Spiritual and Totem Insights Tobacco

So today the card that drops in the seventh spot is Tobacco! Today is about the Blessings we receive and more importantly the Blessings we share. Yes you read that correctly, the Blessings we share with others. In order to attain balance in our lives we must always remember the balance is all about giving to the life around us.

We continually take from the Great Mother Earth and she gives freely. But we must also return her Blessings for looking out for the next seven generations to come. Tobacco is a way that many cultures use as offering the thanks for all we have in our lives, and sometimes we simply have to make ourselves a little more aware. We all need to focus on the positives and stop feeding the negatives. Why waist the energy?

This is something I have actually watched as it expands. People constantly sniping at others that have made negative remarks, acted in a negative way… and yet what people often do is to respond negatively back. Thus we are wasting energy and feeding the negatives. Ignore them and save the energy for something more worthy. I say this because feeding the negatives cause us to go sorta dark, or depressed, angry and leads us to put out more negatives. Just let it go it is not worth spending your energy, it’s a waste that depletes positives from our lives in acting out towards negativity..

Tobacco works with our minds, in order to clear the negative thoughts and replace them with thanks for all the blessings in our lives.

Tobacco is the sacred herb of the East, the direction of Grandfather Sun, Eagle, and the Creator. We send our prayers up in its smoke, and Eagle takes them to the Creator. Tobacco is sacred, therefore it is to be respected and comes with responsibility to use it properly. It is both a powerful tool of healing and honoring our spirit and our Ancestors that walked before us.

The Anishinaabe use a form of Tobacco known as kinikinik, or a red willow mix. Because it opens the door to the Creator, When Tobacco is used to make smoke, it is one of the most sacred of plants for Native people. Tobacco is also one of the four sacred plants. It represents the Eastern Direction and the mind.

The Elders say that tobacco is used to connect the Spirit World as the plant’s very roots penetrate deeply into the the Great Mother Earth, and its smoke rises high into the sky to reach the Creator’s gaze. This plant is highly respected and highly honored. The gifting of tobacco is a beautiful way the people show respect and honor to others. Ceremonies using tobacco invokes a connection to universal energies and to the Creator, a connection made between earthly and spiritual realms is to be considered sacred.

Prayer, Offerings, Purification and Respect… remember these for meanings as you use the Sacred Tobacco plant.

Blessings of the Day and Beyond to you All!
~ bear

Earth dance by Chris Ferree and available at

Spiritual and Totem Insights the Cow

The Cow shows up in the seventh spot today!

Today as Monday unfolds we need to look and be aware of all that is around us, so that we can nurture what is inside of us. The outside chaos can settle in and become part of us quicker than a blink of an eye… but how we process and choose how it may affect us is totally up to us. Outside influence can be totally out of our immediate control, but how and when we respond is not. So respond with gentle kindness to your souls, add prayer and thoughtfulness. Prayer is a powerful thing as many can attest to…but it is about the power and strength in numbers. Heal thy selves, strengthen ourselves, make ourselves aware of where and how we step on our paths.

Understand we can not cure disease in a day, we can not build houses in a day, we can not bring peace in a day. However we can begin the process to heal, begin to solve, imprint the idea, start with one person, one part, one thought, one prayer… a moment that can ignite change that begins at our doorway, from our souls.

With that said we look as Cow steps into the day to teach us about nurturing, self growth and awareness. They share with us their own life force in order to assist us in the highest good. They teach us about patience, nourishment, abundance, the fertility of ideas and the birth of goals and dreams. The Cow shares with us to be calm with our young, to stay grounded, help in providing what is needed in the moment without thought and beginnings.

Cow also tells us to stand our ground when we need to but be firm yet gentle in the process. Take a look at our life and see if perhaps we are being as productive as we should, or perhaps are we being too being stubborn about an issue.

Understand and work with the mundane aspects of the relationships we have in our Sacred Hoops and understand that sometimes we need the mundane, the normal routine in order to enjoy or be able to work through what is not.

Cows are said to possess the magic of the moon, Pay close attention to what is being shared. Trust your instincts; they will alert you to danger or safety of the situations we face.

~ bear Medicinewalker

May You Walk (Hozógo nasádo)” Big City Indians and Bernhard Wolfsheart Weilguni available on I tunes and at http://bigcityindians.com/

Spiritual and Totem Insights Earth

So today the Earth card drops in the seventh spot, speaking to the balance required to stay in a good place on our path today. Set Judgement aside, for although we think we do we do not have the right to judge. Instead take a long look in the mirror at self, be happy with the good things and see what you have to work on to be better. Step into that today. Remember to not add negatives to things, people that are all ready standing in and spreading negatives. Instead of feeding that and continuing to make an already dark place darker.

Spirit is not saying that is going to be easy, but you will feel better if that’s the agenda you push today! Earth Mother provides all we need to stay to our walk as human!

Earth is not interested about what affects us, but rather teaches us to learn how to interact and balance with all that is Sacred.  How we go about honoring that precious balance of our Sacred Hoops and that of the larger complete Circle… life. It is whispering for us all to understand how everything inter relates to every living and breathing thing here on the Great Mother. From the smallest creature to the largest tree that stands on the tallest mountain that has the clearest water running down its sides in order to replenish the Earth.

Earth speaks to the understanding of the Medicine Wheel, as a foundation to how we build our lives and walk it. It teaches us our strengths and weaknesses. Earth shows us that sometimes no matter what is going on around us we need to center and ground our souls, allowing the energy to move us in positives. To fill our beings with what has been provided to us, simply understanding that all we need has been shared… we do not own it… but rather have been given the gift of caring for… Not only the earth we stand on …but the human form we dwell in.

Earth teaches us to stand tall as the Redwoods… as dignified as the Mountains…to learn to flow as the rivers and waters of the Earth…gently some times and at others as a raging storm. whatever it may be…honor the Sacred, observe the lessons of the creatures that walk the planet… And most of all be thankful for all we have been given in order to walk our human.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings of the Day

Earth Dance by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com


Spiritual and Totem Insights Grandmother Moon

So not a huge surprise that Grandmother Moon steps in today sharing with us to be mindful as to how we walk through our days in the week ahead! The energies built up for the Super Full Moon also known as the “Buck” Moon” and sometimes the “Thunder Moon” happened last night, July 13, 2022. She is called the “Buck Moon” because this is the time when the male deer grow antlers to the point of shedding the velvet from them. The “Thunder” moon  represents one of the rainiest and storm filled time of the calendar.

So many of us more than likely felt the energy from her over this past week. When I worked at the medical center, the energy from these moons would always bring in patients that had been certainly sent out of balance by the energies. It would be eye awakening to actually see it at work. However if we understand and begin to work with the energies Grandmother shares with us, it can work in our favor.

So be aware and allow your senses to adjust to the energy, and use it well in your favor to manifest positives in your Life.

Grandmother Moon is offering her energy so we are able to manifest the things we most need and want in our lives. Just remember to thank her as you work with her. This will be a powerful week so also remind yourselves to put those crystals, Rocks and Gems outside allowing them to soak all that energy up. Help to make your life magical, learn to work with the energies that present and you will gain powerful tools to add to the proverbial tool kits we each have within.

Grandmother Moon setting high in Father Sky’s grasp gazing at us with loving eyes as she light shimmers blessings down upon us. With the energy that has been in the air recently and the seemingly thinning of the great Veil between worlds at the moment, how fitting that she comes to shed some insight with us this day!

Grandmother  Moon shares with us a reminder that we should appreciate and protect our knowledge, and to understand that the answers we may seek are not always meant to be easily revealed to us. We must at times show more patience to circumstance, to look in to the shadows in order to understand and attain balance.

Grandmother  Moon also tells us to respect our Great Mother and all that dwells on her surface, not only the Human factors but all the Creatures, the Rock and Crystal People, the Plants and Elementals that live among us and to look closer at things we do not understand, for as light moves over us/it all …circumstance and things look differently. Remember to see with clear eyes all sides of the issues and life in order to attain a fuller understanding of what it is we need to move forward in positives.

Feel the blessings and energy that Grandmother  Moon sends to us and embrace it instead of fighting it. Learn to move like the tides adjusting and adapting to her Grace and Power…


I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…

Blessings to you All,

bear Medicinewalker

“Fourth Wind” from Wind Dance Under the Moon by David Rose. Released: 2013 available on Itunes Used from the Wolf and the bear Network archives @2022

Spiritual Insights Walks With Bears

So today I was pushed to pull from the New Deck and this Deck uses the Number Three to flip. Today, not because I am bear, rather because this is how we need to walk through our days… the card “Walks With Bears”. This card/painting expresses that in one there is multiple strengths and weaknesses. We need to balance that energy in order to step further on our paths.

We all could use that reminder once in awhile as some times we simply forget that we are more evolved than we give ourselves credit for. So “Walks With Bears” pops in to remind us of just that. We all are capable beings that are multi facetted. Each part of us has been imprinted on by many factors through out or life, whether it be by events, people or things that we have done, it all factors in. It shares with us that we have the things to deal with anything that may arise, we just have to focus on that strength within.

So look in and dig deep into the preverbal toolkits we all have and know that You have Got This! Do not shy away from things you feel you can not do… rather push forward into positives and know you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Do not feed fear or anger, instead let it go to recycle into the Universe to then in turn return as a positive!

Blessings to you All!

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and You Tube. and catch me every Tuesday on the Ghost Dimension for Readings and insights!

Spiritual and Totem Insights …Fire

So today the Element of Fire shows up in the 7th spot! Today the energy continues in positives, so walk with confidence and the understanding that you can get things done quickly and in the correct manner. The Element of Fire will feed all the energy we need to complete tasks and build and mold strong relationships. Now remember that relationships are how we connect to everything and everyone in our Sacred Circle. Fire can assist us all in clearing the path we need to so we can see all the possibilities of the Day!

Today is about following your instincts, channeling the inner fire to get the job done. Fire ignites the extreme within us to trust that ancient wisdom that is in our genetic DNA urging us to listen to the little voice within, stop second guessing yourself and get done what is needed. For at the end of the day, there will be much to show for having done just that. Allow it to not only inspire you, but those around you! Just remember when it is evident in your life, the Elemental Fire needs to have balance and work with what is around the our life circles in a positive manner. So get Ready! Get Set! and Move your butts to have a great day so you will be able to enjoy the evening.

Fire is all about passion, drive, creation and motivation that steps out in our lives. The Elemental Fire ignites within us sheer will and determination to get the job done. It not only represents our own souls light but is about the Divine Fire that is within each of us. Fire has a place both here in the physical Earth plane and secondly in the spiritual one. Fire is powerful and needs to be understood when using it, both physically and spiritually.

The Elemental of Fire can assist you with standing in your own power. It will assist you in manifestation as you move forward in positives to your goals. It requires us to tend and feed it as flame begins to dwindle. We need to use caution with Fire as it can consume us, yet it has balance and can also share light and heat. It shines and dances leaping into the air bringing light to the darkness, and thus balance. It sings out for us to dance, listen to the drum of our own heartbeats, and share in the magic that Fire brings about.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

~ bear Medicinewalker

You can find me also at;

https://www.youtube.com/c/bearMedicinewalker  or at   https://www.facebook.com/BearMedicinewalkerTeacherandStoryteller/


Fire Ohio Players


Spiritual and Totem Insights the Bat

The energy has shifted once again as the Bat steps into the seventh card today, but in a positive way. It’s like opening the windows in the house to catch the summer breezes. Pushing out the Old and bringing in the New. Bat advises to allow that new energy to refresh all your senses and feel what it is to simply feel free.

Sometimes we attract all sorts of energies unknowingly and they cling to us like wet tar, grasping at us to hold us in a space of being unable to move forward. So listen to your minds eye, your gut and feel that Creator God and the Universe have said new day… new dawn… so become what you need to be today without restriction.!

Bat brings us teachings of perception. It is time to listen to what is not being said. To hear the truth of things, rather than what we may want to believe or what we may mask behind darkness and fear.

We all have an inner voice and we should learn to listen to it, it was given to us for many reasons one of them to help us find balance as we walk the human. Bats teach us to use our other senses to tune in seeing more than just what is seen by our eyes, giving us an advantage and opportunity to be able to walk ahead equipped with all the knowledge we need to be more positive and attain our goals.

Be open and let go of the fear we tend to hold on as change approaches us, the new things that we will allow in doing so will help us to fulfill our dreams and goals. Bat also brings with it the EGO and tells you to set it down so that spiritually you can grow and evolve in all ways that will help you balance within your Sacred Hoop.

Bury and release old habits, old possessions, things that no longer serve for the highest good, and be re birthed into a new knowing and understanding that will not only help to heal yourself but assist you in becoming a better human as you walk your path with all life that is sacred around you.

May you all have a Blessed Day!
~ bear

Please Feel free to share these and other posts from my site!  They are here as tools to teach us about mending the Hoop… and bringing balance to our lives!

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