Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 31 2020 – the Otter

So today the seventh card is the Otter and how fitting right as we head into the Weekend! Otter comes in to tell us as we work hard the majority of the time, we need to remember the playful side of things! We need to bring out the inner creative child this weekend… get the job we are set to task today and then when we complete it sit back, unwind and enjoy the day. Remember time is never promised so make the most of it and don’t waste it.

Otter speaks loud and says read a book, watch a movie, spend time with those you care about whether it is virtually or in person but use the time to be spontaneous and fun. Remember how to do that. It will help you to balance as you walk forward and find joy in your soul again!  So set about and get your Swagger on as my friend Kellin would say!  Put that music on and crank it up…. Dance til your soul jumps and dances with you!

Otter rests in the Butterfly Clan on the Medicine Wheel. It teaches and shares with us about the elements of Earth and Water since it is able to live on the land yet still needs to be close to the water. Teaching the importance of strong family ties, being able to adapt to what life throws at us, it reminds us of parental instincts, playfulness, and about being able to stop and take time to play and enjoy what life is offering.

The fact that Otter is popping up today signifies it is time to take that break to refuel, renew, re-energize ourselves. The new page has been placed in front of us, and we will need to work to accomplish the goals we have set, but in doing so we must keep the balance of our Sacred Hoops. Play/Work = Balance…. Feeding our spiritual in the process. Otter also speaks to balancing the light with the dark, for it is difficult to walk only one side of the road without understanding the other.

Otters are also telling us to adapt if we need to, we will be stronger for it and in doing so we will be able to transition through things seamlessly.

Let us join spiritual hands to offer prayer.

I call to the sacred winds…to carry my words
To the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, the south, the east, the west, Above …below and within…

I call to the sacred winds to carry my words to the Winged ones…the Four Leggeds…the Plant People…the Crystal Keepers, the Thunder Beings, the Angelic Realm…Mother Mary and Magdalene…my Brother Christ and all the nations that love us.

I thank you for all the many blessings that you have shared with us today and beyond and I ask that you hear our prayers whether spoken our held silently within our hearts.

Today I ask that you hear our prayers as we stand humbly before you, small and human.
Help us to remember we are all but a tiny part of a great universe, that we are all connected as one…

Bring us the strength we need to walk our paths without ego or judgment…
Allow our hearts to hear what our ears are missing
Teach us how to allow forgiveness for others and ourselves
Fill our being with the unconditional love that you so freely offer all.
I call that we be reminded we are all no better than or less than one another.

Guide us through our days, to help us with our humanness…that we learn to reconnect with others in a gentle and positive way. Offering smiles when they are needed without thought, shoulders or ears to help ease another…and words that will uplift or soothe.

Keep our children safe and strong in this troubled world… I ask that on this day and days to come…guidance is shared with our children to help them as they walk their paths. Help open their eyes so they can learn and see the right way of things, teach them to respect all life no matter how small, open their ears and minds so that they may understand things that are being taught to them in a good and gentle manner…open their hearts so that when the harshness of the world falls at their feet, they can cope and handle it with compassion and understanding.

I ask that today and all days ahead, that we remember our child within and allow spontaneity and playfulness to enter our lives, giving our souls the little burst of joy and energy it needs to overcome obstacles in our lives. To honor family and what it is to laugh with each other, love each other and be with each other as a core to the very foundation of who we are as humans.

I thank all those who have walked with us and answer our calls…this day and in days to come…and honor you …


So my wish to you all today is for all of us to connect your inner child… and sing, dance, and allow yourself to simply be in the moment. I send you all blessings and love from my heart to yours… til’ next time…

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL from a Little bear and a Pip,
~ bear Medicinewalker

My Girl Kellin Watson, what an amazing voice this Kid has…. Love her and was so blessed to have had her on the shows! Show some Swagger today!

“Swagger” from Halo Of Blue by Kelvin Watson. Released: 2011 used as part of theWolfandthebearNetwork@2020

Spiritual and Totem insights for July 30, 2020 The Hummingbird and the Ram

So today as sometimes occurs two cards sprang from the Deck… first to flip over was the Hummingbird who once again spreads it’s tiny wings over our day and then the Ram showed itself boldly and prominently on my lap!

So today as the Ram Pokes its big horns into view it brings with it the lesson of standing firm and looking to ones self for the answers we are seeking. Sometimes we need to climb higher than the white noise and chaos of our lives to be able to understand things in a better way. Today we should do just that and understanding that in doing so we will be able to look at ourselves and see how we best fit into the inner workings of things.

Ram tells us to watch and look at ourselves for we hold the key yo getting things done, but we must be truthful and honest about it. No sugar coating it, if we are right and can move forward …do so. If we are wrong admit it and make adjustments needed to balance once again. Rams are all about Balance and they are masters at it… simply watch them as they hop around the cliff fronts here they live.

The Hummingbird shows up to bring messages of remembering to be gentle and not harsh when you look at yourselves. Life isn’t supposed to be about judgments, it is supposed to be about the experience of the journey. So remember while you are working through things and standing to look into that situation, that mirror… take what you see and learn from it. Nothing is gained by beating ourselves up about things….so take time out to be gentler with yourself and then get what needs to be …done!

The Ram speaks to us of following our own truths, our souls journey and thinking outside the box. To take steps onto new paths and directions when called to but also to remember one must attain balance to do so, balance that occurs from respecting and honoring the Sacred, whether it refers to self or the Sacred around us. This will allow us to move freely and give us the ability to be our true self.

The Ram reminds us that having clear honest thoughts and insight will make us stronger beings of integrity. To not be afraid of what we find by looking in the mirrored image of ourselves, for we are human and with that said means we are all flawed.

It also teaches us that we can be tough when needed showing strength and skill at maneuvering through the obstacles thrown at us, but other times we need to remain in our spot to take care of what is needed with the highest of integrity. Look at self and answer with truth… are you really working for your highest good, or are you slipping and sliding through things not stopping to take that moment to be responsible and own your actions?

The choice is yours, but the Ram will guide us through it all, with head bent down hammering through the tough stuff to get us to that balanced spot on our ledge.

Hummingbird, symbol of resurrection, rebirth as they live each day and as the blanket of night spreads over the lands, these little birds become lifeless and appear to die. As Father Sun begins to awaken the world, his warmth touches the tiny wings and this little bird once again rises to the tasks of the day. Teaching us there is time for work and then we must have time to rest in order to revitalize our souls, our bodies and our minds.

Hummingbird brings the lesson of Joy with them, teaching us to remember the Sacredness of all life and how fragile it is. To remind us we must keep our Sacred Hoops in balance and honor our paths by remembering to slow down at times to feed, to gather strength and energy. To move in positives to attain our dreams and goals but do it in efficient ways, smart ways, thought out ways. Hummingbirds do not walk or hop, their feet are tiny and do not function as other birds, this is so they can be more efficient than other birds at their tasks. So with them they bring efficiency and teach us adaptability as well.

Hummingbirds show themselves when it is time to live your dreams in Joy and Happiness, understanding that the Universe, Creator God and the Ancestors are there to help us all, but you have to have Faith that it will come to pass.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL from a Little bear and a Pip,
~ bear Medicinewalker

Jana-Mashonee- “The-Enlightened Time” available on Itunes and used as part of theWolfandthebearNetwork@2020

Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 29 2020 the Heron

So today Heron bring insights for us all and tells us to take your time today to wade through the waters and enjoy life and all it has to offer. Again the theme as of late seems to be stop and smell the roses …literally! Heron teaches us through it’s way of life to take things down a notch, walk slowly so you can appreciate all the nuances that life shares and we often miss because we are always in a hurry as Humans in a Modern day World.

Heron also shares that it is a day to be recognized for who you are truly inside and let your positive light shine through for all to see. Enjoy the positive being you are meant to be, let yourself breathe for life is too short to not enjoy and embrace the all the good moments we can hold on to. The energy today will allow us all to do just that! Heron says work on things that need to be accomplished today, stop worrying about the what if’s and focus on the nows that can be taken care of. Simply put just get it done! No Excuses.

Heron teaches us to ground by learning to bring balance to our OWN SACRED HOOPS… by stepping carefully through the negatives and understanding your voice is good enough and your positive outlook, the positive choices we each make can make a difference in our world.

Heron brings with it the strong connection to the Great Mother Earth. It teaches us to channel that inner strength and using it to ground and remain strong in the course. Be strong and balance so that you can accomplish many things at the same time.

Heron shares with us the ability to become independent and self reliant, yet knowing when to change and adapt in life when needed. Follow your own path, not necessarily the direction that others tell you to walk. You have this, and are capable.

Heron teach us to be comfortable in our own being, and happy. To love self and understand we are all worthy of good and positive things. Typically they spend much time on their own, but know that it is at times better to be more social and step out of their comfort zones to add experiences and keep the balance of all things in their Sacred Hoop.  Use your steps wisely as the Heron does and take advantage of the exact moment when it is time to move in a positive motion on your path.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL,

~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”


“Mediterranean Sundance” by Gabriel Ayala. Genre: Classical. available on Itunes @2020

Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 27 2020

Today the Seventh card shows itself large and in charge, the Crystal Keepers! We all will have to look at things clearer and pay attention to details as all may not be as it appears. Because energy will feel sharpened and at times come at you with a heavy charge… make sure you remember to maintain your balance for if you do not things will not go as you have planned.

Remember also that the Crystal Keepers are the Keepers of the Code, of our past, of our Ancestors History… so if you have them take advantage of them and tap into them for assistance and guidance. You will be surprised how much insight can be attained. So buckle up as it will be an energetic day, but remember you are still in control of how you maneuver through the obstacles of the day!

The Crystal Keepers share with us that the answers to our soul piece that we may feel are missing lie deep within ourselves, but we have to slow down enough to listen to them and in doing so we will find that yes indeed we are enough… that our own happiness does not depend o another… and that we are just as important as the next.

The Crystal Keepers remind us to examine our relationships… with life around us, with family members, friends, and most of all ourselves. Stop long enough to feed the parts that need to be fed, and to let go of the parts that should not be. Sometimes the old cliche` is actually correct in saying that sometimes people and things that imprint on us are meant to be there on our paths for a blink and other times for lifetimes. Time to accept that and work on the parts that are honestly meant to stay. Relationships start with self.

Crystals have always seemed magical to me, they are used for gazing, they can hold energy and power, they have been used by Seers and mystics, Shaman and Medicine people of all races and religions for as long as time can be recorded.

The “Crystal Keepers” Speaking of all the knowledge from the Ancestors, those that have walked before us from beyond time, that has been recorded and is accessible to each of us if we chose to listen to what is being shared. It is the history of life itself, of how we can attune our souls to balance, walk a better and in a more positive way.

They speak to us of opening ourselves to that inner core, the D.N.A. that has been encoded inside us from generation to generation. We don’t need science to hear and share in it’s wealth of knowledge… we don’t need to super smart to tap into it…we simply have to trust in our abilities that we are each born with and reignite the switch to openness.

It is time to listen and relearn the ways of our Ancestors in order to balance ourselves and life on the Great Mother Earth. It is time to remember the Grandfather/Grandmother Teachings of Humility, Honesty, Truth, Wisdom, Courage, Respect and Love. It is time as the “Crystal Keepers” share to amplify those traits and restore what needs to be happening here while we ALL walk the Human.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL,
~ bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Canyon Records Louie Gonnie@2020 – “Swirling Smoke”


Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 24 2020 – the Hummingbird

So Hummingbird stops in today in the Seventh spot to ask us why the hurry? Why are we rushing through our lives missing all the amazing things that life is extending to us? So today the lesson that Hummingbird is sharing is it is time to slow down and restore our souls to accepting the beauty that is! Some things are often not obvious and sometimes we are quite oblivious to thing in our worlds yet Hummingbird insists as we stop to breathe today the reasons will become clearer later on. So allow yourselves to understand the intentions you set for your day! Hummingbirds are the gentle reminders of the in-between. Darting quickly here and there, experiencing life to the fullest. They are also wonderful examples of how to best utilize that energy, showing us there is time for everything… work… play… and most important of all rest.

The world pushes and pushes us each moment, sometimes so much it causes a negative outcome… that is when we need to recall the lesson of the Hummingbird the most, listen to the “Spirit World” as they whisper in our minds to slow down the pace… slow down the emotional that is racing through our systems and remember to Breathe!

With all the energy that has been swirling around us all, it is no surprise that the Hummingbird stops in today to share messages with us! Many of us out there have been experiencing all kinds of craziness and major energy shifts, it seems to be the nature of the world we live in lately. These shifts are often happening faster and sometimes moment to moment and causing us all to be a bit off balance (or at least to feel like we are on a boat that is rolling with the water as we try to regain our footing!  So we need to remind ourselves when this occurs to stop…take a breathe before we take another motion forward, rest a bit and save our energy.

So many negatives in our world today, and many we are not in control of. So the best thing that we can do is to control how we react to it all. Calm our minds, say a prayer or send out positive thoughts and try to keep our heads above it all. If we can manage that…we will be surprised just how many good things will occur in the ripple outwards.

Hummingbird, symbol of resurrection, rebirth as they live each day and as the blanket of night spreads over the lands, these little birds become lifeless and appear to die. As Father Sun begins to awaken the world, his warmth touches the tiny wings and this little bird once again rises to the tasks of the day. Teaching us there is time for work and then we must have time to rest in order to revitalize our souls, our bodies and our minds.

Hummingbird brings the lesson of Joy with them, teaching us to remember the Sacredness of all life and how fragile it is. To remind us we must keep our Sacred Hoops in balance and honor our paths by remembering to slow down at times to feed, to gather strength and energy. To move in positives to attain our dreams and goals but do it in efficient ways, smart ways, thought out ways. Hummingbirds do not walk or hop, their feet are tiny and do not function as other birds, this is so they can be more efficient than other birds at their tasks. So with them they bring efficiency and teach us adaptability as well.

Hummingbirds show themselves when it is time to live your dreams in Joy and Happiness, understanding that the Universe, Creator God and the Ancestors are there to help us all, but you have to have Faith that it will come to pass.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL,
~ bear Medicinewalker

Simon & Garfunkel “Feeling Groovy ” available on Itunes and used as Creative Commons @2020


Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 23 2020 – the Dove

Today as the Seventh Card shows itself to me I am reminded if it is Peace We All want then it is Peace we must seek. The Dove is sharing a lesson of constant reminder that our behavior reflects not only on us but is example to others. So it is a day we all must step up to the plate and show positive examples that can be mirrored and followed. If things are blocking your way, you must first understand that we need to look within ourselves first and see what it is that is preventing us from moving forward, or perhaps releasing old things that we no longer should be carrying. We need to learn to deal with it and release it so that it may recycle into the Universe and return to us in positives.

The Dove has long been associated with calm and peace. Peace within and peace during times of War. The Dove settles in and says make no doubt about it we are at a time of War, Spiritual War. War on Human kind, war of loosing who we are all meant to be. So it is very important that we do what is necessary to bring about that same calm and peace that the Dove represents to the world to ourselves. Let go of the things that bind us, learn the lessons from them and release it all so that the lesson will not have to be repeated. If it is guilt for something you thought, did or contemplated… let it go you can not change the past. However you can change the path ahead by learning and not repeating.

The Dove shares that it is the same of grievances against us… we can not change them but we can understand them and forgive so that it can also be released. Why are we allowing them to define who we are. It is better to walk forward and have the understanding and knowledge of all of this so that we can become stronger, better, wiser and more compassionate for others that are within or Sacred circles.

So Dove speaks to us by saying, Live life by becoming who you are meant to be and be that shining example of Peace that can be attained if we desire to do so.

Dove teaches us when it is time to soar to new heights by using the element of air, “the wind beneath your wings”. That we must trust in the Universe, in Creator God for they are there supporting us, assisting us, but they will not choose or do the work for us. That nothing will prevent us from attaining our goals except ourselves. So we need to Trust and have Faith in all that is Sacred has purpose, has reason.

Dove reminds us to stop and breathe in the 7 Sacred breathes, letting go of the inner storms that are stirring and tap into the inner peace that can be found deep in our very souls. That what we are seeing is the chaos of the storm, and that after the storm is calm and beauty, for what we are seeking to attain is attainable and will be if we stay strong and show patience with the situation. They also represent peaceful resolutions can be found. They also represent travel time is approaching, perhaps in meditative state or in a physical sense.

May the Divine Spirit reach You and fill your being with Love and Joy of the Day…
It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL,

~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”

Spiritual and Totem Insights for July 17 2020 the Winged Ones

So today the Winged Ones present themselves in the 7th place and that is awesome because this morning as I sat outside the Kestrels came and brought their young ones teaching them to soar and follow through the trees and sky above the lake water. I felt so blessed to be a part of that. And that is what we should be feeling today… Blessed. But take time to examine your blessings in your life, as often we forget them as we deal with things that are seemingly negative.

So today as the energy swirls about, take mindful steps as not to disrupt the beauty of it and embrace all the things that are right in front of you. Blessings! The Winged Ones are messengers for our prayers and needs to be carried to the Universe, Creator God and all of Spirit in order for us to be assisted in positives. So accept the love shared by them, experience the positives they want to give us all, and just think about how we ALL are a small piece of the great world around us … and we all are important to making everything fit.

The Winged Ones carry our souls energy to the Creator, the Universe so that we will be heard… our prayers, our needs and desires, so take advantage of that and allow your spirits to soar. This will in turn re-energize you so that you are able to focus on the important things in your life and its circle. Are you strong enough to do this? That is the question you must ask yourselves, are you willing to hear your own souls energy and do what is needed to stay and continue in a positive light?

Take a moment as I call to prayer and join in doing the same…

I call to the Winged Ones… carry our words to Creator to be heard upon this day of Sorrow…
Today we send our wants, needs, wishes upon Your wings to be shared and manifested. Ride the fierce winds to soar with the Ancestors in the great above within the grasp of Father Sky. Allow the up winds of energy we send to you to swirl through your feathers, enabling You to soar ever closer to the Creator’s Breath.

You are Sacred, You are revered, You are all that we send with you in honor and gratitude, our Messenger to the above and beyond. We are blessed by your offering of service, of insight and wisdom’s on this day and all days. We thank you for all that you bring to share with our souls as they resonate with yours. Blessed be on this and all days to come.

We ask as we stand humbly upon the Great Mother, that you assist us in allowing our tears to wash away the pain and heartaches of this world. That you escort our loved ones who have passed so that they arrive safely to the next part of their journeys and bask in the acceptance and greetings of the Ancestors. We kneel in debt to you for being our confident and keeper of all that is in our hearts.

As we walk through our days, if we take that moment to stop and open our eyes… we will see the Winged Ones. Always fluttering about, ready and willing to take our deepest thoughts and carry them to the Creator’s ears to be heard. They share with us a deep knowledge of the Great Mother Earth and all that walks her surface and flies within Father Sky’s grasp. They are Sacred, so much so that many tribes and clans have taken them as their guides. From the Woodpeckers, the Buzzards, to the Egrets, Hawks and the Majestic Eagles… all play a role in teaching us things we need to understand and embrace as we walk the Human.

Revered as bringers of messages and symbols of change, we await your insights that will allow us to walk in a more positive, balanced and healthy way. for you are closest to the Creator’s ear, Messengers of our Ancestors and Relatives passed to the other world our souls thrive and continue to grow in. Creator is within all things, so help us to open our eyes and souls to be and do what we are meant to, what we have all agreed to when we entered this space.  Know what is clearly in our Soul’s intent and assist us in awakening it, re igniting it on order to be the mighty Warriors of Peace you have asked us to be.

Soar to the heavens our beautiful Winged Sisters and Brothers… soar and be blessed as you carry our burdens to be released to the Creator and Universe allowing us to begin to heal and move forward in positives.

It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other

Blessings to You ALL,

~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”

“Pray to the Lord” Fawn Wood & Dallas from cd Blessings available at http://www.canyonrecords.com

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