October 23, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – the Elemental Fire


Today I add the sub deck to the main Mitakuye O`yasin Totem deck for it is important to understand that sometimes lessons come from other sources. When added to the shuffle this morning, as Father Sun rises in the morning sky to the East, the Elemental ‘Fire” came in to play. Boldly saying it is time for me to show myself to the World!

Fire is all about passion, drive, creation and motivation that steps out in our lives. The Elemental Fire ignites within us sheer will and determination to get the job done. It not only represents our own souls light but is about the Divine Fire that is within each of us. Fire has a place both here in the physical Earth plane and secondly in the spiritual one. Fire is powerful and needs to be understood when using it, both physically and spiritually.

The Elemental of Fire can assist you with standing in your own power. It will assist you in manifestation as you move froward in positives to your goals. It requires us to tend and feed it as flame begins to dwindle. We need to use caution with Fire as it can consume us, yet it has balance and can also share light and heat. It shines and dances leaping into the air bringing light to the darkness, and thus balance. It sings out for us to dance, listen to the drum of our own heartbeats, and share in the magic that Fire brings about.

Today is about following your instincts, channeling the inner fire to get the job done. Fire ignites the extreme within us to trust that ancient wisdom that is in our genetic DNA urging us to listen to the little voice within, stop second guessing yourself and get done what is needed. For at the end of the day, there will be much to show for having done just that. Allow it to not only inspire you, but those around you! Just remember when it is evident in your life, the Elemental Fire needs to have balance and work with what is around the Sacred Hoop in a positive manner.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker





“Crow Hop” Pipestone Tribute to the Old Timers – Pow Wow Recorded Live available at http://www.canyonrecords.com

October 20, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Red Tail Hawk

card 47b redtail hawk 1122

Today as the Hawk settles in to give us some fresh perspective, he speaks to me of allowing the time needed to heal. we have done the work. We have ripped out the negatives. It has begun to heal. So now we have to have patience and let it do just that, heal. Stop picking at the scab and reopening it, allowing negative to seep back in. Trust in the Creator, Trust in Self, for we were guided to be here doing what is needed to move in positives. This is the Fall season, the Time of the Frost and in order to move in positives we must remember that we are in the process of seeding, so those seeds can begin to be part of the earth and allowing themselves to be nurtured under the Winter’s grace so become what it is meant to be when Spring brings with it the awakening once again.

So breathe, take in the moment and have Faith that all is as it needs to be, we simply have to allow our eyes, our minds to see the bigger picture and the positives that will be as we move through the healings.

Red Tail Hawk shows up to help us understand the meaning in ordinary experiences if open and become aware of our surroundings. The Red Tail Hawk is awakening our souls so that we may begin the journey of our spirituality, preparing us for those Life Lessons that will soon show up.

Red Tail Hawks are messengers of the between, sharing insights and knowledge extended to us from the Ancestors and the world of Spirit. They speak to us of looking from a different vantage point and thus giving us a broader view of any given situation, helping us to not only be aware that a message awaits us, but also helping us to understand those messages.

Red Tailed Hawks are sacred and as they enter our presence, we must honor them by opening our minds and keeping them sharp while we look for wisdom and answers as we walk the human.

The Red Tailed Hawk’s red tail feathers distinguish it from other hawks, and remember that it does not receive their red feathers until at a later point in life after it has matured and experienced life around it. These feathers must be earned. The color Red represents Power and Energy that will lie dormant until it is awakened by our Souls as they walk and journey life and honor its own Sacred Hoop.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker





“A Prayer To the East” Estun-Bah available at

a Medicine Wheel Teaching… the Sign of the Snake

Medicine-Wheel Teaching Snake

It is time to begin the teachings of the Medicine Wheel. I have been asked over and over about them, so as I have been taught I will now share those teachings with you. Please know that there are various interpretations of the teachings, but what I share is what I have been taught by my Teachers and my Elders over the years. So let us begin this journey as we prepare to enter into the time of the Snake, the Time of Frost as it sits on the Medicine Wheel beginning October 23rd thru November 22.

Being born at this time puts you into the Snake/the Time of Frost with the main influencing wind being the West Winds! The Totem that walks with this birth sign is that of the Grizzly Bear, it rests within the Frog Clan. The polarity totem that shares balance for the snake is the Beaver.

The Plant Totem for Snake is Thistle.
Thistle was used by our Ancestor’s and Tribal communities as a cure for stomach and digestive ailments and also against various poisons very effectively. Now a day, people look at thistle mostly as expensive bird seed. The plant itself grows very thick and dense in the wild and has beautiful purple flowers that rest at the top of the plant. It protects itself with prickly leaves along the plant that often can cause you to itch if you are not careful when harvesting the plant. Thistle is also full of vitamins, and the root of the plant when peeled can be eaten raw or even roasted. Also the leaves can make a wonderful medicinal tea after drying the leaves.

Like the thistle, Snake people also have protection that does not allow many to get too close to them, thus hiding who their true self really is. Because they often feel vulnerable, they will tend to keep people at arms length on order to feel more in control and safe.

The Mineral/Crystal is Amethyst.
Amethyst the Healers Stone! One of the most powerful crystals you can work with. Calming, healing, protecting and it enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness.

The Snake’s Affinity color is Violet.
Violet is the color of Spirituality and Healing. It relates to spiritual awareness the relationship and union with our higher self and a higher consciousness.

Elements that influence Snake as born to the Time of the Frost are Water and Earth. Earth providing the things needed for transformation, and transforming through change and into renewal of self and spiritual balance is how their lives are traveled.  Water assisting with the flow and rejuvenation of the soul!

Snake People are Intense, Impulsive, Determined, Ambitious and are often Mysterious in nature. They typically keep their true feelings hidden under layers upon layers of self.

Relationship compatibilities are best with those born under the signs of the Woodpecker or that of the Wolf.

Their Life Path is to seek and bring about sensitivity to their lives, as it is something they enter the world lacking and as they walk this path they unconsciously seek a spiritual union or soul mate that they feel they can not do without.

Being born during the Time of Frost, ideas, creativity and the energy that goes with bringing these things about are first and fore most on their minds. Yet sometimes that same energy gets them going in many directions instead of one at a time in order to finish the goals that are set. Then they find themselves at a halt or ‘Frozen’ with which direction to take next.

This is part of the learning curve they need to learn. To slow down and perhaps put some things aside in order to accomplish a task in a more positive and complete way. Timing comes into play as the lesson they are here to learn and cultivate. People born to the sign of the Snake need to find patience in life, and often have a difficult time mastering just that.

Being of the Frog Clan they are easily carried away as I put it, new and shiny things! They want to experience everything and leave no rock unturned. They are very capable of adding new insights to projects, life and ideas, but often do not stay long enough with it to actually receive any benefits from the experience, for they are quick to run off on the next adventure!

Snake people are people that are extreme in most things they do in their lives. They can for sudden attachments to people or things and then just as suddenly detach from them with out a blink.

Snake people crave attention and actually need it to feel good about themselves, and they need to be shown love in order to love in return. When that occurs love is all consuming and they are true and supportive of their partners but sometimes wind up loosing themselves in the relationship since they put their partner’s happiness above all else.

Best times of the year for people born to the Sign of the Snake the Time of Frost are October 23rd thru November 22
February 19th thru April 19th
June 21st thru July 21st

Tuesdays are the strongest day of the week when they can accomplish much.

5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. best time of the day to accomplish thing

I hope you have enjoyed these insights and may they inspire you to look more into the Medicine Wheel teachings and how they can assist us all to bring balance to our Sacred Hoops! And make sure to add yourself to the mailing list if you are interested in learning more about the totems and the Medicine Wheel!

Mitakuye O`yasin,

bear Medicinewalker


blessings and paryers




“Discovering Years” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Available at http://www.canyonrecords.com

The story of the Sweat Lodge as shared by bear Medicinewalker


The following story speaks of the sweat lodge as the powerful friend and leader of the “Animal People.” Long ago, in the days of the Animal People, Sweat Lodge foresaw the coming of Human Beings, inhabitants of the Earth. So one day he called all the Animal People together to give each one a name and to tell him his duties. In Council, Sweat Lodge stood and spoke,

“We have lived on Earth for a long while, but we shall not be in our present condition much longer. A different People are coming to live here. We must part from each other and go to different places. Each of you must decide whether you wish to belong to the Four Leggeds, Winged Ones, Creepers or Swimmers. You all may make your own choice.”

Sweat Lodge turned to Elk, “You will be first, Elk. What do you wish to be?”

“I wish to be what I am an Elk.”

“Let us see how you run or gallop,” said Sweat Lodge. So the Elk galloped off in a graceful manner, and returned. “You are right,” decided Sweat Lodge. “You are of the Four Leggeds” With that said, Elk galloped off, taking his place on the Earth.

Sweat Lodge called to Eagle next, asking what Eagle wanted to be. Eagle replied, “Just what I am an Eagle, a Winged One.”

“Let us all witness you fly,” replied Sweat Lodge. Eagle flew, rising higher and higher the winds gently ruffling his outstretched wings. Sweat Lodge called him back and said, “You are correct, you are an Eagle. You will be king over all the Winged Ones. You will soar in the Sky among the Sacred Winds. You will live among the highest Mountains. Humans will admire you.” With that, Eagle flew away happy. Everyone watched him disappear
into the Sky.

“I wish to be like Eagle,” the Blue jay told Sweat Lodge. Sweat Lodge said again, “Then let us see you fly.” Blue jay tried to imitate the easy, graceful flight of Eagle, but could not keep his balance and was soon flapping his wings. Sweat Lodge called him back. “A Jay is a Jay. You will have to be content as you are.”

When Bear came forward, Sweat Lodge said, “You will be known among Human Beings as a very fierce Animal and strong Hunter. People will fear you. You walk as with the Four Leggeds”. With that said, Bear went off to the woods and has since been known as a fierce animal.

Then to all walking creatures, except Coyote, and to all flying creatures, to all Four Leggeds, Winged Ones, Snakes, Frogs, Turtles and Fish, Sweat Lodge gave names, and the creatures scattered.

After they were gone, Sweat Lodge called Coyote to him and said, “You have been wise and cunning. You have been a man to be feared. When this Earth becomes like the air, empty and void, your name shall last forever. The new Human Beings who come will hear your name and say, ‘Yes, Coyote was great in his time. Now, what is it you wish to be?”

“I have long lived as a Coyote,” he replied. “I want to be noble like Eagle, Elk or Cougar.” So Sweat Lodge decided to let him show what he could do. First, Coyote tried his best to fly like Eagle, but could only jump around, this way and that. Then he tried to run as Elk. He succeeded for a short distance, but soon ran as he always had. “You look exactly like yourself, Coyote,” laughed Sweat Lodge. “You are a Coyote.” Coyote ran off howling, to all those that could hear. Before he ran out of sight he stopped, turning his head standing just as a coyote.

Sweat Lodge, left alone, spoke to himself: “All now are gone, and the new People will be coming soon. When they arrive they should find something to give them strength and power. I will place myself upon the ground, for the use of Human Beings who are to come. Whoever visits me now and then, to him I will give power. He will become great in war and great in peace. He will have success in fishing and in hunting. To all who come to me for protection, I will give strength and power.”

Sweat Lodge spoke as he gently lay down on his hands and knees and waited for the first People. He has lain that way ever since and has given power to all who sought it from him.

This is how it was shared to me by an Ojibwa Elder, as I now share with you all….

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Swirling Smoke from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie available at

Spirit of the Drum ….as shared by bear Medicinewalker

spirit of the drum

Creator was looking to find a place for All of the Spirit Nations to dwell that would become inhabitants of the Great Mother Earth, when there was heard a sound that resonated like rolling Thunder across the skies. The Creator listened closer puzzled at what would make such a noise with out his supreme knowledge and permission, yet the the sound kept coming closer and closer. Creator was pleased and amused, but still puzzled. Then as sudden as it began it was right within the Creator’s presence.

“Who are you?” asked Creator.

“I am the spirit of the drum” was the reply. I have come here to ask you to allow me to take part in this wonderful world you are creating.”

“How do you plan on taking part?” Creator questioned.

” I would like to accompany the singing of the people. When they sing from their hearts, I will to sing as though I was the heartbeat of Mother Earth. In that way, all creation will sing in harmony. It will be as We Are All Related.”

Creator agreed and granted the request, from that moment forward the drum accompanied the people’s voices, celebrations and prayers.

Today within all of the Native peoples of the world, the drum is the center of all songs. It is the heart beat of the Great Mother Earth, it calls out to all Souls that walked before, now and in the afterworld. it assists our prayers, our dreams to be lifted through song rising up to the Creator, the Ancestors and the Spirit world to be heard and answered. The sound of the drum brings completeness, awe, excitement, strength, courage, and fulfillment to the songs, to our prayers, to our thankfulness for all that we hold as sacred. It is the sound of the Great Mother’s heartbeat giving her approval to those living upon her. It sings to our Brother and Sister Eagles and draws them to it asking them to carry our the messages to be heard.

Mitakuye O’yasin

~ bear Medicinewalker

Pipestone Grand Entry available at Canyon Records http://www.canyonrecords.com

October 6th, 2015 Card of the Day – Red Tail Hawk

card 47b redtail hawk 1122

Empowerment through Awareness! Time to open our eyes and take a good look at our lives and what we have brought into them. Time to rid ourselves of negatives and strengthen the core of our positives. It is all about the balance, it is all about releasing fear and things that truly have no place in our lives any longer. In order to grow as humans, we need to respect that change is always occurring, even down to the smallest cellular level and truly we can not stop it, it is part of the life experience.

So why not embrace it and ride the currents of life in a positive way. Kind of like viewing the glass half full, instead of half empty. Sure we are going to have moments that are not so great, or bad days here and there…but if we look to the lessons that are hidden within those moments, those days. we are less apt to repeat those lessons and not repeating them in that vicious cycle we often create of negativity and drama. I don’t know about ya’ll, but I learned long ago that the kind of negativity and drama as humans we invite in or manipulate does not win us any awards…so set yourself up for positives and success instead.

Red Tail Hawk shows up to help us understand the meaning in ordinary experiences if open and become aware of our surroundings. The Red Tail Hawk is awakening our souls so that we may begin the journey of our spirituality, preparing us for those Life Lessons that will soon show up.

Red Tail Hawks are messengers of the between, sharing insights and knowledge extended to us from the Ancestors and the world of Spirit. They speak to us of looking from a different vantage point and thus giving us a broader view of any given situation, helping us to not only be aware that a message awaits us, but also helping us to understand those messages.

Red Tailed Hawks are sacred and as they enter our presence, we must honor them by opening our minds and keeping them sharp while we look for wisdom and answers as we walk the human.

The Red Tailed Hawk’s red tail feathers distinguish it from other hawks, and remember that it does not receive their red feathers until at a later point in life after it has matured and experienced life around it. These feathers must be earned. The color Red represents Power and Energy that will lie dormant until it is awakened by our Souls as they walk and journey life and honor its own Sacred Hoop.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

From the Canyons Estun-Bah available at Canyon Records

September 11, 2015 Card of the Day – Jaguar

card 2 Jaguar 1122

Card of the Day – Jaguar/Black Panther bringing us lessons of Mystical capacities. When I sat outside this morning watching Father Sun begin to rise in our skies, my thoughts ran to the East …of many years ago here on U.S Soil… and I sighed. How much has changed and how much has remained the same.

So I suppose it was fitting that the Jaguar also showed his essence today, for to me it represent the highest of spiritual Sacredness. One that has been in place for ions and one that steps in to assist us ALL in attempts to set the human to right and positives.

Jaguar/Black Panther comes in to ease burdens of the negative side of our human nature. He will not tolerate poor behavior against humans, creatures, or the great Mother Earth, the Jaguar Medicine is very strong and very ancient. For those that walk with high integrity and honor the Sacred, he will bestow rewards of insights and old knowledge in order to assist us as we walk with positive steps.

Jaguar/Black Panther speaks to us of always walking in a way that is with highest intent for good, that we need to remember compassion, dignity, respect and gratitude, to walk strong with resolve, no matter what surrounds the outside of our Sacred Hoop.

Mistakes can occur, but they are but lessons for us to learn and then with that knowledge help us to attain balance once again… remain humble. It shares Ying and Yang…and in understanding this that power is not aggressiveness, but rather the ability to control what kind of strength is needed in situations.

They teach us to hear the unheard, to listen with our soul to other dimensions; to life around us for it all has voice. It is here to teach and share knowledge of old, so remain open to it. It teaches us to walk under the dark of Grandmother Moon sensing the life and energy that flows and then balancing it with the light from Father Sun.

Balance and Own Your Own Power….

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop

‪#‎bearMedicinewalker‬ ‪#‎theSacredHoopProject‬ ‪#‎MitakuyeOyasinDeck‬ ‪#‎theWolfandthebearNetwork‬

“Swirling Smoke [The Spoken Word Mix]” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Released: 2012. Track 14. Genre: World. with permission from Canyon Records.

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