November 11, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – the Dreamcatcher

The Dreamcatcher was thrown this morning as a reminder for us to filter out the negatives of the day, and allow only the positive to filter through. We are capable of doing just that if we stop and bring it to the fore front of our minds. Why is it that we are so often driven to sit and watch, listen and/or participate in the ugly things in life? Gossip, hate, negativity that spreads like a disease have become so much a part of the world around us that it is easy to get sucked into it all. But today we need to begin to set up our boundaries, our protection, our three foot hoop of Sacred space. It needs to be understood that negativity no longer lives and breeds within our circles.

So like the Dreamcatcher, place your web around your life… allow yourself to dream big, dream good things.. allowing the positives to enter your life in order to strengthen your foundations of your futures.

The Dreamcatcher is known to many far and wide. It is a part of the Native American culture that captivates the world. But for many of us it is a reminder of a gift given to us in return for holding a life as Sacred and protecting it.

The story goes that a spider was quietly spinning her web in her own space. It was beside the sleeping space of Nokomis, the grandmother. Each day, Nokomis watched the spider at work, quietly spinning away. One day as she was watching her, her grandson came in. “Nokomis-iya!” he shouted, glancing at the spider. He stomped over to the spider, picked up a shoe and went to hit it.

“No-keegwa,” the old lady whispered, “don’t hurt her.”
“Nokomis, why do you protect the spider?” asked the little boy.

The old lady smiled, but did not answer. When the boy left, the spider went to the old woman and thanked her for saving her life. She said to her, “For many days you have watched me spin and weave my web. You have admired my work. In return for saving my life, I will give you a gift.”
She smiled her special spider smile and moved away, spinning as she went.

Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. “See how I spin?” she said. “See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web.”

So allow the negatives of life to become entangled in the web of life, and let only the good and positives to enter so that you will walk in a good light as you move forward in your journeys.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker



“Song of Peace” from Shadowland by John DeBoer available at

November 10, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Bear

card 24 bear 1122

Bear steps in today to tell you that although hibernation is near, there is still preparations to be done so get on to getting them done! Although most of us are probably ready to dig in and chill in our caves, especially with the holiday seasons so close, and winter just around the corner… there is still much work we need to do. Think of the bear for a moment, they are preparing for that sleep,setting things in place for that hibernation time, eating and storing what will be needed int he time ahead. Getting all in place so that when the spring thaw is here they are ready to get to getting!.

We need to do the same. Prepare for what we want and need to happen, become, be as the springtime begins to bloom. We want positives, so it is time to clean the cave, set aside things that we no longer need, and stack the deck with what we do need and desire. It may even feel like someone is pushing you to get things accomplished, or that you feel a bit frazzled because time is short… well guess what? You would be right, the Universe is saying, “Set Your House to Order and bring Balance to your Sacred Hoops!” No more excuses, it is time! Plenty of Hibernation time ahead…

Bear is all about fertility (creative and manifestation), instinct, protection and solitude. Those that walk with Bear are often somewhat reclusive requiring a great deal of personal space to renew and create. Bear people will often “disconnect” for awhile as they pursue projects becoming deeply involved in what they are working on. Deeply protective and territorial, Bear also is extremely loyal and dependable.

Bear teaches us when healing of any sort is needed to use that time for introspective work in order to grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally and find answers to problems within yourself. Travel deep into your soul find the purpose in your own path and journey and walk ahead in positive steps.

Bear shares with us that in this time hibernation is not only good but needed, yet respect our natural hibernation cycle and remember to reawaken in the spring, in doing so awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind.

Bear teaches us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive, and perhaps a time for both in balance.

Mitakuye O`yasin
bear Medicinewalker




Medicinebear by Chris Ferree available on I tunes and at

November 9, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Fox

card 35 Red Fox 1122
The Fox steps in today to start the week off, sharing with us that patience will be needed to reach the desired outcome for the day today. Step through our days watching, listening and quietly moving through the obstacles that present themselves by counting on our inner wisdom that we have cultivated through our own life experiences. It is best to strengthen our Sacred Hoops and use what we have been taught in order to keep in positives.

It will prove to be a quirky day, one that may appear to be going in one direction and then all of a sudden shift in a totally unexpected way. So stay on your toes. This does not mean that things will be negative, rather just different from the normal flow. All will be well today, just be prepared for pretty much anything!

The Fox brings us lessons on survival and adaptability, teaching us that sometimes it is best to hide in plain sight rather than to secure yourself in the shadows. To be adaptable in the pursuit of our goals, so we can accomplish what we have set out to do for the highest good.

Fox calls us to listen to that little voice we all have inside called “intuition” and trust it when it signals us to be aware of certain things as we are walking our paths. Fox also reminds us that it is okay to be alone once in awhile for it teaches us to be self reliant and independent, which makes us stronger beings able to stand in our Sacred Hoops balanced and secure.

Yet be aware and walk with open senses to the world around you so that you will not be surprised but rather prepared for what shows up on your walk. Patience is another lesson Fox brings to the table for us, patience to watch, listen and learn without movement until we can gain the knowledge needed to accomplish what we have set out to be or do. If we rely on what it is we instinctively know, it will guide us in the right direction.

Know what it is you are seeking and then reach into your toolkit that you have been provided and use what you know in positive ways to get you there.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker


“Wind Dreamer” from Jan Michael Looking Wolf and available on I tunes and at

November 6, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Tiger

card 19 tiger 1122
So you want to swing that power around today…? then you better make sure you know what you are swinging and who you are swinging it at! WE may think we have all the answers, but we don’t…take it from someone who is always seeking to learn more…We are not the know all of anything.

There is so much more to learn, and how do we do that? By showing respect for the process and understanding that if we teach as well as learn, that we balance our Sacred Hoops, we can do anything we set our mind to with good intent and positives! Reign it in a little today so that when you get ready to ROAR… it is for the right reasons and with good intentions that move things in the right way…

Tiger teaches us to utilize persistence and patience as we look to manifesting our dreams and goals. By walking with the right steps, in positive and meaningful ways we will accomplish what we have set out to do or be. They show us that through honoring the power we all hold within and utilizing that energy and respect… All things are possible and what the world has to share is limitless. Use your instincts, emotion and feelings to help guide you. Rely on what the inner voice the Tiger within is sharing with you…

Tiger teaches us that we have personal strength that we can tap in to. It is that primal force that we are all born with, that will show us the way to step into and through situations with confidence enabling us to walk over the obstacles we may face. Tiger spirit will help us to overcome fears we may be holding onto, teaching us how to release them and turn them into positives. Temper the anger, control the fear thus achieving a balance.

Tiger shares Prowess and walks into our lives when we need to stand in our own truths with grace and respect, but know with that should be the balance of respect returned. We are all connected, we all imprint, so watch how words flow and actions play out for they in turn will open more doors of positives for you if executed in proper fashion.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker


a Medicine Wheel Teaching… Autumn the Time of Frost as shared by bear Medicinewalker

Medicinewheel atumn Teaching header

Autumn the Time of Frost…the time to let go of things that no longer serve us, and plant the seeds that will lie under the Winter’s Grace to be nurtured and brought forth in new more positive growth in the springtime! This is the time we may be filled with new and creative energies and ideas. But it takes special understanding and care to keep that flow moving in a forward and positive direction. Thus sometimes it is often better to seed the ideas and work on them slowly to bring them about into fruition. For often timing is key to all things.

We must find the patience to do just that as we walk these days. So much is out there ready to grab our attention and often direct us to negative response. at this time we often may find ourselves looking for reasons of why, how, when and delve deeper into life’s mysteries themselves. It is a time for most to draw power and energy from so that we can manifest what we need for the future. We are all important and our needs are none the less than another’s.

Frost time is a reminder of the human sleep of death, transformation and rebirth. It is about the souls journey that continues on into the next step, the next mile.the next part of the journey. Whether here in the human …or beyond the veil in the lands of the “Spirit” Walking from Frost time we learn of that very rebirth and renewal… as water goes from ice to water once again once it is warmed and then renewing itself again over night.

Take time to embrace the smell of the westerly winds that bring with them the element of continued change and ritual. Watch as the Tall Ones shed their leaves and prepare for sleep and rest during time of hibernation. Look up to the Star People as they fill the night sky and show us the future that can be lived in positives. Draw the energy as you need it, for the Ancestors are watching and listening to our needs and are there to assist us in attaining them. They Love us, they sacrificed and lived before us in order for us to have better and more balanced lives. We need to Honor that as we move forward.

So as you head through this Autumn, this Time of Frost be conscious of what you are seeding beneath and within you, for when Spring arrives you want your Soul to reflect the newness of Spring… the positives of who you truly are, leaving the old to be recycled and renewed.

Many Blessings,

Mitakuye O`yasin…

~ bear Medicinewalker




EarthDance by Chris Ferree and available at



November 5, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – White Sage

White Sage clusters sub deck

Today’s card White Sage falls to the table and speaks all about the Sacred Within each of us! Today we need to take the time to honor that and all that is Sacred in and around our lives. Time to recognize it and send thanks and gratitude up to the Creator and Ancestors, keeping us strong of mind, heart, body and keeping our intents positive.

It is simply time to change the path of the negatives that surround us in the world today by shielding ourselves with positives! Sometimes we need to look deep within ourselves to see the destructive cycles that we have placed ourselves in most of the time without even realizing it, and then set about releasing them. Thus changing our very thought patterns. Learn to look in the mirror and see the reflection understanding that we are in deed human and have flaws. But that those flaws do not mean we are unlovable, incapable, unwanted, rather they mean we have opportunity to grow, to expand to better ourselves, and heal.

So today begin by giving yourself the love you deserve… Self Love. All the time understanding and knowing that the Creator and the Ancestors that walked before us support and assist us if we are open to it. We simply have to believe and have faith. Life does not work by pushing the “Easy” button… it is all about the journey and the process we go through to make us whole, balanced and walking the “Good Red Road” or whatever color you wish to paint it. For no matter how someone spins it, We Are All Related.

Honor your family, your friends, all people and creatures that have walked with you and that have yet to enter your path. Honor your Guides, the Spirit that assist you each day. Honor the Elementals, the Directions, the Great Mother Earth and Father Sky. Honor Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun….This is what the Sacred Sage reminds us of, this is the tone it sets for us to follow.

One of the most Sacred of herbs among many cultures and people, White Sage assists in clearing our energy fields, driving out the negative and strengthening the positives. Sage is held Sacred because of it’s effective purifying energies. It heals by bringing us back to balance cleansing the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. Leaves are at times burned to drive away bad spirits, evil influences, bad dreams, bad thoughts, and illness.

The botanical word for sage, Salvia, actually comes from the Latin word, meaning “to heal,” so add White Sage to your healing and prayer rituals and put yourself on a path to balance and honoring the Sacred Within!

Mitakuye O’yasin,

bear Medicinewalker


(this is a card from the new subdeck of Mitakuye O’yasin “We Are All Related” Totem Deck and will be available soon)





Swirling Smoke [The Spoken Word Mix]” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Released: 2012. Available at

Card of the Day November 4, 2015 Two For One – Leopard and Rabbit

Card of the Day Nov 4

Well this morning the deck once again took on a mind of its own… or shall I say “Spirit” LOL! Well the Leopard and the Rabbit literally jumped out of the deck just before I began to count the Sacred Seven. So how does that relate to our day?  Well we need to face our Fears with courage and understanding, so we can allow the healing to actually begin, to move froward. We need to remember to take care of ourselves, make each moment count. Don’t wait for someone to call you to repair misunderstandings, take the initiative and do it yourself. That doesn’t mean you are weak, it just means you are inciting positive change. Don’t wait for someone else to clean up your messes… take the broom and do it yourself. WE all have the ability and are capable of it, just that sometimes we get lazy about it.

If we do the work instead of hiding from it, instead of waiting for others to step in…we will learn the lessons that are right in front of us. WE ARE STRONG ENOUGH…. WE HAVE FAITH… WE ARE GOOD ENOUGH… WE ARE WORTHY OF…

SOoooooo embrace yourselves in the imperfect and revel in the fact that as you embrace the imperfect you are setting balance to your own Sacred Hoops!

card 15 Leopard 1122
Leopard Steps in to tell us that it is time to allow the healing to move forward and occur, we are entering a time of rebirth, so open yourself to embracing it and allowing us to be moved ahead from the shadows to the light. We all have the capabilities to take care of ourselves, for we were born with them, physical, mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual. It is time for us to now do the work with those gifts we were bestowed with to bring about balance within our Sacred Hoops.

Leopard says it is time to accept who you are, your own spots so to speak, and use them all to your advantage. Utilize your strengths rather than your weaknesses or bad habits. Belief, faith and confidence of self will lead you to where you need to be, where you are supposed to be at the exact right moment.

Remember to work out things for all outcomes so that you like the leopard can change direction on a dime. Reach in and align the energy around you into stability and balance. To walk with the Leopard is to walk in the highest of spiritual and honorable way. It is about freedom of self and ego, time to tap in to our own psychic abilities, solve our problems with clarity and positives, and remember to shift into what is needed to move on the paths you are meant to travel for the highest good.

card 50 Rabbit
Rabbit reminds us all to remember we need to nurture our selves in order to allow our Spiritual growth to occur. It shares with us that we have all the tools needed inside of us if we just stop for a moment to collect ourselves and reach into that toolkit we all carry. By stopping for that moment and listening to that inner voice, it will give us a chance to strengthen our plans that are in motion, or review the ones we are contemplating.

Rabbit tells us not to be so quick to jump to conclusions, rather look at the larger picture and then move quickly as your instinct guides you rather than allowing fear to move you forward. Pursue your dreams, your goals with a little more adaptability, network with friends and family to help you get the results that are desired.

They also represent fertility, but of course it is up to us to make sure that that fertility shows up as positives such as creativeness, happiness, success and not negatives that we hold onto that eventually turn into fear, anger, bitterness, depression, illnesses.

Rabbit teaches that defending ourselves doesn’t always mean fighting back; it can also be accomplished by listening to what is happening in and around our Sacred Hoops and then using our intuition for the best possible outcome.

Rabbit has a short life so it also reminds us to take advantage of every waking moment for all life is Sacred. Don’t get stuck on the little things in life or life around you will pass by in a blink of an eye and you will have missed the journey.

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

Mediterranean Sundance by Gabriel Ayala available on I tunes and at


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