Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day Koi

Koi presents bringing the Ancestors with it this day to tell us today is all about RESPECT! Reminding us that the road we travel did not simply just emerge at a drop of a hat. It is a well worn road that our Ancestors walked, toiled, and molded for us for centuries before we were even a thought. So start showing respect for all that went into creating it so we could walk better, live better the fruits of their labors.

So many people today take for granted what they feel is a birth right… they feel entitled to, expect it to be just handed to them. But wake up kids, that is not the case. Guess what we have to earn it… whether it is respect or material things, a promotion at a job or a wage… WE ALL HAVE TO EARN OUR PLACE. Nothing is free ever. However we also must understand that what our Ancestors accomplished is a gift and not to be taken for granted or taken lightly. Things would be vastly different if they had not walked before us… so respect our Elders and in doing so learn to respect ourselves.

Koi shows up asking us to honor the past, the wisdom’s and teachings shared by the Ancestors. It is easy at times to forget and run ahead on the path, leaving the things that are important to us as we walk the human… yet we should be slowing down in order to be part of the beauty that is in life all around us. Treating each moment with respect and thankfulness. Life is a gift, but we need to remember that the balance of it lies within each of us, it is not someone else’s responsibility… it is our responsibility to walk in the highest good for all.

Koi speaks to us of being calm, peaceful and working together with each other in a state of Zen which places us in a state of enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation and/or prayer. When we are in this state, positives flow in and around us creating a healthier way of life.

The Koi fish brings to us prosperity and a path for new opportunities to show themselves to us. It is up to each of us to be open and aware in order to take advantage of them. Koi can assist us during meditation and altered states of mind in order to help us achieve healing and our full potentials by opening to the wisdom’s of “the Old Ones.” The colors can also be associated with various aspects and applied to our lives if we can again be open to what they share.

The black Koi brings transition into our lives.

The gold Koi brings prosperity which can represent the physical, the spiritual or represent monetary wealth that is being brought to our paths.

The platinum Koi brings to our lives success and puts new and beneficial opportunities at our doors.

White Koi that have red coloring only on their heads push us to be aware of positive movement within our lives and enables us to take advantage of them.

A white and red marked Koi is said be a blessing for well balanced relationships.

The Koi teach us to remember to honor all that is Sacred, to meditate and pray… to be thankful for all our many blessings large and small. To understand that our actions today will imprint for lifetimes just as it has for our Ancestor’s. So walk your paths wisely and ask for assistance from our Ancestor’s often.


“I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to you All,

bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day the Hummingbird

The Hummingbird rises with Grandfather Sun today and reminds us this is a busy week ahead so be mindful to use your energy wisely! Make sure that you spend time on things that are needed not the distractions of negative that pop up attempting to change our paths.. We are the Masters of our Own Universes … It is up to us to make the choices that will impact us and the Sacred Circle that we surround ourselves with.

It is always easiest to jump into things without looking and get swept away in directions that will not serve the highest good… but stopping to take a look and make sure that how we move in our lives is good, respectful, thoughtful and will only assist our walks so that we can grow as humans who’s souls will evolve so that the world, OUR WORLD is a better place to be in!

Hummingbirds are the gentle reminders of the in-between. Darting quickly here and there, experiencing life to the fullest. They are also wonderful examples of how to best utilize that energy, showing us there is time for everything… work… play… and most important of all rest.

The world pushes and pushes us each moment, sometimes so much it causes a negative outcome… that is when we need to recall the lesson of the Hummingbird the most, listen to the “Spirit World” as they whisper in our minds to slow down the pace… slow down the emotional that is racing through our systems and remember to Breathe!

With all the energy that has been swirling around us all, it is no surprise that the Hummingbird stops in today to share messages with us! Many of us out there have been experiencing all kinds of craziness and major energy shifts, it seems to be the nature of the world we live in lately. These shifts are often happening faster and sometimes moment to moment and causing us all to be a bit off balance (or at least to feel like we are on a boat that is rolling with the water as we try to regain our footing!  So we need to remind ourselves when this occurs to stop…take a breathe before we take another motion forward, rest a bit and save our energy.

So many negatives in our world today, and many we are not in control of. So the best thing that we can do is to control how we react to it all. Calm our minds, say a prayer or send out positive thoughts and try to keep our heads above it all. If we can manage that…we will be surprised just how many good things will occur in the ripple outwards.

Hummingbird, symbol of resurrection, rebirth as they live each day and as the blanket of night spreads over the lands, these little birds become lifeless and appear to die. As Father Sun begins to awaken the world, his warmth touches the tiny wings and this little bird once again rises to the tasks of the day. Teaching us there is time for work and then we must have time to rest in order to revitalize our souls, our bodies and our minds.

Hummingbird brings the lesson of Joy with them, teaching us to remember the Sacredness of all life and how fragile it is. To remind us we must keep our Sacred Hoops in balance and honor our paths by remembering to slow down at times to feed, to gather strength and energy. To move in positives to attain our dreams and goals but do it in efficient ways, smart ways, thought out ways. Hummingbirds do not walk or hop, their feet are tiny and do not function as other birds, this is so they can be more efficient than other birds at their tasks. So with them they bring efficiency and teach us adaptability as well.

They show themselves when it is time to live your dreams in Joy and Happiness, understanding that the Universe, Creator God and the Ancestors are there to help us all, but you have to have Faith that it will come to pass.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Many Blessings to ya’ll
~bear Medicinewalker


bearMedicinewalker june 2016 II



Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day Raven

Raven decides to grace us again today with thoughts and insights from the inbetween! So often people ask about loved ones who have passed… to get insights from Spirit Guides, Angels and sometimes even Creator God, and I am asked to pose this question to us all, Why is it that we do not believe when we get signs, have dreams or that little voice of intuition at times when we are asking for assistance? Why is it that we ignore what we are told and disregard how we are guided? It is time to listen and open to what is. It is time to remember that we are all loved and guided and we can feel and hear that if we only open to receive those positive replies.

So often we get caught up in the confines of human thought, the hows and whys of things that we miss the opportunities that present themselves in our lives. So today is about listening and being one with the Spirit World… to the messages that are given so freely in love and guidance. It is truly a fact that each of us are amazing beings that can bring more positives not only to our worlds…but the world around us if we only would learn to trust that what we need…. is provided by the Universe and that the only reason it is not is that we turn away from it in doubt before it can be delivered.

Magical …Mystical.. slipping to time beyond time … Often I hear people say, where are the miracles, where is the magic, and I tell them it is but at your fingertips if you will but open your eyes! We need to remember that we all have abilities and they are all unique. yet with saying that we are all part of the puzzle and without us, life would not be complete. Remember that the next time you look into a mirror, or start to doubt what and who you are. Embrace yourselves in positives, and if you don’t..the Ravens will pop in and start squawking at yah until you do.

Raven is here to tell us that we are exactly where we need to be at the precise moment in time. We are also being shown things that are in and around our Sacred Hoops are reflecting back to us what we need to learn about ourselves in order to move in positive motion ahead on our paths.

Raven teaches us about rebirth, recovery, renew and recycling, self reflection and healing our inner spiritual. Shine our light into the dark as we transition in to the change we are facing. Open our thought process to help us understand that there needs to be balance between light and the dark … that one does not occur without the other. To know one is to know the other, to understand them is to balance self.

Raven teaches us to listen closer to the world of spirit, for they are guiding us forward, helping us to remember what is important, what is sacred. That our souls can not take the material with us as we move and transition through life, but rather that it is the intangible things that imprint on us and we imprint on others that are most important.

Allow that magic to spread to your soul and enlighten your spiritual.

Blessings to All,

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”


*music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2018 and is available on ITunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Dreamcatcher

The Dreamcatcher was thrown this morning as a reminder for us to filter out the negatives of the day, and allow only the positive to filter through. We are capable of doing just that if we stop and bring it to the forefront of our minds. Why is it that we are so often driven to sit and watch, listen and/or participate in the ugly things in life? Gossip, hate, negativity that spreads like a disease have become so much a part of the world around us that it is easy to get sucked into it all. But today we need to begin to set up our boundaries, our protection, our own of Sacred space. It needs to be understood that negativity no longer lives and breeds within our circles.

So like the Dreamcatcher, place your web around your life… allow yourself to dream big, dream good things.. allowing the positives to enter your life in order to strengthen your foundations of your futures.

The Dreamcatcher is known to many far and wide. It is a part of the Native American culture that captivates the world. But for many of us it is a reminder of a gift given to us in return for holding a life as Sacred and protecting it.

The story goes that a spider was quietly spinning her web in her own space. It was beside the sleeping space of Nokomis, the grandmother. Each day, Nokomis watched the spider at work, quietly spinning away. One day as she was watching her, her grandson came in. “Nokomis-iya!” he shouted, glancing at the spider. He stomped over to the spider, picked up a shoe and went to hit it.

“No-keegwa,” the old lady whispered, “don’t hurt her.”
“Nokomis, why do you protect the spider?” asked the little boy.

The old lady smiled, but did not answer. When the boy left, the spider went to the old woman and thanked her for saving her life. She said to her, “For many days you have watched me spin and weave my web. You have admired my work. In return for saving my life, I will give you a gift.”
She smiled her special spider smile and moved away, spinning as she went.

Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. “See how I spin?” she said. “See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web.”

So allow the negatives of life to become entangled in the web of life, and let only the good and positives to enter so that you will walk in a good light as you move forward in your journeys.

Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Background music provided by Chris Ferree as [art of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018 and is available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Scorpion

Scorpion walks into my line of sight today as it it speaks to the poison that quickly spreads when we do not take the time to really look at things before we jump in and assist negativity to spread like a wild fire in the world around us. We are meant to be protectors of the things we love yet we must always think about how things appear … but rather what is the right thing to do/say and move through the illusion to see the truths that sometimes we do not like to see. Then we must accept those same truths with compassion and understanding in order to move forward on our paths.

Sometimes it is up to us to take in that poison and allow it to mutate through us in order to not only make us stronger… but for it to be turned back out to the universe in a more positive form. So be mindful today that what you put out is indeed what and how the situation is calling for.

The Scorpion is teaching us to be extra be careful as we walk our paths, pay more attention to the surroundings and who/what are in it. It is not a good thing for us to tread heavy with words… but rather to choose them wisely least that come back to bite you in the butt. Sometimes we don’t think before speaking, doing, setting into motion. Today is not the day to do that. We must remember that words and actions can sting and harm others and ultimately ourselves when it returns the Karma. So although we can be guarded we must remain vigilant in our life path of positive imprints on the world we live in.

Don’t spread the poison, curb it and learn how to heal from it instead.

Scorpion shows up when there is poison at work in our lives. Such as a toxic relationship or situation that is working against you and how you need to move forward in a positive way. It shares that we need to watch our backs due to the element of Fire being present. Scorpion brings the ability of transmuting that poison through that fire allowing the poison back to the place of origin or into the universe to be recycled into positives.

Scorpion medicine is strong and we must remember that is should be approached with caution and used only for positive outcome, or it’s poison will come back and fill our own lives with negatives.

Be cautious of your thoughts, your tongue and your deeds. Look at life and see what no longer serves and remove them from our lives, our paths so that we can move in more positive steps. Look at minimizing the enabling of others that causes us to be unable to move forward. Re-establish our boundaries, make clear decisions about which direction the next few months will take and move on.

Scorpions teach us strength and show us that we have the ability to inspire others. To be passionate about life and remember that what lies in the dark is not always bad, but rather to be understood and used in a more positive way.

Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Background music provided by Chris Ferree as [art of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018 and is available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day the Crystal Keepers

Today the Crystal Keepers show themselves telling us to ramp it up and amplify our positive intentions! Time to set to manifesting what is needed, wanted and suppose to be in our lives. It is up to us to do so… no one else… it is our individual responsibility and ours alone to take care of self! Utilize what you have around you, what you have in your tool kits, whether it is for the Spiritual, emotional, physical or mental health. Get it done!

Now is the time to stop procrastinating and look towards what it is you need to follow through on and what needs to be discarded. Life is change whether we like it or not we are changing form the moment we are conceived. So use that change to your advantage and move with it instead of fighting against it. Amplify the positives in your lives… double down and use what you already have in thought and make it in deed as well to achieve and manifest!

Crystals have always seemed magical to me, they are used for gazing, they can hold energy and power, they have been used by Seers and mystics, Shaman and Medicine people of all races and religions for as long as time can be recorded.

The “Crystal Keepers Speaking of all the knowledge from the Ancestors, those that have walked before us from beyond time, that has been recorded and is accessible to each of us if we chose to listen to what is being shared. It is the history of life itself, of how we can attune our souls to balance, walk a better and in a more positive way.

They speak to us of opening ourselves to that inner core, the D.N.A. that has been encoded inside us from generation to generation. We don’t need science to hear and share in it’s wealth of knowledge… we don’t need to super smart to tap into it…we simply have to trust in our abilities that we are each born with and reignite the switch to openness.

It is time to listen and relearn the ways of our Ancestors in order to balance ourselves and life on the Great Mother Earth. It is time to remember the Grandfather/Grandmother Teachings of Humility, Honesty, Truth, Wisdom, Courage, Respect and Love. It is time as the “Crystal Keepers” share to amplify those traits and restore what needs to be happening here while we ALL walk the Human.

Blessings to you All

~ bear Medicinewalker



“I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Background music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network 2018 and is available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day – Elemental Air

Today the Element of Air floated from the place of the 7th card! With it comes what I call the three I’s – Intellect, Inspiration and Imagination. It also embodies sound and our ability or lack of to hear.  Let the windows to the mind open today, allow the Ancestors to share with you the knowledge of being and awareness. for often as we listen to sound we do not hear it’s true meaning or purpose.

Air brings with it the power of the mind, again the three I’s – Intellect, Inspiration and Imagination. It is all about the sharing of new ideas, knowledge of old and new, our dreams and desires. Today the universe is lined up to be the foundation for all of the above with Air’s help. Air is birth and new opportunities that cross your paths. It will assist you visualize and set intent for all that you wish to manifest!

Air is unseen but still makes it’s presence known for it is Life to all the walk the earth and fly the skies… we need to breathe it in to make our systems …our human work and be. So stop and take a deep breath in and experience the rush of energy and insights it will allow you to have. Let it re-energize your minds, clear your emotions, shore up your steps as you walk through your days.

The Element of Air is a light, active element and is contrary to Earth. It is associated with the qualities of darkness, thinness and motion. Air…the principle of movement unseen but can be felt and its effects on all that is sacred seen. It can be fierce or gentle. We do not know where it comes from or where it goes, simply that we can track its movement. It is associated with the North on the Medicine Wheel, for that is where the strongest of winds come from.

So step out and feel the Elemental of Air on your face and be open to all that it brings to you in magical and mystical ways!

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing  culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

~bear Medicinewalker

“Over the Rainbow” from Songbird by Eva Cassidy. Released: 1998 Available on I tunes and used as Creative Commons

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