Been a minute for sure! But over the past couple months. we have all had many things to deal with on a daily basis. Unfortunately it also doesn’t matter what side of the road you are standing on. No matter if it is personal issues, global issues, social issues or whatever… it is ALL affecting each of us in personal ways.
What do we do about it? Do we lock it away in the back closet, or is it best to deal with it no matter how difficult it is? The best way is to deal with it in the present. Pushing it into the corner of our proverbial closets, only makes it worse and will effect us even in more difficult ways down the road.
I have been asked over and over the past number of months, where I was and what I have been doing… well to be honest I have been dealing with health issues and me issues. I can say that I am almost through them all, but still have a ways to go. I will get there, but will still be a bit before they are in the past. Working on it though, and in a way that is allowing me to resurface once again.
That is what we ALL are called to do every minute of every day. We ALL have support around us, we just have to admit it and ask. Asking doesn’t mean we are incapable all the time, it simply means we need a push of help in the right direction. That takes COURAGE to ask for. I know, as it is something I have had to do. lately, then come to the understanding that it is okay to ask for help. Seriously we all can use a bit of it every now and then. Once we get past the realization of everyone needs a bit of help every now and then, we get it.
It’s a scary time in the world everywhere. It’s almost like the world is purging itself, and all the negative crap has been pushed in front of everyone all at once! Because of it, we all need to take time to settle, breathe and look at how we need to react in order to bring calmness to our world at this time. Not everyone of us are able to walk in marches, however there are ways for each and everyone to make a difference. How??? By making differences in our own personal worlds, our homes, our families, communities etc.
Be kinder to each other, listen to each other, assist when we can, where we can. Each of us has an ability to do just that. Is it easy? No not all the time. Yet we need to rid our minds from the anger, and set about changing things into positives. How??? By supporting each other, by listening to other without anger. To make positive differences rather than yelling and screaming about what others are doing. That’s how we bring positives into place, by adding better things to the world. By understanding that those that are disrupting are doing it to cause chaos, much of it to distort what we see or rather how we see it. It’s called panic overload. It is a place many have placed themselves.
Sop, take a breath and allow clarity and then look for answers to assist you and yours. Start small and work towards bigger. Shut the news off, it is only there now a days to overload and confuse much of us. Know and trust what is in your own hearts to guide you. Follow the positive paths, not the negative ones that have us all screaming and bitching cause the things going on are horrific in our views. We ALL need to reassemble ourselves so that we can walk in more positive ways that bring the same to our lives and those within it.
Bless have faith and understand it’s only a moment by moment that we can alter or change… Be open to that thought and remember to Breathe!
Bless All,
bear Medicinewalker