September 15, 2015 Card of the Day – Elk

card 10 Elk 1122
So as I sat outside and Father Sun rose to his glory….I kept hearing the song Wade in the Water…You don’t believe I’ve been redeemed,
Wade in the water… by Eva Cassidy… and I thought yup I get it…and then the card that shows up today, the Elk!

So lets embrace a little Faith today in ourselves, in the ability of positives to rise to the surface and outshine the negativity of the world, even if that simply happens in our own little corner of it… and have a LITTLE FAITH! Creator hears us, and the Ancestors and “Spirit” are assisting us as we walk this crazy world we live in. Sure there will be ups and downs, the terrain of life is not easy, not simple, not plain… it is exciting and bold, it is brash and wild, it is beautiful in all it brings to our doors for us to experience…

Elk brings in the energy that is needed to slow down and pace ourselves. It’s all about seeing the goal and reaching it without killing ourselves and depleting our energy in the process. Elk helps us to understand that we do not have to do it alone and that companionship and group support are available we just have to ask.

Elk signifies abundance and is a sign that all we need will be provided for. To remember that we do not need to rush, for sometimes the reward is in the journey itself. .

Elk symbolizes strength and endurance. It teaches us to spend more time with our families and friends. Elk are also very seldom alone, preferring to live in large herds, yet knowing when they need to have some personal space. They are very well prepared to take on a challenge, they can fight passionately about what is important to them, sometimes can be unpredictable being passive one second and aggressive the next, it is their nature.

Believe in yourself…Empower Yourself…Connect with those you love and hold a good sense of Community… and your goals will be met with positive outcome.

Have an Amazing day wading in the life experiences that are thrown in front of you today!

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker


Eva Cassidy – Wade in the Water

For non-commercial use only.

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork

September 14, 2015 Card of the Day – Seahorse

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Nurturing… the first thing that shouted at me this morning is a sense of nurturing and duty. The Seahorse is so delicate and yet so fierce with its protection and care of its family and young. So Today they are shouting to nurture yourselves and be fierce in the way you walk through the hours and moments of your day… surrender to the flow that carries you to the new and amazing places in life, but as you do…make sure you are mindful of those little places that we can get stuck in if we are not careful. It is time to be both Sensitive to needs of self and others, yet at the same time show strength in how you participate in life by making positive motions that take care of the framework of our souls.

Happy Monday Ya’ll!

Card of the Day – Seahorse

Seahorse brings for us lessons in persistence as we move towards our goals. Leave our stubbornness at the door and all things will move much smoother with our inner circles. It is time to take a closer look at things and get a fresh view of all things in your Sacred Hoop, physically, emotionally, spiritually for something has been out of balance and it is time to reset with purpose and unconditional.

Seahorse also speaks of serving others and caring for their needs, but while we are in that role we must not forget to nurture self as well. Slow down and do not over exert yourself for that will not assist in anything or anyone if you are too tired and/or worn out. Our purpose is not to serve others and loose ourselves in the process; it is about the Sacred balance.

Life is all about perspective and we must remember to approach with open eyes, mind and soul to stay balanced within the positives. Seahorses teach us how to move in and out of situations seamlessly, teaching us how to move through the currents of life and emotion and stay in a healthy state while doing so.

Be Bold! Adapt when the situation calls for it! Be colorful and enjoy Life! most importantly allow your souls to flow with the energy and waves of life around you allowing it to feed your spirit!

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Odyssey” written and performed by Jonny Lipford available at

#bearMedicinewalker #theSacredHoopProject #MitakuyeOyasinDeck #theWolfandthebearNetwork

September 11, 2015 Card of the Day – Jaguar

card 2 Jaguar 1122

Card of the Day – Jaguar/Black Panther bringing us lessons of Mystical capacities. When I sat outside this morning watching Father Sun begin to rise in our skies, my thoughts ran to the East …of many years ago here on U.S Soil… and I sighed. How much has changed and how much has remained the same.

So I suppose it was fitting that the Jaguar also showed his essence today, for to me it represent the highest of spiritual Sacredness. One that has been in place for ions and one that steps in to assist us ALL in attempts to set the human to right and positives.

Jaguar/Black Panther comes in to ease burdens of the negative side of our human nature. He will not tolerate poor behavior against humans, creatures, or the great Mother Earth, the Jaguar Medicine is very strong and very ancient. For those that walk with high integrity and honor the Sacred, he will bestow rewards of insights and old knowledge in order to assist us as we walk with positive steps.

Jaguar/Black Panther speaks to us of always walking in a way that is with highest intent for good, that we need to remember compassion, dignity, respect and gratitude, to walk strong with resolve, no matter what surrounds the outside of our Sacred Hoop.

Mistakes can occur, but they are but lessons for us to learn and then with that knowledge help us to attain balance once again… remain humble. It shares Ying and Yang…and in understanding this that power is not aggressiveness, but rather the ability to control what kind of strength is needed in situations.

They teach us to hear the unheard, to listen with our soul to other dimensions; to life around us for it all has voice. It is here to teach and share knowledge of old, so remain open to it. It teaches us to walk under the dark of Grandmother Moon sensing the life and energy that flows and then balancing it with the light from Father Sun.

Balance and Own Your Own Power….

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop

‪#‎bearMedicinewalker‬ ‪#‎theSacredHoopProject‬ ‪#‎MitakuyeOyasinDeck‬ ‪#‎theWolfandthebearNetwork‬

“Swirling Smoke [The Spoken Word Mix]” from Pathway to Destiny: Songs of Healing and Contemplation by Louie Gonnie. Released: 2012. Track 14. Genre: World. with permission from Canyon Records.

What Spirit wants Spirit gets…

Spirit wants spirit gets

Spirit wants Spirit gets…lol Today as I worked the deck two cards fell out simultaneously side by side and this was the message that is to be shared with them both…

Today is about honoring the relationships with all people, creatures and things …but as we do we need to make sure of the care and placement of our steps and how we walk with them. It is not enough simply to acknowledge the Sacred around us… we need to respect it, honor it, understand it so that the world can move in more positive steps in unison.

Today we need to not only pray and think about the changes that need to be made in our lives, in the planets life, so that we can maintain and live healthy lives… We must remember that we are merely here borrowing what is here on the Great Mother Earth.

We need to honor a very old tradition of walking the seven plants and replanting one for the generations to come for every plant we take. Honoring our water systems by not simply praying about it, but doing things that can and will make a difference. It is time to stop whining about it and figuring out what we can do to impact positive healings to not only ourselves as humans, but to the Sacred Life around us that gives moment to moment without second thought.

So for Today… I ask for all the creatures that have lost their lives, the plants that no longer exist, the air that is full of pollutants … we stop and impact change. Be conscious of each step that we imprint does not harm but rather nourishes not only our life… but the lives that we coexist with bringing about once again the balance of the great Sacred Hoop!

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

card 10 Elk 1122 - Copy

Elk brings in the energy that is needed to slow down and pace ourselves. It’s all about seeing the goal and reaching it without killing ourselves and depleting our energy in the process. Elk helps us to understand that we do not have to do it alone and that companionship and group support are available we just have to ask.

Elk signifies abundance and is a sign that all we need will be provided for. To remember that we do not need to rush, for sometimes the reward is in the journey itself. .

Elk symbolizes strength and endurance. It teaches us to spend more time with our families and friends. Elk are also very seldom alone, preferring to live in large herds, yet knowing when they need to have some personal space. They are very well prepared to take on a challenge, they can fight passionately about what is important to them, sometimes can be unpredictable being passive one second and aggressive the next, it is their nature.

Believe in yourself…Empower Yourself…Connect with those you love and hold a good sense of Community… and your goals will be met with positive outcome.

card 12 Heron 1122

Heron brings with it the strong connection to the Great Mother Earth. It teaches us to channel that inner strength and using it to ground and remain strong in the course. Be strong and balance so that you can accomplish many things at the same time.

Heron shares with us the ability to become independent and self reliant, yet knowing when to change and adapt in life when needed. Follow your own path, not necessarily the direction that others tell you to walk. You have this, and are capable.

They teach us to be comfortable in our own being, and happy. To love self and understand we are all worthy of good and positive things. Typically they spend much time on their own, but know that it is at times better to be more social and step out of their comfort zones to add experiences and keep the balance of all things in their Sacred Hoop.

Use your steps wisely as the Heron does, and take advantage of the exact moment when it is time to move in a positive motion on your path.

Big City Indians and Bernhard Wolfsheart Weilguni music available at

An Extraordinary Thing…

moon 111 7 june 30

Yesterday was an odd and somewhat off day for me. The energy was strange, not bad just intense and almost as if it were creeping deep into me to reset a switch. My dear sister Christy sent me a note later in the day saying that it was to be a full moon rising in Capricorn this week, and I pushed the intense time warped feeling off to that since her and I are both born under the sign of Capricorn. Yet the day was still off, almost as if I was watching the world and my own world from outside my body looking in. Made me feel as if I was on some powerful medication and it was distorting my vision.

I do not take medications yet the feeling continued and I actually wound up laying down at 1:00 pm in the afternoon for a nap, but it was more than a nap for I did not wake again until around 6:00 p.m. I thought it was odd, but again shrugged it off and just picked up my day where I had left off. I finally decided to go to bed around 11:30 p.m. I dropped into a deep sleep right away and dreamwalk began.

As I was walking through I was working on people who had asked for assistance and healings. I walked to those in pain and major health issues, people who are in transitions of one kind or another and allowed healings on my own issues to be done by the Creator, the Ancestors and All the Realms that work with us in positive light and energy. This is something I have done for years and comes as second nature to me. But tonight was different and something was up.

Soon the vibration changed and the place my soul had journeyed was surrounded and captured an intense loving and indescribable energy. In front of me was Arch Angel Michael and he summoned me towards as he leaned on a sword hilt with the blade buried deep into the ground. At that precise moment I was brought to consciousness with a force so strong that it felt as if I had been shot out of a torpedo tube. I sat and looked around in the dark and then turned to my window.

Clear as day Michael said, “For those who do not believe in what is to come, what is to be, they need only open their eyes. For the promise that was made long ago wraps around each of you every moment of every day. All must learn to put down judgments and petty ideologies, for they serve no purpose other than ego. You have been given all that is needed to experience what was contracted for as the soul walks the human.”

I looked up and saw what I was being directed to look at. I was stunned and wiped my eyes several times, blinking as to clear them, yet I was wide awake. I saw the moon but never as I have ever seen it before. The night was clear and dark and yet I was not sure if what I saw was real. I immediately got up and grabbed my camera; I pointed it to the sky and took several photos, thinking in the morning it would all be just a crazy dream.

Once again a voice rang in my ears, “Behold the promise to Man. It is time to share the Faith you hold as true“ I then went to the kitchen to look at the clock and the stove said 1:11.

So here I sit and write this morning, and post the photos with it. And I give you the opportunity to share in what it was that my camera and my soul experienced last night.
It does not matter to me if you think I am crazy, or that I was dreaming or that you decide to dismiss it with science. ..Bottom line is I know what happened, what I saw and heard, and it was affirmation of the path I walk and those I serve.

Blessings to you all on this day and all those ahead.
Mitakuye O’yasin

~ bear Medicinewalker

“Swirling Smoke” by Louie Gonnie and available at Canyon Records

Are You Kidding Me? Who Cares What the Label Is?

Are You Kidding Me  Who Cares What the Label Is
Are You Kidding Me? Who Cares What the Label Is!
Is it Terrorism, Racial Violence or a Hate Crime? You’re too white. You’re too black. You’re not native enough. You’re too gay. You’re religion is wrong. Good Cop vs. Bad Cop. Then broaden the scale, Our Bombs are bigger than yours. Our planes can out maneuver yours. Our acts of war are righteous, yours are crimes against humanity. So where does this lead us? Well in my eyes it leads us to the darkness of a rabbit hole like in the story Alice and Wonderland. And I for one do not want to be sucked into that hole of never ending darkness to become an unwilling participant.

What is happening to us as a Human Race? People need to stop, honor and respect self understanding we are all no better than or less than others. To begin to take responsibility for our children by teaching them right from wrong. Building foundations with the 7 Grandfather teachings… the basic foundation for all life.

“Wisdom – Love – Respect – Courage – Honesty – Humility – Truth”

Why is it that Terrorism, Racial Violence and Hate Crimes exist? Because we create it, we feed it. The media feeds it, our fears feed it, our ignorance and ego’s feed it. Why should we debate that it is called an act of terrorism or hate crime? Bottom line is if we all put as much energy into being kinder to one another, more understanding of our differences, more accepting of things that are outside our wheel house, paying more attention to what our children are doing and who they are doing it with, finding what is these days lost in the shuffle … a thing called FAMILY, the world would be a better place.

We all have history, we all have bad stuff that has happened to us at one time or another, and we all have choice to take the negative crap life throws at us and wear it as a badge feeding it until we can not breathe and continue to live in fear. Or we can set it to the curb like the garbage it is and become part of the process of healing. Healing not only ourselves but that of the world around us, the one we participate in. If we did perhaps there would be a little less of that negative crap out there for us to deal with. Like attracts like… so why not address the issues as they truly are?

Let’s help our Elderly who have paved the way for us in this life. Let’s feed our children who are hungry, not in the world… but in our own communities. Let’s assist those less fortunate by assisting them to achieve simple things such as providing shelter and basic needs for themselves. Teaching, nurturing and setting by positive example so that others will follow that pattern of the basic foundation for life.

So when I see a college student murdered because of their religious faith, cops involved of a human (criminal or not) being killed, a young person walking into a church and murdering people who are there to pray, I do not see the color of their skin, the jobs they hold…all I see is really bad messed up people doing really bad messed up things and I pray for them ALL! So I dare ya’ll to join me…

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop


A Lesson from a Tiny little Lizard

A Lesson from a Tiny little Lizard

So as I rose this morning my thoughts were already in process of forging which direction the day was going to take. I went through the morning rituals and adjusted to a few things that were out of the ordinary. I walked throughout the house and opened the windows, thinking it was perhaps warm, a fact that I became well aware of within 20 minutes or so was definitely not the case.

So as I began to retrace my steps to close them again (due to the fact it was only 42degrees outside), I stopped just short of the window in my daughter’s room. Looking through the glass to the outside world I saw three sets of Geese walking their little ones across the front of the yard gloriously unconcerned about anything but breakfast, bugs and exploration as they traveled from spot to spot. I smiled from inside because here were these little beautiful balls of fluff filled with curiosity and no huge care in the world, for them it is a simple life for the most part. Wish it was as simple and carefree for all of us.

I then said Morning Prayer and smudged my deck preparing for the morning card of the day that I share on social media. As I shuffled and tossed the cards the card that came up as the seventh one drawn was the Lizard. I went ahead and posted it in several places and then something showed up on my news feed that not only drew my attention, but somewhat irritated me. So grab a cup-a-whatever floats your boat as I share some thoughts with ya’ll.

Everywhere I looked, on my news feed for social media, on CNN’s page, Bing and MSN news feeds, local news feeds all I saw was people attacking other people. Headlines filled with sensationalism to draw in people and feed them negative energy. It can become quite overwhelming and sour your day to say the least if you allow it to. I then saw on another feed a person that was attacking another person, drawing in people to see things that were accusations and basically an attack on another person’s integrity. Seeing that I know some of the people involved, I felt sadness that again the ‘EGO” and “JUDGEMENT” buttons had been pushed.

So do I know the story behind it? Nope and I am not interested in the she said /he saids of the matter. Are we supposed to believe everything someone writes or says about another without knowing first hand? Nope we should not, but often with social media we do and that is what makes me sad. It starts out small and next thing you know it rolls out like the Salem Witch Hunt, and for what end?

Then the accusers state they are doing nothing wrong and just want people to know… they are innocent in anything but providing the truths (as they see it and want us to see it as well) and everyone can judge for themselves. Of course placing the information on a social media site is really a professional way of dealing with something for sure, right? After all we are all mature adults, but hey it’s their five minutes of fame and attention.

And I am sure some that will read this post will feel I am writing about them, but I am not writing about anyone in particular at all. For it is written and spoken all over the place by many. Things about religion, work, race, government, entertainment, you name it and it is written about, outing some said person for some said deed. As I stated previously …it is sad. What is even sadder is often it begins from people who profess to be of strong faith, or a so called “Light Worker”, a pastor or church goer. And of course they know best, their way is the only way. Then the words are twisted and they say that they are just trying to educate us or help us see the truth, consistently doing the passive aggressive dance of words.

People when are we going to wake up? When are we going to come to a place that we can educate ourselves and not become a sheep that follows someone spouting negatives? If you are truly a friend of someone, wouldn’t it be more productive to contact them one on one instead of on social media or calling someone out on a broadcast, or a news article, or talking behind peoples back at work or at a social gathering? Wouldn’t it be healthier and more positive? I would definitely think so…

We are born with free will and choice as human, and I for one think many people need to stop listening to others Bullshit and follow our own instinct, our own guts because ultimately we know what is right from wrong. Or at least we should. So what was it Lizard says to us all, what teachings does it share?

Well Lizard shares truths about “EGO”, that often as human we are ruled by it. So what may be needed at the moment is to take a step back and let out hearts take over. Our “EGO” is often all to ready to step in and rule, so take time to really look deep within what is resonating with our hearts before making decisions or saying something we may regret.

Lizard shares that we are able to use all our “senses” as they were given to us at birth, rely on them, hone them and watch for situations that may not serve us and then remove ourselves from them or to step into the positive ones we need to move with.

It is time to awaken what lies beneath, the unconscious mind that has been hiding things we have not wanted to deal with. Lizard will allow us to move them to the forefront so we can process through them and get rid of what is no longer needed and place us back to reality.
We are all human, we are all flawed and the Lizard teaches us it is ok to be this way. Release as they release a tail, what needs to be let go, then move ahead and regrow in more positive ways.

So when I tossed the card early this morning I didn’t know how accurate it was going to be about the week many of us have had. Sometimes it is time to move away from something or someone because we no longer are at the same point on the path.

The lesson is over, take from it what you will and move ahead. We do not have to destroy others in the process for we are not judge nor jury, we do not have that right…of course unless you can honestly take a step into your own glass house and say how perfect you are. I don’t know about you all, but I can’t, because like all of you I have cracks there too.

So folks…be kinder and gentler with each other. Remember it could just as easily be you in those shoes and find yourself at the end of she said/he said…

Mitakuye O`yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015sacredgoop



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