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Bear Medicinewalker is teacher a mentor like no other. She listens doesn’t judge you. She sees truth of who you are and accepts you for who you truly are. She truly has a gift from creator to help all on redroad. I highly recommend getting to know her.
~ Jerry Straley Jr.(Red Hawk)

When someone speaks with such insight, wisdom and compassion it makes you feel so warm .There is so many strings to Her Bow . Through her comes all you need to know right now on your Path . I highly recommend this Blessed Lady to everyone .
~ Kay Cat Mahoney

bear is just awesome! Over the years I have been blessed with intuitive counsel and healings over and over again and each time she is spot on! bear is a straight shooter and tells it like it is, I love that! I have also been very blessed to own a stunning handpainted medicine pouch and a few pieces from her jewelry collection. She is a healer and artist like none other. Much love and many thanks sister 🌹
~ Julie Van Dam-Shawano

I love the Reads Bear Medicinewalker gives also she’s is so easy to talk with you get a laugh, Bear has also got me into doing reads as she gave me confidence to do it she said I had the gift but I’ve oy done it a few months so still fairly new to it, she’s the kind of person when you feeling down she lifts you back up again, I feel although we are miles apart as I’m in second and she’s living in America that I’ve known her all my life, she’s do calming and a delight to see everywhere on the reads she does with us as I’m in a Group called ghost Dimension, I have told her I want to do reads more regular, yes anyone e who comes across this great lady will know what I mean by the time you spend whether 30 min or a whole day with her she’s such a delight n someone I’m glad to call my friend ” I love you Bear never forget that
~ David L Sansum

Gotta agree yo-yo she is awesome she helped me quite a lot with a private reading Bear told me I needed to do something and before she had said that iv thought it for a while but wouldn’t do it but iv done it and my headspace is so much better
~ Joe Hedley

Bear is the best!! My first reading was 2 1/2 years ago and I was truly inspired by her. She spent a lot of time with me. I was able to ask questions and I felt very comfortable with her even though the reading was over the phone. I had my second reading yesterday and she is still just as warm and welcoming as I remembered. My reading was just as inspiring as the first! There is no negativity and she does not install fear whatsoever (as I have encountered in the past with other advisors) I honestly feel as if she is a true friend or even a sister whom I can talk to about anything. Bear definitely has been blessed with a wonderful gift for helping people, and I am grateful to have found someone like her. Thank you Bear!

~ Karmen

I had my first reading with Bear today, she puts you at ease, it’s like talking with an old friend, she connects with you and spirit, I was uplifted and received validation as to what my path here is. I recommend 100% for anyone to get a reading, it was truly a spiritual awakening for me! Love and Light Bear, you’re a beautiful guide 💖

~ Sheila

I had my first reading with Bear and all I can say is Wow! It was spot on, accurate and everything she said resonated with me. She is so easy to talk to and this put me at total ease. I highly recommend Bear and I will definitely be coming back for another reading down the road. Thank you Bear once again. Sending you love, light and many blessings.

~ Myrtle Murray

I just received a reading from bear and I had a wonderful experience. First off I prepared some questions just in case though I needn’t have worried bear and spirit were on top of it. Bear opened with a candle lighting, prayer and smudging with a little breath work which helped with my nerves and it was very relaxing. Bear didn’t mind that I put her on speaker phone while I wrote the information that came. Immediately Bear started getting information and it was amazing how fast it came through.

I didn’t have to worry about my questions because spirit answered most of them before I even got a chance to ask as well as giving me confirmation about an incident I had and I hadn’t even told her about that yet! It made me very excited for the things ahead of me. There was time for questions and most of mine had already been answered. I was amazed at how fast the time went by Bear and Spirit put me a ease and it was a wonderful experience and I would highly recommend a reading from the bear.

~ Sherri Robins Nebel

Hi all! I had my first reading with Bear today! Very insightful and I love hearing what my Spirits had to say about all situations in my life because it really just comes down to the one thing…. I keep doing over and over! lol. Very helpful. Bear is a wonderful, caring Empath/Artist in her craft. I feel grateful for her reading of messages from my Spirits on the choices/changes I should work on to help me along in my life! I feel happy and relieved. Thank you Bear <3

~MaryJo Nightingale

My journey has begun! My dreams are becoming reality so quickly my head is spinning…I now know what my path is and I welcome it with open arms…my wings are spread and this momma bird is ready to fly! Back in March during our session you had a vision Bear and it has manifested. Thank you for your guidance and all that you do! Have a great day.
– Debbie Hines

I was listening to one of your podcasts this morning, and all I can say is thank god I did.. I was so far off my path and going in the wrong direction until I listened to you this morning. Thank you. I need to get spirituality back in balance.



I just wanted to thank you again for the reading last Sunday. It was a lot of validation for me which was great for me. Btw my moon is in Scorpio!!
Best to you

You’re amazing! Thank you SO much! I can’t tell you how excited I feel right now. I really appreciate YOU. ~ Jane Wilcox


Bear,  you and your guides are amazing! I feel so good and privileged to have you in my life. My reading was awesome and I thank you, thank you from within. This feeling of happiness, love and joy I attribute to your words of wisdom and your wonderful guides

~Nitza Mejias


I had a most powerful awe inspiring reading from Bear today.. It humbled me and made me look deep inside myself to first forgive myself because I needed to do that first before I was able to forgive someone else for having the nerve to crossover when I so needed her.. What Bear gave me made me see was that she was still there by my side better than before., that healing comes in all forms.. Bear also gave me the insight to rid myself of fear, to believe , to trust to LIVE because my past is my past and I can not change that.. That I can change now.. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my FRIEND..



Bear gave me a reading today, and it was profound! she brings forward messages of love, divine love. Everything, i mean everything she said was so accurate and so beautiful. I will not soon forget it. I love you Bear! thank you for your love and healing.

~Nick Fox


It has been a revelation to have a spiritual reading with Bear. She helped me understand what I needed to concentrate on to move on and the meanings and symbols behind the events that have recently taken place in my life. She did so lovingly and with the utmost respect. She taught me to acknowledge a broader view and her messages were extremely accurate and helpful. All with loving energy from Spirit. I wouldn’t hesitate to contact her again in the future and I feel blessed to have crossed paths with her. Listen to her blogtalk radio show and you will understand what I mean.
Many Blessings. ~ Gabriela


Bear Medicinewalker is one of the most amazing ‘readers’ I have ever had the honor to meet. She is so professional, so accurate, so gifted, and so right on about me when she does a reading for me. I never fail to be brought to tears as she shares firmly and lovingly what I need to hear.
How most fortunate for me to have her in my life as a trusted reader and a beautiful soul.
~ Becki Hawkins


I have had more than one reading with Bear Medicine, the messages she has given me have helped me so much and she brings them through with so much love. Thank you for being the beautiful soul that you are

~ Robin Cesario


Bette Brownlow ~ I would like to give Bear a rousing endorsement….excellent..


Thank you so much Bear for such a beautiful reading that resonated so very much with what i am going through and with my soul!!
~ Marcy Wilcox


Gurbh maith agat..Gaelic for Thank you..for the amazing journey (reading) i am so blessed & as I sit here in Ireland,in silence,I feel such peace…you are an incredibly special being and you share your light and love in a most beautiful way..if you haven’t had a journey with Bear Medicinewalker yet..put it on the top of your to do list ASAP ..
Gra Agus solus..



I had the most amazing life affirming reading today with Bear Medicinewalker. Bear thank you so much for what will definitely change my life…all the words you shared with me today resonate with what my heart and soul already tell me everyday. Affirmation is revealing and life fulfilling. God Bless You and all you share with the world.

~Kelly Ann Sadowski


Hi Bear,
It’s me. I just wanted to thank you for my wonderful reading yesterday. Not only were you 100% accurate, you are very easy to talk to. Plus, you crack me up! It was fun and we’ll do it again! Thanks again!
Have a fun Sunday
K. Reid

Paula Wratten to‎ bear Medicinewalker
Thank you for the most amazing reading, love the way you work with the energy, thank you from the heart P x



souls embrace
Soul’s Embrace

Bear made me the most beautiful, powerful and energized painting I have ever encountered! The moment I unwrapped it, my heart sung with joy! Not only because of its beauty, but because of the healing, love and light stored within the painting. I could feel the energy exploding from it, filling my house with blessings and love. My dog noticed it as well. He spent almost 30 minutes staring at the painting, focused on it without even moving. And when I moved the painting, he moved with it, following me.
I am so blessed to have such an incredible artwork in my home! I am eternally grateful to Bear for creating such a profound artwork for me! It fit me perfectly!
Love you bear
Nick Fox

Awesome, awesome reading with Bear. I left feeling empowered to continue on my path and break a road block or two thanks to her messages. They were reassuring, calming and very deep! Thank you so much Bear. Much love and light!
~ Maryann Sims

What do you say when you do not have words to describe the energy that comes from the various pieces of artwork a.k.a. jewelry pieces that now own me. AWESOME. Each piece I have is superbly made and ohhhhhhhhhhhh so beautiful..Each piece has its own energy that it gives off.. I do believe a few more pieces will own me in the near future…..I have quite a wish list going on..
Thank you Bear for each lovely piece that own me

– Ruth Stilphen



OMG! This Druzy….is amazing….I just cannot believe the instant calmness that came over me. I am in love with its energy!!!

Sharon Cubba


Feel free to leave a comment or feedback…

Blessings ~ bear


Music by my little Biscuit Brother –  Jonny Lipford “Vanilla Sky” available at

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