the Raven Bowls and A little Hummingbird Joy!

These are the latest bowls I have finished!  You can check them out and the other bowls in the collection in my Emporium at

I hope you can enjoy them as Much as I did Making them!

Hummingbird Joy” this one is one of my favorites.  I don’t usually have favorites, but this one simply sang to me!  So it is indeed looking for Someone Special to bless their home! Glazed in detail and Humming all the time with Energy!

Price $200 plus insurance and shipping 

Blessings” the Earthy colors of oranges and Yellows blend as the Raven sits to remind us that Life is what we make of it. To be aware of all the Blessings we receive and Give to others in our Lifetime. Ready to find it’s new Home!

$200.. plus shipping and insurance   

Today I share Ancient Wisdoms

We are more than just a simple being, we are an accumulation of bloodlines that reach back into time and before time.  With each lifetime of experiences having been stitched into our very DNA. Memories of lifetimes that assist us to continue walking the paths we choose to walk.  How to unlock it all? Simple, we need to allow our souls to open to what was and what can be.

They are memories and events that keep us all moving forward through the good, the not so good and the indifferent. We are observers of the life that takes shape around us.  We all have free choice and will, so we should choose wisely. Our very souls will resonate whether it is something we should be stepping into or something we should not.  Feel that intuition, that preexisting knowledge that each of us have at birth. Each moment we are adding to that collective of generational experiences.

We are followed by our past shadows of life; all we need to do is allow the spark to ignite and spread like wildfire pulsing through our souls. Our Ancestors lived before us, each making it an imprint for us to become stronger, more aware so we can indeed live our best life possible.


~ bear Medicinewalker


The Process

For the past ten years I have not touched a canvas, not touched oils, not touched my palette knives to begin a new painting. To start a process of Healing again. I have not been in balance with the Divine energies that help us all to heal. Doesn’t matter if it is Spiritual, Mind or body that needs healing… it hasn’t happened… until now.

So what does that mean for others? Others that struggle, that have pain, that are hiding in a place of shadows and depression. It means we need to be aware that anything is possible. Healing is possible. That we are not overlooked by the Universe and all the Spirits that dwell within our world, yet unseen. So how can we heal? How can we balance when life knocks us for a loop, for a journey we are not happy to walkthrough? Well it’s a process.

Healing … it’s a rough thing to walk through. No matter what we have to heal from, ’tis the same, we need to allow it in. Sometimes we get so used to the things that keep us out of balance, we hang on to it like a life raft. We feel as though if we let it go, we will drown. Because of this we need to sit and examine what is it that put us there in the first place. So we can clean the wound out in order to let more positive in and receive what it is we need to have us actually heal.  We get into a place of all we know is pain… it doesn’t ever change, and we keep telling ourselves we will never get better. The thing is though, we can get better, it’s just that we need to allow it in to happen. We all deserve that, no matter who we are, we are entitled to that.

I am living proof it happens. The past 7 years or so I have been thrown off kilter physically and emotionally. The place we reach by continuing to visualize ourselves still in pain, off balance in everything to do with our lives. By doing that, how can we even begin a process of healing?.. We unknowingly allow it to be the only thing we can imagine. So we need to learn to change the narratives, picture ourselves healthy and whole. To bring positives into our sacred circles. When we stop having our thoughts focused on negatives and deal with things one step at a time is when we begin to change. We begin to see that things don’t have to be shadowed, we can allow the light in so to speak, and accept that the negatives, the unhealthy things about our lives we can look at clearly and say I don’t want to have this define my life. I choose to open to positive, to healing… to accept the healings from where ever they come from.

So Healing is also a place of sorrow, yet still will lead us carrying less burdens. Learning to breathe deeply to calm our minds and bodies. Sit in a place of calm and just breathe, blocking out the world around us… and you will feel your entire self relax. This is the starting point. Own who we are. Stand in our own power! Realizing that we control how and when we react to the world around us and within our circles.

Divine Energies, are always near… allow yourself to feel the healings they share with us all. Remain with Hope and Faith that anything is possible if we only allow it to be. So start the process… and allow it to be.

~ bear

The Presence of the Dragonfly… What Does it Share?

Reminded by a Dragonfly that is Catching the Last Rays of Warmth in the Early Fall that our Spirits never die, they only change form.  So what does this much loved little creature bring to the table and share?

Dragonfly represents the link between All that is Sacred! So from this point forward… open your souls to feel, hear and understand the magical connections that we can have if we simply do not place limits on what is!

Dragonfly is all about transformation and adaptability. It is messenger of the in between, of here and there and everywhere at the same time. It is beyond time, before time. It is about darkness to light and back again.

Dragonfly tells us that everything is in a cycle, so remember and allow more joy to fill your soul. To help you understand that all things are as they should be, and that life itself is magical beyond belief. For our souls do not hold form, and our human self just helps them to experience our earth walks before continuing to the next part of our journeys.

Dragonflies begin their lives in water and then as they grow they move into the air learning to fly. It teaches us to balance the present time and accept it so we may once again move forward, listening as Spirit shares with us all the secrets of here and beyond.

~ bear

#bearmedicinewalker #dragonflies #thewolfandthebearnetwork #ghostdimension

They Are Finished!

The First 4 Bowls of the Raven Series!
So now to the debut of something totally new. For some of you that follow me on Social Media may recall me showing these in various stages. The Creation, the Kilned… well now I have completed the first segment of this collection the series of the Ravens!  Available at;


“The Stars and the Night Sky”
Black as Night, Ravens are Magical and mystical. The Messengers of the Inbetween. This piece was inspired by Stars that Flicker and Shine in the night sky. Drawing us closer to the magic that is present in the Spiritlands, and enlightening us all to their prescience. This is the smallest in the series, but sparkles with promise of what is yet to come!

*Bowl is $135.00 plus shipping. (Outside of the U.S. please contact me after purchase as shipping is different outside of the U.S.)


Raven and the Elemental of “Fire”
In the Story of Why the Raven is Black it is said because the Raven flew holding in his mouth the spark of fire. The smoke from the fire blowing back over his white feathers coating them black. Soon his bill began to burn and he had to drop the fire spark. When it landed and struck the rocks below, it sparked brighter and created fire. That is why even today if you strike two stones together with a stick, it will spark and fire will burn and share its warmth and glow. Raven’s feathers never became white again after they were blackened by the smoke from carrying the spark of fire.  This is why today the Raven is a black bird.

So I felt it was fitting to share what the Spiritlands showed me with the Elemental of Fire!

*Bowl is $145.00 plus Shipping (Outside of U.S. please contact me for shipping after purchase as it is much higher outside of the U.S.)



Ravens and the Elemental of Air
Wings take Flight and weave in and out of the Spiritlands honoring our Ancestors by sharing the messages we need to hear. Silence your Minds and Hearts and simply listen and we will share all with you that is Sacred!

*Bowl is $150.00 plus Shipping. (Outside of U.S. please contact me for shipping after purchase as it is much higher outside of the U.S.)


Ravens and the Elemental of “Earth”
This Bowl took on a life of its’ own as It was being created, telling me it needed a crystal, not just any crystal but one chosen by my dear friend Kerry Greenaway!

We are Earth and from it life comes. Dirt and stone, and even more importantly the Crystal. Keeper of all knowledge old and new. The element of Earth reminds us all of where we came from and who we’ve been. More importantly who we are to become! This bowl has prayer ties and sweetgrass molded to its’ sides with the Ravens holding the key to all things shiny and the Crystal!

* Bowl is $175.00 plus Shipping. (Outside of U.S. please contact me for shipping after purchase as it is much higher outside of the U.S.)

More to come soon! Follow me on Facebook and Insta, or simply sign up for my blog and you will be there as the all are given birth as finished pieces!

Blessings to you all!
~ bear




The Creation and Story Behind the Spiritwalkers

I have been asked the story of the Spiritwalkers so I thought I would take some time to share with you all.

As an Artist and a Spiritual Reader when I work in any medium artistically, I allow spirit to work through me. I let the work or piece tell its own story. With wood, it leads me to pull the story from it, one that is buried deep within the grain. With clay it comes out as Spiritwalkers, spirit manifesting itself and bringing energy to each sculpture that is formed. I can try to create something I want, but that stops two seconds into the work, for Spirit says uh uh…

When I am done it whispers a name, and is very specific. Once a person finds it or is called to the individual piece, it then offers a blessings as it makes that connection with the person it is going to. No two are ever the same, they tell me what is needed to be added, perhaps a crystal or sweetgrass. some cedar or leather. I never know until it is completed. I then fire them and they are ready to share the knowledge they brought through with the ones they call to.

The energies can be felt from them are very different from each other, and for the most part they are extremely bossy with me to complete them. I know to some this may sound crazy, and there are days i wonder about it myself…But I can tell you that I have been schooled over and over again by these “Little People” of the Spirit world. And it has been given to me as one of the many things I am to share with the world.  New ones are being created and others have found their homes.

  • * I am currently working on new ones that will be available soon!

    ~bear Medicinewalker

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