of them stood turning to address his Chief and the council,”The Raven, who lives among the cedars, is my good friend. She is very wise and knows many things that the wisest among us know not. Allow me to return with her to this Council Fire, in order for her to share her wisdoms.”
They all agreed to this and the chief gave his permission. Soon the warrior gathered his things and traveled to the cedars to find his wise friend. Raven seated on his shoulder began to speak, but only the ones of true medicine could follow her words. “What the girl is asking for is the giant fish, known as Salmon. In this full moon, they can be found far from here at the mouth of a mighty river, which flows into the other side of the lakes here.. Because those of your clan are considered friends, I will fly swift and far to gather one of these fish and return it to your village.”

Before the counsel could thank her, the Raven was high in the air flying far and fast until her keen eyes saw far beneath her, many Salmon swimming together at the mouth of the river. The Raven dived quick as a hawk and, by chance caught the little son of the Salmon Chief in his talons. Rising high in the air, with the fish held firmly in her claws, the Raven flew toward the distant village of her friends.
Salmon Scouts that were leaping high from the water in great flashing arcs, saw the direction that the Raven was flying. A school of Salmon, led by their chief soon began to swim rapidly in pursuit. As quickly as the fish swam, the fast-flying raven reached the village far ahead of them where Raven placed the great fish before the little daughter of the chief, she smiled, and cried no more.

Then the Raven told the clan that many Salmon would be sure to swim into the river to the village in pursuit, to try and rescue the young Salmon which he had caught. They all decided to have the people of the clan to weave a huge net. This they did quickly so that when the Salmon came, all of the fish were caught in it. To hold them prisoner, a long, strong leather thong was passed through their gills. One end of the thong was tied to a big rock and the other end was fastened to this great totem pole, which then grew as a tall cedar.

Ever since, it has been called the ‘Nhe-is-bik’, or tethering pole. On this pole – a totem pole – there was carved a mighty Thunderbird, an Indian Chief, a Raven and a Salmon, carved in that order from the top of the great cedar pole. Year after year, from that time, the Salmon have passed on that side of the river and continue to this day. They are held as sacred with the people and the story continues to be shared.

~ bear Medicinewalker


Music from Charlie Wayne


Grandmother Spider Steals the Sun

In the beginning there was only blackness, no one could see anything. People kept walking into each other and stumbling around blindly. Soon they gathered to discuss the problem, “What we all need is to be able to see.” They all agreed but were not sure what to do, they needed to find light.

Fox said he knew others on the other side of the world who had plenty of light, but they were too greedy to share it with anyone. Possum said he would be glad to steal a little of it. “I have a bushy tail, I could hide the light inside all that fur.” It was agreed and decided he could try to get some light for them all, so he set out for the other side of the world. There he found the sun hanging in a tree and lighting everything up. He quietly crept over to the sun taking from it a tiny piece of light and stuffing it into his tail. But the light was too hot and it burned all his fur. Soon the people discovered his theft and took back the light, and ever since, Possum’s tail has been bald.

“I will try,” said Buzzard. “I know better than to hide a piece of stolen light in my tail, I will place it on the top of my head.” He flew to the other side of the world and swooped straight into the sun seizing it with his claws. He then placed it on his head, where it proceeded to burn all his head feathers off. The people seeing him on fire and trying to steal what was theirs, grabbed the sun away from him, and ever since that time Buzzard’s head has remained bald.

Grandmother Spider said, “I will try!” So she set about the task of making a thick walled pot out of clay. Next she spun a web reaching all the way to the other side of the world. The fact that Grandmother Spider was so small, none of the people in the village of the sun even saw her coming. Quickly Grandmother Spider snatched up the sun and placed it in the bowl of clay carrying it back home along one of the strong strands of her web. Now her side of the world had light, and everyone rejoiced.

Grandmother Spider brought not only the sun to the Cherokee, but fire with it and she taught the Cherokee people the art of making pottery!


~bear Medicinewalker




A Time Of Prophecy

We are living in an unprecedented time. We are bearing witness to many ugly and hateful things. Things that many are unable to understand how it is we are to assist in bringing back balance to the world. Violence is a common day occurrence. It is one of the Worlds darkest hours. War, Hate and much more circle us all, pulling us in an a seemingly tight grasp we are All trying to break away from. 

It is time for us all to listen and take pause as to how we must be instruments of balance. No easy feat for sure, but we can if we work together attain what it is we seek.  We must look to our Past to find our Future. There were many Prophecies among the Tribal Councils over the years. A foretelling of the times we live. Read and take to heart the messages that we all should remember and embrace.

An Elder from the ‘Cree’ tribe, whose name was named ‘Eyes of Fire,’ who prophesied that one day, due to the White race, we would be witness to a time fish would die in the streams, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist.

‘There would come a time when the ‘keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs’ would be needed to restore us to health. The key to survival, will be the ‘THE WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW. all the peoples of all the tribes would form together a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and Creators Healing Grace. Brining in a Balance of All on the Great Mother Earth.

Warriors will have many tasks ahead of them. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this road of returning everything to balance and harmony.

The Anishinabe Nations, from the Great Lakes area, speak about the Seven Fires Prophecy. The Voice of the Ojibway, 1988.

The Seventh Prophet that came to the people long ago was said to be different from the other prophets. This prophet was described as ‘young and had a strange light in his eyes’ and spoke …

“In the time of the Seventh Fire New People will emerge. They will retrace their steps to find what was left by the trail. Their steps will take them to the Elders who they will ask to guide them on their journey. But many of the Elders will have fallen asleep. They will awaken to this new time with nothing to offer. Some of the Elders will be silent because no one will ask anything of them. The New People will have to be careful in how they approach the Elders. The task of the New People will not be easy.

“If the New People will remain strong in their quest the Water Drum of the Midewiwin Lodge will again sound its voice. There will be a rebirth of the Anishinabe Nation and a rekindling of old flames. The Sacred Fire will again be lit. It is this time that the light skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. If they choose the right road, then the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth and final Fire, an eternal fire of peace, love brotherhood and sisterhood.

A purge is occurring each moment we breathe, I ask all of those among us that are strong, that are peaceful Warriors… Warriors of Change step up and walk with Us as the Rainbow Warriors we signed on to be before time, all time.

~ bear Medicinewalker

Channeling the Spiritwalkers with bear Medicinewalker

I have been asked the story of the Spiritwalkers so I thought I would take some time to share with you all.

As an Artist and a Spiritual Reader when I work in any medium artistically, I allow spirit to work through me. I let the work or piece tell its own story. With wood, it leads me to pull the story from it, one that is buried deep within the grain. With clay it comes out as Spiritwalkers, spirit manifesting itself and bringing energy to each sculpture that is formed. I can try to create something I want, but that stops two seconds into the work, for Spirit says uh uh…

When I am done it whispers a name, and is very specific. Once a person finds it or is called to the individual piece, it then offers a blessings as it makes that connection with the person it is going to. No two are ever the same, they tell me what is needed to be added, perhaps a crystal or sweetgrass. some cedar or leather. I never know until it is completed. I then fire them and they are ready to share the knowledge they brought through with the ones they call to.

The energies can be felt from them are very different from each other, and for the most part they are extremely bossy with me to complete them. I know to some this may sound crazy, and there are days i wonder about it myself…But I can tell you that I have been schooled over and over again by these “Little People” of the Spirit world. And it has been given to me as one of the many things I am to share with the world.  New ones are being created and others have found their homes.

  • * I am currently working on new ones that will be available soon!
  • Blessings
    ~bear Medicinewalker

the Black Swan and the Dessert Wolf Totems

So totems come in and out of our lives as they are needed to assist us by sharing what they do in life.  Strengths , weaknesses and how they approach different things in life. We can learn so much from nature if we open our hearts and eyes to it. From the smallest to the largest… they all show us purpose and meaning,

The Black Swan brings us from the shadows to tell you that we all are unique and different, and sometimes it is that uniqueness that makes us stand apart from others. So today is the day to shine and let people see the different in you but in positives, in healthy ways, productive ways. So Today… stand in Sacred, stand in Beauty!

The Black Swan represents mystery and the unknown. It represents something that is alluring, perhaps even forbidden. They remind us that there are two sides to all things, the Yin and Yang, black and white, polar opposites. They remind us to remember to know that dark side in order to balance the light within.

Black Swans help us to hone and strengthen our intuitive abilities and altered states of awareness. Bringing with them knowledge of new ways of thinking, breathing and teaching us to move with the flow of life for there is reason behind that flow.

Wherever the Black Swan appears expect unexpected and unpredictable and be prepared for what will follow. The Black Swan does not mean good or bad, it is about paying attention as events unfold… events that seldom occur or have never occurred in our life prior.

They bring in the subtleties of life to our attention. Causing us to use the intuition we have to better understand our feelings and process them in a healthy way. The Swan itself teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. They remind us to look at the beauty of life, even in the darkness to see that ALL life is indeed Sacred

Desert Wolf also known as Coyote, as trickster, comes to us this day to share its wisdom’s, teaching us that it is sometimes a good thing to laugh at oneself in order to not get caught up in the pain that sometimes comes with life choices and lessons. It is about finding the balance of learning what life teaches and has to share, and when it is time to relax, enjoy and have some fun.

Desert Wolf teaches us to be stealth and observe what we need to see, opening our senses to see the bigger picture of a situation. They speak of using distraction to change outcomes to more positive ones, by utilizing intelligence and good common sense, which often many do not take the time to stop and remember. One of the most amazing skills they offer us is the use of voice and communication to let ourselves be heard, but to also warn that at times, when people use their voices it can be for hidden agenda’s that will not be in positive tones. So pay attention, listen closely so that you may understand and decipher what it is that is actually being said and stay adaptable to what must be done in the situation.

Desert Wolf tells us above all make sure we look at our own self, walk in positives not in deceptive or manipulative ways to get what you want. Look at what truly is motivating you, be honest with self and then stand in the Sacred Hoop to balance. Remembering what you do to respect self, will mirror to the world around you.

So open to the World around you and see all that Nature offers us. A harmonious balance of life and energies.

Blessings to you all!

~ bear Medicinewalker

Catch me on Tuesdays Streaming Readings on social Media…


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