So not a huge surprise that Grandmother Moon steps in today sharing with us to be mindful as to how we walk through our days in the week ahead! The energies are building for the Eclipse and Full Moon towards the end of this week and are capable of causing people to react in many ways. THis could be positive or negative, as some will not know how to balance it all. They will be feeling a bit overwhelmed if they do not understand what is occurring.
Grandmother Moon wants us ALL to remember that this can also work to our advantage if we simply slow our thoughts and harness the energy to help continue to move us forward to meet our goals. We are now also moving in a Retrograde… yeah us!… but it is what I like to call the triple threat… or in more positive terms the Trifecta, and it is up to us to choose how it will effect us, in a negative way or as I prefer to choose a more positive way.
Grandmother Moon is offering her energy so we are able to manifest the things we most need and want in our lives. Just remember to thank her as you work with her. This will be a powerful week so also remind yourselves to put those crystals, Rocks and Gems outside allowing them to soak all that energy up. Help to make your life magical, learn to work with the energies that present and you will gain powerful tools to add to the proverbial tool kits we each have within.
Grandmother Moon setting high in Father Sky’s grasp gazing at us with loving eyes as she light shimmers blessings down upon us. With the energy that has been in the air recently and the seemingly thinning of the great Veil between worlds at the moment, how fitting that she comes to shed some insight with us this day!
Grandmother Moon shares with us a reminder that we should appreciate and protect our knowledge, and to understand that the answers we may seek are not always meant to be easily revealed to us. We must at times show more patience to circumstance, to look in to the shadows in order to understand and attain balance.
Grandmother Moon also tells us to respect our Great Mother and all that dwells on her surface, not only the Human factors but allthe Creatures, the Rock and Crystal People, the Plants and Elementals that live among us and to look closer at things we do not understand, for as light moves over us/it all …circumstance and things look differently. Remember to see with clear eyes all sides of the issues and life in order to attain a fuller understanding of what it is we need to move forward in positives.
Feel the blessings and energy that Grandmother Moon sends to us and embrace it instead of fighting it. Learn to move like the tides adjusting and adapting to her Grace and Power…
I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…
Blessings to you All,
bear Medicinewalker
“Fourth Wind” from Wind Dance Under the Moon by David Rose. Released: 2013 available on Itunes Used from the Wolf and the bear Network archives @2018
Today the Praying Mantis shows up in the 7th card place, and tells us to prepare ourselves for if we allow the negatives to enter our life circle and effect us today, metaphorically we will be eaten alive and left scrambling. So it is best to prepare to shield ourselves against it and remember to take the high road instead of joining in on a mudfest.
So listen up as the energy will be intense today and connect with your higher selves, and always good to say a prayer or two.
Praying Mantis reminds us this day that as Humans we need to walk hand in hand with this amazing world we share with so many… Not only others like us, but ALL Creatures and Life that are part of the Great Mother Earth. We need to remember that even the smallest pebble, the tiniest blade of grass have purpose in the Great Sacred Circle, and it is up to each of us to keep it protected and safe. Just as it is the same with each other… we must keep each other protected and safe from all the negatives in this world.
Praying Mantis shares that we have gotten lost in the daily activity and chaos of our own lives. That we have forgotten to listen to our own voice. With that said it is time to take a step back and breathe in the 7 Sacred breathes. Reground, replenish what we have given away to this moment. Possibly do some simple meditation to recenter ourselves and remember our true self, our true path. Take a moment and breathe, look at all that is Sacred around us. the beauty of even the simplest thing or thought. Time to contemplate before stepping back into life. By doing this you will rekindle the purpose and meaning that are needed at this time.
Praying Mantis teaches us to return to the core of who we are born as. To step on our path with thoughtful placement of how we will imprint ourselves into the world around us. To carefully consider how we will move forward in positives and be prepared to step quickly and decisively when we need to. It is time to listen to our intuition, do not push it away it has guided you through your life sometimes without us realizing. Trust what you are sensing, what you are feeling and move or stand accordingly to that inner voice.
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to You All
~ bear Medicinewalker
“Big & Rich – That’s Why I Pray available on Itunes and used as creative commons
Today the Loon appears reminding us to sing our heart songs, to manifest our desires and dreams into reality. Put your plans into action before mercury retrograde pops in again… so that things move forward and are solidly planted in your life to allow the positives in. Loon stands to a true test of time that if you can strengthen the foundation of our dreams, we will manifest and see them through to fruition!
So today be mindful of what you plant and strengthen…make sure it is not negative trappings we often find ourselves in, or that we do not move forward with burdens of the past that have continued to weigh us down. For truly they need to be released so that the positive things can find our light and bring in reminders of the Universes promise to us to provide what is needed for our paths and journeys.
The haunting song of the Looncalls out to us speaking to us of our Dreams, Wants and Desires… the things that we want to happen or become. They reach out to speak to our higher self. To tell us it is time to release all we have wished for so that they may open to a new reality.
They remind us to understand that often we are being taught while in dream state, or perhaps even visited by our Guides, Spirit and/or Loved Ones that have continued on a journey past the mere physical. We need to be open to what they are sharing with us, for they are assisting us in walking the human in a more positive way and getting us through stress and everyday life obstacles.
Looncalls through the reality and illusion of time as we know it. Mystically being able to conjure spirit and energy with their very voice will help you to awaken to possibilities that you may not have noticed and inspire your creativity. It’s time to allow the boundaries we have placed on our minds to fall away and understand that the cosmic consciousness is bigger than just one single thought… one single act…one single being…
So open to the manifestations you are trying to make happen and realize the only thing that stops us from reaching our goals is the boundaries and limits we place on self. Open to being the best incarnation of you that can be… grow, learn, live, love and expand with each new experience. Allow your soul’s very essence to reach beyond what we can see with our conscious mind and expand into all that is Sacred….
“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…” Blessings to All! ~bear Medicinewalker
Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018
Today the White Rhino drops from the deck, reminding me of an old friend who has since passed yet always remains present in my thoughts. Bringing to light that today is to be thoughtful and full of introspect. That today we remember that although force is sometimes needed to get our point across, more often than not however we can make better headway by simply being calm and peaceful.
So today be mindful of where you leave your footprint, for once that step has been made it can not be undone and will leave its mark. But if it is done properly it will leave a positive imprint that will grow into even more positive things.
White Rhino’s stand as Keepers of Timeless and Ancient Wisdom, Key Keepers to the Past and connecting us to what we need to remember and unlock in order to move in a balanced way in our life. Rhino will teach us to be more sensitive to others understanding emotions and how our deeds and words can impact and imprint on the world around us. Guiding us to do and say in the proper way to promote positives.
The Rhino shares that sometimes solitude can assist us in seeing our own self in truths and learn to unconditionally accept and love self. Teaching us how to be comfortable in our own skins…our own true self. Since the Rhino’s eyesight is poor they teach us to look and listen more acutely tuning into what is truth and what is not.
Rhino’s teach us to be more peaceful, that we should go out of our way to avoid trouble and confrontation. To look for solutions rather than aggression and only show our aggressive side when we are threatened. Patience and perseverance are what the Rhino will teach us if we allow it. To understand that our Spiritual and anything else on our life that we want to achieve is done by taking one step at a time, careful not to miss anything by trying to race to the goal.
The White Rhino is Guardian of Ancient Wisdom’s and teaches us to respect all life as Sacred.
“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Cultures with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to All ~bear Medicinewalker
Music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018
Today I was instructed by Spirit to share again what is needed for balance and positive outcome to enter our lives. Often that we get caught up in the needs that try to capture our attention and assistance in our lives that we often forget to feed our own needs, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In doing so it cause unbalance and that is when we can begin to feel tired, depressed, confused and out of focus.
So the Ancestors have stepped forward and said it is time again to remember who we are meant to be, how it is we are meant to walk in this life… to bring about the balance once again that will feed our souls. So I will once again share the 7 Teachings of the Grandfathers. And what I love about these teachings, is they are not for any one person…they are to be shared and taught to All people of the Rainbow Tribe.
I learned of these teaching through the Anishinaabe’ people here where I live… it is a teaching that reaches within to my very core… and I would like to now share it with you…
Many Anishinaabe’ view the 7 Grandfather Teachings as traditional knowledge that represents what is needed for everyday life and survival, or simply put to walk the Red Road… a Good way of life. The origin of the teachings is unknown but my elders have shared that they are important and have long been a part of the language and handed down through generations of the People. These teachings have become known as the “Seven Grandfathers” once the Anishinaabe slowly began to control their own education during and after the American Indian Movement. As Our Elders began to retell stories they had heard as children it was realized once again that it was a connection from the present to a past when these values were a way of life.
The Ojibwas story of the seven grandfathers’ teachings was passed down from parent to child for many generations. The story goes…
The Creator gave the seven grandfathers, who are very wise, the responsibility to watch over the people. The grandfathers saw that the people were living a hard life. There was all kinds of illnesses and bad things around. The Messenger was told, “Go down there, look around and find out what is happening. Bring back someone who we can tell about what life should be, with the Peoples” He left immediately and went to all places in the North, South, West and East. He could not find anyone. On his seventh try, while he was looking, he saw a baby. The grandfathers were happy with the choice made by the helper.
So the messenger brought the baby back to where the Grandfathers were sitting in a circle. He was still very tiny and wrapped inside His cradleboard. One of the grandfathers looked at the baby very carefully. “This is the one. Messenger, pick up the baby. Take him all over; teach him carefully the way the People should lead their lives.” The Messenger picked him up and they travelled around the earth.
Seven years later they returned to the Grandfathers. By then He was a young man. The Grandfathers noticed that this boy was very honest. He understood everything that was taught. One of the grandfathers took a drum and started singing. Each of the grandfathers instilled within the boy a teaching telling him “These are the ones you will take with you, and share with the Peoples.”
The boy, because of all the time he had spent with the Grandfathers, was now an old man. So he returned to the Earth and gathered all the people around and shared his story of the journey to the seven grandfather’s lodge. He explained how to use the gifts and that it was now up to the people to try to follow the path of a good and healthy life using the seven grandfather’s teachings.
He shared each of these teachings and explaining that they must be used with the rest, and that you cannot have wisdom without love, respect, bravery, honesty, humility and truth. You cannot be honest if you only use one or two of these, or if you leave out one. And to leave out one is to embrace the opposite of what that teaching is.
Now to the Teachings… The Beaver teaches us WISDOM Nbwaakaawin pronounced Nbwaa kaa win
The ability to make decisions based on personal experience and knowledge and to cherish that knowledge is to know WISDOM.
We can acquire more knowledge by being open to others and applying these teachings to our own lives, and in turn it is also about the ability to value your own knowledge and share it with others.
The building a strong foundation in our lives is about the teachings shared with us by the creator and how we in turn use and share these gifts in our lives. The Beaver’s example of using his sharp teeth for cutting trees and branches to build his dams and lodges expresses this teaching. If he did not use his teeth, the teeth would continue to grow until they became useless, ultimately making it impossible for him to sustain himself. The same can be said for human beings. One’s spirit will grow weak if it is not fulfilling its use. When used properly however, wisdoms shared help bring about a peaceful and healthy life.
The Eagle teaches us LOVE. Zaagidwin pronounced zaa gid win
Love must be unconditional. To feel true love is to know the Creator. Therefore, it is expected that one’s first love is to the Creator, the Great Spirit. Creator is considered the parent to all children, and the giver of human life. Love given to the Great Spirit is expressed through love of oneself, and it is understood that if one cannot love oneself, it is impossible to love anyone else.
To know LOVE is to know true peace. To be able to get along with others, sharing and being kind, willing to show that you care for others/self through sharing, being helpful and understanding the feelings of others; doing something that makes the day better for someone. To be accepting of each others’ differences.
The Buffalo teaches us RESPECT. Mnaadendimowin pronounced Mnaa dendi mowin
Respectis the condition of being honored. The Buffalo, through giving its life and sharing every part of its being, showed the deep respect it had for the people. No animal was more important to the existence of People than this animal, and its gift provided shelter, clothing and utensils for daily living. Native people believed themselves to be true caretakers of the great herds, and developed a sustainable relationship with the Buffalo resulting in a relationship that was a true expression of respect.
To honor all of the Creations is to have RESPECT. Respect for yourself. To treat others how you would want to be treated. Making sure your interactions with others are positive by showing positive manners, speaking kindly and honoring a person’s human right to be who they are. Accepting feedback as helpful and considering different outlooks on things.
The Bear teaches us COURAGE. mangide’
Courage is the ability to face danger, fear, or changes with confidence and bravery.
The Bearprovides many lessons in the way it lives, but courage is the most important teaching it offers. Though gentle by nature, the ferociousness of a mother Bear when one of her cubs is approached is the true definition of courage. To have the mental and moral strength to overcome fears that prevent us from living our true spirit as human beings is a great challenge that must be met with the same tenacity and intensity as a mother Bear protecting her cub. Living of the heart and living of the spirit is difficult, but the Bear’s example shows us how to face any danger to achieve these goals.
We learn to deal with challenges positively without worry about the outcome. To work through and give all aspects of your life your best effort. Being able to accept responsibility for your behavior. Be willing to be a role model by standing up for your values/beliefs. Accepting challenges (conflicts) and learn from them.
The Sabe teaches us HONESTY. Gwekwaadiziwin pronounced Gwek waadi ziwin
Honesty is speaking and acting truthfully, and thereby remained morally upright. Long ago, there was a giant called Kitch-Sabe who walked among the people to remind them to be honest to the laws of the creator and honest to each other. The highest honor that could be bestowed upon an individual was the saying “There walks an honest man. He can be trusted.” To be truly honest was to keep the promises one made to the Creator, to others and to oneself.
The Elders would say, “Never try to be someone else; live true to your spirit, be honest to yourself and accept who you are the way the Creator made you.”
HONESTY in facing a situation is to be true to self. It is not backing down when the situation seems too hard and you know that it needs to be dealt with to make your life better. By looking at what you do and realizing how it affects you and others either positively or negatively. To approach life situations and challenges with an open mind and heart.
The Wolf teaches us HUMILITY. Dbaadendiziwin pronounced Dbaa dendi ziwin
Humility is being humble and not arrogant Recognizing and acknowledging that there is a higher power than man and it is known as the Creator is to be deemed truly humble. To express deference or submission to the Creator through the acceptance that all beings are equal is to capture the spirit of humility. The expression of this humility is manifested through the consideration of others before ourselves. In this way, the Wolf became the teacher of this lesson. He bows his head in the presence of others out of deference, and once hunted, will not take of the food until it can be shared with the pack. His lack of arrogance and respect for his community is a hard lesson, but integral in the Aboriginal way.
HUMILITY is to know yourself as a sacred part of Creation. To be able to know that we are equal regardless of age, race or sex. Being able to be assertive, positively making your needs known, without becoming angry or withdrawn. Being able to listen to others with an open and non-judgmental mind.
The Turtle teaches us TRUTH. Debwewin pronounced Deb we win
Truth is to know and understand all the seven teachings have been given to us by the Creator and we are to remain faithful to them. To know truth is to know and understand all of the original laws as they were shared with us. It is said that in the beginning, when the Creator made man and gave him the seven sacred laws, the Grandmother Turtle was present to ensure that the laws would never be lost or forgotten. On the back of a Turtle are the 13 moon, each representing the truth of one cycle of the Earth’s rotations around the sun. The 28 markings on her back represent the cycle of the moon an of a woman’s body. The shell of the Turtle represents the body real events as created by the Higher Power, and serves as a reminder of the Creator’s will and teachings.
TRUTH is to know all of these things. Be true to yourself and your fellow man. Be able to speak the truth. This is considered the final and last teaching because to live this teaching, one must achieve and understand the first six teachings. By being honest with those around you with your feelings and behaviors; by loving yourself and others; by respecting others with what they say and do; by being humble – knowing that everyone around you deserves your respect as you theirs; by being brave when facing new challenges and by accepting your own and others wisdom.
These are the 7 Sacred Teachings as were taught to me…and now I have shared them with you….it is not so much that you all don’t know these teachings from what ever background or culture you walk in. but I hope it has served all as a reminder of how we all need to walk as Humans.
“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture and our stories with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…” Blessings, ~bear Medicinewalker
Music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018 and is available at and on Itunes
Today the Dreamcatcher shows itself… reminding us it is time to make our dreams reality. We are the ones who are masters of our own Universes so we need to take responsibility for it and own it. If you need to take a beat, do it. If you need to remove things you have been carrying around not dealing with them or releasing them, there is no better time than the present.
The Dreamcatcher represents our lives as we weave them to life… so weave them strong, weave them as you choose. We can always listen to advice of others, but ultimately we are the ones that choose how we proceed. Do not live your life based on others expectations but rather to what feels right to you. Listen to that little voice inside for that is your soul speaking and guiding you on your journey.
So Dream and Dream Big! If we can envision it we can definitely accomplish it… we simply must believe in ourselves.
The Dreamcatcheris known to many far and wide. It is a part of the Native American culture that captivates the world. But for many of us it is a reminder of a gift given to us in return for holding a life as Sacred and protecting it.
The story goes that a spider was quietly spinning her web in her own space. It was beside the sleeping space of Nokomis, the grandmother. Each day, Nokomis watched the spider at work, quietly spinning away. One day as she was watching her, her grandson came in. “Nokomis-iya!” he shouted, glancing at the spider. He stomped over to the spider, picked up a shoe and went to hit it.
“No-keegwa,” the old lady whispered, “don’t hurt her.”
“Nokomis, why do you protect the spider?” asked the little boy.
The old lady smiled, but did not answer. When the boy left, the spider went to the old woman and thanked her for saving her life. She said to her, “For many days you have watched me spin and weave my web. You have admired my work. In return for saving my life, I will give you a gift.”
She smiled her special spider smile and moved away, spinning as she went.
Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. “See how I spin?” she said. “See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web.”
So allow the negatives of life to become entangled in the web of life, and let only the good and positives to enter so that you will walk in a good light as you move forward in your journeys.
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Today the energy will be intense but as Scorpion rises in the deck it reminds us that we can use that energy to benefit us. Do not run from it, do not fear it. Take it in and add it to the arsenal of healing, of obtaining goals, of moving in more positive ways, and for protection of self.
Scorpion also tells us to abandon all the crap that has been building up and dragging us down, poisoning our thought process, poisoning our Spiritual and causing negatives such as depression, aggression and negativity to take over. Release it all, and remember the poison or negativity that surrounds us does not have to be fatal. It is all about how we deal with it… how we react to it.
So today release that poison that will harm if you continue to carry it, and keep what will make you stronger to fight another day.
The Scorpion is teaching us to be extra be careful as we walk our paths, pay more attention to the surroundings and who/what are in it. It is not a good thing for us to tread heavy with words… but rather to choose them wisely least that come back to bite you in the butt. Sometimes we don’t think before speaking, doing, setting into motion. Today is not the day to do that. We must remember that words and actions can sting and harm others and ultimately ourselves when it returns the Karma. So although we can be guarded we must remain vigilant in our life path of positive imprints on the world we live in.
Don’t spread the poison, curb it and learn how to heal from it instead.
Scorpion shows up when there is poison at work in our lives. Such as a toxic relationship or situation that is working against you and how you need to move forward in a positive way. It shares that we need to watch our backs due to the element of Fire being present. Scorpion brings the ability of transmuting that poison through that fire allowing the poison back to the place of origin or into the universe to be recycled into positives.
Scorpion medicine is strong and we must remember that is should be approached with caution and used only for positive outcome, or it’s poison will come back and fill our own lives with negatives.
Be cautious of your thoughts, your tongue and your deeds. Look at life and see what no longer serves and remove them from our lives, our paths so that we can move in more positive steps. Look at minimizing the enabling of others that causes us to be unable to move forward. Re-establish our boundaries, make clear decisions about which direction the next few months will take and move on.
Scorpions teach us strength and show us that we have the ability to inspire others. To be passionate about life and remember that what lies in the dark is not always bad, but rather to be understood and used in a more positive way.
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Background music Wake the Dragon was provided by Dragon Ritual Drummers as [art of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018 and is available on Itunes and at Itunes
Remember to keep a watchful eye as I will be returning to the airwaves soon!