The Process

For the past ten years I have not touched a canvas, not touched oils, not touched my palette knives to begin a new painting. To start a process of Healing again. I have not been in balance with the Divine energies that help us all to heal. Doesn’t matter if it is Spiritual, Mind or body that needs healing… it hasn’t happened… until now.

So what does that mean for others? Others that struggle, that have pain, that are hiding in a place of shadows and depression. It means we need to be aware that anything is possible. Healing is possible. That we are not overlooked by the Universe and all the Spirits that dwell within our world, yet unseen. So how can we heal? How can we balance when life knocks us for a loop, for a journey we are not happy to walkthrough? Well it’s a process.

Healing … it’s a rough thing to walk through. No matter what we have to heal from, ’tis the same, we need to allow it in. Sometimes we get so used to the things that keep us out of balance, we hang on to it like a life raft. We feel as though if we let it go, we will drown. Because of this we need to sit and examine what is it that put us there in the first place. So we can clean the wound out in order to let more positive in and receive what it is we need to have us actually heal.  We get into a place of all we know is pain… it doesn’t ever change, and we keep telling ourselves we will never get better. The thing is though, we can get better, it’s just that we need to allow it in to happen. We all deserve that, no matter who we are, we are entitled to that.

I am living proof it happens. The past 7 years or so I have been thrown off kilter physically and emotionally. The place we reach by continuing to visualize ourselves still in pain, off balance in everything to do with our lives. By doing that, how can we even begin a process of healing?.. We unknowingly allow it to be the only thing we can imagine. So we need to learn to change the narratives, picture ourselves healthy and whole. To bring positives into our sacred circles. When we stop having our thoughts focused on negatives and deal with things one step at a time is when we begin to change. We begin to see that things don’t have to be shadowed, we can allow the light in so to speak, and accept that the negatives, the unhealthy things about our lives we can look at clearly and say I don’t want to have this define my life. I choose to open to positive, to healing… to accept the healings from where ever they come from.

So Healing is also a place of sorrow, yet still will lead us carrying less burdens. Learning to breathe deeply to calm our minds and bodies. Sit in a place of calm and just breathe, blocking out the world around us… and you will feel your entire self relax. This is the starting point. Own who we are. Stand in our own power! Realizing that we control how and when we react to the world around us and within our circles.

Divine Energies, are always near… allow yourself to feel the healings they share with us all. Remain with Hope and Faith that anything is possible if we only allow it to be. So start the process… and allow it to be.

~ bear

What the Polar Bear Teaches Us!

The Polar Bear shares that it is time to dig deep within your self and balance your Sacred Hoop. Discard what is no longer needed so that you may move ahead on your path in a positive way. Polar Bears are all about the Winter which relates to nurturing self, taking time to feed your soul and examine what is needed for us to take steps forward to survive and flourish in a healthy manner.

Polar Bear steps in to show us all how strong we can be as we face life’s challenges that are thrown at us from time to time. It is time to stand up and show that strength in the dark corners of our life and take ownership of the light that needs to shine from within. Helping to guide us between our human walk and our connections to spirit.

Polar Bear tells us to clean out our dens of unwanted and unneeded energies that are no longer healthy for us. creating for us in that process a renewal of Spirit and thought and putting us back to balancing our Sacred Hoops. We need to remember we are responsible for self and are the only ones that can set ourselves to that place of balance and positives. In a sense we are the masters of our own Universe… so own that …empower yourself …. and love yourself… if we can understand and attain that we will allow other positives into our life with that alignment.

Many Blessings,
~ bear



Be in the Moment of Peace and Calm

So, with the NY heading our way in a matter of hours, we need to take time to honor all the things that walked with us in our everyday life. Whether it was heartbreak or joy. Whether it was no big deal or exciting. Whether it was loss or gain.

As the time ticked by us, some of us lost people that were important and close in our lives. Sometimes it was the World that lost People that touched our hearts. As we all were processing loss, others experienced new joys, babies that came into the world, new relationships and so much more. It is called life.

Those of us that have lost people take a moment to open your souls to feel the energy that they continue on with in the next part of their journey’s. They are around us assisting and guiding from the ethers. We may not understand everything that is after this life, but know energy never dies, it only changes form. The Spiritlands is a place where we go to learn to balance again, to see how things were and will be.

We All must be more mindful of the changes in the world, our space, our souls that we are all experiencing. Some of it is difficult to process, some of it we are just blinded to it due to how we are taught things are. It’s as though by society saying hearing and seeing the Spirit World is not real. Some even go as far to say it is the Devils’ work. Yet the bible never states anything even close to that, the modern leaders of religions use it as a weapon. Creator God is about the unconditional, not humans judging humans. A fact that many religions neglect to teach in their teachings. So as humans who are we to judge? So let go of the fear, and tune into the joy of our loved ones assisting us, making amends or simply loving you from where their Souls are.

So, as you raise a glass later tonight or you land a kiss… give thanks for all of it, as it imprints on us and continues to form and change who we are… who we become for it is meant to be a wonderful thing! Be in the moment of Peace and Calm!

Blessings to All!
~ bear Medicinewalker

Some Insight, Some Prayer!

This will be a moment to read…
Good day All! Grab a cuppa and a favorite spot to sit and relax as I share some insights and prayers!  Today I want to speak a little bit about connections, connections we have, we want to have, and we are forgetting about. But first off what is connection? Well in the dictionary it is expressed as
a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.

“the connections between social attitudes and productivity” ·
• the action of linking one thing with another.
“connection to the Internet”
• the placing of parts of an electric circuit in contact so that a current may flow.

With that said let’s think about how we connect with each other today. Well that is not a hard answer to find, we connect with each other mainly with technology, through our phones and social media. Because of this we have lost most of our human connections. Hold on a minute some will say, I talk with people every day. But do we really?

Speaking through a text or a post o social media is not hearing a voice, it does not have tone or inflection…it has lost that part of human connection. When I was growing up every parent in the neighborhood knew every child, and every child knew every parent. We would run to our friends’ home and we would yell out their name over and over until they came out to play. We could feel safe about entering our friends’ home to play games, share things like hobbies or go outside and play tag or curb ball.

As adults we would meet up at a favorite restaurant to enjoy a meal or theatre to see a movie where we would laugh and talk about what was going on in our lives. We connected in a human way, with empathy and compassion, with understanding and acceptance that it was okay to have highs and lows as we walk through life.

Today people have forgotten how to connect and communicate in human ways. We hide behind the safety of our computer screens whether they are on our phones or actual computer screens. We have been given a feeling of anonymity that empowers us to be hateful, spiteful and extremely angry. We do not allow others to speak their opinions without attacking and telling them they are wrong. In essence we have created the perfect storm and it escalates as violence, yup whether we like it or not, that is what humankind has created.

So is this fixable? Can we fix it? Well it is of my opinion that we can indeed fix it, but we need to start by making time not only for ourselves and our own personal growth … but for the world’s positive growth. We need to step up to the plate and learn to stop telling everyone what to do and start doing things ourselves. We need to spend more time with each other and not always talk in the same space using our phones as a way to communicate through texting… especially if we are in the same house or building. Don’t tell me you don’t do it because everyone does it.

A few years back I was visiting a friend and she actually texted me from the other room. I got up and said are you kidding me, why didn’t you just walk over to talk with me? Seriously are we all getting that lazy that we won’t even talk with the person standing next to us? Are we all that scary? I don’t think so, but I do think that Life itself has gotten that scary. Fear seeps through everything as social media and the news continually pounds us all with negatives.

Well enlightenment ya’ll… it’s time to unplug from it all every now and then. Sit and get to know yourselves again. Who we truly are, and then reach out to someone you love and unplug with them. Remind each other who you both are, and so on and so on… bring love, compassion and empathy back into your worlds. Reconnect with what it is to be Human again.

Connections, everything that is…is somehow at some point connected. And often many of us take that for granted. I know I have ni the past. And when I come to realize that I am …I slow down and stop to stand still for a moment and think about how connected everything in life is.

Elementals… Water-Air- Earth-Fire one can’t exist without the other…all powerful in their own right, and all part of us in some rhyme or reason.
connections… I would say that defines a big part of us as Humans, whether we accept it or not…we are all very connected.

Now when we look at being connected, we have to think also how we interact with everything in our world. We have Air…we breathe air… air is life for many things here. Wouldn’t be here if we couldn’t breathe the air. Yet stop and think how different our air smells between a city…and a country spot. We have all been there; we have all heard the remark of wow… the air smells so fresh. The smell of fresh grass in a meadow, water running in a River, Birds that sing their cries in the trees,,, all carried to us through the air…it sustains life.

Earth is what we walk on…run on… drive on…work on… it grows our food, it changes and grows, evolves with us. Through all our changes …good or bad. the earth keeps up right along with us. Many times we are destructive of her, yet I wonder if we took a moment or two to remember who She is…if we would do some of the things we do to her? Yet she continues to sustain life. Water makes up the majority of our bodies as humans. It is the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter . It also sustains life… We need to remember even after we forget, to honor these elementals as Sacred…for without them we would not be. Because of them we are all connected.

Today I ask you to join me in prayer; I ask for Joyce Coleman, Peter, Keith and Family, Hawk, Christy, Tina, Sarah and Family, Riana and Ian… and all those that need balance and healing.

I call to the sacred winds…to carry my words
To the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North, the south, the east, the west, Above …below and within…
I call to the sacred winds to carry my words to the Winged ones…the Four Leggeds…the Plant People…the Crystal Keepers, the Thunder Beings, the Angelic Realm…Mother Mary and Magdalene…my Brother Christ and all the nations that love us.

I thank you for all the many blessings that you have shared with us today and beyond and I ask that you hear our prayers whether spoken our held silently within our hearts.
Today I ask that you hear our prayers as we stand humbly before you, small and human.
Help us to remember we are all but a tiny part of a great universe, that we are all connected as one…
Bring us the strength we need to walk our paths without ego or judgment…

Allow our hearts to hear what our ears are missing
Teach us how to allow forgiveness for others and ourselves
Fill our being with the unconditional love that you so freely offer all.
I call that we be reminded we are all no better than or less than one another.
Guide us through our days, to help us with our humanness…that we learn to reconnect with others in a gentle and positive way. Offering smiles when they are needed without thought, shoulders or ears to help ease another…and words that will uplift or soothe.

Keep our children safe and strong in this troubled world… I ask that on this day and days to come…guidance is shared with us all to help as we walk our paths. Help open our eyes so we are able to learn and see the right way of things, teach us to respect all life no matter how small, open our ears and minds so we may understand things that are being taught in a good and gentle manner…open our hearts so that when the harshness of the world falls at our feet, we are all able to cope and handle it with compassion and understanding.

I ask that today and all days ahead, that we honor all connections as Sacred. That we share respect with all that is, no matter if we are aware of the impact of those connections or not. That we are guided to care for these elementals, by replenishing, replanting, using only what is needed. And remembering that they are each sacred gifts that we depend on for life itself. They connect us all to each other. That we are all connected to each other and no matter what we do or say affects each and every person, creature and thing on this planet. So Learn to be kinder, gentler and connect on a more positive level. It will bring us all back to that human that lies deep within our souls.

I thank all those who have walked with us and answer our calls…this day and in days to come…and honor you …AHO

So my wish to you all today is that you look around you and learn to connect with ourselves and each other in more positive human ways. That we plant seeds of awareness to others as gentle reminders of what a great gift we have been given and share in. And that through that our connections with each other, that awareness becomes stronger. That we care for all life in a gentle and giving way, returning and continuing the cycle of giving and replenishing.

May your day be bright and filled with faith. For it is way past time we remember we are all related.
Blessings to You All
~ bear

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and join us in the Ghost Dimension with Sean and Bex Reynolds every Tuesday for some Live insights and readings

Creatures Great and Small!

From the time I was a child I always was close to the creatures of the Earth. My Mother was always scared to open the door if I had gone camping or spent the night at a friends house. My Big Brother was the same. Didn’t matter what sort of Critter it was, we brought it home with us. Always treated with kindness or even sometimes simply took care of them when they had broken bones or poor health until we could release them. So Imagine it would not come as a surprise that St. Francis would be close to me, or that adults would call me Dr. Doolittle from a very young age.

Now fast-forward to later in life, I then understood that not all humans could understand or hear creatures speak. But it never bothered me as I love all creatures and yes even the creepy spiders. I try to remove them and put them somewhere else. Although I have had some spend winters indoors and just talked to them and told them you do you and I will do me and never should the two collide. Thus the ” We are All Are Related Deck” came forth so it could connect with people and also teach them about not only about the creatures, but about themselves.

I have weaved in and out through life as I have gotten older, St. Francis of Assisi never was far. He also resides in my garden, so is a prominent influence for my life. For those who do not know who St. Francis is here’s a little about him. He was born in 1181 in Italy to a very influential family of wealth. Saint Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church and live in poverty. In 1224 Francis reportedly received a vision that left him with the stigmata of Christ — marks resembling the wounds Jesus Christ suffered when he was crucified, through his hands and the gaping lance wound in his side. This made Francis the first person to receive the holy wounds of the stigmata. They would remain visible for the rest of his life. Because of his earlier work treating lepers, some believe that the wounds were actually symptoms of leprosy. Today he is the patron saint for ecologists and the Creatures of the planet.

So I guess it was no surprise that in 2019 I had cardiac issues while I was having surgery on my spine. That evening I woke up in CCU at the hospital and spent the next five days in the hospital. The wild thing through all of it was the fact that as I floated in the in-between, St. Francis was the one that greeted me and told me to get my Happy Butt back as it was not my time. He did this three times. I told him all I wanted to do was see my pup that had recently passes at a very old age of 19 years. He responded that “Boone” was fine and would be just fine until it was my time to see him. He also called me stubborn and bullheaded as he sent me packing. So to say it was a profound experience was saying the least.

Since that time I know my purpose, my path, why I am here… is to be here for others. To stand for our Creatures of the World who have no Human voice. To point out the positives in life as we all are surrounded by chaos and negativity. Sometimes it’s hard to see a light through it all. Yet as we move forward, we need to remember we are in charge of us. Dealing with choices that will not only effect us, but others as we are All Connected in this great big quilt of life.

He is represented by the prayer and song Make me a Channel of Your Peace, which I would reckon we have heard at one time or another. The words are so appropriate for the world we live in every day. If you have never heard it… I share the prayer;

Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is hatred let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your pardon Lord
And where there is doubt true faith in You
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we are born to eternal life
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy

I will always til my last breath be there for whom ever, and whatever Creature pops on my radar. So as you all walk through your days, remember to be kinder, more empathetic, compassionate and understanding to yourselves and others. as we are ALL in this together. I thank and talk with St. Francis every day… he is present in my life, as he is in us all. We simply have to dig deeper to find him. Ask him and he will reply.

Blessings to You All.

~ bear

Follow me every Tuesday on You Tube and Facebook as I connect with the Spiritland to bring Insights and lessons we all need to hear.

Crocodile as a Totem – What It Shares For Us to Maneuver Our Lives

The Crocodile is one of the oldest creatures and has been around for ions. The wisdom and survival skill it has taken for them to live through centuries of change is something we should look closely at as they are here to teach us as human as well. Crocodile teaches us sometimes we need to reach deep within to our primal energy, things that are instinctive to move through our paths. It speaks to us of our breathing patterns to take time to take that deep breath in order to bring balance to our minds and bodies.

Crocodile is a protector and keeper of All Knowledge. So it is time to tap into what it is we need in order to inspire, manifest and walk our dreams and ambitions. Remember patience and to allow yourself time to adapt to change that may show up in your life at this time. It is a time of growth and regeneration. It is time to expand and use what you instinctively know for emotional healing, for self and perhaps even to those that you may encounter in your days.

Crocodile speaks to knowing when to roll with what life throws at us, when to show patience, when to dig deep and when it is time to wallow in mud to allow healing and regeneration, transformation to bring about healing and a new part to our journeys.  Honor your soul’s journey, from other lifetimes into our current path and continuing on as we gather energies and knowledge moving forward in positives to experience life in many forms.


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Streaming every Tuesday on Ghost Dimension

Spiritual Insights with the Lizard

Lizard steps up to share with us that we may be repeating old cycles, recreating things because we have been doing them so long, it feels more natural that stepping into something new or opening the doors to something that is unknown. It tells us although we are able to face our fears, we often do not want to deal with them.

Lizard also shares truths about “EGO”, that often as human we are ruled by it. So what may be needed at the moment is to take a step back and let out hearts take over. Our “EGO” is often all to ready to step in and rule, so take time to really look deep within what is resonating with our hearts before making decisions or saying something we may regret.

Lizard shares that we are able to use all our “senses” as they were given to us at birth, rely on them, hone them and watch for situations that may not serve us and then remove ourselves from them or to step into the positive ones we need to move with. It is time to awaken what lies beneath, the unconscious mind that has been hiding things we have not wanted to deal with.

Lizard will allow us to move them to the forefront so we can process through them and get rid of what is no longer needed and place us back to reality. We are all human, we are all flawed and the Lizard teaches us it is ok to be this way. Release as they release a tail, what needs to be let go, then move ahead and regrow in more positive ways.

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