Talk to the Animals

Talk to the Animals! If you are old like me you will remember the Movie Dr. Dolittle, Disney even made their own version with Eddie Murphy. However, I remember it in a different way as all my life I thought everyone could hear and talk with animals… all creatures for that matter. So much so my Mom started calling me Dr. Dolittle because I brought home every creature imaginable. From Bats and Frogs to Cats and Dogs, see I even rhyme the same! But seriously I always could hear and feel the emotions and thoughts they would share with me.

I often get asked, what does going on with my dog, or turtle? For me it is simple, because I see them and hear them… because all creatures matter to me. The thing is we can all learn a thing or two from the creatures of the world even the tiniest ant. So how can you hear them? Well the biggest challenge is to get out of your own way. What does that mean? It means that people in todays world are mostly wrapped up in self and don’t see the life around them. Sorta like they are missing the point, which is we need to find our compassion and empathy for all living things, not just the things that are about self.

Take the Elephants for example. Did you know that they are so intelligent and have emotions that match human feelings? Did you know they grieve and honor their members of their families? Do you ever stop and watch an anthill that ants created and wonder at how they are all working together to allow their community to thrive? So many lessons we could learn from them. There has even been instances when a animal takes in and cares for a creature of another species. It’s fascinating to say the least.

So how can you do it? How can you understand them talking or what they want? Well all you have to do is slow down long enough to understand their behavior, be willing to spend time with them and they will share with you many things. Some even have a sense of humor. What did I just say? Yes animas like to play, they also pout, grieve, love and dislike. We are all capable of it… it’s whether or not we want to take the time to.

Orcas for instance, they used to call them Killer Whales, I hated that name… they are Orcas an amazing creature that is fiercely protective of their pod, their young ones. They are the Guardians of the Oceans and Knowledge.
Their songs speak to us of healing from deep within our souls. Listen as they begin calling in positive vibrations of thought and sound. Orca’s guide us through the depths of our own emotions allowing us to explore and mend self more effortlessly by moving with the waves of life, rather than against. They help us access the Ancestor’s knowledge that is buried deep within our own DNA that is the key to all that is Sacred.

Orca shares about how we need to search your soul… looking inward is the only way that we can move forward in positive motions at this time. They teach us to understand self and give us a clear view to set our intention of what is needed in the situation for the highest good. Orca share that confronting our emotions that are out of control by making connections that are needed between our conscious and subconscious to bring about the balance we need in our Sacred Hoops.

Every Creature has purpose… has lessons that we can learn by listening and observing them as they go through their own daily lives. Another question I often get asked is, what is my totem? I am simply going to give you the response….”We don’t choose our totems. Our totems choose us!” This is one of the first basic concepts of Totems. Totems are hard to explain at times, but what we need to understand is what a totem is before we can comprehend what it means to follow their teachings. Once we understand the concept, it helps us to learn the messages they then have to offer and teach us.

Animals show up to us as a spiritual sign or entity. They come to share and teach the knowledge they hold to help and assist us with our own lives, how to relate to others and the world around us. Animals are not worshiped, we follow the teachings they offer, we incorporate the way they deal with life into our own to help us move in positive steps on our paths.  We don’t control them and often it is difficult to explain our draw or affinity to them… yet there is a deep connection inside of us that responds to them when the show up in our lives. Why is this… because it simply is.

So look at your lives, open your hearts and cherish the things the Creatures great and small share with us. Look to them to assist you with your own lives, and every now and then Talk to Them because they love to interact!

Blessings to all,

~bear Medicinewalker

Totem Insights the Dessert Wolf or Coyote

Today the Energies may feel like they are surging, amping things up. Be wary aware of what you want to say or do before stepping into it. Trust your instincts not the emotion of things today. This will allow you to walk in a more balanced way. And remember we do not have to be someone else’s version of perfect, but rather our own imperfect self which is the best we are at our souls core. Yes I said IMPERFECT… because that’s what makes us all fit into the world and keeps us on our paths. We are walking trying to be in balance and also learning and growing during our life experiences. So step into it today lightly, and find some joy in your day!

Desert Wolf also known as Coyote, as trickster, comes to us this day to share its wisdom’s, teaching us that it is sometimes a good thing to laugh at oneself in order to not get caught up in the pain that sometimes comes with life choices and lessons. It is about finding the balance of learning what life teaches and has to share, and when it is time to relax, enjoy and have some fun.

Desert Wolf teaches us to be stealth and observe what we need to see, opening our senses to see the bigger picture of a situation. They speak of using distraction to change outcomes to more positive ones, by utilizing intelligence and good common sense, which often many do not take the time to stop and remember. One of the most amazing skills they offer us is the use of voice and communication to let ourselves be heard, but to also warn that at times, when people use their voices it can be for hidden agenda’s that will not be in positive tones. So pay attention, listen closely so that you may understand and decipher what it is that is actually being said and stay adaptable to what must be done in the situation.

Desert Wolf tells us above all make sure we look at our own self, walk in positives not in deceptive or manipulative ways to get what you want. Look at what truly is motivating you, be honest with self and then stand in the Sacred Hoop to balance. Remembering what you do to respect self, will mirror to the world around you.


bear Medicinewalker


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok
on Ghost Dimension every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. eastern

the Black Swan and the Dessert Wolf Totems

So totems come in and out of our lives as they are needed to assist us by sharing what they do in life.  Strengths , weaknesses and how they approach different things in life. We can learn so much from nature if we open our hearts and eyes to it. From the smallest to the largest… they all show us purpose and meaning,

The Black Swan brings us from the shadows to tell you that we all are unique and different, and sometimes it is that uniqueness that makes us stand apart from others. So today is the day to shine and let people see the different in you but in positives, in healthy ways, productive ways. So Today… stand in Sacred, stand in Beauty!

The Black Swan represents mystery and the unknown. It represents something that is alluring, perhaps even forbidden. They remind us that there are two sides to all things, the Yin and Yang, black and white, polar opposites. They remind us to remember to know that dark side in order to balance the light within.

Black Swans help us to hone and strengthen our intuitive abilities and altered states of awareness. Bringing with them knowledge of new ways of thinking, breathing and teaching us to move with the flow of life for there is reason behind that flow.

Wherever the Black Swan appears expect unexpected and unpredictable and be prepared for what will follow. The Black Swan does not mean good or bad, it is about paying attention as events unfold… events that seldom occur or have never occurred in our life prior.

They bring in the subtleties of life to our attention. Causing us to use the intuition we have to better understand our feelings and process them in a healthy way. The Swan itself teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. They remind us to look at the beauty of life, even in the darkness to see that ALL life is indeed Sacred

Desert Wolf also known as Coyote, as trickster, comes to us this day to share its wisdom’s, teaching us that it is sometimes a good thing to laugh at oneself in order to not get caught up in the pain that sometimes comes with life choices and lessons. It is about finding the balance of learning what life teaches and has to share, and when it is time to relax, enjoy and have some fun.

Desert Wolf teaches us to be stealth and observe what we need to see, opening our senses to see the bigger picture of a situation. They speak of using distraction to change outcomes to more positive ones, by utilizing intelligence and good common sense, which often many do not take the time to stop and remember. One of the most amazing skills they offer us is the use of voice and communication to let ourselves be heard, but to also warn that at times, when people use their voices it can be for hidden agenda’s that will not be in positive tones. So pay attention, listen closely so that you may understand and decipher what it is that is actually being said and stay adaptable to what must be done in the situation.

Desert Wolf tells us above all make sure we look at our own self, walk in positives not in deceptive or manipulative ways to get what you want. Look at what truly is motivating you, be honest with self and then stand in the Sacred Hoop to balance. Remembering what you do to respect self, will mirror to the world around you.

So open to the World around you and see all that Nature offers us. A harmonious balance of life and energies.

Blessings to you all!

~ bear Medicinewalker

Catch me on Tuesdays Streaming Readings on social Media…


the Raven Bowls and A little Hummingbird Joy!

These are the latest bowls I have finished!  You can check them out and the other bowls in the collection in my Emporium at

I hope you can enjoy them as Much as I did Making them!

Hummingbird Joy” this one is one of my favorites.  I don’t usually have favorites, but this one simply sang to me!  So it is indeed looking for Someone Special to bless their home! Glazed in detail and Humming all the time with Energy!

Price $200 plus insurance and shipping 

Blessings” the Earthy colors of oranges and Yellows blend as the Raven sits to remind us that Life is what we make of it. To be aware of all the Blessings we receive and Give to others in our Lifetime. Ready to find it’s new Home!

$200.. plus shipping and insurance   

Day of the Full Buck Moon

The Buck Moon is the first full moon of July. It’s considered as the full moon that marks that Summer is here.  The Buck Moon represents the antlers having fully grown and velvet for the most part is off.  It also  signifies that everything is close to reaching its halfway mark with growth.  Ever hear of knee high by the 4th of July? That means growth and the Corn should be well on it’s way to full  growth and harvest.  However here in Michigan the corn is below that mark due to the weather changes (Drought) and a late start of the earths seasons.

Deer in general teaches us how to listen to our “Higher Self”  helping us to find the best steps to walk here in the human.  Within Native American culture,  Deer represent the quest for a successful hunt, but only if we hunt no more than what we need.  They are  sacred, and are also  caretakers of the Great Mother Earth..

They are also  messengers who offer peace and calm to situations, urging us all to connect with our higher spiritual selves in order to find balance and strength.  The Buck also represents renewal and regeneration.  Bringing a new beginning, or opportunity to begin again with the next chapter, enabling us  to write our own stories.

This  particular Full Buck Moon will also be a Super Moon which means it is at the closest point to the Earth bringing with it the healing energies and empowerment for each of us  to utilize the rest of this year.  It is also the beginning of the Four Super Moons that will rise to the sky in the next few months,  July’s Buck Moon tonight (July 3) works to prepare for the next one in September’s Full Corn Moon September 28th 2023.

I am looking forward to tonight as it rises within Capricorn… as I am a Capricorn I urge all of us born within the Capricorn sign… Empower yourself,  charge those gems, crystals, say prayers and tell the Universe we want to be in perfect balance with life here on the Great Mother!

Blessings of today to all.

~bear Medicinewalker



What the Polar Bear Teaches Us!

The Polar Bear shares that it is time to dig deep within your self and balance your Sacred Hoop. Discard what is no longer needed so that you may move ahead on your path in a positive way. Polar Bears are all about the Winter which relates to nurturing self, taking time to feed your soul and examine what is needed for us to take steps forward to survive and flourish in a healthy manner.

Polar Bear steps in to show us all how strong we can be as we face life’s challenges that are thrown at us from time to time. It is time to stand up and show that strength in the dark corners of our life and take ownership of the light that needs to shine from within. Helping to guide us between our human walk and our connections to spirit.

Polar Bear tells us to clean out our dens of unwanted and unneeded energies that are no longer healthy for us. creating for us in that process a renewal of Spirit and thought and putting us back to balancing our Sacred Hoops. We need to remember we are responsible for self and are the only ones that can set ourselves to that place of balance and positives. In a sense we are the masters of our own Universe… so own that …empower yourself …. and love yourself… if we can understand and attain that we will allow other positives into our life with that alignment.

Many Blessings,
~ bear



Creatures Great and Small!

From the time I was a child I always was close to the creatures of the Earth. My Mother was always scared to open the door if I had gone camping or spent the night at a friends house. My Big Brother was the same. Didn’t matter what sort of Critter it was, we brought it home with us. Always treated with kindness or even sometimes simply took care of them when they had broken bones or poor health until we could release them. So Imagine it would not come as a surprise that St. Francis would be close to me, or that adults would call me Dr. Doolittle from a very young age.

Now fast-forward to later in life, I then understood that not all humans could understand or hear creatures speak. But it never bothered me as I love all creatures and yes even the creepy spiders. I try to remove them and put them somewhere else. Although I have had some spend winters indoors and just talked to them and told them you do you and I will do me and never should the two collide. Thus the ” We are All Are Related Deck” came forth so it could connect with people and also teach them about not only about the creatures, but about themselves.

I have weaved in and out through life as I have gotten older, St. Francis of Assisi never was far. He also resides in my garden, so is a prominent influence for my life. For those who do not know who St. Francis is here’s a little about him. He was born in 1181 in Italy to a very influential family of wealth. Saint Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church and live in poverty. In 1224 Francis reportedly received a vision that left him with the stigmata of Christ — marks resembling the wounds Jesus Christ suffered when he was crucified, through his hands and the gaping lance wound in his side. This made Francis the first person to receive the holy wounds of the stigmata. They would remain visible for the rest of his life. Because of his earlier work treating lepers, some believe that the wounds were actually symptoms of leprosy. Today he is the patron saint for ecologists and the Creatures of the planet.

So I guess it was no surprise that in 2019 I had cardiac issues while I was having surgery on my spine. That evening I woke up in CCU at the hospital and spent the next five days in the hospital. The wild thing through all of it was the fact that as I floated in the in-between, St. Francis was the one that greeted me and told me to get my Happy Butt back as it was not my time. He did this three times. I told him all I wanted to do was see my pup that had recently passes at a very old age of 19 years. He responded that “Boone” was fine and would be just fine until it was my time to see him. He also called me stubborn and bullheaded as he sent me packing. So to say it was a profound experience was saying the least.

Since that time I know my purpose, my path, why I am here… is to be here for others. To stand for our Creatures of the World who have no Human voice. To point out the positives in life as we all are surrounded by chaos and negativity. Sometimes it’s hard to see a light through it all. Yet as we move forward, we need to remember we are in charge of us. Dealing with choices that will not only effect us, but others as we are All Connected in this great big quilt of life.

He is represented by the prayer and song Make me a Channel of Your Peace, which I would reckon we have heard at one time or another. The words are so appropriate for the world we live in every day. If you have never heard it… I share the prayer;

Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is hatred let me bring your love
Where there is injury, your pardon Lord
And where there is doubt true faith in You
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there is despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
It is in giving to all men that we receive
And in dying that we are born to eternal life
Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy

I will always til my last breath be there for whom ever, and whatever Creature pops on my radar. So as you all walk through your days, remember to be kinder, more empathetic, compassionate and understanding to yourselves and others. as we are ALL in this together. I thank and talk with St. Francis every day… he is present in my life, as he is in us all. We simply have to dig deeper to find him. Ask him and he will reply.

Blessings to You All.

~ bear

Follow me every Tuesday on You Tube and Facebook as I connect with the Spiritland to bring Insights and lessons we all need to hear.

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