A Gift of Time

So many times we wonder how time has passed us so quickly, where have the years gone, the days… How has the day itself gotten away from us so fast? Next thing we know it is another day, another month, another year, this is a human condition we experience… called “Time.”

So today I would like to share an experience of “Time” that I recently had….

This past weekend of December 9th marked 9 years from my Mother’s passing. Hard to believe so much time has passed here in my reality. It was a quiet weekend spent with a dear friend who is a Sister to me, as we chatted and relaxed in what I describe as a quick moment from her otherwise hectic life.

While she was here her attention was drawn during the evening to a clock on my fireplace wall as she checked the time which according to the clock was 9:00 p.m. and I replied, “Oh no, that can’t be the time. It was my Mom’s clock and it never runs on time, for whatever reason it just never has since she passed… I simply have it there as part of her.” Yet as we both looked the time was accurate, a fact I thought was a little odd since even though I change the battery every 6 months for 9 years, it has never been accurate and it is a fact that people visiting my home have always witnessed. However on the anniversary of Mom’s death, it was running correctly. I just sort of smiled on the inside and never paid attention to it the rest of the day.

It is funny sometimes to think of how the littlest things can spark memories or smiles from our past. My Mind played over all the times my Mom would ask me to change the batteries in the old little clock… she would say it is running off again, to which I would reply, “But we just changed them last month.”

“I know” she would say “But won’t you just please change them again?” And of course I did grumbling to her the entire time that she should just simply purchase another clock. But of course that wouldn’t do when new batteries worked just the same, even though they did not. Yet it was Mom’s logic and I bowed to it begrudgingly.

And now I would pay to bow to it in any form if I could share but a moment with her here once again in the human. To hear her sharply scold me and then laugh… and me replying how much I love her even though she drives me crazy. Yup those are the moments that are sparked in my memories… all from a little clock that sets on my fireplace wall.

As the weekend ended, my “Sister” had to leave to travel back home… and as the dust settled the dog and I went to the living room to sit and relax back into our cycles. I was sitting on the couch as I glanced up at the clock on the wall and it was stopped at the exact time of my Mother’s death. Now mind you it had run all night and morning… but to stop at that precise time was as if she was reminding me she is always there and sending hugs of encouragement and love from a place that has no time…and yet all time.

So when you are in doubt, when you are in sadness or perhaps simply when you are remembering the past, understand that from a place we can only get a small glimpse of understanding from… we are loved, encouraged, and undoubtedly watched over. At least that is this old bear’s belief for it makes my heart smile.

Oh and in case you were wondering… yes the clock has began running again… but only in My Mothers Time!

Blessings to you all this day and beyond,

~ bear Medicinewalker

Remnants of the Past, Some Thoughts as we Enter the Holiday Season… as shared by bear Medicinewalker

As I sit pouring a cup of tea this day the steam rising from the cup takes my mind on a journey through all the memories I have stored of Holidays past. Filled with laughter, tears, anger, joy, chaos and calm… my story is no more or less than anyone’s I suppose, other than it is mine.

Thoughtfully I glance through old photo’s and little notes scribbled on the back of each… old holiday cards, notes from those long days ago from families I worked with back in Detroit at Children’s Hospital. People that I have never nor will I ever forget, all having left imprints on my soul. Family members I am no longer in communication with, or have long since left their Earth Walk… hard to remember and wonderful to remember at the same time. The laughter, the voices of the past ringing of wisdoms and love… Perhaps for a time dimming my inner light, but after the grieving process adding fuel to that same light enabling me to grow and become who I have become this day, this moment.

This journey each of us walk, this human affliction called life that builds us up, breaks us down and then allows us to grow and our wings to spread, when flight occurs in positives and we become the amazing I am… the person we are meant to be… all this passes by in a blink, a moment, a breath.

I often challenge Creator, the Ancestors and all the Realms to reach out and push me to be better, to move farther, and to do more… to become more. I wonder who I am meant to be, what I am supposed to do with the gifts that I was born with… for questioning is again a human thing we do, asking ourselves what are we doing with our lives. Is this all there is? Is this what I am supposed to be doing? Looking down at hands folded and seeing a shadow of my younger self echoed in the hands that are beginning to show time in each wrinkled line…

Sadness for those that seemingly were taken too soon, as I see familiar faces that smile or glance at me from the images in front of me… but who am I to question for I know as I have been shown all has purpose, all have contracted to have the life that we walk. Were a wish I could make true is that all of us could stay with each other in human form, especially when we are at our lowest lows or highest high points of life, to give comfort in those storms and accomplishments. But I suppose in a sense we do as we are left always with the imprints of souls long since passed on our own, having helped build foundations of love and strength and clear paths to our journeys.

I suppose some may say these are ramblings and thoughts of an old person, perhaps I am getting older…but I hope that it implies I have learned some lessons along the way and that I am simply being thoughtful…. Respectful… Honoring the Truths that have been shared with me and all of us really over the years.

People have given me many definitions to who I am or what I do in this life since I was little… but I choose to believe that the one I honor the most is the one my Mom and Dad told me a long time ago, “Simply be You… do your best, be your best and that is all we can ask of you.” I hope that I am honoring that definition and guidance they whispered to me so long ago and will continue to do so.

The holidays echo in my mind…the hustle of the morning getting ready to travel to my Grandparents home, gathering for gifts, family time and food. Trying to push my way into the bathroom ahead of my two brothers and my sister… really it was an attempt to get away from my Mom who was trying to put me in a dress, white socks and black paten leather shoes… and my Dad gently grabbing my hand and telling me to go to the other room as my Mom was waiting. My Brother laughing and sticking his tongue out at me cause I got caught as he ducked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him…

Then finally all of us ready, piling into the car me shoved into the middle and all of us pushing and shoving for more room in the back seat of the old Dodge… but this is what life is no matter what or era, it is about pushing and shoving and making our way the best we know how to. We might not always get the spot we want right away, but it is the process that counts.

I once asked my Grandfather about life, about what is the secret to a good life. I remember his smile that crossed his face as he answered, “Well that is simple Granddaughter… the secret is to Live.”

For all those that have supported me in this life I thank each of you, whether the lesson was a good one, a tough one… I thank you.

bear Medicinewalker

A Lesson from Long Ago…the Story of White Calf Buffalo Woman and the Sacred Pipe as shared by bear Medicinewalker

The story of White Calf Buffalo Woman was handed down long ago and is shared to this day. I revisited it once again this morning and had validation I needed to share it once more from an unlikely source that I was participating in earlier today. The reason I was reminded was that often people only remember part of the story, or even tell part of the story…. But it resonated so loudly today as Women (and Men) are rising everywhere and calling out their abusers. They are finding voice that will allow them to heal.

Why some might say does this have anything to do with the true teachings of White Calf Buffalo Woman? Well because she came to the people as Teacher/Prophet/Ancestor to teach All the Sacred way to Pray and walk the earth as Human… and we must remember that once again for so many are lost as they walk their journey among the chaotic world we live in today.

The story begins …

In the time of the Ancestors, two young men had left their village to hunt. As they walked to the hunting grounds they came upon a beautiful young maiden dressed in white buckskin. Upon seeing her, one of the hunters looked upon her and recognized her as a Sacred Being and immediately lowered his eyes. The second hunter did not and moved towards her with lust in his eyes, desiring to only take her as a woman.

White Buffalo Calf Woman beckoned the lustful hunter to her. He was happy to comply and quickly moved to her, but as he did a whirling cloud of dust arose engulfing them and causing them to be hidden from view. When the dust settled, nothing but a pile of bones lay next to her. She then moved towards the respectful young hunter, explaining that she had simply fulfilled the other man’s desire, allowing him, within that brief moment, to live a lifetime, die and decay.

White Buffalo Calf Woman then instructed the young man to go back to his village and instruct them to prepare for her arrival for she would teach them of the way to pray, the way to live as Sacred. The young hunter obeyed.

When White Buffalo Calf Woman arrived with the sacred bundle (the prayer pipe) she taught the People of the seven sacred ways to pray. These prayers are through ceremonies that include the Sweat Lodge for purification; the Naming Ceremony for child naming; the Healing Ceremony to restore health to the body, mind and spirit; the adoption ceremony for making of relatives; the marriage ceremony for uniting male and female; the Vision Quest for communing with the Creator for direction and answers to one’s life; and the Sundance Ceremony to pray for the well-being of All People.

When the teaching of the Sacred Ways was complete, White Buffalo Calf Woman told the people she would again return for the sacred bundle that she left with them. Before leaving, she told them that within her were the four ages, and that she would look back upon the People in each age, returning at the end of the fourth age, to restore harmony and spirituality to a troubled land.

She walked a short distance and looked back towards the people and sat down. When she arose they were amazed to see she had become a black buffalo. Walking a little further, the buffalo laid down, this time arising as a yellow buffalo. The third time the buffalo walked a little further and this time arose as a red buffalo. Walking a little further it rolled on the ground and rose one last time as a white buffalo calf signaling the fulfillment of the White Buffalo Calf prophecy.

The changing of the four colors of the White Buffalo Calf Woman represents the four colors of man–white, yellow, red and black. These colors also represent the four directions, north, east, south and west.

The sacred bundle that was left to the Lakota people is still with the People in a sacred. It is kept by a man known as the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, and today that man is Chief Arvol Lookiing Horse 19th generation keeper of White Buffalo Calf Woman and spiritual elder of Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota people of the Dakotas tells of the White Buffalo prophecy and caring for Unci Maka Grandmother Earth.

So let us go back to our roots of who we are supposed to be…who we are supposed to walk as in this Human world, and remember we are all equal, we all need to walk with Respect, Honesty…share Wisdom’s that have been passed down to us by the Ancestors, to Love each other, to have Humility, to rise with Courage, to Own our Truths as positives and as Sacred…

May we All learn to walk in Peace…from this moment forward.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker


“Prayers from Within” by Award Winning Musician Jan Micheal Lookingwolf available at http://www.lookingwolf.com/

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Butterfly

Today the Butterfly graces our day with messages from “Spirit” and lessons of migration and travel. Here at the lake the Butterfly has passed through heading for warmer climates and gentle breezes. It knows when to use it’s internal clock and instinct to guide it to where it needs to be. Sensing that there is a right time for everything, and everything occurs exactly when and where it is meant to.

Often we are in such a hurry that we miss lifes little nuances that it shares with us. Butterfly is reaching out to remind us to be aware of all that is happening around our Sacred Hoops for when we do, eyes wide open…we can see the Magic of it All!

The Butterfly is connected to the elemental Air. It represents to many cultures the story of Transformation. It teaches us how to shift, change and move with whatever life brings to our paths. This helps us to learn how to work through events and situations that we encounter in our lives so that we can move through changes in what appears to be effortless with grace allowing our Sacred Hoops to come into and stay balanced.

Butterfly shares with us the gift of understanding that we all have purpose, we are all part of a grander plan, that we all exist to complete the balance needed in the world we live in. Without each of us inputting our energies, our purposes… other things would not come to fruition. Such as the pollen that is collected when they land in a grouping of flowers, when they move from place to place they assist the species in continuing to exist. We too are much like the Butterfly, for without each of us to contribute our efforts, our knowledge sharing it with our young people, with each other… ideas and cultures would eventually cease to exist.

Butterfly teaches us that we need to quiet our minds to hear the echoes of our souls, to look around you and appreciate all that is Sacred. Teachings are also about how we move through our lives transforming and constantly changing. As we are seeded into the womb where we begin our earth journeys growing and nurturing to prepare to enter the world, we are much like the Butterfly in the cocoon until we emerge slowly transforming into what and who we are to become.

Throughout our lives this occurs as we move through the changes in our life. So don’t fight the changes, rather honor the process of it as your Soul grows and expands into all that it can be… the beautiful soul that is an intricate part of the Human Race.

So today take time and honor who you are, remembering that you and all that you are is meant to be for a purpose and wonderful reason…. Take a moment to breathe, take a moment to revel in becoming understanding that you are important to all life!


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker

music provided by Chris Ferree and is available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Horse

One of My Favorite Creatures the Horse drops from the deck and is all about sharing the fact we need to breathe and sense all our amazing surroundings that circle our lives. If we need to take an hour or a day, do so… it is time to reach and reground our very souls with Nature once again. Take a walk, a run, a ride out into nature to appreciate its’ beauty! Take a moment to breathe in All of what the Great Mother Earth shares with us each day! Then take another moment to understand we are the Keepers… the Caretakers of Her. Use that knowledge to help balance priorities in and around your own circle.

Horse brings with it the joy of wide open spaces and the ability to move freely about. It shares that it is time to open the barn doors and venture out into the world to experience what the Universe is offering for all of us if we are willing to open to it in positive ways. They help to guide us swiftly and sure footed to the next part of the path we are to reach.

However in doing so Horse also shares that the herd is important. The ones that are within our Sacred Hoop…family…friends… that they are there to assist us as we move forward and not stay in the old ways, with things that need to be let loose. Mend fences and move forward with everything, but truly mend them do not just go through the motions, for if you don’t take the time needed you will loose the positives that are part of that same Sacred Hoop.

Horse tells us to awaken our souls and honor our true self, our true dreams and aspirations. Feel the wind, feel the earth beneath you, feel the sun share its warmth and energy, feel the water as it nourishes and cleanses. Allow your senses to be in a place of all that is Sacred.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker

Join me once again on the Wolf and the bear Network Monday- Friday for Morning Blessings and raise the vibration and a little prayer!


Rhythm of the Rainhorse by Jonny Lipford available at http://www.jonnylipfordmusic.com/   

****used with permission as part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2017

Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day – the Elemental Fire

part of sub deck

Today the Elementals step up and bring us the message from “Spirit” Fire!

Fire is all about passion, drive, creation and motivation that steps out in our lives. The Elemental Fire ignites within us sheer will and determination to get the job done. It not only represents our own souls light but is about the Divine Fire that is within each of us. Fire has a place both here in the physical Earth plane and secondly in the spiritual one. Fire is powerful and needs to be understood when using it, both physically and spiritually.

The Elemental of Fire can assist you with standing in your own power. It will assist you in manifestation as you move forward in positives to your goals. It requires us to tend and feed it as flame begins to dwindle. We need to use caution with Fire as it can consume us, yet it has balance and can also share light and heat. It shines and dances leaping into the air bringing light to the darkness, and thus balance. It sings out for us to dance, listen to the drum of our own heartbeats, and share in the magic that Fire brings about.

Today is about following your instincts, channeling the inner fire to get the job done. Fire ignites the extreme within us to trust that ancient wisdom that is in our genetic DNA urging us to listen to the little voice within, stop second guessing yourself and get done what is needed. For at the end of the day, there will be much to show for having done just that. Allow it to not only inspire you, but those around you! Just remember when it is evident in your life, the Elemental Fire needs to have balance and work with what is around the Sacred Hoop in a positive manner.


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker

Join me once again on the Wolf and the bear Network Monday- Friday for Morning Blessings and raise the vibration and a little prayer!

*music provided by Chris Ferree and is available on ITunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – the Red Fox

The Red Fox shows itself this day and brings with it several teachings.  Stealth and care will be needed for us as we look inside to find out they why’s of the issues that are plaguing us. To look deep and see why patterns are repeating and outcomes not changing. But Fox brings us the teachings of patience and truths that as we look deep enough and are honest with self, we can see the triggers and reset and reprogram them so we are not constantly repeating over and over the negatives that have come to evolve.

No one is perfect, but we need to also remember that in the imperfections we can find uniqueness and use that knowledge to set aside the “Victim” roles we have put in place as excuses for our misbehavior’s. Time to own it, release it and not allow it to define you. Fox reminds us to be flexible and adapt to life, to move through the ugly with confidence and respect for self and others.

It’s all about the little details, so pay attention to what is happening around you and with you. Be prepared for whatever pops up in your day and handle it with quiet ease. No need to stress over anything you have got this, because you have all you need to tackle whatever falls in your lap, so just get it done! Be watchful and mindful of others today as well, but not on the defensive… be ready to step in to lighten up someone else’s day by quietly doing something and adding the little extra push of help and positives that makes life a little easier to handle.

Whisperings from that little voice inside will guide you when you have questions, don’t try and second guess yourself, or worry about what others may think… Trust in yourself…have Faith in yourself! Today is gonna be a AWESOME DAY!

The Fox brings us lessons on survival and adaptability, teaching us that sometimes it is best to hide in plain sight rather than to secure yourself in the shadows. To be adaptable in the pursuit of our goals, so we can accomplish what we have set out to do for the highest good.

Fox calls us to listen to that little voice we all have inside called “intuition” and trust it when it signals us to be aware of certain things as we are walking our paths. Fox also reminds us that it is okay to be alone once in awhile for it teaches us to be self reliant and independent, which makes us stronger beings able to stand in our Sacred Hoops balanced and secure.

Yet be aware and walk with open senses to the world around you so that you will not be surprised but rather prepared for what shows up on your walk. Patience is another lesson Fox brings to the table for us, patience to watch, listen and learn without movement until we can gain the knowledge needed to accomplish what we have set out to be or do. If we rely on what it is we instinctively know, it will guide us in the right direction.

Know what it is you are seeking and then reach into your toolkit that you have been provided and use what you know in positive ways to get you there.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker

*music provided by Chris Ferree and is available on ITunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

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