Rabbit shows up in the 7th spot today to remind us although we should not feed our fears they should be lessons in motivation … of things to overcome and obstacles to push through. Take time today to Rabbit says to look within ourselves and take out the trash, get rid of what no longer serves the highest good for our paths, our lives. We often at times without even know we are doing it, hold on to things that have no place in our lives anymore. Sometimes it is simply habits or negatives that we have developed over time that we need to balance out so that we walk in a better way. A way that embraces the good in the world. And we all know at the moment that is a difficult thing to see at times. So why not just balance it out?
Rabbit reminds us all to remember we need to nurture ourselves in order to allow our Spiritual growth to occur. It shares with us that we have all the tools needed inside of us if we just stop for a moment to collect ourselves and reach into that toolkit we all carry. By stopping for that moment and listening to that inner voice, it will give us a chance to strengthen our plans that are in motion, or review the ones we are contemplating.
Rabbit tells us not to be so quick to jump to conclusions, rather look at the larger picture and then move quickly as your instinct guides you rather than allowing fear to move you forward. Pursue your dreams, your goals with a little more adaptability, network with friends and family to help you get the results that are desired.
Rabbits also represent fertility, but of course it is up to us to make sure that that fertility shows up as positives such as creativeness, happiness, success and not negatives that we hold onto that eventually turn into fear, anger, bitterness, depression, illnesses.
Rabbit teaches that defending ourselves doesn’t always mean fighting back; it can also be accomplished by listening to what is happening in and around our Sacred Hoops and then using our intuition for the best possible outcome. Rabbit has a short life so it also reminds us to take advantage of every waking moment for all life is Sacred. Don’t get stuck on the little things in life or life around you will pass by in a blink of an eye and you will have missed the journey.
It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories… WE All need to become proactive in saving our planet, the creatures that live upon it, and each other
Blessings to You ALL,
~ bear Medicinewalker and a Little bird named “Pip”
Music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and bear Network@2020 and is available on Itunes and at www.chrisferree.com