Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Soul’s Journey

On this Day the Angels come in to sing to me about the Soul’s Journey. As humans it is often a struggle to walk through life, no matter how hard we try sometimes we feel as though the odds are against us. That we have been forgotten and left behind… yet that very struggle is the human condition. The reason we walk this earth is to learn and experience all the things that life can teach us in order for the Soul to grow.

We are all given the gift of choice, something that most forget at the times we most want to lay blame anywhere but at our own doorsteps. We are responsible for the people, things, circumstance that enters our worlds, our life circles. Us and us alone… all set in motion by choices we make. Perhaps days before, weeks before or even years before. How many times have we sat and said what if? What if we had done something different? That very fact is all about choice!

We also can choose to feed our Soul’s positives instead of negatives, often in very simple ways. But again it all comes down to choice. It is how we react, how we allow things to effect us, how we choose to step forward. Do we choose to pull in all the negativity that surrounds our worlds, or do we choose to take a perhaps different view and figure out how to make change occur so that we and others may benefit?

Everything we choose…every choice that we make in every moment effects our Soul’s Journey… it can effect our health, our outlook, other people in our lives. It can cast shadows that are deep and dark or shine light into every aspect of our life and bring about balance and joy! It is up to each of us individually to choose. It is no one’s responsibility to care for our Soul. Expectations of others do not matter as it is our Soul’s Journey not theirs that we are accountable for. We are the ones that walk through and in our lives growing and becoming the people we are meant to be. So it is much like the story of Two Wolves… one has darkness and negativity, the other walks in light and love of life and it’s journey… so which do you choose?

Often we feel that it is easier to give in to those shadows and before we know it they are consuming us. Sometimes without even realizing it we allow them to leak out into the very world and people around us tainting and placing negatives there as well. Breaking down the good things and fracturing our very foundations. So Today it is about being more conscious of choices made each and every moment of our day. It is about not placing blame but rather taking the approach of repairing and shoring up our foundations. Making our Soul stronger and lighter as we walk forward.

Bitterness set aside, negatives set aside, anger set aside, hate set aside… these are ALL human conditions we choose to take on…so why not choose Happiness, Compassion, Joy, Self Accomplishment, Love for self and others? Why Not I am whispered …Why Not indeed? Reach beyond, reach into yourself and feel the power that lies within us… the Soul’s Journey is an amazing gift, so allow it to help you become who you are meant to walk as in this lifetime.

Blessings to you all…

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Music “Skywalkers” provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2108 and is available on Itunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com


Spiritual and Totem Insights of the Day the Heron

This morning the Heron shows itself from the deck with some very insightful observations. Life in the present day is full of noise… we are constantly being pulled in by negativity. Face it, it is sort of everywhere we turn at the moment. The thing is we need to be careful how we step through it all in order to not allow it to seep into our lives. As humans we need to rely on our guts, our internal instincts that keep us safe, that push us to do what is right, what is positive. We need to take a breath to step away from what I call the “Mob Mentality” in order to better our world… our own space. For if we do not, the negativity of the world will consume us.

Heron brings with it the strong connection to the Great Mother Earth. It teaches us to channel that inner strength and using it to ground and remain strong in the course. Be strong and balance so that you can accomplish many things at the same time.

Heron shares with us the ability to become independent and self reliant, yet knowing when to change and adapt in life when needed. Follow your own path, not necessarily the direction that others tell you to walk. You have this, and are capable.

They teach us to be comfortable in our own being, and happy. To love self and understand we are all worthy of good and positive things. Typically they spend much time on their own, but know that it is at times better to be more social and step out of their comfort zones to add experiences and keep the balance of all things in their Sacred Hoop.

Use your steps wisely as the Heron does, and take advantage of the exact moment when it is time to move in a positive motion on your path.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018



Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Eagle

Today the Eagle is at play from my deck… telling us to stop confining ourselves to a box! It is time to open to All the Possibilities that life offers us, grab on to them and let our souls soar! Why limit ourselves? Why say we can’t when down deep we know we can if we just challenge and push ourselves to where we want to be… who we want to be.  Limits are only there if we place them there. We are capable of anything we put our minds to.  So it is time… Embrace who it is we are and go push those limits!

Eagle a strong symbol of All that is Sacred, and reminder that we too can fly high and feel the breath of the Creator if we honor the process. We must understand that each and every act we do, each word we say, each look we make can move mountains or set up walls. We can be the strength that is needed to protect, the example needed to inspire or the calm that settles a storm. But we must honor the process. There is no easy button to push, no simple way to get things done for it all requires work in order to achieve the outcome we desire. So remember to feed the positives, weed out the negativity from your life and allow ourselves to be able to feel the Creators love upon each of us.

Eagle reminds us all that we need to care for our Spiritual needs. That the very part of who we are and walk as begins with our Spiritual side and how we connect to the Creator and all that is Sacred. Our soul’s Light, our energy, our very foundation is all about how we feed our soul. How and what we choose as we walk our paths will then mirror out to the world and invite the same to surround us.

We must remember the foundations of Humanity… Love, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, Truth, Honesty and Courage… in order to be strong and stand in a balanced and good way. We must overcome the blindness of society and the negatives they spin. This is what Eagle shares today… this is what he reminds us to do.

So today fly high and touch the face of Creator… stand in Integrity and Truths, and stand with All that is Sacred, all that Matters… with Love and Respect that we are meant to as Human.

Eagle speaks to us of our spiritual paths. I have been taught that the Eagle can fly to the heavens, that its wings can be touched by God Creator. When in it’s presence I feel the Grace of the Creator and All that is Sacred. The Eagle humbles me.

Teaching us to reflect and pause, to rejoice and reconnect to our spirits. To honor our paths, the ethics we have been taught. To Pray, to honor to live in a sacred manner. To listen to our Ancestors that have walked before us and in doing so listen to the wisdoms that have been shared so that we can walk more positive paths. Eagles the symbol of Courage and strength, to do … to walk… the right manner. To take that courage and step into what you re meant to step to in a positive way, and allowing our spirits to soar to the heights to share in God Creator’s extended grace.

Eagles with their sharp eyesight take us to the heights to observe situations in a manner that is more beneficial for us to make clear decisions. To become that visionary and push ourselves to discover and accept self, to accept truths, adapting , changing and growing along the way.

The medicine Eagle shares is, the ability to connect to the Divine, a power of God Creator. Being able to place one foot into the spirit realm and yet remain connected and balanced with Mother Earth.

So Honor your Spirit today and everyday by connecting with the Sacredness around you!

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Elk

Elk steps in for the day to speak to us about community and working together with others to overcome obstacles. Sometimes as humans we get caught up in taking care of everyone and everything that we often have nothing left for self. So this is a day that we need to set aside our pride…our ego’s and ask for assistance if we need it and understanding there is no shame in it at all. If we learn to work better within and around our own sacred space and circles we can maintain balance in a more healthy way.

Being part of a community is a wonderful thing if we allow ourselves the joy that can be found in it. It is a source of networking and sharing strengths and weaknesses and utilizing others strengths and weaknesses to balance as a whole. That is one of the reasons we have all been so perfectly created in an imperfect manner. Each being different which allows us as a unit to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle to become stronger. So today the Elk shows us to remember it is okay to be imperfect! It is what makes us each unique.

Elk brings in the energy that is needed to slow down and pace ourselves. It’s all about seeing the goal and reaching it without killing ourselves and depleting our energy in the process. Elk helps us to understand that we do not have to do it alone and that companionship and group support are available we just have to ask. Elk signifies abundance and is a sign that all we need will be provided for. To remember that we do not need to rush, for sometimes the reward is in the journey itself. .

Elk symbolizes strength and endurance. It teaches us to spend more time with our families and friends. Elk are also very seldom alone, preferring to live in large herds, yet knowing when they need to have some personal space. They are very well prepared to take on a challenge, they can fight passionately about what is important to them, sometimes can be unpredictable being passive one second and aggressive the next, it is their nature.

Believe in yourself…Empower Yourself…Connect with those you love and hold a good sense of Community… and your goals will be met with positive outcome.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessed Be
~bear Medicinewalker


*music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2018 and is available on ITunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Crocodile

Crocodile shows up in the cards this morning asking us what has happened to Respect? Honor? Truth? Honesty? Compassion? Where has the Wisdom from the Ancestors gone? What has happened to Family? What has happened to the ability to communicate in civilized manners with each other? Why is it that as Humans we have so lost the way to being just that Human?

We need to take stock in the teachings we were handed and taught as young people from our Elders and help to instill those teachings in others. We need to stand up with a gentle proverbial stick and remind people how to communicate firmly yet without violence…to get our points across but articulately instead of through hateful actions and words. We need to remind ourselves and each other that no one is perfect and everyone is different and because of that be more understanding that we are not better than or less than anyone else.

Crocodile showing up today is asking…no demanding that we each take a moment to allow those words to resonate in our souls, then balance it on our life and that of life around us.

The Crocodile is one of the oldest creatures and has been around for ions. The wisdom and survival skill it has taken for them to live through centuries of change is something we should look closely at as they are here to teach us as human as well. Crocodile teaches us sometimes we need to reach deep within to our primal energy, things that are instinctive to move through our paths. It speaks to us of our breathing patterns to take time to take that deep breath in order to bring balance to our minds and bodies.

Crocodile is a protector and keeper of All Knowledge. So it is time to tap into what it is we need in order to inspire, manifest and walk our dreams and ambitions. Remember patience and to allow yourself time to adapt to change that may show up in your life at this time. It is a time of growth and regeneration. It is time to expand and use what you instinctively know for emotional healing, for self and perhaps even to those that you may encounter in your days.

Crocodile speaks to knowing when to roll with what life throws at us, when to show patience, when to dig deep and when it is time to wallow in mud to allow healing and regeneration, transformation to bring about healing and a new part to our journeys.  Honor your soul’s journey, from other lifetimes into our current path and continuing on as we gather energies and knowledge moving forward in positives to experience life in many forms.

Blessings to All,


I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”


*music provided by Chris Ferree as part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2018 and is available on ITunes and at http://www.chrisferree.com

Spiritual and Totem Card of the Day the Red Tail Hawk

Today the Red Tail Hawk is the card to flip over, and brings with it a message that we need to open our wings and remember to soar to new heights! Stop limiting and putting ourselves in boxes unable to attain the things we want and desire. We need to learn to push ourselves more and understand that things worth having and doing take work.

Red Tail Hawk also screeches out that we are not supposed to do things, be who we are in order to fit others expectations and needs… we are here to experience this journey, this amazing walk called life with all it’s ups and downs… as we maneuver the obstacles, the rewards, all the beauty that lies all around us. This is to feed our soul.. no one elses.  No one can make us happy… we have to allow that ourselves!

Red Tail Hawk shows up to help us understand the meaning in ordinary experiences if open and become aware of our surroundings. The Red Tail Hawk is awakening our souls so that we may begin the journey of our spirituality, preparing us for those Life Lessons that will soon show up.

Red Tail Hawks are messengers of the between, sharing insights and knowledge extended to us from the Ancestors and the world of Spirit. They speak to us of looking from a different vantage point and thus giving us a broader view of any given situation, helping us to not only be aware that a message awaits us, but also helping us to understand those messages.

Red Tailed Hawks are sacred and as they enter our presence, we must honor them by opening our minds and keeping them sharp while we look for wisdom and answers as we walk the human.

The Red Tailed Hawk’s red tail feathers distinguish it from other hawks, and remember that it does not receive their red feathers until at a later point in life after it has matured and experienced life around it. These feathers must be earned. The color Red represents Power and Energy that will lie dormant until it is awakened by our Souls as they walk and journey life and honor its own Sacred Hoop.

“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing the culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”
Many Blessings to ya’ll
~bear Medicinewalker



Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

Spiritual and Totem Insights for the Day the Rabbit

Rabbit shows up in the cards today to remind us although we should not feed our fears they should be lessons in motivation … of things to overcome and obstacles to push through or to be smart enough to figure out how to go around. I actually chuckled a bit this morning cause it seems to be that Spirit is reminding us about the holiday we just had over the weekend of Easter!.. Again yesterday the Dove… today the Rabbit… so get hopping (Pun intended ) and get ‘er done. You all have the tools to do whatever it is that is on the plate today… we simply need to believe in ourselves to do it!

Rabbit reminds us all to remember we need to nurture ourselves in order to allow our Spiritual growth to occur. It shares with us that we have all the tools needed inside of us if we just stop for a moment to collect ourselves and reach into that toolkit we all carry. By stopping for that moment and listening to that inner voice, it will give us a chance to strengthen our plans that are in motion, or review the ones we are contemplating.

Rabbit tells us not to be so quick to jump to conclusions, rather look at the larger picture and then move quickly as your instinct guides you rather than allowing fear to move you forward. Pursue your dreams, your goals with a little more adaptability, network with friends and family to help you get the results that are desired.

They also represent fertility, but of course it is up to us to make sure that that fertility shows up as positives such as creativeness, happiness, success and not negatives that we hold onto that eventually turn into fear, anger, bitterness, depression, illnesses.

Rabbit teaches that defending ourselves doesn’t always mean fighting back; it can also be accomplished by listening to what is happening in and around our Sacred Hoops and then using our intuition for the best possible outcome.

Rabbit has a short life so it also reminds us to take advantage of every waking moment for all life is Sacred. Don’t get stuck on the little things in life or life around you will pass by in a blink of an eye and you will have missed the journey.


I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth.  Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…

Blessings of the Day to you All,

~ bear Medicinewalker

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at http://www.chrisferree.com  as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2018

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