May 24 2016 Totem Insight for the Day – Horse

card 20 Horse 1122
Today the Horse comes to share some insights with us all. reminding us to knock the gate open, push through the boundaries that we have set up around us in order to feel safe. Whether we fenced ourselves in due to pain and hurtful things the world laid at our feet or not…it is time to knock down those fences in order to let positives reach us once again. It is so much easier to lock ourselves up when pain and conflict enter our lives, but in doing so we create a pattern or cycle, and by closing ourselves off we also keep the negatives in with out a way to be released. That will throw anyone off balance. So we must allow our faces to feel sunlight once again, breathe in the fresh air… and begin again to move forward.  Don’t allow yourself to stagnate, open to the positive possibilities that are out there and invite them in!

Horse brings with it the joy of wide open spaces and the ability to move freely about. It shares that it is time to open the barn doors and venture out into the world to experience what the Universe is offering for all of us if we are willing to open to it in positive ways. They help to guide us swiftly and sure footed to the next part of the path we are to reach.

However in doing so Horse also shares that the herd is important. The ones that are within our Sacred Hoop…family…friends… that they are there to assist us as we move forward and not stay in the old ways, with things that need to be let loose. Mend fences and move forward with everything, but truly mend them do not just go through the motions, for if you don’t take the time needed you will loose the positives that are part of that same Sacred Hoop.

Horse tells us to awaken our souls and honor our true self, our true dreams and aspirations. Feel the wind, feel the earth beneath you, feel the sun share its warmth and energy, feel the water as it nourishes and cleanses. Allow your senses to be in a place of all that is Sacred.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear Med new profile 2016 small
“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Jonny Lipford and Rhythm of the Rainhorse available at

Echoes of My Mother’s Voice…

echoes of Mom

As we go through our days, and people and activity rush by us, we sometimes loose perspective on what is important, what matters or better yet what should matter. It is often at those moments that I myself am taken back to some simple teachings that I have been shared by my own teachers, and it is part of how I walk.

My mother always loved them, and she actually at some point had a copy of them hanging on her kitchen wall. I remember as I grew up, always seeing that weathered piece of paper taped near the wall phone…and gently rubbing my fingers over it as I spoke to someone on the other end of that phone. (Yeah remember that…wall phones, the kind we used to stretch the chords out so far we would be sitting on the floor in a corner of the next room so our parents couldn’t hear us talking.)

Well although the walls have long since been abandoned, and the little paper with its tape marks longs since disappeared, the words that were written have been saved in my mind, my thoughts and with echoes of my Mothers voice reading them to me in my ears forever etching them on my soul…

What words are these you ask? Well they are as follows;

Treat the Great Mother Earth and all that share it with us Respectfully.

Keep Creator close to you and talk with him often.

Respect others, respect all life as Sacred.

Work together in order to benefit of all people no matter what race, where they call home, or what religion or gender they are.

Assist others with kindness wherever, whenever it is called for.

Follow your heart and do what is right, what is called for the highest good and outcome.

Remember to take care of self so that Mind, Body and Spiritual remain balanced.

Be truthful and honest with yourself and others always.

Stand up and take full responsibility for your choices, your actions.

And the most important of all is to love. Love Yourself, Love others and remember to tell yourself and others often.

…and after all the years that have passed, this is still a wonderful code to walk our lives with. It is still something to this day I tell people on the other end of the phone, always shared with Love.

So this is what I share with you all today… Live your life well, Laugh and share with the world your positive spirit, your soul’s song…
for we are here to walk the great human journey not alone, but together with all that is Sacred.

Mitakuye O’yasin
~ bear Medicinewalker

bear medicinewalker2015

Vanilla Skies by Jonny Lipford and available on I tunes and


March 2, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Horse

card 20 Horse 1122
Well the Horse shares some insights with us all and asks what we are going to do when the barn door gets thrown open? Horse speaks to ALL the “STUFF” that we have locked away and don’t want to deal with!  Do we think that it will all just go away, or that it will somehow disappear without any kind of impact? Well we locked it up and hid it for a reason right? The reason is we don’t want to deal with truths… we feed the fears and negatives in hopes that somehow at some point it will work itself out without us not having to do doing anything about it.  Don’t be ashamed of it, we all do it at some point… why ? Because we are Human!

However if you want to move ahead in your life being free to experience and feel all the magic of it and positives in it… we must deal with TRUTHS of everything, good bad and indifferent. It won’t kill us, it will simply help us to bring about balance again to our own Sacred Hoops. So no matter if it is something you did, didn’t do… felt, didn’t feel whatever it is… DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE FORWARD! Go ahead and open that barn door and let it OUT! You will feel better with it all after dealing with it head on and releasing it.

Horse brings with it the joy of wide open spaces and the ability to move freely about. It shares that it is time to open the barn doors and venture out into the world to experience what the Universe is offering for all of us if we are willing to open to it in positive ways. They help to guide us swiftly and sure footed to the next part of the path we are to reach.

However in doing so Horse also shares that the herd is important. The ones that are within our Sacred Hoop…family…friends… that they are there to assist us as we move forward and not stay in the old ways, with things that need to be let loose. Mend fences and move forward with everything, but truly mend them do not just go through the motions, for if you don’t take the time needed you will loose the positives that are part of that same Sacred Hoop.

Horse tells us to awaken our souls and honor our true self, our true dreams and aspirations. Feel the wind, feel the earth beneath you, feel the sun share its warmth and energy, feel the water as it nourishes and cleanses. Allow your senses to be in a place of all that is Sacred.



“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Native cultures with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the Year of Truths!”


Rhythm of the Rainhorse by Jonny Lipford available at


February 23, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Dragonfly

card 28 Dragonfly 1122
For many the energy about lately has been somewhat ‘trippy” and Dragonfly stops in this day to share what is up with it all! The simple fact is we are all tuning in to “Spirit” and the layers we put between the parallels, on a more regular basis. We each are like tuning forks and the frequency we each need to “tune” into is finally reaching our soul. We are receiving guidance that we can no longer dismiss, whether it is prayers that we put out to be answered or guidance that we silently seek as to what our next step should be on our paths…

The Dragonfly represents the link between All that is Sacred! so from this point forward… open your souls to feel, hear and understand the magical connections that we can have if we simply do not place limits on what is!

Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again. Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.

Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.



“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”



“Orange Dragonflies” from Cross Roads: The Beginning of a Brand New Day by Jonny Lipford. Released: 2008 available at Itunes and

February 2, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Frog

card 48 b Frog
Today Frog steps in to teach us about cycles! We all have them, we all travel them whether we know it or not. Sometimes we wind up getting caught up in cycles that hold us back from being who we are supposed to really be, cycles that have negative impact on our growth as Humans. It may be outside factors that influence us, events, people or even our own emotions that throw us into this continuing loop that plays over and over again, because somehow we loose sight of the outside world and the lessons from the continued cycle.

So today it is time to step outside our selves… take a good look back and see into our very cores, then step back in and repair with TRUTH and Love what needs to be set in place to change the cycle to more positive steps so our growth as Humans, as Spiritual People can once again continue forward. This is not as easy to do as it is to write, believe me… been there done this, but the change is worth the effort I promise you.

So Step up and Transform Yourselves in order to manifest your dreams and desires for your path in life!

The Frog teaches us of transition and transformation, supporting us as we walk through times of change. Connecting us with the our deepest emotions and assisting us with the process of cleansing our physical, emotional, spiritual selves to attain balance.  The frog represents the cycles of life, birth and rebirth. If we take a glimpse at the Frogs own journey through life from a tadpole to the adult state it mirrors the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our own lives.

It can assist us with the process of owning our own personal power. Recognizing it by cleansing ourselves of what no longer serves us and embracing with open arms what is now possible.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”

Tree Frog Dance by Jonny Lipford and available at

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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at



January 25, 2016 Totem Card of the Day – Sacred Sweetgrass

Sacred Sweetgrass
Today is about the Sacred… today is all about being Gentle with yourself and others. We all have been experiencing some very in your face energies as of late, especially coming out from under that Wolf Moon over the weekend, with that in mind we need to remember that it takes time fro our spirits, souls, emotional, physical to process all that has occurred. whether we can physically see or understand it right away is not what is important… what is important is that we are not crazy…the energy was INTENSE! It was all about processing and moving forward, moving through… situations, obstacles, parts of the journey that are tough. But we can all handle it, for we are never given so much that we can not survive it. It may often feel that we will not, but in the long run we will Survive it ALL!

So with that said, be gentle with yourselves… remember to honor the Sacred of you and the Sacred Hoop… we are all but Human and can only take a step at a time!

Associated with the element of Air. The botanical name is Heirochloe odorata, currently growing mainly in the plains across the United States and on up into Canada. The plant can induce a soporific effect and have been used in meditation and shamanistic rituals with the belief that it has some mild psychotropic properties.

Native People believe that Sweet grass is the first plant that covered the Great Mother Earth. It is viewed as Sacred; we often use this plant for religious purposes such as making incense and calling spirits as well as to aid us during fasting. Drawing in positive vibrational energy along with purification it drives away the negative spirits and energies while the sweetness draws in the positive energies and spirits to assist us and guide us in the right ways.

When we use Sweetgrass for smudging drawing in positive energies it changes the energy of one’s space and being. Traditionally you will see the Sweetgrass twisted into braids commercially, and sometimes in smudge packages…I have braids in the rooms of my home and among my sacred objects. I often add clippings into my own smudge mixture with the White Sage, for it adds purification to the intention and space.

Sweetgrass can instantly change the energy surrounding one’s physical body and environment while improving our emotional state, bringing it to a renewed perspective. It draws the feelings of abundance and uplifts our spirits as it invades our senses. It also provides a positive energy to our auric fields and is useful as we perform energy work or healing practices. Used when you need to balance or are in need of comfort, it will bring calmness and peace to your thoughts. I have found it to immediately give me a sense of empowerment, of clarity, and the ability to refocus my thoughts in order to gain a better perspective from a more positive place.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015

“Join Me as I continue the Sacred Hoop Project into this Year 2016…the year of Truths!”



Vanilla Skies” from Jonny Lipford available on Itunes and at

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This card and the other Totem of the Day cards are part of the “Mitakuye O`yasin – We Are All Related” Spiritual deck that I have created and is available at



December 3, 2015 Totem Card of the Day – Frog

card 48 b Frog
Frog brings with it teachings of resilience today, of knowing when to stay on top of things or when it is time to dive deep into the waters for safety. It is assisting us all to connect with our emotions. Representing also the feminine energy that we all carry and telling us it is time to balance that with the masculine. It is a day for cleansing all of it…. physically, emotionally or spiritually in order to be healthier beings.

Frog teaches us to be listeners today before offering advice. We ALL need to remember to think before acting out during times of escalated emotion or stressful situations so that we do not do or say something we could may regret later on. Events may fill us with great empathy for some and anger for others but reminding us that we need to release the negative energies for they serve no purpose, allow them to leave in order to help cleanse and renew our personal lives. Frog tells us to look at self and acknowledge if you are tired, overloaded,frustrated, guilty, tense or feeling empty or without purpose. If the answer is yes the Frog is urging you to do the cleansing work that is needed with gentleness and love.

Take a break and allow your soul to bathe in the waters of Frog medicine. You can do this by taking a long relaxing bath, disconnecting your phone, or just pausing to take deep cleansing breaths. The main point is to find a way to rid yourself of the distractions and to replace the muddiness in your life with clear and clean energy. This will help to replenish your dry spirit, body and mind.

The Frog teaches us of transition and transformation, supporting us as we walk through times of change. Connecting us with the our deepest emotions and assisting us with the process of cleansing our physical, emotional, spiritual selves to attain balance. The frog represents the cycles of life, birth and rebirth. If we take a glimpse at the Frogs own journey through life from a tadpole to the adult state it mirrors the many cycles of transformation and rebirth in our own lives. It can assist us with the process of owning our own personal power. Recognizing it by cleansing ourselves of what no longer serves us and embracing with open arms what is now possible.



“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the Native culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Mitakuye O’yasin
~bear Medicinewalker

bear dec 2015



Tree Frog Dance  by Jonny Lipford available at I tunes and at

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