Spiritual Insights for the Day the Orca

So what Truth is it that you are not wanting to face and deal with in order to move forward on your path? That is what the Orca shares with us today. Although it is true at times we need to be Guardians of our Emotional Self, that does not mean that we allow the stuff we do not want to look at and deal with to become the anchor that is keeping us in the same spot instead of moving ahead. Time to grow up “Buttercup” and face the demons of the deep emotional pools in which we swim and hide. The Orca will assist us in navigating through the muck and swimming freely again in the open waters of our lives.

Fears need to be set aside for you are wasting too much by feeding them, if you face them they tend to dissipate into an abyss of nothingness, allowing a balance for us again. This is something we need to do every now and then… clean out our proverbial closets especially if it is stuff that is causing clutter in our lives. Stop romanticizing about things…people…issues…that no longer serve the highest good for the soul and its journey. Breathe, Swim and rejoice in the freedom of all that is Sacred within the Great Hoop!

Orca is one of the most revered of the ancient Ones who swim and protect our Waters. Their songs speak to us of healing from deep within our souls. Listen as they begin calling in positive vibrations of thought and sound. Orca’s guide us through the depths of our own emotions allowing us to explore and mend self more effortlessly by moving with the waves of life, rather than against. They help us access the Ancestor’s knowledge that is buried deep within our own DNA that is the key to all that is Sacred.

We are being called to search our souls for looking inward is the only way that we can move forward in positive motions at this time. Orca will help us to understand self and give us a clear view to set our intention of what is needed in the situation for the highest good. Orca will guide and help us to confront our emotions that are out of control by making connections that are needed between our conscious and subconscious to bring about the balance we need in our Sacred Hoops.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
~bear Medicinewalker




Song of Oraca Whales communicating 2008



The Haunted Ûñ’tiguhï – the Haunted Whirlpools as told by bear Medicinewalker

haunted whirlpools

At the mouth of Suck creek, on the Tennessee, about 8 miles below Chattanooga, is a series of dangerous whirlpools which is the reason it is known as “The Suck,” and noted among the Cherokee as the place where a gambler or Ûñtsaiyï’, lived many moons ago.

The Pools are called “Pot-in-the-water,” or Ûñ’tiguhï’ in Cherokee, for their surging, rolling waters suggest a boiling pot on a fire. It is said that long ago, the whirlpools moved and changed, so that the canoes attempting to pass the spot used stay close to the banks, having to keep watchful of the waters and the possible eruptions, slowing as the water would swirl savagely, pausing until they would once again quiet before attempting to travel the waterway.

On a particular day two men traveling the river in a canoe, as they neared the place of swirling waters rapidly approaching ahead of them. They pulled up to the side banks to wait until it once again calmed. Yet instead they were pulled into the whirlpool as it grew in wider and wider circles, until they were drawn into the strong pull of the vortex.

Tossing them from the canoe they were carried down under the water, where one of the men was grabbed by a great fish and was never seen again. The other was spun around and round and pulled down to the very bottom of the rushing whirlpool, when another circle grabbed at him and pushing outward and upward until he surfaced and floated out into the shallow water, and he slowly made his way to shore.

Afterword he spoke of what had happened to him, he said that when he was forced into the center of the water underneath the surface, it opened below him and he saw through the roof beams of a house. At the bottom of the river was a large group of people. They all looked up and called to him to join them, but as they reached up to pull him into the house, the fast current caught him and took him out of their reach.

It is said that these Spirits are that of our Ancestors who met with tragic ends as they attempted to guard our lands, still reside there today keeping watch over all those that try to steal the lands and cause others harm. So don’t venture too close to the waters edge or you might fall fate and get pulled to the depths of the Ûñ’tiguhï’…and become part of the family that resides there.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings from a bear and a Pip!
~ bear Medicinewalker

Swirling Smoke by Louie Gonnie available at Canyon Records http://www.canyonrecords.com/shop/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=CR-6497

SO What is My Totem???

Okay so this is the most frequent question I get asked… and I am simply going to give you the response….”We don’t choose our totems. Our totems choose us!” This is one of the first basic concepts of Totems.

Totems are hard to explain at times, but what we need to understand is what a totem is before we can comprehend what it means to follow their teachings. Once we understand the concept, it helps us to learn the messages they then have to offer and teach us.

A totem shows up to us as a spiritual sign or entity. They come to share and teach the knowledge they hold to help and assist us with our own lives, how to relate to others and the world around us. Totems are not worshiped, we follow the teachings they offer, we incorporate the way they deal with life into our own to help us move in positive steps on our paths.  We don’t control them and often it is difficult to explain our draw or affinity to them… yet there is a deep connection inside of us that responds to them when the show up in our lives. Why we ask ourselves… because it simply is.

Walking with a totem will put certain disciplines in place for us that are not always easy to walk. The knowledge and lessons they share with us are rather set as goals to be like or a way of life to aspire to.  They come in many forms and will often show up at just the right time in our lives, and sometimes they will walk with us our entire life cycle, keeping spiritual watch over us. They will show up in our lives as an animal we are drawn to, such as a wolf, a bear, an eagle, lion or elephant, a tiger.

People often ask what is my animal totem? How do I know if I have one?  My reply is to open yourself up to the possibilities, look around your life at the pictures or items you collect, we all have them whether it is a honey bee or a bear, a snake or a turtle…. They are all there to share with us wisdom that will help enrich our life and challenge our souls to grow into the positives that are possible. Teaching us to cope, deal, create and live happy and productive lives.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings from a bear and a Pip!
~ bear Medicinewalker

December 3, 2015 used as part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2020

Spiritual and Totem Insights for August 18 2020 the Elemental Fire

Today Fire sweeps in reminding us we have to take responsibility for our footsteps on our paths. Outcomes positive or negative are not because others made us, or others did this or that and prevented us… they are about us having made choices. This is not a judgement by any means, it is a simple truth. We do not always want to be the responsible party. Well guess what buttercup… until we do we don’t get to move forward. We simply stay stuck in the same ole same ole… in the never ending loop of what does not serve our highest good.

So stop whining about it and do something proactive about it. Step into life with that fire that burns within and allow it to burn out the cycles of negativity and chaos in our lives to start fresh in the understanding that we control how things affect us… we choose what we say and do…

Fire is all about passion, drive, creation and motivation that steps out in our lives. The Elemental Fire ignites within us sheer will and determination to get the job done. It not only represents our own souls light but is about the Divine Fire that is within each of us. Fire has a place both here in the physical Earth plane and secondly in the spiritual one. Fire is powerful and needs to be understood when using it, both physically and spiritually.

The Elemental of Fire can assist you with standing in your own power. It will assist you in manifestation as you move forward in positives to your goals. It requires us to tend and feed it as flame begins to dwindle. We need to use caution with Fire as it can consume us, yet it has balance and can also share light and heat. It shines and dances leaping into the air bringing light to the darkness, and thus balance. It sings out for us to dance, listen to the drum of our own heartbeats, and share in the magic that Fire brings about.

Today is about following your instincts, channeling the inner fire to get the job done. Fire ignites the extreme within us to trust that ancient wisdom that is in our genetic DNA urging us to listen to the little voice within, stop second guessing yourself and get done what is needed. For at the end of the day, there will be much to show for having done just that. Allow it to not only inspire you, but those around you! Just remember when it is evident in your life, the Elemental Fire needs to have balance and work with what is around the our life circles in a positive manner.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings from a bear and a Pip!
~ bear Medicinewalker


Fire Ohio Players


Spiritual and Totem Insights for August 13 2020 the Eagle

Eagle stops in today in the seventh card dropped spot reminding us we are loved and heard from all that is and will be. Today is meant to be a reflective day, one about what it is we are setting as our goals, affirmations, what positives can we set in place today. It can be a small gesture or it can be something bigger, that is for each of us to choose. Try to avoid the negatives people set about in place around our lives today… instead simply let them pass with out thought or a glance. Why waste good energy on things that do not resonate with us?

Eagle says today talk to the Universe, Creator God, to our Spiritual Side and ask for assistance that we can get to be stronger, better, so that we may heal or even become the person we are meant to be. Whatever choices you make today know that we are all loved with all our flaws, with all our missteps no matter what… we all walk and learn as students and teachers. Simply remember to keep moving forward and embrace yourd=self with all the wonderful imperfections you carry with you … for that is the definition of perfection in my book!

Eagle a strong symbol of All that is Sacred, and reminder that we too can fly high and feel the breath of the Creator if we honor the process. We must understand that each and every act we do, each word we say, each look we make can move mountains or set up walls. We can be the strength that is needed to protect, the example needed to inspire or the calm that settles a storm. But we must honor the process. There is no easy button to push, no simple way to get things done for it all requires work in order to achieve the outcome we desire. So remember to feed the positives, weed out the negativity from your life and allow ourselves to be able to feel the Creators love upon each of us.

Eagle reminds us all that we need to care for our Spiritual needs. That the very part of who we are and walk as begins with our Spiritual side and how we connect to the Creator and all that is Sacred. Our soul’s Light, our energy, our very foundation is all about how we feed our soul. How and what we choose as we walk our paths will then mirror out to the world and invite the same to surround us.

We must remember the foundations of Humanity… Love, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, Truth, Honesty and Courage… in order to be strong and stand in a balanced and good way. We must overcome the blindness of society and the negatives they spin. This is what Eagle shares today… this is what he reminds us to do.

So today fly high and touch the face of Creator… stand in Integrity and Truths, and stand with All that is Sacred, all that Matters… with Love and Respect that we are meant to as Human.

Eagle speaks to us of our spiritual paths. I have been taught that the Eagle can fly to the heavens, that its wings can be touched by God Creator. When in it’s presence I feel the Grace of the Creator and All that is Sacred. The Eagle humbles me.

Teaching us to reflect and pause, to rejoice and reconnect to our spirits. To honor our paths, the ethics we have been taught. To Pray, to honor to live in a sacred manner. To listen to our Ancestors that have walked before us and in doing so listen to the wisdom that has been shared so that we can walk more positive paths. Eagles the symbol of Courage and strength, to do … to walk… the right manner. To take that courage and step into what you re meant to step to in a positive way, and allowing our spirits to soar to the heights to share in God Creator’s extended grace.

Eagles with their sharp eyesight take us to the heights to observe situations in a manner that is more beneficial for us to make clear decisions. To become that visionary and push ourselves to discover and accept self, to accept truths, adapting , changing and growing along the way.

The medicine Eagle shares is, the ability to connect to the Divine, a power of God Creator. Being able to place one foot into the spirit realm and yet remain connected and balanced with Mother Earth.

So Honor your Spirit today and everyday by connecting with the Sacredness around you!

Blessings from a bear and a Pip!

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Music “The Eagle And The Hawk” from John Denver’s Greatest Hits by John Denver. Released: 1973.

used as creative commons and available on Itunes

Spiritual and Totem Insights for August 11 2020 the Clown Fish

Today the Clownfish steps in at the seventh card bringing with it messages of laughter and camaraderie! As the tense energies begin to subside we should all begin to relax and take time to enjoy some of the good things life has in store for us all. Taking time to enjoy our family and friends to appreciate the bonds we all share with one another.

The Clown Fish shares all it knows about strong relationships being able to overcome many obstacles. So take the time from your day to strengthen the important ones that need tending today… and remember to breathe and enjoy it all in the process.

What are the relationships in and around our Sacred Circles all about? Are they Healthy or do we need to rethink them and change them up? The Clownfish is all about the symbionic relationships that are best for it in order to stay healthy and thrive in there community. So it brings to us this day just that… take the time and opportunity to fine tune everything about you today. It’s okay for life is all about continuous change!

The Clown Fish and Anemone fish share their spiritual guidance with us to assist us in finding and understanding wisdom, knowledge and teachings that can will help us to overcome the challenges that we face in life. The Sea Anemone is known as the flower of the ocean, yet has deadly thorns, yet the Clown Fish fearlessly takes refuge within her grasp.

Bright and vibrant in appearance the Clown Fish is widely known for its bright orange/yellow coloration and bright white stripes. Together they are a formidable pair with the use of beauty as camouflage they teach us the ability to hide within dangerous situations and to move carefully through our lives.

They teach us that things can appear as one thing and be something totally different. Do not be quick to jump to assuming the worst and make sure to watch for hidden obstacles and dangers as you tread through a given situation. They assist us with keeping safe from negativity. None of us are danger proof. All of us are prone to encounter difficult situations that we should/could avoid. Sometimes it is better to move to a safe position than directly confronting something. It doesn’t show weakness, quite the opposite it shows strength of character and wisdom.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL from a Little bear and a little bird named Pip,
~ bear Medicinewalker

Spiritual and Totem Insights for August 10 2020 the Crystal Keepers

Today the Crystal Keepers show up in the seventh spot, reminding us to harness your power and utilize the energies around you. Today the energy that swirls is often chaotic, so remind yourself to stick to the plan. The task at hand is important and you can and are able to redirect the energies as you need to utilize them. Sometimes we need to steady our thought process to make sure we are thinking clearly and in proper fashion. Today is one of those days.

Remember thoughts will be racing with all the energy today… and we are all experiencing it whether we know and understand that is up to you!

The Crystal Keepers share with us that the answers to our soul piece that we may feel are missing lie deep within ourselves, but we have to slow down enough to listen to them and in doing so we will find that yes indeed we are enough… that our own happiness does not depend o another… and that we are just as important as the next.

So today and in the next few weeks ahead, examine our relationships… with life around us, with family members, friends, and most of all ourselves. Stop long enough to feed the parts that need to be fed, and to let go of the parts that should not be. Sometimes the old cliche` is actually correct in saying that sometimes people and things that imprint on us are meant to be there on our paths for a blink and other times for lifetimes. Time to accept that and work on the parts that are honestly meant to stay. Relationships start with self.

Crystals have always seemed magical to me, they are used for gazing, they can hold energy and power, they have been used by Seers and mystics, Shaman and Medicine people of all races and religions for as long as time can be recorded.

The “Crystal Keepers Speaking of all the knowledge from the Ancestors, those that have walked before us from beyond time, that has been recorded and is accessible to each of us if we chose to listen to what is being shared. It is the history of life itself, of how we can attune our souls to balance, walk a better and in a more positive way.

They speak to us of opening ourselves to that inner core, the D.N.A. that has been encoded inside us from generation to generation. We don’t need science to hear and share in it’s wealth of knowledge… we don’t need to super smart to tap into it…we simply have to trust in our abilities that we are each born with and reignite the switch to openness.

It is time to listen and relearn the ways of our Ancestors in order to balance ourselves and life on the Great Mother Earth. It is time to remember the Grandfather/Grandmother Teachings of Humility, Honesty, Truth, Wisdom, Courage, Respect and Love. It is time as the “Crystal Keepers” share to amplify those traits and restore what needs to be happening here while we ALL walk the Human.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL from a Little bear and a little bird named Pip,
~ bear Medicinewalker

“Coyote Jump-Lightning Drum”.

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