Spiritual and Totem insights for the Day – the Dove

The Dove shows up this day to remind us to revel in the Divine Soul that you are and let your light shine for the World to see! Today is about allowing your Spirit to shine, to sing, to dance, to be no matter what steps on the path in front of you. have Faith in who you are, who you will become as you walk this continued journey of Human. It is not time to sit idle and hide in shadow, it is time to rejoice in the unique individual that you are. The individual that the Creator, the Ancestors and all those that have walked with and before love, guide and care for unconditionally as we continue our walks here on the Great Mother earth.

As we walk our Human we often are faced with troubling things, troubling times…but we need to restore our Faith that all things are for reason, and that Creator has not forgotten us, but is there with the aid of those before us…guiding us and helping us to transition through the negatives that life throws our way and helps us to become stronger because of it. It is easier at times to feed our fears and insecurities during the trying times we live in. A place in time that there is so many negatives that seem to be growing and taking root among people of all cultures and creeds, but we must hold fast for we are the change, we will overcome, we will make differences…even if it takes us one moment at a time. How you ask? Because Faith in the Creator, in ourselves, in each other will help us get there!

Dove teaches us when it is time to soar to new heights by using the element of air, “the wind beneath your wings”. That we must trust in the Universe, in Creator God for they are there supporting us, assisting us, but they will not choose or do the work for us. That nothing will prevent us from attaining our goals except ourselves. So we need to Trust and have Faith in all that is Sacred has purpose, has reason.

Dove reminds us to stop and breathe in the 7 Sacred breathes, letting go of the inner storms that are stirring and tap into the inner peace that can be found deep in our very souls. That what we are seeing is the chaos of the storm, and that after the storm is calm and beauty, for what we are seeking to attain is attainable and will be if we stay strong and show patience with the situation. They also represent peaceful resolutions can be found. They also represent travel time is approaching, perhaps in meditative state or in a physical sense.

Many Blessings to You ALl…

May the Divine Spirit reach You and fill your being with Love and Joy of the Day…

~ bear Medicinewalker



“My Man, Rejoice Every Day” from Renewed Spirit by Cheevers Toppah. Released: 2011.  Available at http://www.canyonrecords.com Used with permission from Canyon Records as part of the Wolf and the bear Network


Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – Grandmother Spider

So as I pulled the card this morning I was reminded that this is the year of “I Am” and Grandmother Spider stops in to tell us be mindful of the webs we weave in our lives. Not only do we need to strengthen them but we need to understand is we are the creator of out own destinies. So each carbon footstep we take, each thought we have and each deed we do all creates that Sacred Circle of our lives.

Although we are all quick to point fingers out to the rest of the world, it is our own way of coping and handling things and people that put us into situations whether that turns out to be positive ones or negative ones. Are we getting caught up in our own trappings, or are we allowing the negativity to be caught up in the web and the positives to flow through to our very  souls?  Grandmother Spider is very wise… so it might prove prudent to listen and learn the lessons she offers us all!

Spider teaches us about hard work, creativity and releasing ourselves from what binds us. They show us that we are the creators of our own life, our own Sacred Hoops and that like the Spider we too spin intricate webs in our life stories. So as the Spider is a masterful weaver of its web, we too must become masters of weaving strong paths in our own lives.

Spider also whispers to each of us to be careful not to get caught in the webs of shadow, greed, and negativity. When this occurs it is time to release and begin anew. Do not stay trapped, for you are in charge of your own reality, it is up to you to take charge and move in the right direction. That we must create our own path in life, and learn to be a part of the whole as we walk the human, for all things are connected, we are all one.

“The webs of our lives are all connected to the web of all that is,” Grandmother Spider shares with us… our individual webs are made up of stories, beliefs and our emotions that make their way out to the universe. Listen to the word “story” for to store within ourselves is a function of the story. If we believe the stories we tell ourselves our very core within our souls will vibrate in that belief and create your web from that vibration. The Universe will support our stories, just to prove to us that we are creators. So step wisely, spin positives, and create a strong “Sacred Hoop

So, the question today is simple, what have we decided to create? “Some human stories have served you,” Grandmother Spider shares, “and others have not. It is now time to clear your webs of those stories that have not. When you do so, you make space for new stories ones that will reflect your true nature, your soul’s light and your connection to all that is.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project throughout this Year 2018…the year of “I Am”
Blessings to You All,

~ bear Medicinewalker

music provided  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network by Chris Ferree and is available on ITunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com       

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Bat

Wow I don’t know about you but I Love Bats! And today this one stopped in to share some insights. Light and Dark, Day and Night, Ying and Yang… so if you haven’t got it yet you might need to do just this …Balance! Today is about balance and opposites. It is about looking at things from an opposite perspective and giving into understanding and the possibility that you could be wrong. What you say? Me Wrong???? Yup that’s what I said, Spirit is gently trying to show us that no matter who we are we are able to learn a thing or two if we simply admit we don’t know everything. Today “Spirit” says stop trying to be a “Know it All” as my Grandfather would say.

We need to balance ourselves within Teacher and Student… as we ALL whether we know it or not walk those shoes, actually from the time we are little. We learn and by doing others watch and become teacher. Bet you all never thought about that eh? So use the day to hone in all your senses, learn and teach but in positives and make sure you look real close before you jump into things. Make sure you try walking in other peoples shoes before rushing to conclusions!

Bat brings us teachings of perception. It is time to listen to what is not being said. To hear the truth of things, rather than what we may want to believe or what we may mask behind darkness and fear.

We all have an inner voice and we should learn to listen to it, it was given to us for many reasons one of them to help us find balance as we walk the human. Bats teach us to use our other senses to tune in seeing more than just what is seen by our eyes, giving us an advantage and opportunity to be able to walk ahead equipped with all the knowledge we need to be more positive and attain our goals.

Be open and let go of the fear we tend to hold on as change approaches us, the new things that we will allow in doing so will help us to fulfill our dreams and goals. Bat also brings with it the EGO and tells you to set it down so that spiritually you can grow and evolve in all ways that will help you balance within your Sacred Hoop.

Bury and release old habits, old possessions, things that no longer serve for the highest good, and be re birthed into a new knowing and understanding that will not only help to heal yourself but assist you in becoming a better human as you walk your path with all life that is sacred around you.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to All!
bear Medicinewalker
Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Leopard

Leopard speaking to how we see the world today stops in today… we need to look at all sides of situations and thoughts before we decide how it is we are to react.  Sometimes finesse is called for and today and this week more than ever we need to remember that before putting our foot in our mouth.  Sometimes it is better to be silent, sometimes that very silence will bring the answers we seek, the effect on a situation that is needed, or the peace to our very souls.  So remain mindful of Everything that is in and around your life circle, for not only  will you learn something but you will also lead by example.

The Leopard has always fascinated me as they carry so much power but quietly so. They are always observing, calculating the world around them and how to proceed with their motion with in life itself. Not so much arrogantly, although that sometimes is an air that they carry… I feel it is more so a survival technique, one that us humans could learn much from if they payed attention to and utilized in our own lives as well. They are respectful of the rules of nature… of the life cycle… so as it shows up in the cards this morning, pay close attention today as to how you step, what you say making sure each movement is in positives.

The Leopard steps in this day to tell us that it is time to allow the healing to move forward and occur, we are entering a time of rebirth, so open yourself to embracing it and allowing us to be moved ahead from the shadows to the light. We all have the capabilities to take care of ourselves, for we were born with them, physical, mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual. It is time for us to now do the work with those gifts we were bestowed with to bring about balance within our Sacred Hoops.

The Leopard says it is time to accept who you are, your own spots so to speak, and use them all to your advantage. Utilize your strengths rather than your weaknesses or bad habits. Belief, faith and confidence of self will lead you to where you need to be, where you are supposed to be at the exact right moment.

Remember to work out things for all outcomes so that you like the leopard can change direction on a dime. Reach in and align the energy around you into stability and balance. To walk with the Leopard is to walk in the highest of spiritual and honorable way. It is about freedom of self and ego, time to tap in to our own psychic abilities, solve our problems with clarity and positives, and remember to shift into what is needed to move on the paths you are meant to travel for the highest good.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to All!
bear Medicinewalker
Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day – the Dragonfly

Today Dragonfly zooms in to remind us to listen to the little voice inside of us. Trust it, do not ignore it for it brings with it the answers needed for your day and week ahead. Tread lightly if you do not listen… for Spirit and the Ancestors are guiding us all from beyond the human helping us to avoid the pitfalls we can find ourselves in.

They are also sharing the whispers of encouragement and love as they are the bridge of the inbetween, zooming in and out. There is good that can come from all things even when we do not see it right away… and when it does show itself they wish for you to feel the magical healing energies of those truths. Be well this week…this day… and open your souls to listen to the rhythm of the world so it can assist you!

Dragonfly represents the link between All that is Sacred! So from this point forward… open your souls to feel, hear and understand the magical connections that we can have if we simply do not place limits on what is!

Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again.

Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.

Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
~bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Wolf

Wolf steps in today to tell us to stay to the course… reminding us that we are always Teacher and Student, a duality that should always be welcome as we walk our lives. It sadly also says it keeps trying to remind us that our bonds with each other are important but seem to be forgotten. Instead the world has filled itself with mistrust, paranoia and anger. It is time to set all that aside and embrace each other as friends, family, community setting aside petty grievances so that we may once again attain balance within our Sacred Hoops.

We have allowed the paranoia and delusions of our own insecurities to makes us weak and shallow. This is not healthy as it continues to perpetuate that unhealthy cycle of the Lone Wolf. And in no way or circumstance is that either balanced or healthy. So it is time to take a step back and find out what inside us has led us into the shadows of lost hope…lost faith…lost trust that the Universe and God Creator will always have our backs even in what may seem to be our darkest hours.

Time to step outside of ourselves, breathe in some fresh air and howl at the moon to renew our very souls and remember our Ancestors Ways of Harmony,Truth, Courage, Respect, Love. Wisdom and Humility. Reclaim your Friends, Family and Community… Be strong in the conviction of Healing One’s Self, One’s very Soul.

The Wolf! They carry some of the most powerful medicine bringing with them the power to call instinct, intelligence, the appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. Wolf is teacher, igniting intuition from within.

To walk with Wolf is a high honor… and one that many aspire to, desire to… but sometimes wait lifetimes for … except in glimpses and lessons as we walk the earth.  The People have held wolves in the highest esteem for many more generations than I can count. In truth, they are many times seen as a sacred animal and featured significantly in ancient songs, dances and stories that have been handed down for generations.

They play a big part in the ecosystem and delicate balance of the land and many of us have recognized that. Wolves teach us about the importance of family and how to care for that family.  Many  believe that wolves are spiritual beings that teach and share.

Wolf was also a spiritual and totem animal in the religions of many cultures. Wolves represent the symbol of freedom and individuality, yet also remind us we have a responsibility to the pack. Some religious beliefs attribute the creation of the earth in part to the Wolf.  It was believed that the power of a Wolf would could help with the success of a hunt, bring a chief’s dead son to life or alleviate the pain of childbirth.  The People and the wolf are part of each other.

Wolf and its medicine live harmoniously with us…they will hunt together, live together and their spirits are one.  Wolf  represents courage, strength, loyalty, wisdom and teacher of balance. Some of the stories that have been passed down often tell of the first ancestors being transformed from wolves into Human.

Whatever they represent to each of us may be different, but the one thing I hold as truth is they are our teachers, our sisters and brothers… not something that should be controlled or hunted. They only take what is needed, they stay away from humans unless provoked…and we have taken all that is theirs when they and many like them have openly shared with us all. It is time for us all to raise our voice in protection of this magnificent animal and others like it…

Wolf is a very organized creature. It understands there is need for order and balance for harmony to occur with our Sacred Hoops. Wolf is regarded as one of the most powerful spirit guides of all for it represents teacher and lessons to be learned and shared with self. It speaks to us to seek counsel from people that you respect. To take a moment to step back and look for the true meaning from the issue you face. By doing so, you will be able to walk clearly ahead and do what needs to be done with the knowledge you can see it all clearly.

Although many think the sight of a Lone Wolf means freedom it actually does notIt instead represents that it is a time to look deep in oneself and find the balance that is needed in your own life that is lacking. For the wolf is meant to be in packs, in a community, in a family, with its mate. The times you see wolves on their own or isolated is do to unbalance that needs to reground and once again be in the circle of the Sacred Hoop.

The Wolf cry reminds us to stand our ground, remember we all need boundaries. It is about communication, answering the call and listening to the response. The Wolf an assist us to open and listen to the sound of others in order to understand better the situation. It is about having the strength of the pack, and your closest friends with you when you need them without questions.

Wolf is strongly connected to lunar cycles, so learn to move with that cycle and honor it in order to be at your best. They teach us to weed out what is the weakest and no longer serves us, so that new and better things will come our way.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2018…”the year of I Am”

Blessings to You All,

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Insights and Thoughts Given to this bear During Prayer


A few years back someone verbally attacked the fact I had created crosses in my jewelry line, told me basically I disrespected them and my native roots and for what ever reason this came into my thoughts this day. As I sat during my morning prayers and thoughts I also thought of all the world religions. The conflicts that accompany them, mankind that try to control them and the people that follow them and the violence that has occurred in faith and Creator God’s name, in other words the “Man” in religion.

It is of my opinion that if someone connects to God Creator, a Higher Power by whatever name they label this connection with, if it is in positives if it is in following the basic teachings of Honesty, Truth, Love, Respect, Humility, Wisdom and Courage, or as I know them the Seven Grandfather Teachings… it is a good thing that is occurring.

In many cultures and societies, there are talismans and relics, symbols and ways to do so. Whether it is done with the assistance of a Cross or a Medicine Wheel has never made a difference to me. It is all about Faith, Faith in Self, Faith in the Higher power, I look to examples of Holy Men and Women of history, I look at the Visionaries, the Prophets and Peace Keepers and what do I see but the fact that all walked a path of Faith. They were often ridiculed, often made examples of in accordance to mankind’s perspective as they were often viewed as threats. For what was it they want? They are examples of free will and choice, of love and again the basic foundations that human kind should be following.

Greed and power is not what they sought, and this fact was present within all tribes, clans, societies and cultures. They nearly sought balance and love, love for all things Sacred… To help people find the same peace and balance, to appreciate the simple things in order to experience life in positives.

So for those of us that walk in the here and now while also stepping into the in between, life is at times a difficult path and yet it is what we have contracted to do. When experience all the negatives that the world can throw at us, we must remember to stand strong as our Ancestors did, we must allow the grace and dignity that has been bestowed to us to shine through. We must extend healing prayers, thoughts and insights to even more people like a small stone causing a ripple that goes wide on a pond or lake… no matter what place you are in or what color of skin you may have, what language you speak, or what label has been placed upon you… you need to remember we are here as Peace Keepers, Prophets of Positives and we must answer that call every moment of every day, we must stand and be that Rainbow Warrior of light and strength, honoring the Creator God, the Great Mother Earth and all that is Sacred.

For we all walk as one and we all walk with many Ancestors by our sides…and without us the world would be lost. Stay strong, stay in your Faith…and walk forward in knowing we do make a difference even if we touch but one persons soul this day.

Blessings to you all,

~ bear Medicinewalker

bearMedicinewalker june 2016 II

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