Let’s See What Spirit wants to Share with Us in the Card of the Day

Rabbit reminds us all to remember we need to nurture ourselves in order to allow our Spiritual growth to occur. It shares with us that we have all the tools needed inside of us if we just stop for a moment to collect ourselves and reach into that toolkit we all carry. By stopping for that moment and listening to that inner voice, it will give us a chance to strengthen our plans that are in motion, or review the ones we are contemplating.

Rabbit tells us not to be so quick to jump to conclusions, rather look at the larger picture and then move quickly as your instinct guides you rather than allowing fear to move you forward. Pursue your dreams, your goals with a little more adaptability, network with friends and family to help you get the results that are desired.

They also represent fertility, but of course it is up to us to make sure that that fertility shows up as positives such as creativeness, happiness, success and not negatives that we hold onto that eventually turn into fear, anger, bitterness, depression, illnesses. Rabbit teaches that defending ourselves doesn’t always mean fighting back; it can also be accomplished by listening to what is happening in and around our Sacred Hoops and then using our intuition for the best possible outcome.

Rabbit has a short life so it also reminds us to take advantage of every waking moment for all life is Sacred. Don’t get stuck on the little things in life or life around you will pass by in a blink of an eye and you will have missed the journey.

I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth.  Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…

Blessings of the Day to you All,

Wednesday June 29th 2022 Card of the Day White Sage

part of sub deck

White Sage  speaks all about the Sacred Within each of us! We need to take the time to honor that and all that is Sacred in and around our lives. Time to recognize it and send thanks and gratitude up to the Creator and Ancestors, keeping us strong of mind, heart, body and keeping our intents positive. White Sage shows us that it is time to change the path of the negatives that surround us in the world today by shielding ourselves with positives! Sometimes we need to look deep within ourselves to see the destructive cycles that we have placed ourselves in most of the time without even realizing it, and then set about releasing them. Thus changing our very thought patterns. Learn to look in the mirror and see the reflection understanding that we are in deed human and have flaws. But that those flaws do not mean we are unlovable, incapable, unwanted, rather they mean we have opportunity to grow, to expand to better ourselves, and heal.

Begin by giving yourself the love you deserve… Self Love. All the time understanding and knowing that the Creator and the Ancestors that walked before us support and assist us if we are open to it. We simply have to believe and have faith. Life does not work by pushing the “Easy” button… it is all about the journey and the process we go through to make us whole, balanced and walking in positives.

White Sage  speaks to honoring family,  friends, all people and creatures that have walked with you and that have yet to enter your path. Honor your Guides, the Spirit that assist you each day. Honor the Elementals, the Directions, the Great Mother Earth and Father Sky. Honor Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun.

This is what the Sacred Sage reminds us of, this is the tone it sets for us to follow.  Remember it is not owned by anyone, it is one of the Great Mother Earth’s many gifts to us and it is up to all of us to keep all that is Sacred safe and thriving.

White Sage assists in clearing our energy fields, driving out the negative and strengthening the positives. White Sage is held Sacred because of it’s effective purifying energies. It heals by bringing us back to balance cleansing the body and mind of negative spirits and impurities. Leaves are at times burned to drive away bad spirits, evil influences, bad dreams, bad thoughts, and illness.

Many Blessings to You All,

Card of the Day June 28th 2022 with an Old bear

Grouse reminds us of what is Sacred within our own Hoops. It reminds us to stand in our own power, to drum and ground with the great Mother Earth, to experience our own heartbeats of our souls. Speaking to us and whispering that we need to dance and honor our own spirits, allowing the joys that are in life to enter and filling our own Sacred Hoops with the positives that are needed in the moment and beyond.

Grouse dances in circles, speaking to us of cycles that we walk through on our paths, from birth to death transitions and on to rebirth. We all experience these, from the moment we take our first breath, it is called change. So the Grouse asks that we embrace those changes… and dance to the drumbeat of your own soul!

Stand in your own power, revitalize your spirit, your human… dance and create, manifest what it is that you need to walk a more positive way on your own path. Don’t worry about what others are thinking or doing… concentrate on your own energy as you dance and place yourself in harmony and balance with body, mind and spirit.

Lions bring reminders of inner strength, assertiveness and personal power to the table. They try and warn us to also take hold and control the darker side and bring it to balance so that anger and aggression doesn’t spill over and push us to people or places we do not need to be.

Lions also will make itself known in order to warn about challenges and obstacles that may arise in our lives. Guiding us so that we may be able to deal and cope with courage and insight. Reminding you to walk with self-confidence and take ownership of your personal power. Lions show us that we need to utilize our own strength, courage and assertiveness to get ahead of the situation.

Lions also teach us that we can indeed be leaders but have to be careful not to dominate everything in our relationships at home or work. Find a balance that works and things will be healthier and more positive for you and those in your Sacred Circles. Just remember to temper any anger or negative feelings that arise…

Lions the embodiment of Strength …Courage… and Empowerment!

Blessings to you All!

Spirit Shares With Us All the Energy of the Tiger

June 27, 2022 the Tiger!

Tiger teaches us to utilize persistence and patience as we look to manifesting our dreams and goals. By walking with the right steps, in positive and meaningful ways we will accomplish what we have set out to do or be. They show us that through honoring the power we all hold within and utilizing that energy and respect… All things are possible and what the world has to share is limitless. Use your instincts, emotion and feelings to help guide you. Rely on what the inner voice the Tiger within is sharing with you…

Tiger teaches us that we have personal strength that we can tap in to. It is that primal force that we are all born with, that will show us the way to step into and through situations with confidence enabling us to walk over the obstacles we may face. Tiger spirit will help us to overcome fears we may be holding onto, teaching us how to release them and turn them into positives. Temper the anger, control the fear thus achieving a balance.

Tiger shares Prowess and walks into our lives when we need to stand in our own truths with grace and respect, but know with that should be the balance of respect returned. We are all connected, we all imprint, so watch how words flow and actions play out for they in turn will open more doors of positives for you if executed in proper fashion.

Blessings to You All,
~bear Medicinewalker

Follow me on You Tube at

To catch up an all the new things that will be going on!


Music from Chris Ferree is available at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual Insights for the Day Earth

So it appears that Spirit wants to continue a message for us all today because in the 7th spot the Earth card has dropped, as this past Friday was Earth Day. The Word they are yelling at me over and over and yes over is Caretakers, Caretakers, Caretakers! That is our primary goal here today and all days. The Great Mother Earth has granted us all permission to use what is needed to live life here. It provides us with things we need to survive. Yet we all often forget we also need to replenish, replenish what is used by planting and setting up success for the next Seven Generations.

Earth also brings forward today Energy that will be needed to move positively by holding us calmly in her grasp and allowing us to ground ourselves in positives. Flowing through us and boosting our energy when needed throughout the day. So remember what is shared with us all, and remember not to strip away things that are needed, but rather be grateful and honor our children, grandchildren and yes even our Greatgrandchildren… 7 generations forward and become caretakers of all life here on the planet.  

So today remind yourself to take care of Life as we understand it.  Nurture and care for what has been shared with us in order to sustain a healthy balance of Mind, Body and Spirit. Fill your days with positive ritual, pray often, communicate with others clearly and in positives, awaken your minds and souls to what is, rather than what we may think. Learn to be forgiving and more unconditional with self and others for it will help nurture good things to grow such as Love and Faith in each other, in community.

The Great Earth Mother shares with us all that we need to survive and walk the Human.  Earth shows itself from deep within the deck and appears as the seventh card.  Earth Medicines speaks to us of how we live our lives. About how we go about sharing your personality with the world around us. Our Hopes, aspirations and fears…how we embrace and live out our dreams.

Earth is not interested about what affects us, but rather teaches us to learn how to interact and balance with all that is Sacred.  How we go about honoring that precious balance of our Sacred Hoops and that of the larger complete Circle… life. It is whispering for us all to understand how everything inter relates to every living and breathing thing here on the Great Mother. From the smallest creature to the largest tree that stands on the tallest mountain that has the clearest water running down its sides in order to replenish the Earth.

Earth speaks to the understanding of the Medicine Wheel, as a foundation to how we build our lives and walk it. It teaches us our strengths and weaknesses. Earth shows us that sometimes no matter what is going on around us we need to center and ground our souls, allowing the energy to move us in positives. To fill our beings with what has been provided to us, simply understanding that all we need has been shared… we do not own it… but rather have been given the gift of caring for… Not only the earth we stand on …but the human form we dwell in.

Earth teaches us to stand tall as the Redwoods… as dignified as the Mountains…to learn to flow as the rivers and waters of the Earth…gently some times and at others as a raging storm. whatever it may be…honor the Sacred, observe the lessons of the creatures that walk the planet… And most of all be thankful for all we have been given in order to walk our human.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings of the Day

Earth Dance by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com


Spiritual Insights Uriel Angel of Fire

So Today the Insights that are shared are from that of Uriel Angel of Fire. Uriel has been for me a hard task Master yet he is not wrong in what he shares… this is the Arch Angel who is the Fire of God who’s purpose is to torch away the illusions and falsehoods created by Mankind.

You All in Human Form live in a chaotic world that promotes Judgements, Hate, Delusion and Fear. All brought on you by self. You forget your purpose here is to connect with each other and care for your planet. Yet you All seem to have forgotten this as evident by how you treat the Children of the World who are lacking in basic care and the fact that many are lost in a shuffle you all have helped to create. How you treat the Elders of the World whom carry wisdoms that they have learned in their own lifetimes, is shameful.

As Humankind you have lost Empathy, Compassion and Love for each other as each has their own journey in life. You lay our misguided expectations on each other, yet lack the ability to hold yourselves accountable for missteps of your own. This is not what you all were born to do and be… Yet here it is and what it has become. Take a moment to try and understand what I just shared. It is not without Sorrow that I speak to you, but everyone is better than this. Your differences should blend and make you all stronger not tear you apart.

What is happening Globally is heartbreaking to us all in Spirit Form, Creator is saddened for this is not what was planned. Ego is most forefront and needs to be let go of if you all are to live in a sort of harmony and understanding. That is not to say life will be perfect with no struggles, yet all that seems to be created is misguided trust, violence and lack of caring. It is easy to sit and judge, but it is more challenging to stand and step up to what is good, what is right. Should you all sit and watch violence around you? Should you watch as women are attacked, people who are different from you beaten down mentally. is money supposed to accumulate with a few individuals and not meant to assist others? These are the Questions I give to you to ponder.

So Today I call out to you all to step up and stand in our presence and light that Fire from which I hand the spark that can make a difference, make a change and clearly help you all to see injustices and help to change it and make your world a better place not to simply survive… but to Live.

Uriel Angel of Fire
Chaneel 4/20/2022

Blessings to You All…
~ bear


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