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Spiritual Insights Walks With Bears

So today I was pushed to pull from the New Deck and this Deck uses the Number Three to flip. Today, not because I am bear, rather because this is how we need to walk through our days… the card “Walks With Bears”. This card/painting expresses that in one there is multiple strengths and weaknesses. We need to balance that energy in order to step further on our paths.

We all could use that reminder once in awhile as some times we simply forget that we are more evolved than we give ourselves credit for. So “Walks With Bears” pops in to remind us of just that. We all are capable beings that are multi facetted. Each part of us has been imprinted on by many factors through out or life, whether it be by events, people or things that we have done, it all factors in. It shares with us that we have the things to deal with anything that may arise, we just have to focus on that strength within.

So look in and dig deep into the preverbal toolkits we all have and know that You have Got This! Do not shy away from things you feel you can not do… rather push forward into positives and know you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Do not feed fear or anger, instead let it go to recycle into the Universe to then in turn return as a positive!

Blessings to you All!

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