Spiritual and Totem Insights the Scorpion

Today the Scorpion steps into the 7th card spot, sharing that we are in control of how we act and react to things. Emotions may run a bit rampant for each of us today but take the reigns and steer your way through them. Scorpion reminding us that although there are many negatives around each of us every day… we need to harness the power from them and turn them back to the Universe as positives.

Relationships whether they are with the people around us or situations that stop on our paths Scorpion tells us to take care and don’t get caught up in the emotion of it all… but clear your eyes and see things for what they truly are. Thus you will see lessons and be able to move forward without dragging them forward with you.

Scorpion shows up when there is poison at work in our lives. Such as a toxic relationship or situation that is working against you and how you need to move forward in a positive way. It shares that we need to watch our backs due to the element of Fire being present. Scorpion brings the ability of transmuting that poison through that fire allowing the poison back to the place of origin or into the universe to be recycled into positives.

Scorpion medicine is strong and we must remember that is should be approached with caution and used only for positive outcome, or it’s poison will come back and fill our own lives with negatives.

Be cautious of your thoughts, your tongue and your deeds. Look at life and see what no longer serves and remove them from our lives, our paths so that we can move in more positive steps. Look at minimizing the enabling of others that causes us to be unable to move forward. Re-establish our boundaries, make clear decisions about which direction the next few months will take and move on.

Scorpions teach us strength and show us that we have the ability to inspire others. To be passionate about life and remember that what lies in the dark is not always bad, but rather to be understood and used in a more positive way.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become pro active in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other!”
Many Blessings of the Day
~bear Medicinewalker


Background music Wake the Dragon was provided by Dragon Ritual Drummers as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2019 and is available on Itunes and at Itunes



Spiritual and Totem Insights Grandfather Sun

Seventh Card today is Grandfather Sun! Time to Soak up some energy and use it in your lives as we walk through such an amazing day! Time to reach out and try new things, to boldly go where we haven’t dared to in the past… time to explore all the fun and creative sides of the people and things in our lives! What is stopping you …? Doesn’t matter if you are in the house, on a plane or in a train… hahahhahaha Green Eggs and Ham! Just embrace the beauty life has to share.

Grandfather Sun reminds us we need to feed our souls with positive emotions and feelings. If we feed ourselves negatives, that is what we wind up attracting. If we dwell on the past or get too cozy cycling in what we know…we never learn new things or experience the amazing that is within each of our grasps! So today Live a Little… rain or shine Let the Sun In!

Grandfather Sun is very important to all of us. The sun has been looked upon as the giver of light, heat, welcomed by the crops that are planted and all of the Plant People and bring about growth. The rays of the sun also represent the cardinal directions, North, South, East and West..

So as it enters our space here today and in days to come, Grandfather Sun brings with him the Creator’s Healing Grace. He shines and sends shadows and negativity away. The warmth it provides us is like a mother’s hug wrapping around us to say everything is gonna be alright.

Today have a bit of faith, open your hearts to experience the good in the world and let the shadows of negativity dissipate from the light of your soul. Feel what is strong and powerful in your selves and let that positive shine for the world to see. Allow your growth to continue, experience the strength from within that we all have, that although it may be being tested at the moment, still has what is needed to get through it all.

Breathe and feel his fingers upon your faces as Grandfather Sun freely gives us the power he provides unconditionally. Enjoy your day and don’t let dark clouds detour you from your goals!

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL from a Little bear and little birds named Pip and Mango
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Here Comes The Sun (Remastered 2009)”


Spiritual and Totem Insights the Raven

So today the Raven shows itself in the seventh spot, telling us to move through the day cautiously as emotional tensions are at foot. No ones fault just simply is the way the energy is effecting us all. So be light, put your armor on and don’t take things too personally for it is a cranky sort of a day. We have all been there when things are a bit off and unsettling, so recognize it and adjust your emotions to fit what may be hurled at you. People will not be in their right consciousness today.

So allow the knowledge to help your day flow in a positive way and let all the negatives pass you by.

Magical …Mystical.. slipping to time beyond time Often I hear people say, where are the miracles, where is the magic, and I tell them it is but at your fingertips if you will but open your eyes! We need to remember that we all have abilities and they are all unique. yet with saying that we are all part of the puzzle and without us, life would not be complete. Remember that the next time you look into a mirror, or start to doubt what and who you are. Embrace yourselves in positives, and if you don’t Ravens will pop in and start squawking at yah until you do.

Raven is here to tell us that we are exactly where we need to be at the precise moment in time. We are also being shown things that are in and around our Sacred Hoops are reflecting back to us what we need to learn about ourselves in order to move in positive motion ahead on our paths.

Raven teaches us about rebirth, recovery, renew and recycling, self reflection and healing our inner spiritual. Shine our light into the dark as we transition in to the change we are facing. Open our thought process to help us understand that there needs to be balance between light and the dark … that one does not occur without the other. To know one is to know the other, to understand them is to balance self.

Raven teaches us to listen closer to the world of spirit, for they are guiding us forward, helping us to remember what is important, what is sacred. That our souls can not take the material with us as we move and transition through life, but rather that it is the intangible things that imprint on us and we imprint on others that are most important.

Allow that magic to spread to your soul and enlighten your spiritual.

Blessings to All,


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Touching Quiet” from Windtamer by Jeff Ball. Released: 2007 available on Itunes

Spiritual And Totem Insights the Spider

So this morning Grandmother Spider sets the tone of the day to remind us all we are the Creators of our Own Worlds and situations. It is time for us all to set the intent and purpose of our walks. It is time for us all to allow our voices to ring out with the truths we hold dear in positives that will let us be heard. Remember however that we must do this in powerful yet in precise ways that do not boast of ego or allowing negativity to spread, for if we choose that we will also lay damage to our own cycles, our own webs of protection and positive growth and being. 

Harness the energy of today and allow it to bring through opportunities you have been waiting for by making room in your life. Be mindful though as Grandmother Spider reminds us of how we spin that web…and where you choose to place it. If you are thoughtful and place it safely so that as you allow it to be spun into reality… the dreams, desires, needs and more… foundations will become secure.

The Dreamcatcher is known to many far and wide. It is a part of the Native American culture that captivates the world. But for many of us it is a reminder of a gift given to us in return for holding a life as Sacred and protecting it.

The story goes that a spider was quietly spinning her web in her own space. It was beside the sleeping space of Nokomis, the grandmother. Each day, Nokomis watched the spider at work, quietly spinning away. One day as she was watching her, her grandson came in. “Nokomis-iya!” he shouted, glancing at the spider. He stomped over to the spider, picked up a shoe and went to hit it.

“No-keegwa,” the old lady whispered, “don’t hurt her.”
“Nokomis, why do you protect the spider?” asked the little boy.

The old lady smiled, but did not answer. When the boy left, the spider went to the old woman and thanked her for saving her life. She said to her, “For many days you have watched me spin and weave my web. You have admired my work. In return for saving my life, I will give you a gift.”
She smiled her special spider smile and moved away, spinning as she went.

Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. “See how I spin?” she said. “See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web.”

So allow the negatives of life to become entangled in the web of life, and let only the good and positives to enter so that you will walk in a good light as you move forward in your journeys.

Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker

Cahuilla Sunrise Steven Rushingwind


Spiritual and Totem Insights the Wolf

So Wolf stops in today in the 7th spot to listen to our intuition as it will be tuned in sharply today.  Listen before speaking or reacting and trust your guts.  Walk with your eyes wide open, you have learned much on your journey so trust what you were taught.  

Wolf reminds us also that as we travel on our paths we will learn many things from many people, creatures, and other things… these are all lessons to make us stronger and better people, more compassionate people, more connected people.  We need to stop feeding the negativity f the world and seeking solutions, positive solutions instead of filling the air around us with more distrust and hate, negativity.  Walk with the Wolf pack, not as a Lone Wolf … for the Lone Wolf is not well and the pack seeks to cut it and the disease or weakness from themselves in order to protect itself.

Wolf teaches us that although it is often difficult to see the value of things that cause us pain, regret and anger… it is in those very things that we learn from in order to make better choices in the future. Those bumps in the road make us stronger for getting through them all, but there is a limit to how long we allow ourselves to carry it all forward as it hinders our growth. So today let it all go and be in the moment of saying goodbye to all those things that have held us back! Be free of it so you can create new things, more positive things for yourself!

Wolf reminds us to sense what is important in our life circle and allow that to shore us up against negativity and the thoughtlessness of others. Be caring and nurturing with your energy and life source today… as it is an important key to how we need to walk and be.

Wolf reminds us that it is far to easy to shelter ourselves or do what I call self isolation, but sometimes by doing so we miss out on some amazing things and people. So enrich your souls today and expand your reach by including some of what life is offering us all outside of our circle.

Wolf has been a spiritual and totem animal in the religions of many cultures. Wolves represent the symbol of freedom and individuality, yet also remind us we have a responsibility to the pack. Some religious beliefs attribute the creation of the earth in part to the Wolf.  It was believed that the power of a Wolf would could help with the success of a hunt, bring a chief’s dead son to life or alleviate the pain of childbirth.  The People and the wolf are part of each other.

Wolf and its medicine live harmoniously with us…they will hunt together, live together and their spirits are one.  Wolf  represents courage, strength, loyalty, wisdom and teacher of balance. Some of the stories that have been passed down often tell of the first ancestors being transformed from wolves into Human.

Whatever they represent to each of us may be different, but the one thing I hold as truth is they are our teachers, our sisters and brothers… not something that should be controlled or hunted. They only take what is needed, they stay away from humans unless provoked…and we have taken all that is theirs when they and many like them have openly shared with us all. It is time for us all to raise our voice in protection of this magnificent animal and others like it…

Wolf is a very organized creature. It understands there is need for order and balance for harmony to occur with our Sacred Hoops. Wolf is regarded as one of the most powerful spirit guides of all for it represents teacher and lessons to be learned and shared with self. It speaks to us to seek counsel from people that you respect. To take a moment to step back and look for the true meaning from the issue you face. By doing so, you will be able to walk clearly ahead and do what needs to be done with the knowledge you can see it all clearly.

Although many think the sight of a Lone Wolf means freedom it actually does not.  It instead represents that it is a time to look deep in oneself and find the balance that is needed in your own life that is lacking. For the wolf is meant to be in packs, in a community, in a family, with its mate. The times you see wolves on their own or isolated is do to unbalance that needs to reground and once again be in the circle of the Sacred Hoop.

The Wolf cry reminds us to stand our ground, remember we all need boundaries. It is about communication, answering the call and listening to the response. The Wolf an assist us to open and listen to the sound of others in order to understand better the situation. It is about having the strength of the pack, and your closest friends with you when you need them without questions.

Wolf is strongly connected to lunar cycles, so learn to move with that cycle and honor it in order to be at your best. They teach us to weed out what is the weakest and no longer serves us, so that new and better things will come our way.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All,

“Coyote Jump-Lightning Drum”. available at Canyon Records


Spiritual Insights Soul’s Embrace

Divine Energy for Today comes in to share with us all that it is time to look within, deeply with in to feel your Soul Energy as it walks with us each and every moment. Feel and trust how it guides each and every one of You. It is past time of haphazardly racing through your lives, it is time to now Do what is needed and feel your Soul’s Embrace.

There is too much Ego… too much Hate… you have to reach inside and rekindle what you as humans are supposed to be. Do not rely on others to show you what it right what is wrong. Your Souls reach beyond space and time to guide You All in how it is to be. Trust in that, Trust in Yourselves and find Hope once again… for Hope seems to have left many of you. You have lost the purpose of the struggle, for it is not to give in to it but to assist in bringing about Harmony of all the energy here on the planet. Whether it be the Elementals, the Creatures or Each Other You need to wake and connect so You all can help heal not only self but others like a ripple in the pond…ever reaching outwards… Ever the ripple of change.

You all are instruments of energy to assist ALL life on the planet. The intent for Humankind was never hate, war, violence… but rather you could experience many things seeing and understanding how miraculous it all can be. Our Gift to All. Yet we also instilled Free Will and Choice but as we watch the centuries of time it seems we have failed You. For it has not been the choice to be each others Brothers, Sisters that look upon each other as family. That with that free choice it was learned to take and continue to take without thinking of the long term of life. This is not Your Planet, this is Your Home and it should be cared for as so.

Our tears shed and drop down as water runs in a river attempting to wash away the old and start anew. Fresh starts. But Humankind ignores even that. We will always stand here with You, for You… what the outcome may be is for each of you to choose.

If you are not to believe these words We challenge you to sit in silence, clear Your minds, and breathe centering and opening the channel of Knowing, It is then You will feel the Soul’s Embrace.
Channel 3/18/2022

Blessings to You All…
~ bear

Chant of the Mystics Angelic Gregorian Chant

Spiritual and Totem Insights the Prayer Tie

So today it was a bit enlightening that the 7th card was the Prayer Tie. So much turmoil and pain in the world today that it is a wonder it isn’t showing up more. Today is about understanding that pain is real, whether it is emotional, physical or spiritual it exists…as it is part of the human journey. So today recognize it for what it is… use the positives that are available to make our days run smoother, more polished, better examples of the good that can occur if we set our minds to it. Connect with the higher power that we can connect with and communicate what is needed, what we are thankful for… asking for strength and guidance throughout our days…

Prayer can be a powerful tool, a way of working through things we may not understand, for even bad things happen to good people. Reach out and offer a prayer or a good thought for someone in need, perhaps even someone that you may not personally know… you will be surprised how often it helps. Today remember how to be human… allow yourself to show compassion and understanding… set our ego’s aside and be in that moment of humanity that we all should remember.

I was taught to use Prayer Ties a long time ago… what are they you ask? Well Prayer Ties are meant to create a sacred object, that contains your desires and prayers. remembering that your prayers are important. Originally placing tobacco infused with our prayers and intent for positive changes, within brightly colored cloth, tying them with white cotton string, and then placing them into trees to be gently swayed on the Sacred Winds and lifted to the Universe and Creator to hear and see.

The People have made Prayer Ties by wrapping sacred herbs into a cloth while praying to Creator. Once the Prayer Ties are completed they are burned in a respectful and reverent ceremony, assuring that the prayers and intent are sent up to the heavens and carried to the Creator in the smoke.  Making Prayer Ties is not about precision or doing it right, it is all about the intent of positive change.

I challenge you all this day, no matter what your background or ritual, to stop and put together a Prayer Tie together and place it in a place of respect, gratitude and honor… so that others will ask what they are, and then you can tell them it is about positive change and honoring those who have walked before us.

So today go about your days inspiring and doing Positives… ignoring the negatives of the world, for a positive can empower many good things including remembering who and what we are meant to be and how we are meant to walk… unconditionally as Human, with faults and imperfections, yet perfect in our individuality. For without each and everyone of us, the world would be incomplete.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2021

Follow Myself and Sean and Bex Reynolds of Ghost Dimension on Facebook and You Tube! Catch the Spirit

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