February 19, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Racoon

card 41 racoon 1122
Who’s that knocking on your door??? Why it’s Racoon of course and they are here to share that sometimes hiding behind the mask instead of engaging with life doesn’t win us points! Sometimes we need to utilize the tools that we have gathered here and there to obtain the goal we are seeking. That we need to be a champion of our own cause today! Not letting everyone else distract us from the task at hand.

Raccoon teaches us to re-connect with our inner warrior, to become both provider and protector for ourselves and possibly others within our Sacred Hoop. However while assisting others, Raccoon teaches us that we must in this process, learn to do this in a way that does not make those you are helping become dependent on your help. When dealing with issues the Raccoon leaves no stone unturned. Patiently and diligently seek the solution by taking the time needed to observe the whole picture, both the seen and the unseen to find a positive solution.

Raccoon’s are also the masters of curiosity, adaptability, resourcefulness, masks or illusion. They also speak of hiding behind and not being open an honest with your self. Learn to be more open and accept the gifts being offered to you right now by the universe. Be more versatile and watch for opportunity by being more aware of your surroundings and what is happening in and around your own Sacred Hoop. Raccoon teaches us that as human we wear many masks in life and sometimes feel the need to hide our true self as protection or to hide from the reality of a situation. Just remember it is okay to do that for a short time, but do not get lost behind that mask, for we all have purpose, we all have meaning in this walk we are on.

So go out and be a Warrior… a Champion of You today and remember to Enjoy Life along the Way! Hoka Hey!

Feel Free to share this and all the posts within my site!

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the  culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Return of the Warriors-David Little Eagle




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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/

February 18, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Owl

card 22 Owl 1122
How fitting today that Owl shares Her Magic with us All this day!  She is urging us to look at a larger picture with clarity and truth. Take a minute to visit your past through thought and honor all those that walked with us while we have been on our journey! All where there for reason and purpose. All impact, imprint and have left pieces of themselves on our soul. Owl urges us to see the positives in all and understand that we are who we are today because we have walked through fire, rain to get to the place we are at today!

Fire to ignite us to our souls purpose… Rain to help us grow with the positives and renewal for that same Soul purpose… to Live life, Experience Life, to be HUMAN!

Owl brings both Magical and Spiritual with it’s presence. always Sacred to me, and to be revered by all. It shares with us the Great Mystery and all that is to be understood in life as we walk the human path. Teaching us to be open and see with wonderment the life that is around us, interacting with us, sharing with us, part of us even in the smallest of ways. In return showing us how we can impact it all in return. To keep our eyes open in even in what we may perceive as dark times, for that glimmer of hope and light to shine through.

Remember to fly beyond and look at the larger picture so better to plan ahead how to approach situations, people or the journey itself. It teaches us to use our intuition and deep connections with wisdom that has been seeded deep within our souls. If he has showed up in your life today… perhaps you need to look closer for the hidden truths.

Please Feel free to share these and other posts from my site!  They are here as tools to teach us about mending the Hoop… and bringing balance to our lives!


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Vanilla Skies” from Unclean by Pitbull Daycare. Jonny Lipford and available at


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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/

February 17, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Grouse

card 14 Grouse 1122

Rejoice …Sing…and Dance with Life today. Remember who You are… Relish in what the Universe is sharing with you! Move through the day in Positives, dismissing and not allowing negatives to enter you Sacred Hoops… We are the sum of what we put out into the world… so why not make it Joy and Happiness! Now I want you all to understand that the reason the Native Peoples dance is to honor and celebrate Creator, our Ancestors… our Veterans… it is a way to teach the Sacred… to honor who we are as a people. It is a way to honor the blessings of our way of life. The Drum the Heartbeat of the People and the Great Mother Earth and all our relations…
Grouse reminds us of what is Sacred within our own Hoops. It reminds us to stand in our own power, to drum and ground with the great Mother Earth, to experience our own heartbeats of our souls. Speaking to us and whispering that we need to dance and honor our own spirits, allowing the joys that are in life to enter and filling our own Sacred Hoops with the positives that are needed in the moment and beyond.

Grouse dances in circles, speaking to us of cycles that we walk through on our paths, from birth to death transitions and on to rebirth. We all experience these, from the moment we take our first breath, it is called change. So the Grouse asks that we embrace those changes,,, and dance to the drumbeat of your own soul! Stand in your own power, revitalize your spirit, your human… dance and create, manifest what it is that you need to walk a more positive way on your own path. Don’t worry about what others are thinking or doing… concentrate on your own energy as you dance and place yourself in harmony and balance with body, mind and spirit.

Listen and hear as Grouse shares with us today and beats it’s wings and stomps the ground in harmony with all that is Sacred!

Please Feel free to share these and other posts from my site!  They are here as tools to teach us about mending the Hoop… and bringing balance to our lives!


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

“Bowie and Pipestone Mix”

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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/

February 16, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Blue Jay

Bluejay card 57

It’s time to be real and set our ego’s aside.  The WORLD OWES US NOTHING… WE ALL ARE NO BETTER THAN EACH OTHER….

There is no one single correct way to life. We are human and we all need to start acting like we are. We need to remember to be thoughtful, respectful, compassionate and yes understanding, even when it does not always line up to our way of thinking. Again the WORLD OWES US NOTHING… this is 2016 and yet history continues to repeat the cycles of Greed, Power, Domination, Destruction, Hate even within our own individual lives. It NEEDS TO STOP!

And Just How do we do that? One deed at a time, One thought at a time, One word at a time. It is easy to sit and point out that so and so is this or that, yet by doing so we often are a reflection of that same negative process. So if you are truly about walking the walk of “Spirituality” then set the ego to the curbs. Protect humanity…and teach others through example and they mimic like a Jay teaches us to do to make life better, not only for self… but for All that is Sacred. start to Mend the Great Sacred Hoop for everyone, for the next 7 Generations.

Jays can mimic other sounds; many people do not know this is how often they protect their families; they use their intelligence to sound like Hawks or other birds in order to deflect unwanted attention. So what they share with us is that sometimes there is a need to be bold…and sometimes it is about simply using our good communication skills in positives to get our point across.

The Jay teaches us we need to know our boundaries of when we are being to brash, to bold. So we must learn to use our voice in productive but respectful ways and not bully our way through things. Some days it may take courage to speak our minds, but in doing so we not only let our words take wings and be heard, but we allow our spirits to go free and grow into what we are supposed to be.

Jays will also help to show you how to protect yourself with communication and deflect when needed, but only when needed. They teach us also how to travel to and from the Spirit Realms easily without loosing ourselves within them. They teach us about our ego’s and arrogance, about not getting in others space and it being unwelcomed. For there is nothing more annoying than a Blue Jay sounding off and sassing someone in their own yards… so it reminds us keep ourselves in check, don’t get cocky, don’t get loud. Others have value as well, and sometimes it is within others that we learn what is needed at the moment to move forward in positives and sustain our own Sacred Hoops.

Please Feel free to share these and other posts from my site!  They are here as tools to teach us about mending the Hoop… and bringing balance to our lives!


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

The Giving Song by Joseph Strider available at http://www.josephstrider.com

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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/

February 3 2016 Totem card of the Day – Rabbit

card 50 Rabbit
Okay so everything for a reason , no coincidences ever we all should understand that by now right? Well not always… including me! So we have walked our day today, or most have and how many of us fell down that rabbit hole of old cycles and old patterns, finding ourselves in the same old situations without change? Or the same lesson being presented to us again, why cause we didn’t listen the first 100 times…lol… so now the evening is about VALIDATIONS, because now we remember and see it for what it was…we see the TRUTH ( and remember it is the year of Truths, our own in particular).  So don’t run from it, or hide from it FACE THE FEAR, the Lesson head on and deal with it, accept the lesson and move forward in doing so!

Rabbit reminds us all to remember we need to nurture our selves in order to allow our Spiritual growth to occur. It shares with us that we have all the tools needed inside of us if we just stop for a moment to collect ourselves and reach into that toolkit we all carry. By stopping for that moment and listening to that inner voice, it will give us a chance to strengthen our plans that are in motion, or review the ones we are contemplating.

Rabbit tells us not to be so quick to jump to conclusions, rather look at the larger picture and then move quickly as your instinct guides you rather than allowing fear to move you forward. Pursue your dreams, your goals with a little more adaptability, network with friends and family to help you get the results that are desired. They also represent fertility, but of course it is up to us to make sure that that fertility shows up as positives such as creativeness, happiness, success and not negatives that we hold onto that eventually turn into fear, anger, bitterness, depression, illnesses.

Rabbit teaches that defending ourselves doesn’t always mean fighting back; it can also be accomplished by listening to what is happening in and around our Sacred Hoops and then using our intuition for the best possible outcome. Rabbit has a short life so it also reminds us to take advantage of every waking moment for all life is Sacred. Don’t get stuck on the little things in life or life around you will pass by in a blink of an eye and you will have missed the journey.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”


Emptying Of The Pipe Song available on I tunes


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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/



February 2, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Frog

card 48 b Frog
Today Frog steps in to teach us about cycles! We all have them, we all travel them whether we know it or not. Sometimes we wind up getting caught up in cycles that hold us back from being who we are supposed to really be, cycles that have negative impact on our growth as Humans. It may be outside factors that influence us, events, people or even our own emotions that throw us into this continuing loop that plays over and over again, because somehow we loose sight of the outside world and the lessons from the continued cycle.

So today it is time to step outside our selves… take a good look back and see into our very cores, then step back in and repair with TRUTH and Love what needs to be set in place to change the cycle to more positive steps so our growth as Humans, as Spiritual People can once again continue forward. This is not as easy to do as it is to write, believe me… been there done this, but the change is worth the effort I promise you.

So Step up and Transform Yourselves in order to manifest your dreams and desires for your path in life!

The Frog teaches us of transition and transformation, supporting us as we walk through times of change. Connecting us with the our deepest emotions and assisting us with the process of cleansing our physical, emotional, spiritual selves to attain balance.  The frog represents the cycles of life, birth and rebirth. If we take a glimpse at the Frogs own journey through life from a tadpole to the adult state it mirrors the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our own lives.

It can assist us with the process of owning our own personal power. Recognizing it by cleansing ourselves of what no longer serves us and embracing with open arms what is now possible.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Tree Frog Dance by Jonny Lipford and available at  http://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/

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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/



February 1, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Butterfly

card 27 butterfly 1122
The Butterfly flutters in to our path today and say we are to enjoy the day! Be light and frivolously go about enjoying small pleasures of the day such as a cookie or donut with your coffee that you may not normally have! Or perhaps its an extra moment from your day to touch base with a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in awhile, but whatever it is…. ENJOY IT simply because you can. We so often get caught up in the mundane and routine things of our daily life, forgetting that each and every moment we have is a rare and beautiful gift. So instead of sitting grumpy this morning add some positives to that cuppa brew and enjoy…. breathe in the aroma of it and let it set your path to a great pace for the day!

The Butterfly is connected to the elemental Air. It represents to many cultures the story of Transformation. It teaches us how to shift, change and move with whatever life brings to our paths. This helps us to learn how to work through events and situations that we encounter in our lives so that we can move through changes in what appears to be effortless with grace allowing our Sacred Hoops to come into and stay balanced.

Butterfly shares with us the gift of understanding that we all have purpose, we are all part of a grander plan, that we all exist to complete the balance needed in the world we live in. Without each of us inputting our energies, our purposes… other things would not come to fruition. Such as the pollen that is collected when they land in a grouping of flowers, when they move from place to place they assist the species in continuing to exist. We too are much like the Butterfly, for without each of us to contribute our efforts, our knowledge sharing it with our young people, with each other… ideas and cultures would eventually cease to exist.

Butterfly teaches us that we need to quiet our minds to hear the echoes of our souls, to look around you and appreciate all that is Sacred. Teachings are also about how we move through our lives transforming and constantly changing. As we are seeded into the womb where we begin our earth journeys growing and nurturing to prepare to enter the world, we are much like the Butterfly in the cocoon until we emerge slowly transforming into what and who we are to become.

Throughout our lives this occurs as we move through the changes in our life. So don’t fight the changes, rather honor the process of it as your Soul grows and expands into all that it can be… the beautiful soul that is an intricate part of the Human Race.

So today take time and honor who you are, remembering that you and all that you are is meant to be for a purpose and wonderful reason…. Take a moment to breathe, take a moment to revel in becoming understanding that you are important to all life!

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”


“What A Wonderful World”


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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at https://bearmedicinewalker.com/mitakuye-oyasin-spiritual-oracle-deck/



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