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Spiritual and Totem Insights the Badger

 Badger shows itself in the seventh spot as it tells us to stand our ground even when things seem a bit overwhelming. We can handle it, sometimes we just might have to take a breathe. Badger says bring about the changes you need to evolve into a more positive you, thus opening doorways and windows of opportunity that will propel us in the right ways by not getting caught up in all the negativity that is out in the world around us today.

Badger also speaks to checking in with allies to validate your choices when in doubt. So live life to the fullest today ad keep an eye on the prize!

Badger also reminds us that guilt is a human factor that for some crazy reason even if we don’t need to hold on to it, we do. So time to release it, fix it, apologize for it…. whatever it takes to re-balance ourselves in positive manners!

Badger shows up reminding us that we all must trust in our abilities utilize them to take on challenges that show up in our journeys. It is time to step away from our hiding places we have created and show the world what we are made of. Remember what is important to us and who we are as unique individuals that have a place in this world.

The message Badger brings is loud and clear… walk your own path to the beat of your own drum. Have faith in yourself and your talents and abilities. Know that you handle any challenge that shows up. Who cares what others say. Come out from hiding and start taking names and numbers.

Aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for what you want in this life and that is what Badger has to teach us. Just how to temper it and apply the right kid of pressure when needed and when to make a stand. Badger teaches us to use our healing abilities to push forward in positives in life and to aggressively move the obstacles that are in our way even if we are the ones that have placed them there.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to you All!

~ bear

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2024



the Grizzly Bear of Shasta

Before people were on the Earth, the Chief of the Great Sky Spirits grew tired of his home in the Above World because it was always cold. So he made a hole in the sky by turning a stone around and around. Through the hole he pushed snow and ice until he made a big mound. This mound was Mount Shasta.

Then Sky Spirit stepped from the sky to the mountain and walked down. When he got about halfway down, he thought: “On this mountain there should be trees.” So he put his finger down and everywhere he touched, up sprang trees. Everywhere he stepped, the snow melted and became rivers.

The Sky Spirit broke off the end of his big walking stick he had carried from the sky and threw the pieces in the water. The long pieces became Beaver and Otter. The smaller pieces became fish. From the other end of his stick he made the animals.

Biggest of all was Grizzly Bear. They were covered with fur and had sharp claws just like today, but they could walk on their hind feet and talk. They were so fierce looking that the Sky Spirit sent them to live at the bottom of the mountain. When the leaves fell from the trees, Sky Spirit blew on them and made the birds.

Then Sky Spirit decided to stay on the Earth and sent for his family. Mount Shasta became their lodge. He made a BIG fire in the middle of the mountain and a hole in the top for the smoke and sparks. Every time he threw a really big log on the fire, the Earth would tremble and sparks would fly from the top of the mountain.

Late one spring, Wind Spirit was blowing so hard that it blew the smoke back down the hole and burned the eyes of Sky Spirit’s family. Sky Spirit told his youngest daughter to go tell Wind Spirit not to blow so hard.

Sky Spirit warned his daughter: “When you get to the top, don’t poke your head out. The wind might catch your hair and pull you out. Just put your arm through and make a sign and then speak to Wind Spirit.”

The little girl hurried to the top of the mountain and spoke to Wind Spirit. As she started back down, she remembered that her father had told her that the ocean could be seen from the top of the mountain. He had made the ocean since moving his family to the mountain and his daughter had never seen it.

She put her head out of the hole and looked to the west. The Wind Spirit caught her hair and pulled her out of the mountain. She flew over the ice and snow and landed in the scrubby fir trees at the timberline, her long red hair flowing over the snow.

There Grizzly Bear found her. He carried the little girl home with him wondering who she was. Mother Grizzly Bear took care of her and brought her up with her cubs. The little girl and the cubs grew up together. When she became a young woman, she and the eldest son of Grizzly Bear were married. In the years that followed they had many children. The children didn’t look like their father or their mother.

All the grizzly bears throughout the forest were proud of these new creatures. They were so pleased, they made a new lodge for the red-haired mother and her strange looking children. They called the Lodge – Little Mount Shasta.

After many years had passed, Mother Grizzly Bear knew that she would soon die. Fearing that she had done wrong in keeping the little girl, she felt she should send word to the Chief of the Sky Spirits and ask his forgiveness. So she gathered all the grizzlies at Little Mount Shasta and sent her oldest grandson to the top of Mount Shasta, in a cloud, to tell the Spirit Chief where he could find his daughter.

The father was very glad. He came down the mountain in great strides. He hurried so fast the snow melted. His tracks can be seen to this day. As he neared the lodge, he called out for his daughter.
He expected to see a little girl exactly as he saw her last. When he saw the strange creatures his daughter was taking care of, he was surprised to learn that they were his grandchildren and he was very angry. He looked so sternly at the old grandmother that she died at once. Then he cursed all the grizzlies.

“Get down on your hands and knees. From this moment on all grizzlies shall walk on four feet. And you shall never talk again. You have wronged me.”

He drove his grandchildren out of the lodge, threw his daughter over his shoulder and climbed back up the mountain. Never again did he come to the forest. Some say he put out the fire in the center of his lodge and returned to the sky with his daughter. Those strange grandchildren scattered and wandered over the earth. They were the first Indians, the ancestors of all the Indian Tribes.

That is why the Indians living around Mount Shasta never kill Grizzly Bear. Whenever one of them was killed by a grizzly bear, his body was burned on the spot. And for many years all who passed that way cast a stone there until a great pile of stones marked the place of his death.


bear Medicinewalker



“Medicine bear” by Chris Ferree and available at

Totem Insight the Badger

The Badger steps in to remind us it is time to dig deep and clean out our proverbial closets. The long winter has allowed us to store up things that are negative or that may be holding us back. So time to get rid of it so that the upcoming days and weeks are cleared for better things.

Badger also reminds us that guilt is a human factor that for some crazy reason even if we don’t need to hold on to it, we do. So time to release it, fix it, apologize for it…. whatever it takes to re-balance ourselves in positive manners!

Badger shows up reminding us that we all must trust in our abilities utilize them to take on challenges that show up in our journeys. It is time to step away from our hiding places we have created and show the world what we are made of. Remember what is important to us and who we are as unique individuals that have a place in this world.

The message Badger brings is loud and clear… walk your own path to the beat of your own drum. Have faith in yourself and your talents and abilities. Know that you handle any challenge that shows up. Who cares what others say. Come out from hiding and start taking names and numbers.

Aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for what you want in this life and that is what Badger has to teach us. Just how to temper it and apply the right kid of pressure when needed and when to make a stand. Badger teaches us to use our healing abilities to push forward in positives in life and to aggressively move the obstacles that are in our way even if we are the ones that have placed them there.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to you All!

~ bear

Music provided by Chris Ferree and available at as part of the Wolf and the bear Network @2024



Let’s Talk About Parrots and What They Teach Us

Parrot’s bring many amazing teachings with them and today’s is also about loving self and opening our hearts to others. We all have purpose and even though those purposes may be different it does not mean they are not also important to the way the world functions. So today take it all in and enjoy learning about the differences and how they an positively impact us in new and fun ways! Enjoy!!!!

So today the Parrot tells us to use our voice, our communication to reach out and learn how, remember how, feel how to be human again! My dear friends Robin and Vince Cesario have a beautiful Sun Conure Parrot… and actually the painting of JoJo is where this card was created from…and this little bird has a great lesson and that is LOVE. He is so filled with love for his human family! If only as humans we could remember that each moment of each day and set aside the ugly in our world to reconnect with the good that is in each of us.

Parrot wants us to remember is that actions, deeds, words are mimicked by those around you. What we often fail to remember is that we are responsible for setting the tone or mood for the world around us. If we are confident and pleasant… things will reflect that in our daily walks. If we are negative and bitter our world becomes shaded and chaotic… full of negatives that spread like a disease. So be mindful of the imprints we all leave on the world around us today, and be a more positive part of it not only for yourself but for others as well.

Parrot assists us in seeing that possibilities are endless as we walk the human. Sharing with us that we need to open ourselves up and communicate with the world around us. The Parrot teaches us to look at situations and opinions that are different than yours. It is all about hearing what we are listening to so that we may learn what we can accomplish, what we are capable of. To go outside of our boundaries of what we may right now consider normal. Because different, extraordinary may just be our New Normal!

Parrot brings us reminders about what is in the power of Father Sun and the healing energy that is offered. They share with us the understanding that will help balance and find harmony with all life around us. Aligning our Sacred Hoops with the pure joy and magic of all things possible.

I am bear Medicinewalker and I am dedicated to Educating and sharing the lessons, teachings and culture I have been taught by my Elders and journey with the World. It is not enough merely to learn the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Blessings to You All
bear Medicinewalker


Music provided by Chris Ferree and is available on ITunes and at and is part of the Wolf and the bear Network@2022

Spiritual and Totem Insights Tobacco

So today the card that drops in the seventh spot is Tobacco! Today is about the Blessings we receive and more importantly the Blessings we share. Yes you read that correctly, the Blessings we share with others. In order to attain balance in our lives we must always remember the balance is all about giving to the life around us.

We continually take from the Great Mother Earth and she gives freely. But we must also return her Blessings for looking out for the next seven generations to come. Tobacco is a way that many cultures use as offering the thanks for all we have in our lives, and sometimes we simply have to make ourselves a little more aware. We all need to focus on the positives and stop feeding the negatives. Why waist the energy?

This is something I have actually watched as it expands. People constantly sniping at others that have made negative remarks, acted in a negative way… and yet what people often do is to respond negatively back. Thus we are wasting energy and feeding the negatives. Ignore them and save the energy for something more worthy. I say this because feeding the negatives cause us to go sorta dark, or depressed, angry and leads us to put out more negatives. Just let it go it is not worth spending your energy, it’s a waste that depletes positives from our lives in acting out towards negativity..

Tobacco works with our minds, in order to clear the negative thoughts and replace them with thanks for all the blessings in our lives.

Tobacco is the sacred herb of the East, the direction of Grandfather Sun, Eagle, and the Creator. We send our prayers up in its smoke, and Eagle takes them to the Creator. Tobacco is sacred, therefore it is to be respected and comes with responsibility to use it properly. It is both a powerful tool of healing and honoring our spirit and our Ancestors that walked before us.

The Anishinaabe use a form of Tobacco known as kinikinik, or a red willow mix. Because it opens the door to the Creator, When Tobacco is used to make smoke, it is one of the most sacred of plants for Native people. Tobacco is also one of the four sacred plants. It represents the Eastern Direction and the mind.

The Elders say that tobacco is used to connect the Spirit World as the plant’s very roots penetrate deeply into the the Great Mother Earth, and its smoke rises high into the sky to reach the Creator’s gaze. This plant is highly respected and highly honored. The gifting of tobacco is a beautiful way the people show respect and honor to others. Ceremonies using tobacco invokes a connection to universal energies and to the Creator, a connection made between earthly and spiritual realms is to be considered sacred.

Prayer, Offerings, Purification and Respect… remember these for meanings as you use the Sacred Tobacco plant.

Blessings of the Day and Beyond to you All!
~ bear

Earth dance by Chris Ferree and available at

Spiritual and Totem Insights Earth

So today the Earth card drops in the seventh spot, speaking to the balance required to stay in a good place on our path today. Set Judgement aside, for although we think we do we do not have the right to judge. Instead take a long look in the mirror at self, be happy with the good things and see what you have to work on to be better. Step into that today. Remember to not add negatives to things, people that are all ready standing in and spreading negatives. Instead of feeding that and continuing to make an already dark place darker.

Spirit is not saying that is going to be easy, but you will feel better if that’s the agenda you push today! Earth Mother provides all we need to stay to our walk as human!

Earth is not interested about what affects us, but rather teaches us to learn how to interact and balance with all that is Sacred.  How we go about honoring that precious balance of our Sacred Hoops and that of the larger complete Circle… life. It is whispering for us all to understand how everything inter relates to every living and breathing thing here on the Great Mother. From the smallest creature to the largest tree that stands on the tallest mountain that has the clearest water running down its sides in order to replenish the Earth.

Earth speaks to the understanding of the Medicine Wheel, as a foundation to how we build our lives and walk it. It teaches us our strengths and weaknesses. Earth shows us that sometimes no matter what is going on around us we need to center and ground our souls, allowing the energy to move us in positives. To fill our beings with what has been provided to us, simply understanding that all we need has been shared… we do not own it… but rather have been given the gift of caring for… Not only the earth we stand on …but the human form we dwell in.

Earth teaches us to stand tall as the Redwoods… as dignified as the Mountains…to learn to flow as the rivers and waters of the Earth…gently some times and at others as a raging storm. whatever it may be…honor the Sacred, observe the lessons of the creatures that walk the planet… And most of all be thankful for all we have been given in order to walk our human.


“I am Dedicated to Educating and sharing Culture with the World. It is not enough merely to teach the ways of our Elders. We must honor those traditions by sharing and educating the World. Inspiring others …Inspiring our Youth. Through the Music… the Arts…the stories…”

Many Blessings of the Day

Earth Dance by Chris Ferree and available at


Spiritual Insights Walks With Bears

So today I was pushed to pull from the New Deck and this Deck uses the Number Three to flip. Today, not because I am bear, rather because this is how we need to walk through our days… the card “Walks With Bears”. This card/painting expresses that in one there is multiple strengths and weaknesses. We need to balance that energy in order to step further on our paths.

We all could use that reminder once in awhile as some times we simply forget that we are more evolved than we give ourselves credit for. So “Walks With Bears” pops in to remind us of just that. We all are capable beings that are multi facetted. Each part of us has been imprinted on by many factors through out or life, whether it be by events, people or things that we have done, it all factors in. It shares with us that we have the things to deal with anything that may arise, we just have to focus on that strength within.

So look in and dig deep into the preverbal toolkits we all have and know that You have Got This! Do not shy away from things you feel you can not do… rather push forward into positives and know you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Do not feed fear or anger, instead let it go to recycle into the Universe to then in turn return as a positive!

Blessings to you All!

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and You Tube. and catch me every Tuesday on the Ghost Dimension for Readings and insights!

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