So as some of you may or may not know, I speak with Nature around me, have since I was little. As with Spirit, I didn’t know others couldn’t do what I am able to do and see. With that said I will also tell you all you can do it as well if you are open to it and slow down for a moment to observe our surroundings, cause truly … it isn’t rocket science.
So what prompted me on this today was someone who I have never seen or heard speak about animal communication offering a class on Mediumship and connecting with Animals and charging close to $200 for the class, seriously not sure what drives these people to do such things but I guess it is what it is. The thing that irritates me is the fact we are all capable of tuning in I guess I will call it, we just have to allow ourselves to slow things down and pay attention. Because when we do, wow can we learn things. Creatures share the knowledge we Humans need to be kinder, gentler, more respectful and absolutely 100% more accepting of each other. So after seeing this earlier today and not being able to shake it, I decided to step outside to clear my energy, my head and thoughts. And of course wouldn’t you know it something special happened.
The world we all live in at the moment is very angry and hateful and in order to stay positive, be positive as example for others to follow…. we need to remember WE can be the positive that shares that great example for other. So as I stepped outside and took a seat next to the lake a set of ducks showed up. Not an ordinary set, but rather one that yes indeed I would pay attention to. It was an unusual set of Teals.
Teal Duck Story
Normally by this time of the year we have mostly Mallards and all of what I consider the more exotic types, have moved on to other locations after the migration through our Lake here. But this Mama Teal Duck had 6 little babies with her that she was ever so watchful of. I knew they were her young ones as they all made a more chirpy sound than that of a full grown adult duck.
They little ones played and swam and were as per normal of young ones, oblivious to anything but playtime and exploring. Then as a couple of them strayed from their Mom, she called them back. When they refused and adventured farther she started swimming towards them scolding them the entire time. Just as we human parents would do with our own kids, and let me tell you she was not happy they were not obeying her call. That is when I looked closer to them. Five of them were showing the same markings of a teal, four defiantly males and two were females, but wait one of the babies was not a teal? Upon looking closer it was a female Mallard Duckling, and her Mom was no doubt the Teal Duck that went to get her and apparently her brother.
So here it is, Nature at it’s best. Mom had probably set on an abandoned Mallard nest and the egg had hatched with her own eggs. The Duckling was obviously not hers, but it was hers as she had sat on the nest and it hatched with her young. I sat and watched some more, and she was treating this small female just as her other babies, they were bonded and loved. So why is it that we as a Human race can not do the same. Accepting of those that are different yet treating them with love and respect regardless of differences.
Because I posed no threat to her or her young I was gifted enjoying the time they spent on the lake ever so close to me, happily going about their day of bugging and swimming. Another lesson that was shared by the creatures that continue to live their lives oblivious to hate and anger that occurs from differences and judgements. So if they can do it without thinking… why is it so hard for us?
With that said… take time out to connect with Creatures around us, All Creatures Great and Small. You don’t have to be Doctor Doolittle to do it, all you need to do is quiet your self long enough to see what life has to offer around us.
Blessings to You All!
I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Blessings to You All,
~ bear Medicinewalker